7 research outputs found

    Biometrics, physiology, production, and quality of Cantaloupe melons grown with saline waters under semi-arid conditions

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    Brazilian Northeast region emerges as both producer and exporter relevant of cantaloupe melon to several countries; however, this region is vulnerable to salinization problems due to it is inserted in a semi-arid area. This study aimed to evaluate the biometrics, physiological, production and quality of new cantaloupe melon hybrids cultivated with different saline waters under semi-arid conditions. The experiment was conducted using a drip irrigation system in a split-plot randomized design. The plot was different irrigation water electrical conductivity (ECw) levels: 0.5, 2.0, 3.5, and 5.0 dS m-1, while the subplot was two new cantaloupe melon hybrids: Zielo and SV1044. Plant biometrics (stems and leaves analysis), plant physiology (solutes accumulation and gas exchange in leaves), fruit production (number, weight, and yield), and fruit quality (physical and chemical analysis) were investigated. Stem length, leaf numbers, leaf area, and shoot dry mass decreased when ECw increased from 0.5 to 5.0 dS m-1. Also, there was an increase of Na and Cl concentration and reduction of K concentration in leaves due to ECw increase. Gas exchange reduction, losses in fruit numbers, weight, yield, and in quality were observed with the ECw increase. It is possible to conclude that the ECw increase salinizes the soil and increases Na and Cl concentration in plants causing reduction in gas exchange, in growth, and in fruit production and quality. However, the response of cultivated hybrids regarding salinity may be different, as in our study that the Zielo hybrid was less affected by the increase in ECw.Brazilian Northeast region emerges as both producer and exporter relevant of cantaloupe melon to several countries; however, this region is vulnerable to salinization problems due to it is inserted in a semi-arid area. This study aimed to evaluate the biometrics, physiological, production and quality of new cantaloupe melon hybrids cultivated with different saline waters under semi-arid conditions. The experiment was conducted using a drip irrigation system in a split-plot randomized design. The plot was different irrigation water electrical conductivity (ECw) levels: 0.5, 2.0, 3.5, and 5.0 dS m-1, while the subplot was two new cantaloupe melon hybrids: Zielo and SV1044. Plant biometrics (stems and leaves analysis), plant physiology (solutes accumulation and gas exchange in leaves), fruit production (number, weight, and yield), and fruit quality (physical and chemical analysis) were investigated. Stem length, leaf numbers, leaf area, and shoot dry mass decreased when ECw increased from 0.5 to 5.0 dS m-1. Also, there was an increase of Na and Cl concentration and reduction of K concentration in leaves due to ECw increase. Gas exchange reduction, losses in fruit numbers, weight, yield, and in quality were observed with the ECw increase. It is possible to conclude that the ECw increase salinizes the soil and increases Na and Cl concentration in plants causing reduction in gas exchange, in growth, and in fruit production and quality. However, the response of cultivated hybrids regarding salinity may be different, as in our study that the Zielo hybrid was less affected by the increase in ECw

    Nutrição mineral e força da fonte na produção e qualidade de frutos de melão amarelo: Mineral nutrition and source strength in the production and quality of yellow melon fruits

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    Avaliar a influência da nutrição mineral e da força da fonte, folhas jovens, na produção e qualidade de frutos de melão amarelo cv Gold mine foi o objetivo através deste trabalho. Plantas desta espécie foram submetidas ao cultivo em vasos sob condições de campo, aplicando-se fertirrigação três vezes por semana, utilizando, de acordo com o tratamento, as seguintes fontes de nutrientes: nitrogênio (Ureia), fósforo (MAP) e potássio (KCl); foram feitas podas de 50% das folhas dos ramos jovens na oitava ou nona semana de crescimento destas plantas. Os seguintes tratamentos foram aplicados, com quatro repetições: fertirrigação com NPK sem poda; com NPK e poda na 8ª semana; com NPK e poda na 9ª semana; com NK sem poda; com NK e poda na 8ª semana; com K sem poda; com K e poda na 8ª semana e com K e poda na 9ª semana. As variáveis analisadas foram: massa seca, área foliar e teor de carboidratos solúveis totais para as folhas e para os frutos teor de sólidos solúveis totais e teor de açúcares. As variáveis com efeitos significativos diferenciados foram: massa seca e área foliar das folhas, com maiores valores nos tratamentos com fonte de NPK sem poda, e menores valores no teor de carboidratos das folhas para o tratamento com fonte de NK sem poda. As variáveis sólidos solúveis totais e teor de sacarose dos frutos no tratamento com aplicação de NK sem poda apresentou maior média e alto valor respectivamente, entre os demais, conferindo-lhe melhor qualidade

    Desenvolvimento inicial de progênies de cajueiro anão (Anacardium occidentales L.) submetidas a diferentes regimes hídricos: Initial development of dwarf cashew progenies (Anacardium ocidentales L.) under different water regimes

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    A baixa produtividade dos pomares de cajueiro é fruto de vários fatores, dentre eles a insuficiente oferta de materiais genéticos que tolerem o estresse hídrico. Avaliar a resposta do desenvolvimento inicial de progênies de cajueiro anão precoce submetidas a diferentes regimes hídricos foi o objetivo através deste estudo. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente semi-controlado, na Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, Fortaleza–CE, Brasil. As sementes coletadas em jardins dos clones BRS 189, BRS 265, CCP 06, CCP 76 e HB 58 foram semeadas em recipientes com solo (500 mL) e submetidas a três regimes hídricos: 100%, 85% e 70% de água disponível no substrato (ADS), com cinco repetições contendo quatro sementes cada. As variáveis, após teste F em sistema fatorial 5x3, foram submetidas ao teste de Tukey. O regime de ADS influenciou o tempo médio de germinação, alongando o tempo para o nível de 70%. A progênie CCP 06 destacou-se das demais quanto as variáveis de emergência. Para as variáveis de crescimento, o fator ADS só não influenciou significativamente o número de folhas. A progênie BRS 189 apresentou menor porte e menor área foliar em relação às demais progênies. O açúcar solúvel nas folhas foi a única variável que apresentou interação entre os fatores, embora todas as progênies tenham sofrido decréscimo da mesma com a redução da ADS. Assim, as plantas cultivadas sob o regime de 100% de ADS obtiveram um melhor desempenho e se apresentaram mais vigorosas, sem muita diferença varietal para os níveis de redução de água no solo testados

    Biometric and physiological parameters of Heliconia bihai grown in coastal region under different levels of solar radiation

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    The aim of this work was evaluate the effect of different levels of light intensity on the physiology, vegetative and reproductive development of Heliconia bihai cv. Lobster Claw Two grown under coastal zone of Ceara State. Plants of this species were grown under full and 30%, 40% and 50% reduction sunlight intensity. It was evaluated the number of leaves and tillers per plant; amount of stalks; leaf area, water and carbohydrate content in the leaf next to the inflorescence arising and next to the inflorescence at harvest stage. Photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance of plants were measured for six consecutive months. Significant difference were attained for leaf area and water content in leaves close to the inflorescence at harvest stage, with lower values, and carbohydrate contents in leaves, with higher values in plants grown in full sun. The treatments with lower levels of solar radiation had higher amounts of stalks and higher vegetative growth, the reduction in vegetative growth of the plants under full sun was due to the lower photosynthetic rate and lower translocation of assimilates

    Concomitant production of gum, nut and peduncle in dwarf cashew tree explored under different levels of irrigation and fertilization

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    The main goal of this innovator study was to evaluate if the gum extraction influences the production of nut and peduncle of precocious dwarf cashew tree grown under different water regimes and mineral nutrition. Adult trees of CCP-76 clone were submitted to water regimes: irrigated (100% da ETpc) and non-irrigated, and three fertilization levels with NK: 50%, 100% and 150% of the recommended for the crop nutrition. Additionally was added a treatment in which the gum was not extracted from plants (control). The extraction of gum was performed monthly during a period of 15 months, while the nut and peduncle were collected at the end of the cropping season, after the gum extraction period. The quality of the peduncle was determined by the soluble solids content (SSP). The production of gum in the first semester of the year followed an increasing trend on every three months, regardless the water regime. In the second semester, an interaction between the factors was observed, with irrigated plants producing more gum in higher fertilizer levels (100 and 150%), while in the non-irrigated conditions, the highest gum production occurred with the lower fertilization level (50%). The production of nut and peduncle were not affected by treatments or gum extraction. The highest contents of SSP was observed when the plants were irrigated.O objetivo desse estudo inovador foi avaliar se a coleta de goma influencia a produção de castanha e pedúnculo de plantas de cajueiro anão precoce cultivadas sob diferentes regimes hídricos e de nutrição mineral. Plantas adultas do clone CCP-76 foram submetidas aos regimes hídricos irrigado (100% da ETc) e sequeiro e três níveis de adubação com NK: 50%, 100% e 150% recomendado na nutrição da cultura. Adicionalmente foi inserido um tratamento no qual não se coletou a goma das plantas. A coleta da goma foi realizada mensalmente por um período de 15 meses, enquanto as castanhas e pedúnculos foram coletados ao fim do período de safra, após o período de extração da goma. A qualidade do pedúnculo foi determinada pelo teor de sólidos solúveis (SSP). A produção de goma no primeiro semestre do ano seguiu uma tendência crescente a cada três meses, independente do regime hídrico. No segundo semestre, houve interação entre os fatores, com as plantas irrigadas produzindo mais goma nos maiores níveis de adubação (100 e 150%) enquanto sob condições de sequeiro a maior produção de goma ocorreu no menor nível de adubação (50%). As produções de castanha e de pedúnculo não foram afetadas pelos tratamentos ou extração da goma. O SSP apresentou maiores teores quando as planta foram irrigadas