605 research outputs found

    How to reduce craters in the painting process of a PIM company?

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    Two Wheels sector is one of the most important in the Industrial Pole of Manaus and has recently faced a growing competition scenario, combined with the reduction in sales. Manufacture products with quality it is necessary for companies to remain competitive in the market. With this in mind, the present study was performed in the Painting process of a company located in two wheels sector, which was facing increasing crater defect in February 2012. The objective is to propose improvements in the painting process to reduce the crater defect using a descriptive method divided into seven stages (literature review, problem identification, observation, analysis, action plan, verification and standardization). The research found the main cause and proposed an action plan to solve the problem and may result in experiences to others who wish to realize further research on the subject


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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a identificação de áreas de risco de escorregamento ocorrentes no sítio urbano de Ilhéus-BA. Para tanto, a metodologia adotada abrangeu trabalhos de campo e de laboratório em função da manipulação de dados em ambiente de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. Os trabalhos constaram de visitas a pontos considerados de risco de escorregamentos, sendo cadastrados ao todo 22 pontos. Além de observação de suas características ambientais, cada um destes pontos foi classificado quanto ao seu grau de risco a partir da utilização de metodologia proposta pelo Ministério das Cidades. Em função da distribuição e do grau de risco avaliado nos pontos estudados foi possível se diferenciar setores de encostas em situação de risco. Dessa maneira 21 áreas foram delimitadas e classificadas quanto ao grau de risco de escorregamentos, onde 2 delas foram classificadas como de Risco Baixo, 5 como de Risco Médio, 6 como de Risco Alto e 8 como de Risco Muito Alto. Palavras-chave: Encostas. Áreas de Risco. Ocupação Urbana

    Desigualdades socioespaciais e escolhas escolares

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    These article shows the results of a research, whose problem is in the intersection of classical problems of sociology of education and urban sociology. Aiming to understand if and how socio-spatial inequalities impact on schooling inequalities, we analyzed the way certain social and urban characteristics of a territory structure the strategies and families’ school choices. In order to do so, we examined two sub-regions in the Barreiro area, situated in Belo Horizonte, that present socioeconomic and urban contrasts. Starting from the notion of geography of opportunities, we compared the strategies used and school choices made by families that lived in these two areas, aiming to identify how the socio-economic characteristics of the environment constrained or favored their schooling preferences. The results indicated an effect of the unequal distribution of school opportunities on the parental choices, derived from the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of local school offer.Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa cuja temática se inscreve na interseção das problemáticas clássicas da sociologia da educação e da sociologia urbana. Objetivando compreender se e de que maneira as desigualdades socioespaciais impactam as desigualdades escolares, analisamos o modo como determinadas características sociais e urbanas de um território estruturam as estratégias e as escolhas escolares das famílias ali residentes. Para tanto, examinamos duas sub-regiões da região do Barreiro, situada em Belo Horizonte, as quais apresentam contrastes socioeconômicos e urbanos. Partindo da noção de “geografia de oportunidades”, comparamos as estratégias e escolhas escolares efetuadas pelas famílias que vivem nessas duas áreas, procurando identificar de que maneira as características sociais do entorno constrangem ou favorecem suas preferências escolares. Os resultados indicaram um efeito da distribuição desigual das oportunidades escolares sobre as escolhas parentais, derivado das características quantitativas e qualitativas da oferta escolar local

    Assessment of macadamia kernel quality defects by means of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

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    Macadamia kernels are visually sorted based on the presence of quality defects by specialized labors. However, this process is not as accurate as non-destructive methods such as near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Thus, NIRS and NMR in combination with chemometrics have become established non-destructive method for rapid assessment of quality parameters in the food and agricultural sectors. Therefore, the quality of macadamia kernel was assessed by NIRS and NMR using chemometric tools such as PCA-LDA and GA-LDA to evaluate external kernel defects. Macadamia kernels were classified as: 1 = good, marketable kernels without defects; 2 = kernels with discoloration; 3 = immature kernels; 4 = kernels affected by mold; and 5 = kernels with insect damage. Using NIRS, the GA-LDA resulted in an accuracy and specificity of 97.8% and 100%, respectively, to classify good kernels. On the other hand, PCA-LDA technique resulting in an accuracy higher than 68% and specificity of 97.2% to classify immature kernels. For NMR, PCA-LDA resulted in an accuracy higher than 83% and GA-LDA resulted in an accuracy of 100%, both to classify kernels with insect damage. NIRS and NMR spectroscopy can be successfully used to classify unshelled macadamia kernels based on the defects. However, NIRS out-performed NMR based on the higher accuracy results

    Total anthocyanin content determination in intact açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) and palmitero-juçara (Euterpe edulis Mart.) fruit using near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and multivariate calibration

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to evaluate near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIR), and multivariate calibration potential as a rapid method to determinate anthocyanin content in intact fruit (açaí and palmitero-juçara). Several multivariate calibration techniques, including partial least squares (PLS), interval partial least squares, genetic algorithm, successive projections algorithm, and net analyte signal were compared and validated by establishing figures of merit. Suitable results were obtained with the PLS model (four latent variables and 5-point smoothing) with a detection limit of 6.2gkg−1, limit of quantification of 20.7gkg−1, accuracy estimated as root mean square error of prediction of 4.8gkg−1, mean selectivity of 0.79gkg−1, sensitivity of 5.04×10−3gkg−1, precision of 27.8gkg−1, and signal-to-noise ratio of 1.04×10−3gkg−1. These results suggest NIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration can be effectively used to determine anthocyanin content in intact açaí and palmitero-juçara fruit