3 research outputs found

    First record of Eumops glaucinus (Wager, 1843) (Chiroptera, Molossidae) to the Brazilian state of Maranhão

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    The study provides the first record of Eumops glaucinus in the Maranhão state, located in the northern region of Brazil. The collected specimen was a non-lactating adult female, with grayish pelage, broad ears, smooth face, a well-developed and squarish tragus, and elongated snout. The combined analysis of the morphological and molecular data (COI, Cyt b, and rRNA 16S genes) confirmed the occurrence of E. glaucinus in the state of Maranhão. This record extends the known species range area by 660 km easternward from the closest locality, Belém, Pará

    Occurrence of Sturnira tildae De La Torre, 1959 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in the state of Maranhão, Brazil

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    The bat genus Sturnira is widely distributed in the Neotropical region, from northwestern Mexico to northern Argentina, and four species occur in Brazil: Sturnira lilium, Sturnira giannae, Sturnira magna, and Sturnira tildae. The present study is the first to record Sturnira tildae in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, based on morphological and molecular diagnoses. The specimen was identified based on its cranial and morphometric traits. The diagnostic traits include discreetly bilobed inner upper incisors with a broad base, lower first and second molars with lingual cusps separated by shallow grooves, and forearm longer than 45 mm. The molecular sequences of Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit 1 (COI) and 16S rRNA genes confirmed the morphological identification and thus the occurrence of Sturnira tildae in the Amazon biome of Maranhão. This record represents an eastward extension of the known distribution of the species in the Amazonia, to Cândido Mendes, Maranhão, within an area dominated by dense rainforest and influenced by tides

    New records of Niceforo’s big-eared bat, Trinycteris nicefori (Sanborn, 1949) (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae), from the state of Maranhão, Brazil

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    Niceforo’s big-eared bat, Trinycteris nicefori (Sanborn, 1949), is a monotypic species which has been recorded in a number of Brazilian states, but has a disjunct distribution in this country. This study presents the first record of T. nicefori in the Brazilian state of Maranhão. The specimens were collected in the municipalities of Godofredo Viana and Cândido Mendes, in fragments of the Amazon forest. One male (forearm: 38.00 mm, weight: 6 g) and one female (39.68 mm, 8 g) specimens were collected. The specimens presented chestnut-colored fur, and a chin with a pair of dermal pads arranged in a V-shape, without a central papilla. The COI gene sequences were plotted in the BOLD Systems platform, which confirmed the morphological identification of the species, with a 99.1% similarity in the male, and 99.4% in the female to existing sequences. This record extends the known distribution of T. nicefori in Brazil by approximately 310 km to the most eastern part of the Amazon Biome