5 research outputs found

    Nutrição mineral de plantas ornamentais XIII: absorção de macronutrientes pelo crisântemo, cultivar Golden Polaris

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    In order to obtain: The concentration of the macronutrients in the organs of the plant in accordance with its development; The accumulation of the nutrients by the plant. A field trial was carried out at Campina, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Plants well fertilized (four replication in a randomized test) with 6, 27, 55, 69, 83, 97, 111 and 125 days after planting were collected and divided into stems and leaves for macronutrient analysis. The author concluded that: In the stems and leaves the nutrient concentrations are instable and vary in accordance with the growth of the plant; The concentrations of N, P, K, Mg and S diminished in the stems and leaves while the contents of P increased in the stems and Ca in the leaves; After 125 days of planting the accumulation of nutrients by the stems and leaves of a plant is: K -689 mg; N - 458 mg; Ca - 130 mg; Mg - 52 mg; P - 46 mg; S - 35 mg.Com o objetivo de determinar: As concentrações dos macronutrientes, nos órgãos da planta, em função de idade; A acumulação de nutrientes pela planta. Foi instalada um ensaio, no município de Campinas, SP, em solo tradicionalmente adubado. O delineamento estatístico foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições e amostragens das plantas realizada aos 6, 27, 55, 69, 83, 97, 111 e 125 dias após o plantão, divididos em hastes e folhas que foram secas em estufa a 85°C e analisadas para N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Os autores concluiram que: Nas hastes e folhas, as concentrações de nutrientes são instáveis e variam em função da idade da planta. As concentrações de N, K, Mg, S diminuem nas hastes e nas folhas com a idade da planta, enquanto o teor de P apresenta pouca variação nas folhas, aumenta nas hastes. O Ca diminue nas hastes aumentando nas folhas. Decorridos 125 dias do plantio, o acúmulo de nutrientes pelas hastes de uma planta é: K - 689 mg; N - 458 mg; Ca -130 mg; Mg - 52 mg; P - 46 mg e S - 35 mg

    Propagation Of Heliconia Plantlets In Temporarily Immersion Bioreactor [propagação De Mudas De Helicônia Em Biorreator De Imersão Temporária]

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    Novel micropropagation techniques have been studied aiming the optimization of production and cost reduction. Among these micropropagation using temporarily immersion in a bioreactor is a technique that uses liquid medium in an automatzed system. This research evaluated the efficacy of a handcraft temporarily immersion system, using explants of Heliconia champneiana Griggs cv. Splash. These were submitted to three subcultures with fifteen minutes of immersion in intervals of one hour (T1), four hours (T4), six hours (T6) and eight hours (T8). Weight of the fresh mass, number of plantlets, individual weight, final volume of culture media, pH final and the overall functionality were evaluated. In evaluations between the treatments of temporarily immersion, the best performance occurred in treatment T1, being impracticable the T8 treatment for this type culture. In comparison to a conventional method (C) the treatments T1 and T4 had superior performance, demonstrating higher efficiency of the temporarily immersion for the production of plantlets. The prototype of the bioreactor of temporary immersion had good performance, presenting itself functional, of easy handling and able to be used in the study of other cultures.6512935Aitken-Christie, J., Jones, C., Towards automation: Radiata pine shoot hedges in vitro (1987) Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 8, pp. 185-196. , DordrechtAlvard, D., Cote, F., Teisson, C., Comparasion of methods of liquid medium culture for banana micropropagation (1993) Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 32, pp. 55-60. , DordrechtCastro, C.E.F., Graziano, T.T., Espécies do gênero Heliconia (Heliconiaceae) no Brasil (1997) Revista Brasileira De Horticultura Ornamental, 3, pp. 15-28. , CampinasDias, M.A.S., Rodrigues, P.H.V., Fontes de explantes e contaminantes isolados em cultivo in vitro de Heliconia bihai (HELICONIACEAE) (2001) Revista Brasileira De Horticultura Ornamental, 7, pp. 165-168. , CampinasDiniz, J.D.N., Gonçalves, A.N., Minami, K., Variação do pH no meio de cultura in vitro para explantes de bananeira cv. Prata Anã (1996) Ciência Agronômica, 27 (1-2), pp. 87-91. , FortalezaGomes, F.P., (1987) Curso De Estatística Experimental, p. 466. , 12.ed. São Paulo: NobelLamas, A.M., (2001) Floricultura Tropical: Técnicas De Cultivo, p. 88. , Recife: SEBRAE/PELemos, E.E.P., Ferreira, M.S., Alencar, L.M.C., Oliveira, J.G.L., Magalhães, V.S., Micropropagação de clones de banana cv. Terra em biorreator de imersão temporária (2001) Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura, 23 (3), pp. 482-487. , JaboticabalLorenzo, J.C., González, B.L., Escalona, M., Teisson, C., Espinosa, P., Borroto, C., Sugarcane shoot formation in an improved temporary immersion system (1998) Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 54, pp. 197-200. , DordrechtMorel, G., Wetmore, R.H., Tissue culture of monocotyledons (1951) American Journal of Botany, 38, pp. 138-140. , IthacaMurashige, T., Skoog, F., A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tabacco tissue cultures (1962) Plant Physiology, 15, pp. 473-497. , CopenhagenRodrigues, P.H.V., In vitro establishment of Heliconia rauliniana (Heliconiaceae) (2005) Scientia Agrícola, 62 (1), pp. 69-71. , PiracicabaRodrigues, P.H.V., Lima, A.M.L.P., Ambrosano, G.M.B., Dutra, M.F.B., Acclimatization of micropropagated Heliconia bihai (Heliconiaceae) plants (2005) Scientia Agrícola, 62 (3), pp. 288-290. , Piracicaba(2001), SAS Institute, Release 8.2, Cary, NC, USASkirvin, R.M., Chu, M.C., Mann, M.L., Young, H., Sullivan, J., Fermanian, T., Stability of tissue culture medium pH as a function of autoclaving, time, and cultured plant material (1986) Plant Cell Reports, 5, pp. 292-294. , BerlinTeisson, C., Alvard, D., A new concept of plant in vitro cultivation in liquid medium: Temporary immersion (1994) VIII International Congress of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, p. 54. , 1994, Florence. Abstract... Florence: ICPTCCWilliams, R.R., Taji, A.M., Winnel, K.A., The effect of Ptilotus plant tissue on pH of in vitro media (1990) Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 22, pp. 153-158. , Dordrech

    Efeito de substrato artificial no enraizamento de estacas de calanchoe (Kalanchoe x blossfeldiana cv. singapur, crassulaceae) Artificial substract effect on the rooting of calanchoe (Kalanchoe x blossfeldiana cv. singapur, crassulaceae) cuttings

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    Dez misturas artificiais foram estudadas para avaliar o efeito sobre o enraizamento de estacas apicais de Kalanchoe x blossfeldiana cv. Singapur, da família Crassulaceae. Essas misturas foram as seguintes: vermiculita + casca de arroz tostada nas proporções 1:1, 2:1 e 3:1; vermiculita + torta de filtro Oliver nas proporções 1:1, 2:1 e 3:1; vermiculita + turfa da região de Atibaia-SP, nas proporções 1:l, 2:le3:l; vermiculita + casca de pinheiro (mistura comercial). Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a mistura vermiculita + torta de filtro Oliver em todas as proporções, vermiculita + casca de arroz tostada 3:1 e vermiculita + turfa 3:1. Os piores desempenhos foram os das misturas vermiculita + casca de pinheiro e vermiculita + turfa 1:1.<br>Ten different artificial mixtures were studied as rooting media for Kalanchoe x blossfeldiana cv. Singapur cuttings. They were: vermiculite + toasted rice hulls (1:1, 2:1, 3:1); vermiculite + Oliver filter cake (1:1, 2:1, 3:1); vermiculite + peat (1:1, 2:1, 3:1); and vermiculite + pine bark (commercial mixture). The best results were observed for vermiculite + Oliver filter cake (1:1, 2:1, 3:1), vermiculite + toasted rice hulls (3:1) and vermiculite + peat (3:1). The worst results were observed with vermiculite + pine bark and vermiculite + peat (1:1)