33,705 research outputs found

    On Teaching an Object-Oriented Database Module in Undergraduate CS/IS Curricula

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    As object-oriented technology becomes more and more prevalently used in the computing industry, it is important that the computing science curricula keep up with the technological trend. The literature shows numerous efforts in this direction but few have dealt with object-oriented databases. Much of the efforts are in the areas of incorporating object-orientation into introductory computing courses or integrating special topics courses on object-oriented programming into the curricula. This paper describes the experiences that the author had while integrating object-orientation into a CS/IS curriculum. In particular, it illustrates where and how object-oriented databases can be introduced in an introductory DBMS course by using some object-oriented DBMS prototypes. A sample module for introducing object-oriented databases is also presented

    Teaching Web Development Technologies: Past, Present, and (Near) Future

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    The advent of the World Wide Web not only fundamentally changes the way we do things, it also greatly changes how computer software are built. While this profound evolution of software development has caused many in the software industry to change their way of developing software, it has not caused many in the academics to change their way of teaching computing. This paper describes the evolution of a course that teaches web development technologies. The contents of the course in three different iterations, the observations made, the available educational resources employed, and the challenges ahead for the course are presented

    Measurement of Spin Polarization by Andreev Reflection in Ferromagnetic In1-xMnxSb Epilayers

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    We carried out Point Contact Andreev Reflection (PCAR) spin spectroscopy measurements on epitaxially-grown ferromagnetic In1-xMnxSb epilayers with a Curie temperature of ~9K. The spin sensitivity of PCAR in this material was demonstrated by parallel control studies on its non-magnetic analog, In1-yBeySb. We found the conductance curves of the Sn point contacts with In1-yBeySb to be fairly conventional, with the possible presence of proximity-induced superconductivity effects at the lowest temperatures. The experimental Z-values of interfacial scattering agreed well with the estimates based on the Fermi velocity mismatch between the semiconductor and the superconductor. These measurements provided control data for subsequent PCAR measurements on ferromagnetic In1-xMnxSb, which indicated spin polarization in In1-xMnxSb to be 52 +- 3%

    A scheme for symmetrization verification

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    We propose a scheme for symmetrization verification in two-particle systems, based on one-particle detection and state determination. In contrast to previous proposals, it does not follow a Hong-Ou-Mandel-type approach. Moreover, the technique can be used to generate superposition states of single particles

    A Review of Schistosomiasis in Indonesia with Reference to Schistosoma Japonicum

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    Tinjauan tentang Schistosoma di Indonesia ini mencakup Schistosoma japonicum, S. incognitum, S. spindale dan Trichohilharzia brevis. Tinjauan dibuat atas dasar laporan-laporan penelitian yang telah diterbitkan. Di dalamnya dapat dijumpai uraian singkat tentang S. spinale dan T. brevis. Dari banyak publikasi tentang S. japonicum dan S. incoganitum dapat disajikan uraian tentang peranan kedua parasit tersebut sebagai penyebab penyakit baik manusia maupun hewan

    Don't bet on luck alone: enhancing behavioral reproducibility of quality-diversity solutions in uncertain domains

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    Quality-Diversity (QD) algorithms are designed to generate collections of high-performing solutions while maximizing their diversity in a given descriptor space. However, in the presence of unpredictable noise, the fitness and descriptor of the same solution can differ significantly from one evaluation to another, leading to uncertainty in the estimation of such values. Given the elitist nature of QD algorithms, they commonly end up with many degenerate solutions in such noisy settings. In this work, we introduce Archive Reproducibility Improvement Algorithm (ARIA); a plug-and-play approach that improves the reproducibility of the solutions present in an archive. We propose it as a separate optimization module, relying on natural evolution strategies, that can be executed on top of any QD algorithm. Our module mutates solutions to (1) optimize their probability of belonging to their niche, and (2) maximize their fitness. The performance of our method is evaluated on various tasks, including a classical optimization problem and two high-dimensional control tasks in simulated robotic environments. We show that our algorithm enhances the quality and descriptor space coverage of any given archive by at least 50%

    Malayan Filariasis Studies in Kendari Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia II: Surveillance of Mosquitoes with Reference to Two Anopheles Vector Species

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    Studi nyamuk penular filariasis malayi pada empat desa endemis filariasis (Wawolemo, Pondi-daha, Lalohao dan Teteona) di Kabupaten Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, telah dilakukan dari bulan November 1980 sampai Oktober 1982. Nyamuk penular Brugia malayi di alam adalah Anopheles barbirostris dan An. Nigerrimus sebagai penular yang potensial, serta tiga jenis dari marga Mansonia. Kepadatan bulanan An. barbirostris dan An. Nigerrimus mempunyai keeratan hubungan yang positif dengan curah hujan, dengan puncak kepadatan pada bulan Juni. Nisbah nyamuk parous untuk kedua jenis nyamuk ini relatif rendah dan tidak mempunyai keeratan hubungan positif dengan kepadatannya. Kepadatan jentik dari kedua jenis nyamuk ini juga relatif rendah. Daur gonotrofik An. barbirostris di laboratorium berkisar antara 65 sampai 87 jam. An. barbirostris lebih cenderung antropofilik dari An. Nigerrimus. Puncak kepadatan waktu menggigit orang dari An. barbirostris dimulai menjelang tengah malam hingga menjelang pagi hari, sedangkan An. Nigerrimus aktif menggigit orang antara jam 19.00 sampai 22.00. Nisbah infeksi alamiah dari larva Brugia pada An. barbirostris lebih tinggi daripada An. Nigerrimus. Indeks infeksi buatan rata-rata 0,22 pada An. barbirostris dan 0,83 pada An. Nigerrimus. Uji kerentanan DDT terhadap An. barbirostris memperlihatkan bahwa nyamuk ini rentan terhadap DDT

    Analysis and Design of Wideband Low Noise Amplifier with Digital Control

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    The design issues in designing low noise amplifier (LNA) for Software-Defined-Radio (SDR) are reviewed. An inductor-less wideband low noise amplifier aiming at low frequency band (0.2-2GHz) for Software-Defined-Radio is presented. Shunt-shunt LNA with active feedback is used as the first stage which is carefully optimized for low noise and wide band applications. A digitally controlled second stage is employed to provide an additional 12dB gain control. A novel method is proposed to bypass the first stage without degrading input matching. This LNA is fabricated in a standard 0.18 um CMOS technology. The measurement result shows the proposed LNA has a gain range of 6dB-18dB at high gain mode and -12dB-0dB at low gain mode, as well as a –3dB bandwidth of 2GHz. The noise figure (NF) is 3.5-4.5dB in the high gain setting mode. It consumes 20mW from a 1.8V supply