2,379 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Word Of Mouth Marketing dan Pameran terhadap Keputusan Orang Tua Memilih Sekolah

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    In decision-making of choosing schools, people recommendation is effected. WOM factor and exhibition twice in a year for ISMILE school is a considered efficient and effective promotional media. The research method is to identify the effect of word of mouth and exhibition towards perception of value proposition and effects of decision-making. Analysis method in this research is validity, reliability, normality test, simple correlation and path analysis. Data gathering technique is questionnaire. The repondents in the research are 100 people, including parents from students in ISMILE school. The expected result from this research is a relationship among variables, significant effects from word of mouth and exhibition at the same time of perception towards value position and significant effects from perception of value proposition towards decision- making. From this research, ISMILE school should hold exhibition and focus to things that will lead to positive word of mouth so it could gain more parents register their children in ISMILE school

    The Difference of Oral Reading and Writing of Tiociu Languag

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    Article presented the difference of oral reading and writing of TioCiu Guangdong Language, Tiongkok. The language is divided by its oral and writing regulation consisting of three factors: consonant, vocal, and tone, as well as the description of different TioCiu reading dialect. Article focused on the analysis and description of the oral reading and the writing of TioCiu language, which is divided into two parts: the TioCiu phonetic system and the different regulation of oral reading and TioCiu writing. It can be concluded that the different reading of oral and writing of TioCiu language is mostly shown in the consonant pronunciation, whereas the vocal pronunciation less happened

    Special Autonomy of Papua: a Review From the Perspective of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

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    The authority of governance in Papua Province through Act No. 21 of 2001 is very large, as stipulated in Article 4 paragraph (1), which covering all fields of government, except with regard to foreign affairs, defense and security, monetary and fiscal, religion, and justice, and except with regard to a particular field. In addition to the authority, the authority of Papua Province added with partial authority of the Government called a special authority as provided in paragraph (2) is the authority in the field of foreign policy, defense and security, monetary and fiscal, justice and religion. This authority, causing some people argues that leads to form a federal state and also may lead to the disintegration of nation. The assessment object with regard to the substance of Act No. 21 of 2001 that opposed to the concept of a unitary state, and designing a special autonomy of Papua in accordance with the principles of the Republic of Indonesia, by using juridical-normative. The result indicates that the special autonomy through Act No. 21 of 2001 does not conflict with the concept of a unitary state; it strengthens Papuan into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Design of special autonomy in accordance with the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia that gives special powers to the province of Papua in the form of delegation of authority is clear and explicit to the Province of Papua through the implementation of devolution theory and delegation of authority from the provincial to the district/cities through the implementation of real household teachings

    Quantitative research and issues of political sensitivity in rural China

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    Political sensitivity is always a challenge for the scholar doing fieldwork in nondemocratic and transitional systems, especially when doing surveys and quantitative research. Not only are more research topics likely to be politically sensitive in these systems, but in trying to collect precise and unbiased data to give us a quantitative description of a population, we are sometimes doing exactly what the government – and sometimes certain members of that population -- would like to prevent. In this chapter, I discuss some of the methodological and ethical issues that face researchers working in these contexts and describe strategies for dealing with these issues. I argue that in these contexts a “socially embedded” approach to survey research that carefully attends to the social relationships inherent in the survey research process can help alleviate problems of political sensitivity, protect participants and researchers in the survey research process, and maximize data quality

    Elementary School Teachers Personality in Students Learning Motivation to Understand Concept of Science

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    Kepribadian Guru Sekolah Dasar dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa untuk Memahami Konsep Sains. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menggali informasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi belajar anak usia sekolah dasar untuk pemahaman konsep sains. Subjek penelitian adalah 26 anak SD kelas VI di SD RSBI Banten dan guru yang membelajarkannya. Metode pengumpulan data dengan angket tentang strategi motivasi belajar anak (MSLQ=Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionaires), observasi kelas, dan wawancara terstruktur. Analisis data dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang faktor-faktor yang mem-pengaruhi motivasi belajar, dan cross-case analysis untuk setiap anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap anak mempunyai faktor motivasi yang berbeda dalam belajar sains. Kepribadian guru yang unik, seperti kedekatan serta berusaha untuk memahami dan menghargai potensi anak didik dapat mening-katkan motivasi anak belajar sains. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa di dalam proses pembelajaran sains untuk Perubahan konseptual, seorang guru sekolah dasar harus memahami pentingnya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi anak untuk belajar, termasuk kepribadian yang dapat diterima, sehingga mereka dapat mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan lebih bermakna. Katakunci: motivasi, pembelajaran konseptual, Perubahan konseptual, pembelajaran sains, kepribadian gur

    Sains untuk Anak: Hakikat Pembelajaran Sains untuk Sekolah Dasar

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    Up to now, science educators are still confronted with· studentswho areunmotivated to learn science. They are generally unwilling to learn science forconceptualunderstanding. They relyon less appropriate learning strategies such asdistorting scientific knowledge to fit their existing knowledge, mindlesslyanswering questions, copying answers from others, or not completing their work.They also spend time and effort focusing·on less important learning.outcomes, .suchas memorizing science vocabulary or factual.information, rather than achievingscientific understanding. On the other hand,it is believed that motivation is animportant factor in the process of student learning for· conceptual understanding.This isa· sufficient reason for science educators to consider the .importance ofscience teaching strategies to increase students' motivation in the process ofstudent learning. In addition, they need to develop, refine, and reform the processof teachingand learning science itself. There are at least· three strategies they canuse to increase students' motivation to learn science for conceptual understanding:1) using immediate students' environment as learning· sources; 2) selectinginstruction materials related to students' existing knowledge;3) relating instructionmaterials to students' daily life needs. Finally, science educators haveto be awareof the importance of affective aspects and students' motivation to learn. They haveto decidehow to conduct instruction that can help students learn in meaningfulways, including understanding of why, where,and what for students learn scienc

    Model Pemberdayaan Perempuan Melalui Pendidikan Keterampilan Kewirausahaan Dengan Bimbingan Dalam Pengembangan Kerajinan Tangan Payette Pada Majelis Ta'lim Perempuan Parung-Bogor

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    This research is aimed to study a model of entrepreneurial skill learning at non formal educational institutions preparing women to become independent entrepreneurs. This study was conducted in the form of research and development (R &D) model employing mixed method (survey, evaluation and experiment). Its samples which were selected purposively covered four Islamic Women Groups in Bogor district. The model developed deals with the area of non formal education and is designed by the following steps : (1) developing concepts, (2) identifying target groups, (3) carrying out a need analysis, (4) determining objectives, (5) developing plans, (6) developing a curriculum and materials, (7) implementing the learning process, and (8) administering an evaluation.The result of the research shows that : (1) the model of interpreneurial skill learning using teaching methode with guidance is better than the one without guidance, (2) the result of the model interpreneurial skill learning using teaching methode with guidance is higher compared with the one without guidance. The model of women empowerment through interpreneurial skill learning with guidance in development of payette handycraft is effective in nurturing the intrepreneurial attitude and motivation by generating need for achivement motivation as well as managerial skills through practice and simulation

    Aktivitas Antifungi Ekstrak (Centella Asiatica (L.) Urban terhadap Fungi Patogen pada Daun Anggrek (Bulbophyllum Flavidiflorum Carr.)

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    Aktivitas antifungi Centella asiatica (L.) Urban (ekstraksi akuades dan etanol) telah diuji secara in vitro terhadap jamur patogen BF 5.1.1 (jamur patogen pada daun anggrek (Bulbophyllum flavidiflorum Carr.) dengan metode difusi agar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak akuades dan etanol 96% C. asiatica dapat menghambat pertumbuhan koloni jamur patogen BF 5.1.1. Ekstrak air C. asiatica dapat menghambat pertumbuhan jamur patogen BF 5.1.1 pada konsentrasi 1%, 2%, dan 4%, dengan diameter pertumbuhan koloni jamur secara berurutan 26, 20mm, 22, 93mm, dan 25, 30mm, dan ekstrak etanol 96% pada konsentrasi 10% dengan diameter 30,87mm

    Rank revealing QR factorizations

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    How Does the Way We Categorize Disability Influence the Morality of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis?

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    The increased use of in vitro fertilization has raised many ethical questions pertaining to preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PDG). PGD allows parents to screen for and diagnose chromosomal and genetic disorders in the created embryos. This raises great concern for the ability to select for or against disabilities. In this paper I argue that the definition of disability needs to be modified in order to determine whether or not PGD is moral and supports human flourishing. Using Aristotle’s model of virtue ethics, three modes of disability are applied to various cases of PGD. Working through the cases I argue that a model of purely social or medical disability is not sufficient to determine the morality of PGD, as they fail to acknowledge the intersection between physical impairments and an obstructive environment. A mixed model in which social discrimination is directly caused by a medical disability, and actively includes the voices of people with disabilities is the best way to address the morality of PGD
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