2,534 research outputs found

    Microprocessor-to-system/370 interface

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    The design and operation of a microprocessor interface unit which allows use of a computer terminal for communication at 110 or 300 baud both with a central host computer and with the microprocessor monitor are documented. Additionally, the interface permits the host computer to load the microprocessor memory directly with object code, avoiding the use of intermediate data storage such as paper tape. The central computer, containing an assembler language processor for the target microcomputer, can be used from the terminal with all the flexibility offered by the virtual machine facility, producing object code for the micro plus program listings and supporting outputs. The object code can then be loaded directly to the micro and the same terminal device used to run the micro program, communicating with the micro's monitor routine

    Loran-C flight data base

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    Loran-C time-difference data were collected on January 9, 1979 during a flight from Athens, Ohio to Madison VOR in Connecticut, thence to Millville VOR in New Jersey, and a landing at Atlantic City NAFEC. Portions of the return trip to Athens, Ohio were also recorded. Loran-C GRI data frames were recorded using the 99600 U. S. Northeast Loran chain stations Seneca/Nantucket (TDA) and Seneca/Carolina Beach (TDB). The GRI sequence number TDA and TDB were recorded as integer numbers, with the TD's in integer microseconds. Actual time-of-day can be determined from the data start time, plus the time per GRI and the sequence number. The low cost Loran-C receiver was used to obtain the time-difference data for each GRI. Data was recorded on digital magnetic tape and post-processed into latitude and longitude using an IBM system/370 computer

    Demonstration program for Omega receiver prototype microcomputer data processing

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    The JOLT (TM) commercial microcomputer, based on the MOS Technology 6502 processor chip, for use in Omega navigation system is evaluated. A computer program was prepared in hand-assembled code to demonstrate receiver operation. The processor provides binary processing with interrupts enabled, a carriage return is given to initialize the teleprinter, and a jump is performed to enter the program loop to wait for an interrupt. The program loop operates continuously testing the interrupt flag. The interrupt routine reads the receiver status word and determines whether the current time-slot is the A slot. If so, the interrupt flag, which is also the data index pointer, is reset to zero. The status word is stored in the status buffer. If the time-slot is not A, the interrupt flag/pointer is incremented by one to index the phase and status to the proper buffer words for later use by the print routine

    Test program for 4-K memory card, JOLT microprocessor

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    A memory test program is described for use with the JOLT microcomputer 4,096-word memory board used in development of an Omega navigation receiver. The program allows a quick test of the memory board by cycling the memory through all possible bit combinations in all words

    A memory-mapped output interface: Omega navigation output data from the JOLT (TM) microcomputer

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    A hardware interface which allows both digital and analog data output from the JOLT microcomputer is described in the context of a software-based Omega Navigation receiver. The interface hardware described is designed for output of six (or eight with simple extensions) bits of binary output in response to a memory store command from the microcomputer. The interface was produced in breadboard form and is operational as an evaluation aid for the software Omega receiver

    A microprocessor interface for the Ohio university prototype Omega navigation receiver

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    The Ohio University Omega Prototype Receiver is currently under final design and construction. As initially designed, digital and analog hardware outputs were provided for attachment of tape recorders or chart recording equipment for capture of Omega LOP data. The interface described was designed to demonstrate the concept of direct microprocessor attachment to the existing receiver to allow far more flexibility of output data handling than previously provided

    Omega flight-test data reduction sequence

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    Computer programs for Omega data conversion, summary, and preparation for distribution are presented. Program logic and sample data formats are included, along with operational instructions for each program. Flight data (or data collected in flight format in the laboratory) is provided by the Ohio University Omega receiver base in the form of 6-bit binary words representing the phase of an Omega station with respect to the receiver's local clock. All eight Omega stations are measured in each 10-second Omega time frame. In addition, an event-marker bit and a time-slot D synchronizing bit are recorded. Program FDCON is used to remove data from the flight recorder tape and place it on data-processing cards for later use. Program FDSUM provides for computer plotting of selected LOP's, for single-station phase plots, and for printout of basic signal statistics for each Omega channel. Mean phase and standard deviation are printed, along with data from which a phase distribution can be plotted for each Omega station. Program DACOP simply copies the Omega data deck a controlled number of times, for distribution to users

    Modified timing module for Loran-C receiver

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    Full hardware documentation is provided for the circuit card implementing the Loran-C timing loop, and the receiver event-mark and re-track functions. This documentation is to be combined with overall receiver drawings to form the as-built record for this device. Computer software to support this module is integrated with the remainder of the receiver software, in the LORPROM program

    An assembler for the MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor as implemented in jolt (TM) and KIM-1 (TM)

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    Design of low-cost, microcomputer-based navigation receivers, and the assembler are described. The development of computer software for microprocessors is materially aided by the assembler program using mnemonic variable names. The flexibility of the environment provided by the IBM's Virtual Machine Facility and the Conversational Monitor System, make possible the convenient assembler access. The implementation of the assembler for the microprocessor chip serves a part of the present need and forms a model for support of other microprocessors

    A microcomputer-based low-cost Omega navigation system

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    The application of a low cost, commercially available microcomputer as the navigation processor for a simplified OMEGA navigation system is an area of current research. The interface of a low cost front end OMEGA sensor is described and an example of the phase processing software and navigation routines is given. Emphasis is placed on the description of results obtained with the software version of the OMEGA burst filter known as the memory aided phase locked loop