37 research outputs found

    Coping with chronic pain: In-depth interviews with children suffering from Juvenile Chronic Arthritis

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    This study examined from the perspective of children with Juvenile Chronic Arthritis, their experiences of coping with chronic pain in daily life. In-depth interviews were conducted with 22 children (6–17 years). The grounded theory method was applied for analysing the taped and transcribed interviews. Seven descriptive categories were grounded in the data, labelled (1) “controlling strategies”, (2) “avoidance strategies”, (3) “cognitive strategies”, (4) “compliance with the treatment”, (5) “seeking social support”, and (6) “recovering”. A core category was identified and labelled “making me different”. The children seem to be caught in a dilemma. In one way the chosen coping strategy reduces chronic pain and in another way the strategy increases stress and feelings of being different from non-disabled peers. Our results indicate the great importance of social support from the children's environment

    Group rehabilitation of patients with acquired hearing impairment and their close relatives: Evaluation of short- and long-term effects

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a two-weeks full-time group-rehabilitation program designed for hearing-impaired patients and their close relatives. Seventy-six consecutive patients in employment age (mean = 51 years; SD = 9 years, R = 22–64 years) with subjective need for audiological rehabilitation were included in the program. Pure tone averages were 46 dB HL and 58 dB HL at the low and high frequencies in the best ear, respectively. The patients responded to visual analogue scales (VAS) and questionnaires, intended to measure “perceived handicap”, “social support”, “perceived negative attitudes”, “acceptance of hearing loss” and “communication strategies”, before and after the last group session. The forms were also sent to the study group by post four and six months after the program was terminated. No significant short-term effects were found after the last group session, except that self-rated handicap in family life (VAS) was increased (p = 0.028), probably due to the participants’ increased awareness of hearing-related problems. Four months later, perceived negative attitudes from others were significantly reduced (p = 0.025), but self-rated handicap in family life was still increased (p = 0.023). Six months later (long-term effects), maladaptive strategies (e.g. guessing, pretending to hear and avoiding interactions) were significantly less often used (p = 0.036) and verbal strategies more frequently adopted (p = 0.018). This change of communication strategies might facilitate social participation and should therefore be seen as positive outcomes of a rehabilitation program

    Health care professionals meeting with individuals with Type 2 diabetes and obesity: Balancing coaching and caution

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    The burden of diabetes and obesity is increasing worldwide, indicating a need to find the best standard for diabetes care. The aim of this study was to generate a theory grounded in empirical data derived from a deeper understanding of health care professionals’ main concerns when they consult with individuals with diabetes and obesity and how they handle these concerns. Tape-recorded interviews were conducted with seven groups and three individual members of a diabetes team in an area of western Sweden. The grounded theory (GT) method was used to analyse the transcribed interviews. A core category, labelled Balancing coaching and caution and three categories (Coaching and supporting, Ambivalence and uncertainty, and Adjusting intentions) emerged. The core category and the three categories formed a substantive theory that explained and illuminated how health care professionals manage their main concern; their ambition to give professional individualised care; and find the right strategy for each individual with diabetes and obesity. The theory generated by this study can improve our understanding of how a lack of workable strategies limits caregivers’ abilities to reach their goals. It also helps identify the factors that contribute to the complexity of meetings between caregivers and individuals with diabetes

    The “core category” of grounded theory : Making constant comparisons

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    Approximately 40 years ago, Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss and their joint research approach, the constant comparative method of grounded theory, were at the forefront of what can be called a qualitative revolution. The publication of their book, The discovery of grounded theory (1967), was a breakthrough because of the systematic procedures for qualitative research that were presented. Prior to this publication, qualitative research methodology was traditionally most often taught orally. Through their book, Glaser and Strauss defended the method of qualitative research and countered the prevailing opinion that quantitative research provided the one and only approach to scientific inquiry. They argued that qualitative research is a field of inquiry in its own right, not merely to be used for pre-studies to “real” statistically based studies. The grounded theory method fits in with life world research, because the emphasis is on individuals as unique living wholes and the researcher focuses on the world as it is experienced by the individual. The researcher does not formulate any hypothesis in advance and tries to approach the research area with as few preconceptions as possible. Preconceptions, taken-for-granted assumptions, and interpretations must be handled by reflexive strategies in line with what Dahlberg (2006) has labelled “bridling”. Grounded theory offers the researcher a set of guidelines for building conceptual frameworks that specify the relationships among categories. The guidelines should be used as flexible tools rather than being seen as rigid rules. Grounded theory is a broad method with distinct procedures that work in practice and that are suitable to pragmatic researchers. The “core category” in grounded theory is, as I see it, the constant comparative method. The grounded theory method has been modified by the era within which it exists and by new ideas encountered in the world of inquiry (Annells, 1997). Varying views of what reality is and how it can be known affect the modes of the grounded theory method

    Ett pionjÀrarbete för ensamvargar : EnkÀt- och intervjuundersöknng av nordiska folkhÀlsodoktorander examinerade vid nordiska hÀlsovÄrdshögskolan under Ären 1987 - 2000.

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    Forskarutbildning bör kontinuerligt utvĂ€rderas för att anpassas till de krav som olika intressenter stĂ€ller. Syftet med denna undersökning var att be-skriva hur folkhĂ€lsodoktorer, som examinerats frĂ„n Nordiska hĂ€lsovĂ„rds-högskolan (NHV) mellan Ă„ren 1987 – 2000, upplevt sin forskarutbildning och sin fortsatta akademiska karriĂ€r. Data samlades in dels genom en post-enkĂ€t med 17 frĂ„gor och dels genom en bandinspelad intervju med öppna frĂ„gor. Elva av 17 examinerade folkhĂ€lsodoktorer besvarade den utsĂ€nda enkĂ€ten. Samtliga stĂ€llde sig positiva till att delta i den uppföljande inter-vjun. Fyra av folkhĂ€lsodoktorerna tycktes vid tidpunkten för studien vara docentkompetenta och flertalet hade anstĂ€llningar inom universitet och hög-skolor. Flertalet var forskningsaktiva och hade i genomsnitt publicerat fyra artiklar efter disputationen. Av undersökningen framgĂ„r att de examinerade folkhĂ€lsodoktorerna i stort sett var nöjda med sin forskarutbildning. De har minnen av suverĂ€na förelĂ€sningar, intressanta tvĂ€rfackliga diskussioner och en stimulerande stu-diemiljö. De upplevde dock att de haft fĂ„ möjligheter att diskutera sina av-handlingsarbeten med andra doktorander och övriga forskare/lĂ€rare pĂ„ NHV. De menade ocksĂ„ att de inte tillrĂ€ckligt utvecklade ett kritiskt förhĂ„llnings-sĂ€tt under sin forskarutbildning. Flertalet hade genomgĂ„tt fĂ„ Ă€mnes- och metodkurser utöver de kurser som ingick i MPH-examen. Forskarutbild-ningen, som i genomsnitt tog 4 Ă„r, innebar i princip att ytterligare 3 – 4 em-piriska studier skulle planeras, genomföras och dokumenteras. JĂ€mfört med dagens kursplan för forskarutbildning pĂ„ NHV (1999), Ă€r det tydligt att kra-ven pĂ„ Ă€mnes- och metodkunskaper har ökat betydligt. FolkhĂ€lsodoktorerna hade bĂ„de positiva och negativa synpunkter pĂ„ den handledning de fĂ„tt. NĂ€r extern och intern handledning vĂ€gdes samman, ansĂ„g sig dock flertalet nöjda med den handledning de fĂ„tt. NĂ„gra var dock otillfredsstĂ€llda med handledningen och ansĂ„g sig ha klarat av avhandlings-arbetet genom insatser frĂ„n andra lĂ€rare vid och utanför NHV. Avhandlings-arbetet upplevdes som ett pionjĂ€rarbete, som till stora delar utfördes i en-samhet. Flera av de svagheter i forskarutbildningen som angavs i under-sökningen, har tillgodosetts genom den nya kursplanen för forskarutbild-ningen, som antogs av NHVs styrelse 1999

    KrÀnkande sÀrbehandling eller mobbning pÄ arbetsplatsen

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    Konferens, Halmstad 25 oktober 2004</p

    Högskolan i Halmstad – en grĂ€nsöverskridande högskola för alla

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    Högskolan i Halmstad Àr en ung och framtidsinriktad högskola. De fl esta utbildningsprogram vid Högskolan leder till kandidat- eller magisterexamen och genom etablerade samarbeten med andra lÀrosÀten Àr det ocksÄ möjligt att bedriva forskarutbildning och avlÀgga doktorsexamen. Det bedrivs forskning inom fl era olika omrÄden vid Högskolan i Halmstad. Forskning inom samhÀlls- och beteendevetenskap, vÄrdvetenskap och inom humaniora sker bÄde inom enskilda discipliner, som till exempel inom Àmnet omvÄrdnad, men ocksÄ inom ramen för fl ervetenskapliga forskningsmiljöer. En strategisk inriktning för forskningen pÄ Högskolan i Halmstad Àr att under kommande Är Àn mer kraftsamla forskningsverksamheten vid lÀrosÀtet genom att utveckla och stödja starka fl erdisciplinÀra forskningsmiljöer med nationell och internationell konkurrenskraft. En sÄdan fl ervetenskaplig forskningsmiljö med fokus pÄ VÀlfÀrd och VÀlbefi nnande (Welfare &amp; Well-being) hÄller för nÀrvarande pÄ att byggas upp inom sektionen för HÀlsa och SamhÀlle

    En kvalitativ studie om mobbning i arbetslivet

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    Avsikten med studien var att öka förstĂ„elsen för hur mobbning initieras och vidmakthĂ„lls pĂ„ en arbetsplats samt vilka konsekvenser mobbning ger. Tre begrepp sammanfattar processen: ”spelet om makten”, ”utstötning frĂ„n arbetsplatsen” och ”mĂ€rkt för livet”. Arbetsmiljön Ă€r prĂ€glad av omorganisationer, bristande ekonomiska resurser och begrĂ€nsat infl ytande, vilket leder till stress och frustration. Ledarskapet Ă€r svagt eller otydligt. VĂ€rdekonfl ikter mellan anstĂ€llda resulterar i maktkamp, som kan övergĂ„ i mobbning och utstötning. Sviktande hĂ€lsa och begrĂ€nsade valmöjligheter blir konsekvenserna för den mobbade. En vĂ€g tillbaka till ”normalt” liv gĂ„rvia psykologisk bearbetning och upprĂ€ttelse, men den mobbade Ă€r Ă€ndĂ„ mĂ€rkt för livet. Kompetenta och starka personer liksom extra sĂ„rbara personer Ă€r potentiella mobboffer