108 research outputs found

    Review for Cognitive Systems Research of the book The Brain and AI, by authors Karl Schlagenhauf and Fanji Gu

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    The human brain is often considered the most complex system known. It has a fantastic capacity to learn and remember, to recognize patterns in space and time, solve problems of all kinds, innovate tools and machines, create beautiful art and science. Is it reasonable to believe that we, in a foreseeable future, will be able to understand all the wonders of our own brain, enough to be able to mimic it and build artificial brains and minds that correspond to or even surpass the capacity of the human origin? Can we seriously believe that we (soon, or ever) will be able to build robots that know of and can reflect upon their own existence?This review of the book, The Brain and AI, deals with such issues, but in a very special way. It is written as a fascinating dialogue between the two authors, Chinese scientist Fanji Gu and German engineer Karl Schlagenhauf, where they discuss the development of neuroscience and artificial intelligence (AI) with a critical examination of given "truths" in these fields. The Brain and AI is indeed worth reading for many reasons, regardless if you are a student or researcher in any of the many fields of science discussed here (e.g. physics, computer science, neuroscience, cognitive science psychology, social science), or if you are just interested in the current and future development of brain research and artificial intelligence. The book is both educating and entertaining and can be strongly recommended. (C) 2020 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V

    A Multilevel Approach to Urban Regional Agglomerations: A Swedish Case of Transition Paths toward a “Fossil-Free Society” by 2050

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    This article has a focus on the changing patterns of connected urban spaces forming large super-regional aggregates made up of cities of various sizes and regional functions as well as the interconnecting space of much smaller municipalities of agricultural or forestry types of character. The multi-scalar level analysis of these connected clusters is pursued from the level of the individual to the regional, national, Nordic and EU levels. The enfolding of the regional pattern also has global connotations in terms of trade connections, but also in the context of bio-geo challenges as climate change, biodiversity depletion or food security considerations. The transition dynamics involves governance, economic, social and cultural aspects. International negotiations, as the Paris agreement on climate change and agreements at the UN level as the 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG), or agreements at the EU level, provide an international political frame to this process

    Normallönemodell och neutralitetsprincipen

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    Denna uppsats handlar om vilket inflytande de skattemÀssiga reglerna har över den enskildes val mellan olika sÀtt att ta ut sin inkomst ur aktiebolag. FrÄgan Àr dels om aktieÀgaren pÄverkas att vÀlja att Àga aktier i ett fÄmansföretag eller ett flermansÀgt bolag, dels om arbetstagaren pÄverkas att vÀlja mellan att arbeta i nÄgon annans bolag eller sitt eget. Eftersom fÄmansföretagsreglerna kom till för att förhindra att de skattemÀssiga fördelar som annars följde av att ta ut sin lön i form av utdelning uppkom, följer det naturligt att den enskilde Ätminstone styrs i sitt val av Àgande. MÄnga artiklar och böcker har skrivits i Àmnet och den mest grundlÀggande, den sÄ kallade 3:12-utredningen, SOU 2002:52, har legat till grund för mitt arbete. FullstÀndig neutralitet för bÄde olika former av Àgande och arbete Àr en utopi dÄ det skulle krÀva att man i varje enskilt fall gjorde bedömningen om inkomsten hÀrrörde frÄn investeringar eller utfört arbete. Dessutom finns grÀnsfall dÀr det rÄder delade meningar om till vilket inkomstslag avkastningen hör. Ett sÄdant system skulle sÄledes generera utredningar och berÀkningar som omöjligen kan utföras för varje enskild skattskyldig. Man mÄste dÀrför vÀlja det beskattningsalternativ som man anser Àr mest rÀttvisande, utifrÄn det rÄdande politiska klimatet. Att beskatta dessa medel pÄ ett för alla tillfredsstÀllande sÀtt tycks nÀmligen inte finnas. Sedan 3:12-reglernas tillkomst har man diskuterat om man först skall rÀkna ut vad som kan anses vara normal lön och sedan kapitalbeskatta överskjutande inkomst eller vice versa. Hittills har alltid den beskattningsmodell dÀr den normala avkastningen rÀknas ut gÄtt segrande ur leken. Argumenten har frÀmst varit att det skulle krÀva alltför komplexa regler för att bestÀmma normal lön pÄ ett riktigt sÀtt. Att komplicera de redan svÄrföljda fÄmansföretagsreglerna Àr en kÀnslig frÄga dÄ det redan finns krav frÄn företagarnas sida om enkelhet. För införandet av en normallönemodell har anförts att förutsebarheten skulle öka och att det skulle vara mera rÀttvist att bestÀmma den tyngst beskattade delen med klara regler och lÄta resterande del tas upp till den lindrigare kapitalbeskattningen. För enkelhetens skull har det föreslagits att lönen skall schablonmÀssigt bestÀmmas till 7,5 prisbasbelopp som Àr taket för sjukpenninggrundande inkomst. Vid detta belopp utgörs arbetsgivaravgifterna Ätminstone inte i sin helhet av skatt, eftersom en del Àr en avgift för sociala förmÄner som t ex pension. Dessutom Àr löner avdragsgilla för företaget vilket gör att det blir billigare att betala arbetsgivaravgifter Àn bolagsskatt. Slutsatsen av det som fram kommit i uppsatsen i detta Àmne Àr sÄledes att det blir svÄrt att hÀvda att man försvarar normalavkastningsmodellen av rÀttviseskÀl

    Linjeavvattning i ny skepnad

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    Detta examensarbete undersöker om det finns argument för att utforma nya mönster för linjeavvattningsgaller. I uppsatsens första del redovisas observationer kring hur de ser ut idag. DÀrefter undersöks genom litteraturstudier, plats- och studiebesök om det finns teorier som stödjer hypotesen att mönstret pÄ linjeavvattningens galler kan bidra till upplevelsen av en plats. Slutsatsen dras att upplevelsen skulle kunna fördjupas genom ny utformning av linjeavvattningsgaller som ger platsen starkare karaktÀr och identitet. TillgÀnglig litteratur stödjer min hypotes att i de fall linjeavvattning ingÄr i platsens utrustning skulle sÄdan utformning kunna bidra till den totala upplevelsen av en plats. Jag vill med detta arbete visa hur det kan ske. Under studiernas gÄng framtrÀdde samtidigt fler argument rörande det faktum att om strÄk Àr utformade med individuella sÀrdrag sÄ Àr det lÀttare att kÀnna sig hemma, orientera sig kring dem och att kunna referera till platsen. Gallret pÄ linjeavvattningen skulle alltsÄ förutom att ge en starkare upplevelse av platsen Àven kunna signalera var man befinner sig alternativt vart man Àr pÄ vÀg och ge minnesbilder anvÀndbara vid berÀttelser om platsen. UtifrÄn dessa teorier har dÀrefter nya mönster utformats. Dessa mönster har skapats med hjÀlp av tekniker som idégenerering, fotografering, skissarbete och digital bearbetning. De nya mönsterförslagen redovisas tillsammans med förslag till tillverkningstekniker och en utvÀrderang av valda mönster. I den avslutande delen redovisas reflektioner och slutsatser kring arbetet.This study investigates whether there are any arguments for designing new patterns for linear street drainage grates. The first part describes the design of such grates today. Subsequently, through studies of literature, interviews and study visits, it investigates whether there are any theories that support the hypothesis that the design of such grates contributes significantly to the experience of place. The study concludes that the experience of a place may indeed be deepened by designed linear drainage grates and that they give a place stronger characteristics and identity. Available literature supports my hypothesis that if there are designed linear drainage grates in a place, they contribute to the overall experience of that place. It is my aim to demonstrate how this can be accomplished. During the literature studies, several arguments presented themselves to suggest that if sections of a route are given individual characteristics, it is easier to feel at home there, to orientate, and to relate to the place. The drainage grates could, in addition to giving a heightened experience of the place, also give an indication of the location, as well as the direction, and provide mental images of a place that are useful when talking about it afterwards. Based on these theories, new patterns for linear street drainage grates were designed through idea generation, photography, sketching and digital processing. The new patterns are presented, manufacturing techniques are suggested and some selected designs are evaluated. The final part of the paper offers reflections and conclusions based on the work

    The value of perennials in urban space

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    Är perenner ett anvĂ€ndbart material för vĂ„ra grönytor i stadsmiljöer, som kan vĂ€cka livslust och förmedla en kĂ€nsla av livets gĂ„ng och kontinuitet i en förĂ€nderlig vĂ€rld? NĂ€r Ă€r det bĂ€st att anvĂ€nda sommarblommor och nĂ€r kan perenner vara ett bĂ€ttre alternativ? Är murar och buskar det enda sĂ€ttet att skapa rumslighet i den lilla skalan eller har perennerna en uppgift att fylla Ă€ven hĂ€r? Jag söker i denna uppsats svar pĂ„ dessa frĂ„gor och samtidigt förmedla kunskap om perennernas mĂ„ngskiftande kvalitĂ©er. Material till uppsatsen har i huvudsak varit forskningsrapporter, handböcker och faktaböcker i Ă€mnet. Även intervjuer med företrĂ€dare för de som planerar och de som förvaltar stadsmiljöer har gjorts. Uppsatsen belyser perenners roll i stads- och tĂ€tortsmiljöer i allmĂ€nhet och jĂ€mför perennplanteringar med möjliga alternativ. Alternativ till perenn-planteringar kan vara sommarblommor, men ocksĂ„ buskar, grĂ€smatta eller rent av hĂ„rdgjorda ytor som t ex asfalt. Nuförtiden Ă€r bĂ„de barn och vuxna mer stressade Ă€n förr och ofta lever man i en miljö med mĂ„nga hĂ„rdgjorda ytor. (Grahn, Patrik & Stigsdotter, 2003) DĂ€rför Ă€r det nu Ă€r Ă€nnu viktigare att stĂ€derna erbjuder planteringar som ger en rofylld stimulans Ă„ret runt. Att uppleva Ă„rstidsvĂ€xlingar kan fördjupa förstĂ„elsen för vĂ„r omvĂ€rld och ge oss ett lugn i det urbana vimlet. Det gĂ€ller bara att vi blir uppmĂ€rksamma pĂ„ de kvalitĂ©er som vĂ€xterna har.Are perennials useful ingredients in our urban green spaces that can awaken a “joie de vivre” and illustrate the passage of time? When is it best to use annuals and when could perennials be at better choice? Are walls and hedges the only way to create a sense of space in the small scale or do perennials have a role here as well? I will try to find answers to these questions here and at the same time try to convey the intrinsic qualities of perennials. Most of the material I’ve found in research reports, manuals, and textbooks on the subject. My material also includes interviews with planners and landscape gardeners. This paper highlights the role of perennials in townscapes in general and compares the planting of perennials with other possible solutions, for example the use of summer flowers, lawns, bushes or even hard surfaces as for example asphalt. Nowadays both children and adults are subjected to more stress than before and are often forced to live in a more crowded environment, often hard-surfaced. Therefore it’s even more important than before that the urban environment can offer plantations that provide soothing stimuli all year round. To experience the variations during different seasons can bring a deeper understanding of our world and give a piece of relaxation in the urban crowd. The thing is to appreciate the qualities that plants really have

    Erratum to: Annual climate impact and primary energy use of Swedish transport infrastructure

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    In the original version of this paper, some figures and units in Table 5 (in the main text) and Table A1, A2, A6, and A7 (in the Appendix) were found to be incorrect. The corrected tables are presented below. These changes only concern the presentation of data. They do not concern any of the calculations made; hence, they do not affect any of the results or conclusions in the paper. (the original paper was published in volume 19(2)) &nbsp

    Annual climate impact and primary energy use of Swedish transport infrastructure

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    By 2045, Sweden is to have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases. To reach this goal, stakeholders involved in planning and construction of Swedish transport infrastructure aim to half their climate impact by 2030. Planning for emission reduction measures require network level studies showing environmental impacts of the infrastructure network. Previous studies do not allow assessment of current hotspots in the infrastructure network, which limits their relevance for decision-support in this question. The aim of this paper is to assess the current annual climate impact and primary energy use of Swedish transport infrastructure by using a methodological approach based on life cycle assessment. The scope includes new construction and management (operation, maintenance, and reinvestment) of existing roads, railways, airports, ports, and fairway channels. The annual climate impact was estimated to 2.8 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalents and the annual primary energy use was estimated to 27 terawatt hours. Mainly road and rail infrastructure contributed to these impacts. Environmental hotspots of the infrastructure network were management of the infrastructure stock (particularly reinvestment of road and rail infrastructure) and material production (particularly production of asphalt, steel, and concrete). If climate targets are to be met, these areas are particularly important to address. Additional research on impacts of small construction measures, the size of biogenic carbon emissions (in standing biomass as well as soil carbon), and the use and impacts of asphalt for road construction and management would further increase the understanding of impacts related to Swedish transport infrastructure at the network level. (Note: an Erratum has been published to this paper in volume 20(2)

    Seizure (Ictal)—EEG Characteristics in Subgroups of Depressive Disorder in Patients Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)—A Preliminary Study and Multivariate Approach

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    Objectives. Examine frequency distributions of ictal EEG after ECT stimulation in diagnostic subgroups of depression. Methods. EEG registration was consecutively monitored in 33 patients after ECT stimulation. Patients were diagnosed according to DSM IV and subdivided into: (1) major depressive disorder with psychotic features (n = 7), (2) unipolar depression (n = 20), and (3) bipolar depression (n = 6). Results. Results indicate that the diagnostically subgroups differ in their ictal EEG frequency spectrumml: (1) psychotic depression has a high occurrence of delta and theta waves, (2) unipolar depression has high occurrence of delta, theta and gamma waves, and (3) bipolar depression has a high occurrence of gamma waves. A linear discriminant function separated the three clinical groups with an accuracy of 94%. Conclusion. Psychotic depressed patients differ from bipolar depression in their frequency based on probability distribution of ictal EEG. Psychotic depressed patients show more prominent slowing of EEG than nonpsychotic depressed patients. Thus the EEG results may be supportive in classifying subgroups of depression already at the start of the ECT treatment

    Connecting urban and regional socio-ecological transitions: Paths to a non fossil society in the Swedish Stockholm-MĂ€lar area

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    Introduction: The embedding of cities in a wider regional frame is central for long term planning regarding the transformation of such parts of society. This holds especially true for urban centers of national or sub national status. In this presentation we are drawing on 4 years of research work and stakeholder consultations in the Swedish part of the EU COMPLEX project dealing with the transition to non fossil societies. In our presentation the regional multi layered governance which encompasses both a large (the Swedish capital) city and its surrounding region with an archipelago of larger and smaller towns is at the heart of the presentation. Our core interest is in the transition to sustainable and resilient urban futures. Especially we are drawing on the experiences from the Swedish case in the EU project COMPLEX. Method: We are relying both on stakeholder consultations with regard to long term planning as well as on specific regional modelling efforts covering specific features as municipality planning, economic regional analysis, land use studies and cognitive analysis regarding decision making by individuals, Results: We have focused on the systemic interactions of many different kinds covering long term developments (up to 2050). Our focus is to analyze features of the transition process of our urban-region at large and the connected decision making features e.g. in terms of scenario elaborations. Discussion: We highlight the differences of opinions among a wide range of stakeholders with regard to their understanding of the issues, their ideological positioning about core matters of concerns and the various positions about appropriate paths for reaching the goals of the transition to a non-fossil urban super region situation in our chosen case area

    Modelling stakeholder satisfaction for conflict resolution in wildlife management: a case of wolf population in Sweden

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    The Swedish wolf population has rebounded from near extinction in the 1960s to around 365 individuals in 2020, after the implementation of the Hunting Act (jaktlagen) in 1966. This recent increase in the wolf population has evoked a serious divide between “pro-wolf” and “anti-wolf” Swedish citizens. Despite the continuous efforts by the Swedish government to reconcile this antagonism, the conflicts are persistent with a sign of impasse. In this paper, we present a modelling tool, which can bring transparent and “structured dialogue to the opposing positions.” This approach includes a stylized framework for quantitative modelling of stakeholders’ satisfaction levels regarding their preferred size of the wildlife population in question, based on the concept of satisfaction functions. We argue that this framework may contribute to conflict resolution by bringing a common understanding among stakeholders, facilitate a societal discourse, and potentially help to assess likely support for conservation policies. We present a showcase application of this modeling tool in the context of the conflict over the Swedish wolf conservation policies. The model is informed using a thorough literature review as well as interviews, which identified relevant stakeholder groups and respective drivers of their attitudes towards wolves
