12 research outputs found

    Innovations techniques et managériales à Gros Morne : Un héritage de Madian Salagnac

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    In the difficult context of Haiti’s mountains (the “mornes”), the sustainable agricultural development project at Gros Morne explored an original strategy for meeting the challenges posed by the decapitalization of agriculture and the deterioration of the environment. This project builds on the legacy of the Madian-Salagnac Center. Its flagship measure is a type of construction that is new to the country: the micro-dam. The project has generated a surge of interest from local decision-makers. Its success is due both to the micro-dam technique itself—a spillway construction with a very small reservoir—and an original “art of doing things” in Haiti. Multiple interventions were ingeniously incorporated, and the project management was remarkable. This paper begins by looking at the technical aspects of the project. It goes on to describe the applied “art of doing things”, the way the project was organized to give expression to that “art”, and the difficulties faced by the dissemination of managerial innovation.Dans le contexte difficile des mornes d’Haïti, le projet de développement agricole durable de Gros Morne a exploré une piste originale pour répondre aux défis que posent la décapitalisation de l’agriculture et la dégradation du milieu. Ce projet a valorisé l’héritage du Centre de Madian Salagnac. Un type d’ouvrage nouveau dans ce pays, le seuil en dur avec micro-retenue, en constitue la mesure phare. Ce projet a suscité un fort intérêt auprès de nombreux responsables. Son succès est dû à la fois à la technique des seuils en dur avec micro-retenue et à un « art de faire » original en Haïti. Diverses interventions ont été associées de façon ingénieuse et le pilotage du projet a été remarquable. Cet article évoque d’abord les aspects techniques du projet. Il décrit ensuite l’« art de faire » mis en œuvre, l’organisation du projet qui en a permis l’expression ainsi que les difficultés auxquelles se heurte la diffusion de l’innovation managériale.En el difícil contexto de los mornes (cerros) de Haití, el proyecto de desarrollo agrícola sostenible de Gros Morne ha abierto una pista de exploración original para responder a los desafíos que plantean la descapitalización de la agricultura y la degradación del entorno. Este proyecto ha supuesto un aprovechamiento de la herencia del Centro Madian-Salagnac. Un tipo de obra nueva en este país, el umbral de obra con microembalse, constituye la medida estrella. Este proyecto ha suscitado un gran interés en muchos responsables. Su éxito se debe tanto a la técnica de los umbrales de obra con microembalse como a un “arte de hacer” original de Haití. Se han asociado varias intervenciones con mucho ingenio y la dirección del proyecto ha sido impresionante. El presente artículo evoca, en primer lugar, los aspectos técnicos del proyecto. A continuación, describe el “arte de hacer” utilizado, la organización del proyecto que ha permitido su expresión, así como las dificultades con las que se encuentra la difusión de la innovación en la gestión

    La banquette antiérosive fruitière dans le moyen atlas marocain : le projet Khénifra

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    Fruit arboriculture terrace consists of digging ditches of approximately 50 cm in both width and depth, in contour lines, at the bottom of which fruit trees are planted. It has been used by the Project for Participative Development in the Central Middle Atlas region, which duly planted 97,000 m of them over a 212 ha area, between 2005 and 2007. In 2007, a survey was carried out with the cooperation of 16 farmers of this region to determine how they perceived the technique and what improvements or alternatives they might be able to suggest. The surveys were combined with and equal number of on site visits and numerous interviews with key resource persons. All the farmers attach great importance to fruit trees who give them higher income that the breeding of sheep and the planting of cereal crops. It’s why they accept the project’s terrace digging and fruit planting in their fields. Yet few were convinced of the erosion control effect of the terraces, rather oversensitive to heavy rainfall and cattle trampling, especially in steep slopes. When they carried out the work themselves, certain farmers demonstrated a preference for surrounding the trees by a shallow crescent-shaped ditch, whose dyke was reinforced by a wall made from dried stones. In this way they could be set out right along the entire length of the irrigation ditches in a slight slope. The advisory package developed by this project, was well accepted because of its virtual absence of cost, and despite the drawbacks and dangers of the erosion control technique. In terms of project approach, it remains an open question as to whether or not it might have been better to distance oneself from the feedback given in relation to both erosion and fruit arboriculture

    Evaluation of collagen-based membranes for guided bone regeneration, by three-dimensional computerized microtomography

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a collagen-based membrane compared with no treatment on guided bone regeneration by 3-dimensional computerized microtomography (mu CT).Study Design. Defects were created between the mesial and distal premolar roots of the second and third premolars (beagle dogs; n = 8). A collagen-based membrane (Vitala; Osteogenics Biomedical Inc., TX, USA) was placed in one of the defects (membrane group; n = 16), and the other was left untreated (no-membrane group; n = 16). Left and right sides provided healing samples for 2 and 16 weeks. Three-dimensional bone architecture was acquired by mu CT and categorized as fully regenerated (F, bone height and width) or nonregenerated (N).Results. Chi-square tests (95% level of significance) showed that tooth did not have an effect on outcome (P = .5). Significantly higher F outcomes were observed at 16 weeks than 2 weeks (P = .008) and in membrane group than in no-membrane group (P = .008).Conclusions. The collagen-based membrane influenced bone regeneration at the furcation. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2012;114:437-443