964 research outputs found

    Comparing the Tsallis distribution with and without thermodynamical description in p+p collisions

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    We compare two types of Tsallis distribution, i.e., with and without thermodynamical description, using the experimental data from the STAR, PHENIX, ALICE and CMS Collaborations on the rapidity and energy dependence of the transverse momentum spectra in p+p collisions. Both of them can give us the similar fitting power to the particle spectra. We show that the Tsallis distribution with thermodynamical description gives lower temperatures than the ones without it. The extra factor mTm_T (transverse mass) in the Tsallis distribution with thermodynamical description plays an important role in the discrepancies between the two types of Tsallis distribution. But for the heavy particles, the choice to use the mTm_T or ETE_T (transverse energy) in the Tsallis distribution becomes more crucial.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Performance Analysis of a Low-Interference N-Continuous OFDM Scheme

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    This paper investigates two issues of power spectrum density (PSD) and bit error rate (BER) of an N-continuous orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (NC-OFDM) aided low-interference time-domain scheme, when the smooth signal is designed by the linear combination of basis signals truncated by a window. Based on the relationship between the continuity and sidelobe decaying, the PSD performance is first analyzed and compared, in terms of the highest derivative order (HDO) N and the length of the smooth signal L. Since the high-order derivative of the truncation window has the finite continuity, the N-continuous signal has two finite continuities, which may have different continuous derivative orders. In this case, we develop a close PSD expression by introducing another smooth signal, which is also linearly combined by other basis signals, to explain the sidelobe decaying related to N and L. Then, in the context of BER, considering the multipath Rayleigh fading channel, based on the effect of the delayed tail of the smooth signal to the received signal, we provide a procedure for calculating the BER expressed in the form of an asymptotic summation.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Systematic analysis of hadron spectra in p+p collisions using Tsallis distribution

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    Using the experimental data from the STAR, PHENIX, ALICE and CMS programs on the rapidity and energy dependence of the pTp_T spectra in p+p collisions, we show that a universal distribution exists. The energy dependence of temperature TT and parameter nn of the Tsallis distribution are also discussed in detail. A cascade particle production mechanism in p+p collisions is proposed.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure


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    Infeksi yang banyak dialami oleh ibu sebagian besar merupakan akibat dari adanya komplikasi kehamilan dan sebanyak 65% adalah karena ketuban pecah dini yang banyak menimbulkan infeksi pada ibu dan bayi. Ketuban pecah dini adalah pecahnya selaput ketuban sebelum ada tanda-tanda persalinan. (Mansjoer, 2001). Hal ini menyebabkan meningkatnya insiden sectio caesarea. Kelahiran caesarea adalah alternatif dari kelahiran vagina bila keamanan ibu dan janin terganggu.(Doenges, 2001) Tujuan Umum dari Karya Tulis Ilmiah ini adalah melakukan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien post sectio caesarea atas indikasi ketuban pecah dini. Tujuan Khususnya adalah dapat mengetahui teori ketuban pecah dini dan sectio caesarea, melakukan pengkajian, menentukan diagnosa yang muncul, melakukan intervensi, implementasi dan evaluasi pada pasien. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode tanya jawab langsung dengan pasien dan keluarga dan mengobservasi keadaan langsung pasien. Kesimpulan setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama 3 X 24 jam didapatkan hasil evaluasi 3 diagnosa teratasi dan intervensi dihentikan
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