103 research outputs found

    An Information Support System For Identifying Farming System Part II: A Case Study Of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Province

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    The second part of the study is to validate the developed information system in a selected farming area. For the primary data, a farm survey is conducted in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Province. The sixty (60) household farms in 6 (six) districts are investigated which were, grouped into animal-based and tractor-based farms. Based on the farm survey, the results described that the total annual water surplus in the study area is .792 mm that reached from November to April and water deficit is 355 mm from May to October. There is also surplus situation of number of animal-drawn and local equipment for land preparation in each district, but deficiency in number of power tiller and it\u27s matching tillage equipment. The sensitivity analysis indicated those yield and crop price are the most significant factor in determining the net return of the crop production system. Keywords.: Information support system, farming system, water balance, sensitivity analysi

    Desain Sistem Kontrol Umpan Balik Pada Lintasan Traktor Tanpa Operator (Design Of Feedback Control System For An Autonomous Tractor Trajectory)

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    in the term of precision farming system, this research was carried out in order to develop a trajectory path control method for the autonomous tractor when approaching a target. Firstly, open loop control was considered to design a trajectory control algorithm directly, definitely and simply structure. A proposed trajectory control algorithm called parallel parking theory was developed as non-linear state equation within non-holonomic constraint. To stabilize non-linear controller, the algorithm was derived using the state feedback linearization technique. The vehicle posture can be expressed into position, direction angle and steering angle. In a front-wheel steering vehicle, two controlling inputs, running speed and steering angle. Due to the running speed is difficult to control accurately, thus only the steering angle was controlled. In order to achieve the research objective, research work was carried out to compare the performance developed control algorithm between feedback and open-loop control system. A twenty-nine Ps computer-controlled tractor with four-wheel steering and four-wheel drive was used in this research experiment. For local based positioning method, fan beam laser sensor, fiber optic gyro sensor and incremental type rotary encoder were installed properly on the vehicle. The experimental results showed that after modifying of the developed algorithm into a feedback control form by correcting vehicle direction angle and lateral moving distance had improved its accuracy varied up to about 95%. Keywords: non-linear control, non-holonomic, trajectory control, autonomous tracto

    Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Controller to Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle Operating on Unstructured Changing Terrain -Control Software Development-

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    The control of an autonomous agricultural vehicle operating on unstructured changing terrain includes many objective diffi culties. One major diffi culty concerns the characteristics of the terrain condition that the vehicle should operate in. Problems ranged from the effects of varying terrain conditions on the autonomous vehicle sensors and traction performance through to the need to deal with the presence of unexpected situations. On unstructured changing terrain, many factors infl uence vehicle behavior such as terrain slope, lateral slippage, and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a more suitable model for vehicle motion on these terrain conditions. In order to control the vehicle along a course on unstructured changing terrain, it was developed control software to enable more accurate control. The developed method to control the vehicle when operating on these conditions was Neuro-Fuzzy Controller. Result of the trained model could be described as follows; number of nodes was 193, number of fuzzy rules was 81, average testing error between simulation and ANFIS output was 0.76, while for experimental and ANFIS output was 1.61. It was concluded that the developed control system had a good accuracy to steer the vehicle

    An Information Support System For Identifying Farming System Part I : Development Of A Computer Program Package

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    This study was undertaken w develop a computer program package for identifying a farming system that was focused in the water availability analysis, the optimizing of agricultural power and selected equipment and the sensitivity analysis. The computer programs for all models were developed and written in FoxIBASE command language. Three databases were obtained from the farm survey i.e.climate, crop and power. All these databases can be appended, edited, deleted or displayed by the users through a menu of database management system (DBMS). They were used to evaluate the utility of the computer programs as input data. The information system calculates the amount of monthly water surplus and deficit, the optimum number of agricultural power (animal or power tiller) and its matching implement required and also change in the net return of crop production system due to the change of input variables such as crop price, yield, and production material cost. The system output for each analysis can be presented in three options by screen, printer and file that can be accessed to another language. Keywords: Information support system, fanning system, database management syste

    Desain sistem kontrol ruang pertumbuhan ulat sutera untuk meningicatkan kualitas produksi sutera alam=(Design of Control Systen for Silk Worm\u27s Growth Chamber to Improve the Quality of Raw-Silk Produced)

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    The world demand of raw-silk provides a great opportunity to the development of raw-silk production in Yogyakarta. Recently, only 21% out of the overall world demand of raw-silk is fulfilled, whereas Indonesia contributes only 0.1% per year. The main problem is the lack of quality of raw-silk. The optimum growth of silkworm depends on micro environments, i. e. temperature, humidity, aeration, and light intensity. The research was aimed, to apply an automated -"on/or control technology in the silkworm rearing environmental monitoring. The result expected is high-grade quality of cocoon. In the research, two different conditions of silkworm growing environments were compared: controlled environment (in the rearing box) and normal environment. Then, from third instar (silkworm\u27s growth stage) to cocoon\u27s stage (final stage or fifth instar), temperature and air humidly were set on 24°C - 26°C and 70% - 80% \u27respectively. While, Aeration and light intensity were ranged 0.1 - 0.3 m/s and 15 - 30 lux for all instar stages (constant) respectively. The result indicated that there was an increasing the percentage of cocoon skin\u27s grade in the controlled rearing environment (19.66%), compared to the result of normal rearing environment (18.56%), also there was significantly different result on the thickness of the cocoon produced Keyword : raw-silk, micro environmental controlling, cocoon quality

    Model perencanaan pembangunan pedesaan berbasis pada sektor pertanian(studi Kasus kecamatan Moyudan kabupaten Sleman)= model of rural development plan based on agricultural sector (a case study of Moyudan district -Sslem

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    BSTRACT Sleman, as an area with rapid economic growth, againts the challenge of development in relation with population expansion, local autonomy and good governance. In one hand, there is lack of synergy among development stakeholders, on the other hand. information is ineffectively used during the decision making process. This paper aimed to develop a model of rural development plan based on agricultural sector using two computer softwares, (i) Geographical Information System (GIS) as spasial information system and (ii) Powersim to program the dynamic system behaviour. The model provides information on existing condition and consists of five components namely geography, development function, infrastructure, institution, and data catalog. The model was developed through formulating causal diagrams of development sectors and set it in a dynamic programming. The model was then validated in Moyudan, Sleman for the case of agriculture development, which is showed that the model was valid. Keywords : rural development, agriculture developmen

    Pengaruh Tingkat Kerusakan Jalan Perkebunan dan Posisi Tandan Buah Segar di Bak Truk terhadap Kinerja Angkutan Kelapa Sawit

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    Pengangkutan tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit merupakan satu tahap penting dalam proses pascapanen. Kondisi pengangkutan menentukan kuantitas dan kualitas TBS sebagai bahan baku pabrik kelapa sawit. Mengingat masih banyak jalan perkebunan yang belum ideal, penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari hubungan tingkat kerusakan jalan dan penempatan TBS di bak truk terhadap kinerja pengangkutan. Indikator kinerja pengangkutan yang digunakan adalah buah restan (tertinggal di kebun), kadar asam lemak bebas (ALB), tingkat pelepasan buah (membrondol), dan tingkat memar (indeks memar). Penelitian dibagi menjadi dua tahap, yaitu: 1) kinerja pengangkutan dari piringan pohon ke tempat pengumpulan hasil (TPH). 2) kinerja pengangkutan dari TPH ke pabrik. Perlakuan dalam penelitian tahap dua adalah kualitas jalan pengumpulan, yaitu jalan baik, sedang, dan buruk, dan posisi TBS di bak truk, yaitu di lapisan dasar, tengah, dan atas. Hubungan panjang jalan rusak dengan tingkat restan buah dianalisis dengan analisis regresi, sedang indikator kinerja pengangkutan dianalisis dengan analisis varians (Anova), dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis satu arah pembedaan antar perlakuan dengan metode Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi atau tingkat kerusakan jalan memberikan pengaruh terhadap indikator kinerja pengangkutan tingkat buah restan, namun tidak secara nyata berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pelepasan buah sawit dari tandan (pembrondolan), tingkat kerusakan buah (indeks memar) dan kadar ALB pada saat pengangkutan menggunakan truk bak kayu. Sedang posisi TBS di dalam bak truk berpengaruh cukup nyata terhadap tingkat pelepasan buah dari tandan, dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap indeks memar buah selama pengangkutan

    Sistem informasi pengelolaan alat dan mesin pertanian pada budidaya tebu lahan kering=Management Information System for Agricultural Machinery for Sugar Cane Cultivation in Dry Land

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    The objective of this research was to design information system to manage agricultural machinery for sugar cane cultivation in dry land. The system was designed to assist and support the top manager to properly select agricultural machinery for sugar cane, to discern the acquired agricultural machinery for sugar cane, to schedule of machinery operation, to analyze economical cost of agricultural machinery used and finally to determine analysis sensitivity of agricultural machinery. The design of the system consist of input design, output design and database structural design. Survey, literature study, and interview with parties related to the research were ways to surely record and to completely identify data. Afterwards, the computer program was created using software Borland Delphi Version 6 of which enabled to implement the system involving database. Delphi used language development namely Object Pascal. The program was named SIPAMP (Management Information System for Agricultural Machinery) for sugar cane cultivation. The information system could appropriately and quickly advise sugar cane mill top managers in decision making, planning and controlling operation of agricultural machinery of each activity for Sugar Cane cultivation in dry land. Keywords: management information system -agricultural machinery -dry land -sugar cane

    Study of Modernization of Distillation Units and Applications of Nonlinear ROI Equity Model: A Case of Gayo Lues Patchouli Value Chain

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    The inequity of benefits among actors in the Indonesian patchouli value chain has been taking place for decades. This phenomenon has made distillers unable to guarantee the patchouli oil quality, one of the essential things in the global market. The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of modernization of distillation units and applications of a nonlinear return on investment (ROI) equity model to the financial performance of actors in the value chain to help the government together with the actors making the correct decisions and policies in the development of patchouli oil business. The study was done in the Gayo Lues District, Aceh, Indonesia. The findings indicate that the distillers get the least benefits (the lowest ROI) among actors in the Gayo Lues value chain. Moreover, modernization of the distillation units can increase the ROIs of the actors in the value chain. But, to observe how to establish equity among the actors, a nonlinear ROI equity model was developed. To make ROIs of the actors equal, outputs of the model recommend that the ideal patchouli oil share ratio between farmers and distillers is around 3.3 – 3.4: 1. Outputs of the model also suggest that both net gross and profits per kg of medium middlemen should be increased, while both net and gross profits per kg of large middlemen should be decreased

    Rancangbangun alat ukur kadar air biji-bijian tipe kapasif=design and development of capacitance type of grain moisture content meter

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    Post harvest handling of grain on the optimum moisture content could maintain the top quality and increase the added value of grain. One of the important thing to support this case was that there available precision and accurate moisture content meter. There were two moisture content meters that available and easy used in every time and place. Those types were capacitance and resistance type. The advantages of capacitance type of moisture content meter were the tester not destructive, more accurate, and wider used. The reasons led that the research of "design and development of capacitance type of grain moisture content meter" was conducted. The methods of this research were scheduled in four stages as design and development, testing of each unit, calibration, and test performance of the meter. The performance test were done on three kinds of grains: paddy, corn, and soybean, with three varieties each. The results of this design were that meter consist of voltage source, voltage regulator, oscillator innovation, primary sensing element innovation of capacitance (moisture content) and voltmeter. The results of the laboratory testing were the output voltage of regulator was ± 11.8 volt DC, the output wave of the oscillator was sine wave of 2.1 volt with frequency 10±0,05 MHz, the primary sensing element innovation of the capacitance (moisture content) could provide high sensitivity and also could become a filter, disappeared of noise, voltage amplifier, the wider of full scale deflection. The calibration of the meter showed that there were logarithmic function relationships between output voltage of the meter (volt) and the grain moisture content (% wet basis). Besides that the effect of the grains temperature increased the output with increasing exponential relationship. The performance testing showed that there was positive relationship between gravimetric moisture content measurement and that indicated moisture content of the designed prototype. Determination coefficient of this function was above 0,9900 for 211 of tested grains. Lnprecission and inaccuracy of the meter was low. Keywords: capacitance âgrain âmoisture content meter
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