31 research outputs found

    Biosensors for Life Sciences

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    The history of cholera, a specific infection caused by Vibrio Cholerae, starts in ancient times. The sixth pandemic that began in 1899 and lasted until 1923, started in India and came to Eastern Europe through Russia. The expansion of the epidemic in the Balkans was facilitated both by the 2 Balkan Wars and the First World War. Romania, as a participant in these wars was affected by cholera, which was especially common among the army during the Balkan War. If the original source of the cholera issue is still controversial, both Romanians and Bulgarians accusing each other of being the basis of the outbreaks south of the Danube, it is widely recognized that the extent of the disease was facilitated by the sanitary conditions of food preparation and drinking water sources among both Romanian soldiers and in the civilian population. Under these conditions, in addition to numerous measures against cholera taken by the Ministry of War, Prof. I. Cantacuzino successfully experiments outbreak vaccination for the first time in the world with a vaccine prepared by himself and his collaborators. The vaccine containing 25 breeds of vibriones was a success in terms of rapid development of a preparation, the application of which was achieved through a quick campaign and proved extremely efficient, imposing the Romanian method as an effective way to combat a disease in full outbreak.Povijest kolere, bolesti uzrokovane bakterijom Vibrio Cholerae, seže do antičkih vremena. Šesta pandemija kolere (1899-1923) započelaje u Indiji te je dosegla Istočnu Europu preko Rusije. Rasapu epidemije na balkanskom području pogodovala su dva balkanska rata i Prvi svjetski rat. Rumunjska, kao jedan od sudionika ratova, bila je zahvaćena kolerom, koja je pogodila prvenstveno redove rumunjske vojske u vrijeme balkanskog rata. Iako je pitanje izvora bolesti još dan danas kontroverzno, pri čemu se Rumunji i Bugari međusobno optužuju da su uzrokom izbijanja epidemije južno od Dunava, jasno je da su rasapu bolesti doprinijeli sanitarni uvjeti pripreme hrane i izvori pitke vode kojima su se koristili kako rumunjski vojnici tako i civilno stanovništvo. U tim je uvjetima, uz brojne mjere zaštite protiv kolere pokrenute od strane Ministarstva rata, prof. I. Cantacuzino po prvi puta u svijetu uspješno testirao cijepljenje cjepivom kojeg je pripremio zajedno sa svojim suradnicima. Cjepivo je sadržavalo 25 vrsta vibriona i pokazao se uspješnim kako u brzini pripreme tako i u širokoj primjeni, čiju je uspješnost potpomogla brza zdravstvena kampanja. Cjepivo je pokazalo iznimnu učinkovitost, namečući rumunjsku metodu kao efikasni način borbe protiv bolesti u punom jeku epidemije


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    The history of cholera, a specific infection caused by Vibrio Cholerae, starts in ancient times. The sixth pandemic that began in 1899 and lasted until 1923, started in India and came to Eastern Europe through Russia. The expansion of the epidemic in the Balkans was facilitated both by the 2 Balkan Wars and the First World War. Romania, as a participant in these wars was affected by cholera, which was especially common among the army during the Balkan War. If the original source of the cholera issue is still controversial, both Romanians and Bulgarians accusing each other of being the basis of the outbreaks south of the Danube, it is widely recognized that the extent of the disease was facilitated by the sanitary conditions of food preparation and drinking water sources among both Romanian soldiers and in the civilian population. Under these conditions, in addition to numerous measures against cholera taken by the Ministry of War, Prof. I. Cantacuzino successfully experiments outbreak vaccination for the first time in the world with a vaccine prepared by himself and his collaborators. The vaccine containing 25 breeds of vibriones was a success in terms of rapid development of a preparation, the application of which was achieved through a quick campaign and proved extremely efficient, imposing the Romanian method as an effective way to combat a disease in full outbreak.Povijest kolere, bolesti uzrokovane bakterijom Vibrio Cholerae, seže do antičkih vremena. Šesta pandemija kolere (1899-1923) započelaje u Indiji te je dosegla Istočnu Europu preko Rusije. Rasapu epidemije na balkanskom području pogodovala su dva balkanska rata i Prvi svjetski rat. Rumunjska, kao jedan od sudionika ratova, bila je zahvaćena kolerom, koja je pogodila prvenstveno redove rumunjske vojske u vrijeme balkanskog rata. Iako je pitanje izvora bolesti još dan danas kontroverzno, pri čemu se Rumunji i Bugari međusobno optužuju da su uzrokom izbijanja epidemije južno od Dunava, jasno je da su rasapu bolesti doprinijeli sanitarni uvjeti pripreme hrane i izvori pitke vode kojima su se koristili kako rumunjski vojnici tako i civilno stanovništvo. U tim je uvjetima, uz brojne mjere zaštite protiv kolere pokrenute od strane Ministarstva rata, prof. I. Cantacuzino po prvi puta u svijetu uspješno testirao cijepljenje cjepivom kojeg je pripremio zajedno sa svojim suradnicima. Cjepivo je sadržavalo 25 vrsta vibriona i pokazao se uspješnim kako u brzini pripreme tako i u širokoj primjeni, čiju je uspješnost potpomogla brza zdravstvena kampanja. Cjepivo je pokazalo iznimnu učinkovitost, namečući rumunjsku metodu kao efikasni način borbe protiv bolesti u punom jeku epidemije

    Specific interactions within micelle microenvironment in different charged dye/surfactant systems

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    AbstractThe interactions of two ionic dyes, Crystal Violet and Methyl Orange, with different charged surfactants and also with a nonionic surfactant were investigated using surface tension measurements and visible spectroscopy in pre-micellar and post-micellar regions. It was found that for the water dominant phase systems the dye was localized between the polar heads, at the exterior of the direct micelle shells for all the systems. For the oil dominant phase systems, in case of the same charged dye/surfactant couples, the dye was localized in the micelle shell between the hydrocarbon chain of the surfactant nearby the hydrophilic head groups while for nonionic surfactant and oppositely charged dye/surfactant, localization of dye was between the oxyethylenic head groups towards the interior of the micelle core. Mixed aggregates of the dye and surfactant (below the critical micellar concentration of cationic surfactant), dye-surfactant ion pair and surfactant-micelles were present. The values of equilibrium constants (for TX-114/MO and TX-114/CV systems were 0.97 and 0.98, respectively), partition coefficients between the micellar and bulk water phases and standard free energy (for the nonionic systems were −12.59kJ/mol for MO and −10.97kJ/mol for CV) were calculated for all the studied systems. The partition processes were exothermic and occurred spontaneously

    Comment from the Editors on the Special Issue: Advanced Analytical Methods in Clinical Diagnosis and Therapy

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    With this Editorial, we want to present the Special Issue, “Advanced Analytical Methods in Clinical Diagnosis and Therapy”. The development of medicine is not possible without progress in the field of identifying different biomarkers or treatments using modern approaches, such as the analytical methods presented in articles that are part of this issue. Thus, with the support of experts, both aspects of theoretical and practical interest from different fields of pathologies have been addressed

    Management of hypersensivity pneumonitis

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    Abstract Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is an interstitial lung disease due to a combined type III and IV reaction with a granulomatous inflammation, caused by cytotoxic delayed hypersensitivity lymphocytes, in a Th1/Th17 milieu, chaperoned by a deficient suppressor function of T regulatory cells. Skewing toward a Th2 phenotype is reported for chronic HP. Phenotypic expression and severity depends on environmental and/or host genetic and immune co-factors. The wide spectrum of causative antigens is continuously up-dated with new sources of airborne organic particles and drug-induced HP. The diagnosis requires a detailed history, measurement of environmental exposure, pulmonary function tests, imaging, detection of serum specific antibodies, broncho-alveolar lavage, antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation, environmental or laboratory-controlled inhalation challenge and lung biopsy. Complete antigen avoidance is the best therapeutic measure, although very difficult to achieve in some cases. Systemic steroids are of value for subacute and chronic forms of HP, but do not influence long term outcome. Manipulation of the immune response in HP holds future promise.</p

    Electrochemical sensing in telemedicine (a review)

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    Telemedicine aims to use telecommunication systems (transmitting data, documents and other information) for more rapid interventions, diagnostic and treatment decisions and medical recommendations. Electrochemical sensors could be useful to improve the practice of medicine over the distance, helping the general practitioners and the emergency doctors to apply good and rapid procedures, to monitor chronic situation for several patients (by quantification of biomarkers and specific compounds related to their medical condition)

    Assessment of Human Bio-Behavior During Gait Process Using LifeMOD Software

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    In this paper we present a set of observations concerning the&lt;br /&gt;analysis and assessment of human bio-behavior during gait process. In the first part of the paper the fundamental and theoretical considerations of the gait process are approached and aspects connected to malfunctions are expressed. In the second part of the paper we present the modeling methodology using&lt;br /&gt;the LifeMOD software, while in the third part the results and conclusions are presented

    BRAIN Journal - Assessment of Human Bio-Behavior During Gait Process Using LifeMOD Software

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    ABSTRACT In this paper we present a set of observations concerning the analysis and assessment of human bio-behavior during gait process. In the first part of the paper the fundamental and theoretical considerations of the gait process are approached and aspects connected to malfunctions are expressed. In the second part of the paper we present the modeling methodology using the LifeMOD software, while in the third part the results and conclusions are presented