12 research outputs found

    Respuesta del garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.) a la inoculaci贸n con Azotobacter vineladii y Burkholderia cepacia a dosis reducida de fertilizante nitrogenado

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) crop demands nitrogen fertilizer (NF) applied in excess caused lost soil fertility and environmental pollution. An alternative for solving this problem are: to reduce and to optimize NF in chickpea using inoculants based on plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) genus. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the response of chickpea to inoculation with Azotobacter vinelandii and Burkholderia cepacia at 50% reduced dose of NF. These PGPB were inoculated chickpea under an experimental design of randomized blocks. The response variables to measure the effect of PGPB on the legume were: the percent of germination, shoot and root phenotyping: plant height, root length and biomass: fresh and dry weight of shoot and root. Experimental data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test. Results showed that a positive respond of chickpea to both PGPB on its germination as well as at seeding and flowering where chickpea had 0.82g total dry weight (TDW) of this value was statistically different and significant compared to chickpea treated by NF 100% not inoculated used as relative control (RC) with 0.71g TDW. This data suggests that chickpea optimized NF reduced dose by synergistic interaction of both genera PGPB in its root system. Which could to avoid in part soil lost fertility and environmental pollution for applying NF in excess.El cultivo de garbanzo "Cicer arietinum L." demanda fertilizante nitrogenado (FN), que aplicado en exceso provoca p茅rdida de fertilidad del suelo y contaminaci贸n ambiental. Una alternativa para este problema es la reducci贸n y optimizaci贸n de la dosis de FN, con inoculantes a base de bacterias promotoras de crecimiento vegetal (BPCV). As铆, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la respuesta del garbanzo a la inoculaci贸n con Azotobacter vinelandii y Burkholderia cepacia a la dosis 50% del FN. Para ello se utiliz贸 un dise帽o experimental de bloques al azar. Con nitrato de amonio (NO3NH4) como FN a las dosis 100% (10g/L) y 50 % (5g/L) para el garbanzo inoculado con las BPCV; con las variables/respuesta en su semilla: por ciento (%) de germinaci贸n; luego su fenot铆pia y biomasa a茅rea y radical, los datos experimentales se analizaron por ANOVA y Tukey. Los resultados indicaron una respuesta positiva de la semilla de garbanzo a la doble inoculaci贸n con ambas BPCV, al igual que a pl谩ntula y floraci贸n, donde el garbanzo alcanzo un peso seco total (PST) de 0,82 g, valor estad铆sticamente diferente y significativo, comparado con los 0,71g de PST del garbanzo sin inocular con el FN al 100% o control relativo (CR). Lo anterior sugiere una respuesta positiva del garbanzo que optimiz贸 la dosis 50% del FN, por una acci贸n sin茅rgica de los dos g茅neros de BPCV en sus ra铆ces, lo que podr铆a evitar en parte la perdida de fertilidad del suelo y la contaminaci贸n ambiental, por la aplicaci贸n en exceso del FN

    Inoculaci贸n de Hordeun vulgare var Armida (cebada) con Burkholderia cepacia y Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus

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    La producci贸n de cebada demanda la provisi贸n adecuada de nitr贸geno (N) aplicado como fertilizante nitrogenado (FN), que en exceso al igual que otras pr谩cticas culturales inadecuadas podr铆a causar p茅rdida de la productividad del suelo. Una alternativa para regular y optimizar el uso del FN en la cebada es la inoculaci贸n con g茅neros de bacterias promotoras del crecimiento vegetal end贸fitas (BPCVE), como Burkholderia cepacia y Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el efecto de B. cepacia y G. diazotrophicus en cebada. El experimento se realiz贸 en un invernadero bajo un dise帽o experimental factorial de seis tratamientos y seis repeticiones cada uno: a) cebada sin inocular y sin FN, o control absoluto (CA); b) sin inocular y 50% del FN, o control relativo 1 (CR1); c) sin inocular y 100% del FN, o control relativo 2 (CR2), d) inoculada con B. cepacia y 50% del FN; e) inoculada con G. diazotrophicus y 50% del FN y f) inoculada con la mezcla de B. cepacia y G. diazotrophicus y el 50% del FN. Las variables analizadas fueron respuestas basadas en su fenolog铆a y biomasa: peso seco total (PST) a pl谩ntula y floraci贸n. Los resultados indicaron un efecto positivo de B. cepacia con 0,85 g de PST, valor sin diferencia estad铆stica en comparaci贸n con los 0,54 g de PST de la cebada, control relativo (CR) con FN al 100% sin inocular. A floraci贸n B. cepacia ejerci贸 un efecto positivo con 4,48 g de PST, al igual que la doble inoculaci贸n de B. cepacia y G. diazotrophicus con 3,29 g de PST. Estos valores tuvieron diferencia estad铆stica en comparaci贸n a los 1,49 g de PST. Lo anterior sugiere que entre B. cepacia y la cebada existe una interacci贸n espec铆fica, que favorece la mejor absorci贸n radical del FN al 50%, sin causar un problema de deficiencia nutricional en el crecimiento de la planta

    Cutting GHG Emissions at Student Housing in Central Mexico through Solid Waste Management

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    Solid waste characterisation studies have been conducted at the household or municipal level, but fewer studies have assessed the composition of solid waste within institutions of higher education or university student residences. Studies carried out in universities usually refer to the academic buildings, yet, reports of waste characterisation from student housing and the associated greenhouse gas emissions are scarce. The goal of this work was to present a study case where both equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2eq) emissions and waste reductions were successfully attained in student housing after implementation of a solid waste management strategy. Two waste characterisation studies were carried out, before and after a waste management program was implemented to reduce waste generation. The waste generation per capita (GPC) per day was estimated at 1.5 kg for the first study (2014) and 1.1 kg for the second (2015); in addition, 87% of the waste stream was diverted from the landfill through vermicomposting and recycling. The percentage of food waste used for vermicomposting was 2.83%. The CO2eq emissions in 2014 were estimated at 12,624 kg CO2eq (0.43 kg/capita/day) and 761 kg for 2015 (0.03 kg/capita/day). Appropriate solid waste management was revealed to have a fundamental role in cutting indirect CO2eq emissions

    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) responds to inoculation with Azotobacter vineladii and Burkholderia cepacia at reduced dose of nitrogen fertilizer

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) crop demands nitrogen fertilizer (NF) applied in excess caused lost soil fertility and environmental pollution. An alternative for solving this problem are: to reduce and to optimize NF in chickpea using inoculants based on plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) genus. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the response of chickpea to inoculation with Azotobacter vinelandii and Burkholderia cepacia at 50% reduced dose of NF. These PGPB were inoculated chickpea under an experimental design of randomized blocks. The response variables to measure the effect of PGPB on the legume were: the percent of germination, shoot and root phenotyping: plant height, root length and biomass: fresh and dry weight of shoot and root. Experimental data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test. Results showed that a positive respond of chickpea to both PGPB on its germination as well as at seeding and flowering where chickpea had 0.82g total dry weight (TDW) of this value was statistically different and significant compared to chickpea treated by NF 100% not inoculated used as relative control (RC) with 0.71g TDW. This data suggests that chickpea optimized NF reduced dose by synergistic interaction of both genera PGPB in its root system. Which could to avoid in part soil lost fertility and environmental pollution for applying NF in excess

    Respuesta del garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.) a la inoculaci贸n con Azotobacter vineladii y Burkholderia cepacia a dosis reducida de fertilizante nitrogenado

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) crop demands nitrogen fertilizer (NF) applied in excess caused lost soil fertility and environmental pollution. An alternative for solving this problem are: to reduce and to optimize NF in chickpea using inoculants based on plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) genus. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the response of chickpea to inoculation with Azotobacter vinelandii and Burkholderia cepacia at 50% reduced dose of NF. These PGPB were inoculated chickpea under an experimental design of randomized blocks. The response variables to measure the effect of PGPB on the legume were: the percent of germination, shoot and root phenotyping: plant height, root length and biomass: fresh and dry weight of shoot and root. Experimental data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test. Results showed that a positive respond of chickpea to both PGPB on its germination as well as at seeding and flowering where chickpea had 0.82g total dry weight (TDW) of this value was statistically different and significant compared to chickpea treated by NF 100% not inoculated used as relative control (RC) with 0.71g TDW. This data suggests that chickpea optimized NF reduced dose by synergistic interaction of both genera PGPB in its root system. Which could to avoid in part soil lost fertility and environmental pollution for applying NF in excess.El cultivo de garbanzo "Cicer arietinum L." demanda fertilizante nitrogenado (FN), que aplicado en exceso provoca p茅rdida de fertilidad del suelo y contaminaci贸n ambiental. Una alternativa para este problema es la reducci贸n y optimizaci贸n de la dosis de FN, con inoculantes a base de bacterias promotoras de crecimiento vegetal (BPCV). As铆, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la respuesta del garbanzo a la inoculaci贸n con Azotobacter vinelandii y Burkholderia cepacia a la dosis 50% del FN. Para ello se utiliz贸 un dise帽o experimental de bloques al azar. Con nitrato de amonio (NO3NH4) como FN a las dosis 100% (10g/L) y 50 % (5g/L) para el garbanzo inoculado con las BPCV; con las variables/respuesta en su semilla: por ciento (%) de germinaci贸n; luego su fenot铆pia y biomasa a茅rea y radical, los datos experimentales se analizaron por ANOVA y Tukey. Los resultados indicaron una respuesta positiva de la semilla de garbanzo a la doble inoculaci贸n con ambas BPCV, al igual que a pl谩ntula y floraci贸n, donde el garbanzo alcanzo un peso seco total (PST) de 0,82 g, valor estad铆sticamente diferente y significativo, comparado con los 0,71g de PST del garbanzo sin inocular con el FN al 100% o control relativo (CR). Lo anterior sugiere una respuesta positiva del garbanzo que optimiz贸 la dosis 50% del FN, por una acci贸n sin茅rgica de los dos g茅neros de BPCV en sus ra铆ces, lo que podr铆a evitar en parte la perdida de fertilidad del suelo y la contaminaci贸n ambiental, por la aplicaci贸n en exceso del FN

    Life Cycle Environmental Impacts and Energy Demand of Craft Mezcal in Mexico

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    Agave distillates, such as tequila and mezcal, are alcoholic spirits representative of Mexican culture. In recent years, the demand for mezcal has increased, and with it the requirement for raw materials, bringing with it a series of difficulties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential environmental impact and energy demand of the production of young craft mezcal from an endemic agave (Agave cupreata) found in the central and southern Pacific area of Mexico. The potential environmental impact of the mezcal studied was obtained through the life cycle analysis methodology using a midpoint approach by the ReCiPe method to calculate the potential environmental impact with SimaPro software (version, PRé Sustainability, Amersfoort, The Netherlands). The functional unit is a young craft mezcal bottle of 750 mL with 46% Vol. Alc. The stage of highest contribution to the environmental impact of mezcal was the manufacturing/processing, contributing 59.6% of them. The energy demand of the craft mezcal resulted in 163.8 MJ/bottle of 7.5 dl. The kg CO2eq in mezcal (1.7) is higher than beer (0.63) or white wine (1.01), but lower than whisky (2.25) or pisco (3.62). These findings could allow the search for alternatives for the development of sustainable production

    Concurrent Engineering Model for the Implementation of New Products in the Textile Industry: A Case Study

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    Concurrent engineering (CE) aims to provide a collaborative environment in which all involved parties work simultaneously to optimize resources. However, some aspects can make it hard to implement in organizations. This study presents the development of a CE model and its implementation in a Mexican textile maquiladora. The information about the process was obtained using administrative and quality tools (brainstorming, Pareto and Ishikawa charts, flowcharts, spreadsheets). A CE model based on the management of new products was designed, in consideration of the enterprise culture. The workgroup evaluated the proposed model in two projects to verify the functionality. The time for the development and approval of prototypes was reduced from three months to one. Now the process has a robust design, having identified design problems, potential operator errors, and bottlenecks. Losses from raw material replacements and reworks decreased by 39.4%, and there was an additional cost saving of 22.86%. CE implementation is not easy; the firsts steps are to change the organizational culture and the training of employees to work collaboratively

    Environmental Impact of Corn Tortilla Production: A Case Study

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    The research on the environmental impacts of corn-derived products has been mainly on cultivation techniques and the production of biofuels, so there is limited information on the impacts produced by the transformation of corn for human consumption. The tortilla is a millennial product derived from corn of which consumption is increasing in North America. The aim of this study is to identify the environmental hotspots of the tortilla using a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. The process studied included only the corn–nixtamalisation–dough–tortillas production. The functional unit is one kg of tortillas packed in kraft paper. The impacts of the tortilla production process were evaluated using SimaPro 8.5.0 software, considering ReCiPe Midpoint. The production has the greatest impact in 15 of the 18 impact categories. The normalisation reveals that the most significant impacts concentrate in the categories terrestrial acidification (TA), particulate matter formation (PMF), marine ecotoxicity (MET) and fossil fuel depletion (FD). Improvements in the cultivation could mean more environmentally friendly tortilla production

    Potential for Methane Generation by Lignocellulosic Household Waste

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    The contribution of domestic lignocellulosic waste and its potential for biodegradation by components, for each category of paper and cardboard, have scarcely been reported. To achieve integral proposals, for managing this type of waste, is essential to know each individual contribution to the “paper and cardboard” category. The objective of this study was to characterize the paper and cardboard waste from the domestic solid waste stream, in the city of Morelia, Mexico, and estimate its methane generation potential (CH4). The generation of lignocellulosic waste was studied in a housing complex of social interest. The domestic lignocellulosic residues (DLW) that were chemically characterized were derived from paper and cardboard. The average daily generation was 0.5 kg/inhabitant. The highest content of lignin was found in newspaper (24.5%), and toilet paper was the material with the lowest lignin content (1%). The bond paper had a DLW of higher YCH4, when degraded anaerobically, in a semi-solid phase and a mesophilic regime. The variety of paper and cardboard, such as DLW, presented differences in their generation (kg/person), chemical composition (lignin content), and their potential for anaerobic biodegradability

    Determinaci贸n de metales pesados en residuos s贸lidos y lixiviados en biorreactores a diferentes tasas de recirculaci贸n

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    Los metales pesados (MP) son parte de los contaminantes que contiene el lixiviado, este es generado por la descomposici贸n de los residuos s贸lidos urbanos (RSU), el cual por su toxicidad puede causar severos problemas al ambiente. El prop贸sito de este trabajo fue conocer el efecto de diferentes tasas de recirculaci贸n de lixiviados en la concentraci贸n de MP, as铆 como en la matriz de residuos de biorreactores anaerobios (BrA) a escala laboratorio, para determinar la tasa que produzca la menor lixiviaci贸n de MP. Se utilizaron 20 BrA con RSU del relleno sanitario de P谩tzcuaro, Michoac谩n, M茅xico; cuatro como testigos y al resto se les recircularon sus lixiviados dos veces por semana, para mantener los contenidos de humedad de 50, 60, 70 y 80 % base h煤meda (%Hbh) por cuadruplicado. Se dio seguimiento durante 126 d铆as a los lixiviados producidos, a los cuales se les determin贸 pH y metales pesados totales (MPT). A los residuos s贸lidos descargados se les determin贸 pH, materia org谩nica (MO), MPT y metales pesados disponibles (MPD), Ni, Pb y Zn. Los lixiviados generados a 80 y 70 % Hbh, presentaron menor lixiviaci贸n de MP, mientras que a 50 % Hbh durante las fases de hidr贸lisis y acidog茅nesis mostraron concentraciones elevadas. Para MPT en los residuos s贸lidos, Ni y Pb presentaron diferencias significativas entre las muestras y en cuanto a los MPD s贸lo existieron diferencias significativas para Zn. Los residuos s贸lidos de todas las tasas de recirculaci贸n pueden utilizarse como mejoradores de suelo por su alto contenido de MO y baja concentraci贸n de MP