183 research outputs found
Online Short Spatial Ability Battery (OSSAB): Psychometric Norms for Older Students
The need for STEM specialists is growing in current technologically-oriented economy. This calls for new approaches in evaluation and development of relevant abilities and skills. However, the current educational systems might miss some students who have high potential for this field or who can develop such potential. For example, according to the results of one Russian study, gifted children may be missed by existing methods of talent search, partially due to the lack of standardised psychometric tests, especially of abilities beyond verbal and numerical abilities. One important predictor of STEM, often neglected in education, is spatial ability. Recently an online short spatial ability battery (OSSAB) for use in adolescent popula tions was developed. However, no published norms are available.
The aim of this study was to develop normalised thresholds for spatial ability testing using OSSAB battery with Russian 13-17 year old schoolchildren. Schoolchildren from the Sirius Educational Centre, demonstrating high achievement in 3 different areas: science (N = 640; 238 females), sports (N = 436; 67 females) and art (N = 260; 204 females), and schoolchildren (N = 752; 350 females) from general education schools of the Russian Federation participated in the study. Age of participants: 13-17 (M = 15.01; SD = 1.18).
The study identified thresholds for 8 spatial ability levels: from Very low ability to Extraordinary giftedness. These thresholds can be used by teachers and school psychologists to determine the level of spatial ability in schoolchildren of 13-17 years of age. Based on individual students’ current levels of spatial ability, teachers can provide individual support and recommendations. For high performance recommendations may include additional clas- ses in STEM or natural sciences, for example, electronics, robotics, programming, physics or chemistry. For lower performance recommendations may include computer games containing spatial components; sports; playing musical instruments; origami classes; and studying the Chinese language. More broadly, school curricula in different subjects should include more spatial elements, such as: inclusion of stereometric tasks in learning materials; computer pro- grams for modelling in teaching geometry and other subjects; adding visualizations (graphs and tables) when explaining material.
Overall, the results of this study suggest that a significant number of children have very low or very high level of spatial ability in both mainstream schools and in educational centres for high-preforming students. The norms developed in this study can be used for identification and individualized support in all educational settings
Are we ready for the genomic era? Insights from judges and lawyers
Genetic advances have brought new opportunities to society, with new powers of polygenic prediction, genetic engineering and gene-based environmental interventions. Judges and lawyers influence interpretations and attitudes towards complex societal issues and develop regulation. Therefore, their genetic literacy and views are an important part of society’s readiness for the genomic era. The study explored judges’ and lawyers’ (N = 117) genetic literacy, as well as views on the use of genetic advances. Quantitative and qualitative analyses showed insufficient knowledge of essential genetic concepts, including striking cases of over- and under-estimation of genetic and environmental influences on behavior. Participants’ views on every issue were widely varied, from strong agreement to strong disagreement. The majority of the participants thought that current laws are not sufficient to protect individuals from misuses of genetic data. The results suggest that society is not ready for the genomic era and call for multidisciplinary efforts to increase the readiness
Варіативність складу вторинних метаболітів кори однорічних пагонів представників роду Aesculus L.
The analyze of quality of products of secondary metabolism of bark of annual shoots of genus Aesculus L. representatives is made. It is established the specific biochemical profiles of bark of annual shoots for composition of terpenoids, triterpene saponins, flavonoids and coumarins. The interspecies relations of 12 representatives of genus Aesculus is determined. It is showed that North American and European species combined in three main clusters that reflect the appropriate taxonomic sections, which are allocated on base of phylogenetic relationships of plants on morphological and molecular genetic features.Проаналізовано якісний склад продуктів вторинного метаболізму кори однорічних пагонів представників роду Aesculus L. Установлено специфічність біохімічних профілів кори однорічних пагонів рослин за складом терпеноїдів, тритерпенових сапонінів, флавоноїдів і кумаринів. Репрезентовано міжвидові зв’язки 12 представників роду Aesculus. Показано, що північноамериканські та європейські види об’єднуються у три основні кластери, які збігаються з відповідними таксономічними секціями, виділеними на підставі філогенетичних зв’язків рослин за морфологічними та молекулярно-генетичними ознаками
Особливості нагромадження фенольних сполук в експлантатах троянди ефіроолійної в умовах in vitro
The character of the diffusion of secondary metabolites of Rosa damascena Mill. into the culture medium was studied. The histochemical analysis of intact plants shoots and primary explants on contents of catechins and condensed tannins was carried out. According to the results, it was found that the synthesis of phenolic compounds actively occurs in the living tissues of the primary cortex and the medullary rays of annual shoots, where their concentration is 15–18 times higher than in the cells of sclerenchyma and phloem. The phenolic compounds were segregated actively – by primary explants of Lada variety, less actively by explants of Lan variety. It was shown that the intensity of the excretions of phenols from the stem into the culture medium had a spatial in homogeneity of the tissue that is topologically related to the arrangement of vegetative buds. It was found that the most active in this regard were the primary cortical zones directly located below buds. It was determined that the intensity of secondary metabolites excretions depended on the type of Rosa damascena, the radial dimension and the degree of explants woodiness.Досліджено характер дифузії вторинних метаболітів троянди ефіроолійної у живильне середовище. Проведено гістохімічний аналіз пагонів інтактних рослин та первинних експлантатів на вміст катехінів і конденсованих танінів. Установлено, що синтез фенольних сполук найактивніше відбувається у живих тканинах первинної кори і серцевинних променях однорічних пагонів, де їх концентрація у 15–18 разів перевищує таку в клітинах склеренхіми та флоеми. Найактивніше фенольні сполуки виділялися первинними експлантатами сорту Лада, менш активно – сорту Лань. Показано, що інтенсивність виділень фенолів зі стебла у живильне середовище має просторову тканинну неоднорідність, топологічно пов’язану з розташуванням вегетативних бруньок. З’ясовано, що найактивнішими у цьому відношенні є зони первинної кори, які розташовані безпосередньо під брунькою. Встановлено, що інтенсивність ви ділення вторинних метаболітів залежить від сорту троянди ефіроолійної, радіального розміру експлантата і ступеня його здерев’яніння
Nothing But Stereotypes? Negligible Sex Differences Across Creativity Measures in Science, Arts, and Sports Adolescent High Achievers
Previous research has focused on understanding when, why, and how sex differences in creativity occur, as results vary across samples, measures, and methodologies. In the current study we investigated sex differences in creativity among 984 high achieving adolescents in three expertise areas: Sciences, Arts, and Sports. Eight creativity indicators were analyzed: Alternative uses task (AUT) fluency; creative self-efficacy (CSE); intraindividual strengths (difference between CSE and AUT Fluency); five self-reported creativity scales: Self/everyday, scholarly, performance, mechanical/scientific, artistic. The results showed negligible sex differences ((Formula presented.) =.01), with females performing better in AUT Fluency and males self-rating their CSE higher. No sex differences were found in self/everyday, scholarly and performance creativity. Males self-rated their mechanical/scientific creativity ((Formula presented.) =.06) higher than females; while females self-rated their artistic creativity ((Formula presented.) =.02) higher in comparison to males. Our results extend the existing literature by finding negligible sex differences in adolescent expert groups. However, some stereotypical differences emerged, for example, females with Sciences expertise rated their mechanical/scientific creativity lower than males with and even without Sciences expertise. Results call for further investigation into the links between sex differences, expertise, and specific creativity domains.</p
Nothing But Stereotypes? Negligible Sex Differences Across Creativity Measures in Science, Arts, and Sports Adolescent High Achievers
Previous research has focused on understanding when, why, and how sex differences in creativity occur, as results vary across samples, measures, and methodologies. In the current study we investigated sex differences in creativity among 984 high achieving adolescents in three expertise areas: Sciences, Arts, and Sports. Eight creativity indicators were analyzed: Alternative uses task (AUT) fluency; creative self-efficacy (CSE); intraindividual strengths (difference between CSE and AUT Fluency); five self-reported creativity scales: Self/everyday, scholarly, performance, mechanical/scientific, artistic. The results showed negligible sex differences ((Formula presented.) =.01), with females performing better in AUT Fluency and males self-rating their CSE higher. No sex differences were found in self/everyday, scholarly and performance creativity. Males self-rated their mechanical/scientific creativity ((Formula presented.) =.06) higher than females; while females self-rated their artistic creativity ((Formula presented.) =.02) higher in comparison to males. Our results extend the existing literature by finding negligible sex differences in adolescent expert groups. However, some stereotypical differences emerged, for example, females with Sciences expertise rated their mechanical/scientific creativity lower than males with and even without Sciences expertise. Results call for further investigation into the links between sex differences, expertise, and specific creativity domains.</p
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