12 research outputs found
Memory effects in language acquisition and attrition processes
Indutseeritud pluripotentsete tüvirakkude loomine LCL rakkudest
Indutseeritud pluripotentsed tüvirakud (iPS) on pluripotentsete tüvirakkude tüüp, mis on
reprogrammeeritud tüvirakkude sarnaseks täiskasvanud somaatilistest rakkudest. iPS rakud
sarnanevad küll embrüonaalsetele tüvirakkudele, kuid nende kasutamisel ei teki eetilisi
probleeme. Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös antakse ülevaade rakkude reprogrammeerimisest
indutseeritud pluripotentseteks rakkudeks, reprogrammeerimiseks kasutatavatest meetoditest
ja iPS rakkude kasutamisvõimalustest meditsiinis. Antud lõputöö on osa suuremast cGEM
projektist, mille üheks eesmärgiks on arendada välja integratsioonivaba iPS rakuliini loomise
võimekus. Eksperimentaalses osas testitakse Epstein-Barr viirusega immortaliseeritud
lümfoblastoidse B-raku liini (LCL) reprogrammeerimist iPS rakkudeks varem publitseeritud
protokolli järgi, kasutades OCT4, MYC, KLF4 ja SOX2 transkriptsioonifaktoreid
Kosmoloogilised tihedusparameetrid standardmudelis ja skalaar-tensor kosmoloogias määratuna Ia-tüüpi supernoovade vaatlustest
Modeling of the Lattice Dynamics in Strontium Titanate Films of Various Thicknesses: Raman Scattering Studies
This paper is partly based upon COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action 18234 (E.A.K., M.S., and V.K.) and financially supported by FLAG-ERA JTC project To2Dox (Y.A.M). The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (Latvia), as the Centre of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Frame-work Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-Teaming Phase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2. The computer resources were provided by the High-Performance Computing Centre Stuttgart (HLRS project DEFTD 12939). In addition, the research of V.K. and A.P. was partly supported by the RADON project (GA 872494) within the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 call.While the bulk strontium titanate (STO) crystal characteristics are relatively well known, ultrathin perovskites’ nanostructure, chemical composition, and crystallinity are quite complex and challenging to understand in detail. In our study, the DFT methods were used for modelling the Raman spectra of the STO bulk (space group I4/mcm) and 5–21-layer thin films (layer group p4/mbm) in tetragonal phase with different thicknesses ranging from ~0.8 to 3.9 nm. Our calculations revealed features in the Raman spectra of the films that were absent in the bulk spectra. Out of the seven Raman-active modes associated with bulk STO, the frequencies of five modes (2Eg, A1g, B2g, and B1g) decreased as the film thickness increased, while the low-frequency B2g and higher-frequency Eg modes frequencies increased. The modes in the films exhibited vibrations with different amplitudes in the central or surface parts of the films compared to the bulk, resulting in frequency shifts. Some peaks related to bulk vibrations were too weak (compared to the new modes related to films) to distinguish in the Raman spectra. However, as the film thickness increased, the Raman modes approached the frequencies of the bulk, and their intensities became higher, making them more noticeable in the Raman spectrum. Our results could help to explain inconsistencies in the experimental data for thin STO films, providing insights into the behavior of Raman modes and their relationship with film thickness. © 2023 by the authors. --//-- Krasnenko V., Platonenko A., Liivand A., Rusevich L.L., Mastrikov Y.A., Zvejnieks G., Sokolov M., Kotomin E.A.; Modeling of the Lattice Dynamics in Strontium Titanate Films of Various Thicknesses: Raman Scattering Studies; (2023) Materials, 16 (18), art. no. 6207; DOI: 10.3390/ma16186207; https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85172725318&doi=10.3390%2fma16186207&partnerID=40&md5=32f343f9cb8da145c6647566cb534c32. Published under the CC BY 4.0 license.COST Action 18234 and FLAG-ERA JTC project To2Dox. The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (Latvia), as the Centre of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Frame-work Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-Teaming Phase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2. HLRS project DEFTD 12939. RADON project (GA 872494) within the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 call
Turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmän luominen suureen logistiikka-alan yritykseen
Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten suureen logistiikka-alan yritykseen voidaan luoda laadukas turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmä sekä miten tämä järjestelmä tulisi yksilöidä, jotta se vastaisi parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla käyttäjäyrityksensä tarpeita. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toimintatutkimuksena ja toimeksianto sen tekemiselle saatiin suomalaiselta logistiikka-alan yritykseltä. Opinnäytetyön tutkimuskysymyksenä oli: ”Miten suureen suomalaiseen logistiikka-alan yritykseen luodaan laadukas ja yksilöity turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmä?”. Tutkimuskysymykseen vastatakseen tekijät hyödynsivät useita tiedonkeruumenetelmiä, joita olivat kirjallisuuskatsaus, teemahaastattelut, suora havainnointi sekä benchmarking. Tutkimuksen puitteissa toimeksiantajayritykselle luotiin sen tarpeita vastaava turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmä parhaiksi havaittuja menetelmiä ja toimintamalleja hyödyntäen.
Opinnäytetyössä on kuvattu yksityiskohtaisesti prosessia, jolla turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmä luotiin toimeksiantajayritykseen. Lisäksi opinnäytetyössä kuvataan yleisemmällä tasolla niitä toimenpiteitä, joita vastaavan järjestelmän luominen muihin aiheesta kiinnostuneisiin organi-saatioihin vaatisi. Opinnäytetyön liitteenä olevaa, työn toimeksiantajalle luotua turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmää voidaankin hyödyntää mallipohjana suunniteltaessa vastaavaa järjestelmää muihin organisaatioihin.
Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena todettiin, että suuren logistiikka-alan yrityksen turvallisuuden kokonaisvaltaiseen johtamiseen ja hallintaan tarvitaan kattavaa, yrityksen jokapäiväistä toimintaa tukevaa turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmää. Tällaisen järjestelmän tekemisessä on pohjimmiltaan kyse turvallisuuden operatiivisesta hallinnoinnista vastaavan organisaation rakenteiden selkiyttämisestä, vastuiden ja velvollisuuksien systemaattisesta kuvaamisesta sekä turvallisuuden hallintaan käytetyn prosessin luomisesta ja vakiinnuttamisesta. Pelkkä turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmän olemassaolo ei kuitenkaan luo turvallisuutta tai kehitä toimintaa, vaan järjestelmän luomisen lisäksi yrityksen johdon ja koko henkilökunnan on sitouduttava turvallisuuden ylläpitoon sekä kehittämiseen.
Turvallisuustoiminnan tarkoituksena on tukea yrityksen liiketoimintastrategian toteutumista ja turvallisuustoiminnan tavoitteet tulisikin sitoa tähän strategiaan. Opinnäytetyön toimek-siantajayrityksen tapauksessa ydintoiminnan jatkuvuus ja päivittäisten toimintojen häiriöttömyys nähtiin tärkeimmiksi suojattaviksi kohteiksi, joiden suojaamisesta tuli yrityksen turvalli-suusjohtamisjärjestelmän päätavoite. Samalla opinnäytetyössä kuvattiin aiempaa yksiselitteisemmin yrityksen jatkuvuudenhallinnan osakokonaisuuksien muodostama prosessi ja määriteltiin näiden osakokonaisuuksien väliset suhteet.
Turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmä tulee integroida osaksi yrityksen muuta johtamistoimintaa ja siinä olisi hyvä huomioida myös toiminnan laatunäkökulmat. Turvallisuusjohtamisjärjestelmän tarkoituksena ei ole tuottaa yritykselle laadukasta turvallisuustoimintaa, vaan varmistaa yrityksen laadukkaan toiminnan turvallisuus.The aim of the thesis was to research how to create a security management system to a large logistics company and how this system should be individualized so that it would serve its users’ needs in the best possible manner. The thesis was carried out as an action research and the assignment for the research was given by a Finnish logistics company. The research question was: “How to create an individualized and high-quality security management system in a large Finnish logistics company?”. Several data collection methods were used during the research. These methods were general literature review, theme interviews, direct observation and benchmarking. Within the framework of the research a security management system was created for the client company by using the best known methods and system models.
In the thesis the process for creating the security management system to the client company is described in detail. In addition, the thesis also describes in general the measures required for creating a similar management system in other organizations interested in the subject. The security management system created for the client company is an appendix of the thesis and it can be used as a template for creating an equivalent system in other organizations.
The outcome of the research was that managing the security of a large logistics company requires a comprehensive security management system that supports the daily operations of the company. Basically creating such a system is about clarifying the structures of the organization responsible for security management, describing the roles and responsibilities systematically and establishing the process used for managing security. However, mere existence of a security management system does not create security or develop operations. Therefore the company management team and all personnel have to be committed in maintaining and developing security in the company.
The purpose of security operations is to support the implementation of a company´s business strategy and the objectives of these operations should be derived from the strategy. The continuity of core operations and undisrupted daily operations were seen as the most important values for the client company and therefore protecting them was the main objective in the created security management system. Continuity management has a strong presence also in the thesis as there was a need for precise describing of the continuity management process and defining the relations between the different sections of this process.
The security management system must be integrated into other management operations of a company and it should also take into account the quality perspective of all company´s operations. The purpose of a security management system is not to produce high-quality security operations for the company but to ensure the security of high-quality operations of the company
Overlooked residue of Li-ion battery recycling waste as high-value bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst for Zn-air batteries
Funding Information: This research has been supported by the Estonian Research Council (PUTJD1029, PSG312), the European Regional Development Fund (projects no: 2014-2020.4.01.16-0041 and 2014-2020.4.01.15-0005), the Environmental Investment Centre (KIK 17988), as well as the Business Finland BatCircle2.0 project (Grant Number 44886/31/2020). Additionally, the Academy of Finland's RawMatTERS Finland Infrastructure (RAMI) based at Aalto University and the OtaNano - Nanomicroscopy Center (Aalto-NMC) were utilized as part of this research. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsContinuously increasing production of Li-ion batteries (LIBs) for the Green Transition is underlined by the absence of feasible recycling methods for graphite, regardless of its criticality as a raw material. The current study demonstrates a novel strategy to valorize waste graphite as a valuable raw material in oxygen electrocatalyst production. Industrially produced LIBs post-metallurgical leach residue was transformed into highly active bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst, which was subsequently successfully applied as an active catalyst for Zn-air batteries. Moreover, produced graphene-like material was in-situ doped by the impurity cobalt present in the recycling residue. The resultant Zn-air battery was shown to deliver a high specific capacity of 719 mA h g-1, peak power density of 112.8 mW cm-2 and could be cycled over 400 times. Results clearly demonstrate that an often-neglected LIB recycling waste fraction can be a valuable source for electrocatalysts production required in metal-air batteries and regenerative fuel cells.Peer reviewe
Graphite recovery from waste Li-ion battery black mass for direct re-use
Funding Information: This research work has been supported by Business Finland BatCircle 2.0 project (Grant Number 44886/31/2020) and the Academy of Finland’s RawMatTERS Finland Infrastructure (RAMI) based at Aalto University. This work was partly funded by the K.H. Renlund Foundation in Finland under the project “Innovative e-waste recycling processes for greener and more efficient recoveries of critical metals and energy” at Åbo Akademi University. This work was supported by the Estonian Research Council (PUTJD1029, PSG926, EAG248). The authors would like to acknowledge X-ray Mineral Services Finland Oy for the conducted elemental mapping, XRD measurements and result interpretation of the black mass samples. Publisher Copyright: © 2024 The AuthorsGraphite was recovered from two leached (H2SO4 = 2 M, 60 °C, t = 3 h, Fe3+ = 2 g/L) Li-ion battery black mass concentrates with minimized energy consumption. One black mass originated from a mixture of mobile device and power tool batteries, and another from a single electric vehicle battery. The leach residues were pyrolyzed (800 °C, t = 1 h, Ar atmosphere) to remove the polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) binder and other non-metallic fractions. The black mass, its leach residue, and pyrolyzed residue were characterized using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), ion chromatography (IC), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Raman spectroscopy, and N2 adsorption/desorption. After hydrometallurgical recycling and pyrolysis, the main post-metallurgical black mass impurities were cobalt oxide, iron, acid-resistant boehmite (AlO(OH)), and silicon dioxide. The pyrolysis resulted in electrolyte and binder removal, affected the crystallinity of the remaining boehmite. The recovered graphite-rich residue with impurities identified was tested as an anode in half-cells vs. metal Li. The average specific capacities of recovered graphite-rich residues from both sources were 350 and 250 mAh/g at 0.1C and their capacity retention after 100 cycles was high (80 %) suggesting rather slow deterioration and hence the proposed recycling route being promising for the graphite reuse in new Li-ion batteries.Peer reviewe
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in a nasal spray efficiently block viral transmission between ferrets
Summary: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to spread in the population. We recently reported the production of bovine colostrum-derived antibodies that can neutralize the virus. These have been formulated into a nasal spray. The immunoglobulin preparation is capable of blocking interaction of the trimeric spike protein (Tri S) of SARS-CoV-2 with the cellular receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), entry of a pseudovirus carrying the Tri S into ACE2 over-expressing human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells, and entry of the virus into live Vero E6 cells. Using an ELISA assay, we demonstrate here that this holds true for different SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. Using the ferret transmission model, we show that the nasal spray formulation of anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulins efficiently blocks transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from infected to uninfected ferrets. The results indicate that the use of the nasal spray in humans can add an effective additional layer of protection against the virus, and might be applicable for other viruses of the upper respiratory tract