49 research outputs found

    The development of emergency medical services benefit score: a European Delphi study

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    BackgroundThe helicopter emergency services (HEMS) Benefit Score (HBS) is a nine-level scoring system developed to evaluate the benefits of HEMS missions. The HBS has been in clinical use for two decades in its original form. Advances in prehospital care, however, have produced demand for a revision of the HBS. Therefore, we developed the emergency medical services (EMS) Benefit Score (EBS) based on the former HBS. As reflected by its name, the aim of the EBS is to measure the benefits produced by the whole EMS systems to patients.MethodsThis is a four-round, web-based, international Delphi consensus study with a consensus definition made by experts from seven countries. Participants reviewed items of the revised HBS on a 5-point Likert scale. A content validity index (CVI) was calculated, and agreement was defined as a 70% CVI. Study included experts from seven European countries. Of these, 18 were prehospital expert panellists and 11 were in-hospital commentary board members.ResultsThe first Delphi round resulted in 1248 intervention examples divided into ten diagnostic categories. After removing overlapping examples, 413 interventions were included in the second Delphi round, which resulted in 38 examples divided into HBS categories 3–8. In the third Delphi round, these resulted in 37 prehospital interventions, examples of which were given revised version of the score. In the fourth and final Delphi round, the expert panel was given an opportunity to accept or comment on the revised scoring system.ConclusionsThe former HBS was revised by a Delphi methodology and EBS developed to represent its structural purpose better. The EBS includes 37 exemplar prehospital interventions to guide its clinical use.Trial registration The study permission was requested and granted by Turku University Hospital (decision number TP2/010/18).</p

    The development of emergency medical services benefit score : a European Delphi study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021. The Author(s).BACKGROUND: The helicopter emergency services (HEMS) Benefit Score (HBS) is a nine-level scoring system developed to evaluate the benefits of HEMS missions. The HBS has been in clinical use for two decades in its original form. Advances in prehospital care, however, have produced demand for a revision of the HBS. Therefore, we developed the emergency medical services (EMS) Benefit Score (EBS) based on the former HBS. As reflected by its name, the aim of the EBS is to measure the benefits produced by the whole EMS systems to patients. METHODS: This is a four-round, web-based, international Delphi consensus study with a consensus definition made by experts from seven countries. Participants reviewed items of the revised HBS on a 5-point Likert scale. A content validity index (CVI) was calculated, and agreement was defined as a 70% CVI. Study included experts from seven European countries. Of these, 18 were prehospital expert panellists and 11 were in-hospital commentary board members. RESULTS: The first Delphi round resulted in 1248 intervention examples divided into ten diagnostic categories. After removing overlapping examples, 413 interventions were included in the second Delphi round, which resulted in 38 examples divided into HBS categories 3-8. In the third Delphi round, these resulted in 37 prehospital interventions, examples of which were given revised version of the score. In the fourth and final Delphi round, the expert panel was given an opportunity to accept or comment on the revised scoring system. CONCLUSIONS: The former HBS was revised by a Delphi methodology and EBS developed to represent its structural purpose better. The EBS includes 37 exemplar prehospital interventions to guide its clinical use. Trial registration The study permission was requested and granted by Turku University Hospital (decision number TP2/010/18).Peer reviewe

    Bioreactance and fourth-generation pulse contour methods in monitoring cardiac index during off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery

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    cited By 0The pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) is considered the gold standard for cardiac index monitoring. Recently new and less invasive methods to assess cardiac performance have been developed. The aim of our study was to assess the reliability of a non-invasive monitor utilizing bioreactance (Starling SV) and a non-calibrated mini-invasive pulse contour device (FloTrac/EV1000, fourth-generation software) compared to bolus thermodilution technique with PAC (TDCO) during off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB). In this prospective study, 579 simultaneous intra- and postoperative cardiac index measurements obtained with Starling SV, FloTrac/EV1000 and TDCO were compared in 20 patients undergoing OPCAB. The agreement of data was investigated by Bland-Altman plots, while trending ability was assessed by four-quadrant plots with error grids. In comparison with TDCO, Starling SV was associated with a bias of 0.13 L min(-1) m(-2) (95% confidence interval, 95% CI, 0.07 to 0.18), wide limits of agreement (LOA, - 1.23 to 1.51 L min(-1) m(-2)), a percentage error (PE) of 60.7%, and poor trending ability. In comparison with TDCO, FloTrac was associated with a bias of 0.01 L min(-1) m(-2) (95% CI - 0.05 to 0.06), wide LOA (- 1.27 to 1.29 L min(-1) m(-2)), a PE of 56.8% and poor trending ability. Both Starling SV and fourth-generation FloTrac showed acceptable mean bias but imprecision due to wide LOA and high PE, and poor trending ability. These findings indicate limited reliability in monitoring cardiac index in patients undergoing OPCAB.Peer reviewe

    Bioreactance and fourth-generation pulse contour methods in monitoring cardiac index during off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery

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    cited By 0The pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) is considered the gold standard for cardiac index monitoring. Recently new and less invasive methods to assess cardiac performance have been developed. The aim of our study was to assess the reliability of a non-invasive monitor utilizing bioreactance (Starling SV) and a non-calibrated mini-invasive pulse contour device (FloTrac/EV1000, fourth-generation software) compared to bolus thermodilution technique with PAC (TDCO) during off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB). In this prospective study, 579 simultaneous intra- and postoperative cardiac index measurements obtained with Starling SV, FloTrac/EV1000 and TDCO were compared in 20 patients undergoing OPCAB. The agreement of data was investigated by Bland-Altman plots, while trending ability was assessed by four-quadrant plots with error grids. In comparison with TDCO, Starling SV was associated with a bias of 0.13 L min(-1) m(-2) (95% confidence interval, 95% CI, 0.07 to 0.18), wide limits of agreement (LOA, - 1.23 to 1.51 L min(-1) m(-2)), a percentage error (PE) of 60.7%, and poor trending ability. In comparison with TDCO, FloTrac was associated with a bias of 0.01 L min(-1) m(-2) (95% CI - 0.05 to 0.06), wide LOA (- 1.27 to 1.29 L min(-1) m(-2)), a PE of 56.8% and poor trending ability. Both Starling SV and fourth-generation FloTrac showed acceptable mean bias but imprecision due to wide LOA and high PE, and poor trending ability. These findings indicate limited reliability in monitoring cardiac index in patients undergoing OPCAB.Peer reviewe

    Acute drug poisoning: outcome and factors affecting outcome

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    Abstract Patients with acute drug poisonings are common in emergency departments and hospitals. Patients typically ingest medical products, most commonly psychotropic drugs that lead to intoxication. The outcome is usually good and hospital stays are short, even among patients requiring intensive care. Complications such as aspiration pneumonia can prolong hospital stays. Acute mortality is low (usually less than 5%) but repetition of self-harm is common and long-term mortality is high. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of drug poisoned patients and the factors associated with unfavourable outcome, including morbidity, length of intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stays, repetition of drug poisonings, and mortality. The study population consisted of patients treated in Oulu University Hospital due to acute drug poisoning between 1985–2006 and drug poisoned patients in the data base of the Finnish Consortium intensive Care Data. In the first part of the study 276 hospitalised self-poisoned adolescents were examined retrospectively from the patient records for acute contributing risk factors before the intake. Patients with such risk factors had higher rates of depression, non-ethanol poisonings and repetition of self-poisoning within one year. The second part of the study included 257 acute drug-poisoned adult patients requiring intensive care. The factors associated to aspiration pneumonia were evaluated retrospectively. Of these, 28.4% had aspiration pneumonia. Pre-hospital intubation of the comatose patients was associated with lower number of aspiration pneumonias. The third study evaluated 2755 drug-poisoned patients requiring intensive care for risk factors for prolonged ICU length of stay (LOS) using national intensive care database. Factors associated with prolonged stay were respiratory failure, renal dysfunction and lowered platelet count on admission. The hospital mortality in these studies ranged from 0 to 1.6%. The fourth study evaluated the long-term mortality and causes of deaths of 3709 patients admitted to Oulu University Hospital due to acute drug poisoning between 1985 and 2000. The all-cause mortality was recorded at the end 2009 and patients were compared to age- and sex-matched controls. Mortality among the study population was 30.6% compared to 13.6% for the controls. In conclusion, patients admitted to hospital due to acute drug poisoning have good short-term outcomes. Factors associated with prolonged ICU LOS were aspiration pneumonia, respiratory failure on admission, lowered platelet count on admission and renal dysfunction on admission. Impulsive self-poisonings among adolescents are associated with psychopathology and repetitions. Patients with acute drug poisonings have high long-term mortality.Tiivistelmä Myrkytyspotilaat ovat yleinen potilasryhmä päivystyksissä ja sairaaloissa. Sairaalahoitoisen, akuutin lääkeainemyrkytyksen ennuste on hyvä ja jopa tehohoitoa vaativat potilaat selviävät lyhyellä sairaalahoitojaksolla. Komplikaatiot, kuten mahan sisällön hengitysteihin joutumisesta aiheutuva keuhkokuume (aspiraatiokeuhkokuume) pitkittävät hoitoa. Kuolleisuus hoitojakson aikana on yleensä alle 5&#160;%, mutta pitkäaikaiskuolleisuus näillä potilailla on merkittävä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää akuutin lääkeainemyrkytyspotilaan ennustetta ja ennusteeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Ensimmäisessä osatyössä tutkittiin 276 nuoren myrkytyspotilaan myrkytystapahtumaan vaikuttaneita akuutteja riskitekijöitä. Potilaat, joilla oli riskitekijöitä, olivat useammin masentuneita ja heillä oli enemmän uusintakäyntejä myrkytysten vuoksi vuoden sisällä. Toisessa osatyössä selvitettiin aspiraatiokeuhkokuumeen yleisyyttä 257 tehohoitoa tarvinneella lääkemyrkytyspotilaalla. Potilaista 28,4&#160;% sai aspiraatiokeuhkokuumeen. Ennen sairaalaan tuloa suoritettu hengitysteiden varmistaminen hengitysputkella (intubaatio) pienensi aspiraatiokeuhkokuumeen riskiä merkittävästi verrattuna niihin, jotka intuboitiin vasta sairaalassa. Kolmannessa osatyössä tutkittiin 2755 myrkytyspotilaan riskitekijöitä pitkittyneeseen tehohoitoon. Hengitysvajaus, munuaisten toiminnan vajaus ja matala veren verihiutalearvo sairaalaan tullessa olivat pitkittyneen hoidon riskitekijöitä. Kuolleisuus hoitojakson aikana oli näissä kolmessa tutkimuksessa 0–1.6&#160;%. Neljännessä osatyössä tutkittiin 1985–2000 OYS:ssa hoidettujen myrkytyspotilaiden pitkäaikaisennustetta ja kuolinsyitä. Kuolleisuus vuoden 2009 loppuun mennessä oli 3709 potilaan joukossa 30,4&#160;%, kun vastaava kuolleisuus ikä- ja sukupuolivakioitujen verrokkien keskuudessa oli 13,6&#160;%. Kaikki kuolinsyyt olivat yleisempiä tutkimusjoukossa verrattuna verrokkeihin. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta että akuuttien myrkytyspotilaiden ennuste on hyvä akuutissa vaiheessa. Aspiraatiokeuhkokuume on yleinen komplikaatio myrkytyspotilailla ja se on osittain vältettävissä hengitystien varhaisella varmistamisella. Impulsiivinen käytös nuorella myrkytyspotilaalla assosioituu psykopatologiaan ja uusintamyrkytyksiin. Myrkytyspotilaan pitkäaikaisennuste on huono. Kuolleisuus ennaltaehkäistäviin syihin, kuten itsemurhiin sekä sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin, on huomattava

    Alkoholi ja kriittinen sairaus

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