21 research outputs found

    Late coronary occlusion after intracoronary brachytherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Intracoronary brachytherapy appears to be a promising technology to prevent restenosis. Presently, limited data are available regarding the late safety of this therapeutic modality. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of late (>1 month) thrombosis after PTCA and radiotherapy. METHODS AND RESULTS: From April 1997 to March 1999, we successfully treated 108 patients with PTCA followed by intracoronary beta-radiation. Ninety-one patients have completed at least 2 months of clinical follow-up. Of these patients, 6.6% (6 patients) presented with sudden thrombotic events confirmed by angiography 2 to 15 months after intervention (2 balloon angioplasty and 4 stent). Some factors (overlapping stents, unhealed dissection) may have triggered the thrombosis process, but the timing of the event is extremely unusual. Therefore, the effect of radiation on delaying the healing process and maintaining a thrombogenic coronary surface is proposed as the most plausible mechanism to explain such late events. CONCLUSIONS: Late and sudden thrombosis after PTCA followed by intracoronary radiotherapy is a new phenomenon in interventional cardiology

    Geographic miss: a cause of treatment failure in radio-oncology applied to intracoronary radiation therapy

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    BACKGROUND: A recognized limitation of endovascular beta-radiation therapy is the development of new stenosis at the edges of the irradiated area. The combination of injury and low-dose radiation may be the precursor of this phenomenon. We translated the radio-oncological concept of "geographic miss" to define cases in which the radiation source did not fully cover the injured area. The aims of the study were to determine the incidence and causes of geographic miss and evaluate the impact of this inadequate treatment on the outcome of patients treated with intracoronary beta-radiation. METHODS AND RESULTS: We analyzed 50 consecutive patients treated with beta-radiation after percutaneous coronary intervention. The prescribed dose ranged between 12 and 20 Gy at 2 mm from the source axis. By means of quantitative coronary angiography, the irradiated segment (IRS) and both edges were studied before and after intervention and at 6-month follow-up. Edges that were injured during the procedure constituted the geographic miss edges. Twenty-two edges were injured during the intervention, mainly because of procedural complications that extended the treatment beyond the margins of the IRS. Late loss was significantly higher in geographic miss edges than in IRSs and uninjured edges (0.84+/-0.6 versus 0.15+/-0.4 and 0.09+/-0.4 mm, respectively; P<0.0001). Similarly, restenosis rate was significantly higher in the injured edges (10% within IRS, 40.9% in geographic miss edges, and 1.9% in uninjured edges; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: These data support the hypothesis that the combination of injury and low-dose beta-radiation induces deleterious outcome

    Geographic Miss

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    Background—A recognized limitation of endovascular ß-radiation therapy is the development of new stenosis at the edges of the irradiated area. The combination of injury and low-dose radiation may be the precursor of this phenomenon. We translated the radio-oncological concept of "geographic miss" to define cases in which the radiation source did not fully cover the injured area. The aims of the study were to determine the incidence and causes of geographic miss and evaluate the impact of this inadequate treatment on the outcome of patients treated with intracoronary ß-radiation. Methods and Results—We analyzed 50 consecutive patients treated with ß-radiation after percutaneous coronary intervention. The prescribed dose ranged between 12 and 20 Gy at 2 mm from the source axis. By means of quantitative coronary angiography, the irradiated segment (IRS) and both edges were studied before and after intervention and at 6-month follow-up. Edges that were injured during the procedure constituted the geographic miss edges. Twenty-two edges were injured during the intervention, mainly because of procedural complications that extended the treatment beyond the margins of the IRS. Late loss was significantly higher in geographic miss edges than in IRSs and uninjured edges (0.84±0.6 versus 0.15±0.4 and 0.09±0.4 mm, respectively; P<0.0001). Similarly, restenosis rate was significantly higher in the injured edges (10% within IRS, 40.9% in geographic miss edges, and 1.9% in uninjured edges; P<0.001). Conclusions—These data support the hypothesis that the combination of injury and low-dose ß-radiation induces deleterious outcome

    Positive geometric vascular remodeling is seen after catheter-based radiation followed by conventional stent implantation but not after radioactive stent implantation

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    BACKGROUND: Recent reports demonstrate that intracoronary radiation affects not only neointimal formation but also vascular remodeling. Radioactive stents and catheter-based techniques deliver radiation in different ways, suggesting that different patterns of remodeling after each technique may be expected. METHODS AND RESULTS: We analyzed remodeling in 18 patients after conventional stent implantation, 16 patients after low-activity radioactive stent implantation, 16 patients after higher activity radioactive stent implantation, and, finally, 17 patients who underwent catheter-based radiation followed by conventional stent implantation. Intravascular ultrasound with 3D reconstruction was used after stent implantation and at the 6-month follow-up to assess remodeling within the stent margins and at its edges. Preprocedural characteristics were similar between groups. In-stent neointimal hyperplasia (NIH) was inhibited by high-activity radioactive stent implantation (NIH 9.0 mm(3)) and by catheter-based radiation followed by conventional stent implantation (NIH 6.9 mm(3)) compared with low-activity radioactive stent implantation (NIH 21.2 mm(3)) and conventional stent implantation (NIH 20.8 mm(3)) (P:=0.008). No difference in plaque or total vessel volume was seen behind the stent in the conventional, low-activity, or high-activity stent implantation groups. However, significant increases in plaque behind the stent (15%) and in total vessel volume (8%) were seen in the group that underwent catheter-based radiation followed by conventional stent implantation. All 4 groups demonstrated significant late lumen loss at the stent edges; however, edge restenosis was seen only in the group subjected to high-activity stent implantation and appeared to be due to an increase in plaque and, to a lesser degree, to negative remodeling. CONCLUSIONS: Distinct differences in the patterns of remodeling exist between conventional, radioactive, and catheter-based radiotherapy with stenting

    Preserved endothelium-dependent vasodilation in coronary segments previously treated with balloon angioplasty and intracoronary irradiation

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    BACKGROUND: Abnormal endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion has been reported after balloon angioplasty (BA), as well as after intracoronary radiation. However, the long-term effect on coronary vasomotion is not known. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term vasomotion of coronary segments treated with BA and brachytherapy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Patients with single de novo lesions treated either with BA followed by intracoronary beta-irradiation (according to the Beta Energy Restenosis Trial-1.5) or with BA alone were eligible. Of these groups, those patients in stable condition who returned for 6-month angiographic follow-up formed the study population (n=19, irradiated group and n=11, control group). Endothelium-dependent coronary vasomotion was assessed by selective infusion of serial doses of acetylcholine (ACh) proximally to the treated area. Mean luminal diameter was calculated by quantitative coronary angiography both in the treated area and in distal segments. Endothelial dysfunction was defined as a vasoconstriction after the maximal dose of ACh (10(-6) mol/L). Seventeen irradiated segments (89.5%) demonstrated normal endothelial function. In contrast, 10 distal nonirradiated segments (53%) and 5 control segments (45%) demonstrated endothelium-dependent vasoconstriction (-19+/-17% and -9.0+/-5%, respectively). Mean percentage of change in mean luminal diameter after ACh was significantly higher in irradiated segments (P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Endothelium-dependent vasomotion of coronary segments treated with BA followed by beta-radiation is restored in the majority of stabl

    TAXUS III Trial: In-Stent Restenosis Treated With Stent-Based Delivery of Paclitaxel Incorporated in a Slow-Release Polymer Formulation

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    BACKGROUND: The first clinical study of paclitaxel-eluting stent for de novo lesions showed promising results. We performed the TAXUS III trial to evaluate the feasibility and safety of paclitaxel-eluting stent for the treatment of in-stent restenosis (ISR). METHODS AND RESULTS: The TAXUS III trial was a single-arm, 2-center study that enrolled 28 patients with ISR meeting the criteria of lesion length < or =30 mm, 50% to 99% diameter stenosis, and vessel diameter 3.0 to 3.5 mm. They were treated with one or more TAXUS NIRx paclitaxel-eluting stents. Twenty-five patients completed the angiographic follow-up at 6 months, and 17 of these underwent intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) examination. No subacute stent thrombosis occurred up to 12 months, but there was one late chronic total occlusion, and additional 3 patients showed angiographic restenosis. The mean late loss was 0.54 mm, with neointimal hyperplasia volume of 20.3 mm3. The major adverse cardiac event rate was 29% (8 patients; 1 non-Q-wave myocardial infarction, 1 coronary artery bypass grafting, and 6 target lesion revascularization [TLR]). Of the patients with TLR, 1 had restenosis in a bare stent implanted for edge dissection and 2 had restenosi

    Reduction of anti-K-mediated hemolytic disease of newborns after the introduction of a matched transfusion policy: a nation-wide policy change evaluation study in the Netherlands

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    Background: During pregnancy, maternal red blood cell (RBC) antibodies can lead to life-threatening fetal hemolysis and anemia. Women can become immunized by a pregnancy or an unmatched transfusion. Our aim was to quantify the effect of a nationwide K-matched transfusion policy for women of childbearing age potential to prevent K-immunization in pregnancy.Study Design and Methods: In this nation-wide policy change evaluation study we determined the occurrence of RBC antibodies before and after introduction of a K-matched transfusion policy and evaluated the cause K alloimmunization 10 years after introduction of this measure. K-matched transfusion for females under 45 years of age is advised in the Dutch transfusion guideline since 2004. We used laboratory data from pregnancies with RBC antibodies identified in the period 1999-2018 obtained as part of a population-based screening program in the Netherlands.Results: Tests of 36 286 pregnancies produced a positive antibody screening result which concerned anti-K in 1550 pregnancies. The occurrence of anti-K decreased from 67.9 to 20.2 per 100 000 pregnancies. The relative risk reduction was 0.70 which largely exceeded the relative risk reduction of 0.27 for antibodies against RBC antigens for which no preventive matching is required. The number of pregnancies at risk for anti-K-mediated disease decreased from 9.7 to 4.2 per 100 000 pregnancies.Conclusions: A K-matched transfusion policy is associated with a major decrease in a number of pregnant women with anti-K and pregnancies at risk for anti-K-mediated disease. A relatively simple measure is now shown to impact prevention of hemolytic disease in the fetus and newborn.Clinical epidemiolog

    Large-scale plasma metabolome analysis reveals alterations in HDL metabolism in migraine

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    Objective To identify a plasma metabolomic biomarker signature for migraine. Methods Plasma samples from 8 Dutch cohorts (n = 10,153: 2,800 migraine patients and 7,353 controls) were profiled on a 1H-NMR-based metabolomics platform, to quantify 146 individual metabolites (e.g., lipids, fatty acids, and lipoproteins) and 79 metabolite ratios. Metabolite measures associated with migraine were obtained after single-metabolite logistic regression combined with a random-effects meta-analysis performed in a nonstratified and sex-stratified manner. Next, a global test analysis was performed to identify sets of related metabolites associated with migraine. The Holm procedure was applied to control the family-wise error rate at 5% in single-metabolite and global test analyses. Results Decreases in the level of apolipoprotein A1 (β −0.10; 95% confidence interval [CI] −0.16, −0.05; adjusted p = 0.029) and free cholesterol to total lipid ratio present in small high-density lipoprotein subspecies (HDL) (β −0.10; 95% CI −0.15, −0.05; adjusted p = 0.029) were associated with migraine status. In addition, only in male participants, a decreased level of omega-3 fatty acids (β −0.24; 95% CI −0.36, −0.12; adjusted p = 0.033) was associated with migraine. Global test analysis further supported that HDL traits (but not other lipoproteins) were associated with migr