47 research outputs found

    Constraining melt geometries beneath the Afar Depression, Ethiopia from teleseismic receiver functions: the anisotropic H-Îș stacking technique

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    Understanding the nature of the crust has long been a goal for seismologists when imaging the Earth. This is particularly true in volcanic regions where imaging melt storage and migration can have important implications for the size and nature of an eruption. Receiver functions and the H-Îș stacking (HÎș) technique are often used to constrain crustal thickness (H) and the ratio of P to S wave velocities (Îș). In this paper, I show that it is essential to consider anisotropy when performing HÎș. I show that in a medium with horizontally transverse isotropy a strong variation in Îș with back azimuth is present, which characterizes the anisotropic medium. In a vertically transverse isotropic medium, no variation in Îș with back azimuth is observed, but Îș is increased across all back azimuths. Thus, estimates of Îș are more difficult to relate to composition than previously thought. I extend these models to melt-induced anisotropy and show that similar patterns are observed, but with more significant variations and increases in Îș. Based on these observations, I develop a new anisotropic H-Îș stacking technique which inverts HÎș data for melt fraction, aspect ratio, and orientation of melt inclusions. I apply this to data for the Afar Depression and show that melt is stored in interconnected stacked sills in the lower crust, which likely supply the recent volcanic eruptions and dike intrusions. This new technique can be applied to any anisotropic medium where it can provide constraints on the average crustal anisotropy

    Crustal Azimuthal Anisotropy Beneath the Central North China Craton Revealed by Receiver Functions

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    To characterize crustal anisotropy beneath the central North China Craton (CNCC), we apply a recently developed deconvolution approach to effectively remove near-surface reverberations in the receiver functions recorded at 200 broadband seismic stations and subsequently determine the fast orientation and the magnitude of crustal azimuthal anisotropy by fitting the sinusoidal moveout of the P to S converted phases from the Moho and intracrustal discontinuities. The magnitude of crustal anisotropy is found to range from 0.06 s to 0.54Â s, with an average of 0.25 ± 0.08Â s. Fault-parallel anisotropy in the seismically active Zhangjiakou-Penglai Fault Zone is significant and could be related to fluid-filled fractures. Historical strong earthquakes mainly occurred in the fault zone segments with significant crustal anisotropy, suggesting that the measured crustal anisotropy is closely related to the degree of crustal deformation. The observed spatial distribution of crustal anisotropy suggests that the northwestern terminus of the fault zone probably ends at about 114°E. Also observed is a sharp contrast in the fast orientations between the western and eastern Yanshan Uplifts separated by the North-South Gravity Lineament. The NW-SE trending anisotropy in the western Yanshan Uplift is attributable to fossil crustal anisotropy due to lithospheric extension of the CNCC, while extensional fluid-saturated microcracks induced by regional compressive stress are responsible for the observed ENE-WSW trending anisotropy in the eastern Yanshan Uplift. Comparison of crustal anisotropy measurements and previously determined upper mantle anisotropy implies that the degree of crust-mantle coupling in the CNCC varies spatially

    Stochastic Inversion of P-to-S Converted Waves for Mantle Composition and Thermal Structure: Methodology and Application

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    We present a new methodology for inverting P‐to‐S receiver function (RF) waveforms directly for mantle temperature and composition. This is achieved by interfacing the geophysical inversion with self‐consistent mineral phase equilibria calculations from which rock mineralogy and its elastic properties are predicted as a function of pressure, temperature, and bulk composition. This approach anchors temperatures, composition, seismic properties, and discontinuities that are in mineral physics data, while permitting the simultaneous use of geophysical inverse methods to optimize models of seismic properties to match RF waveforms. Resultant estimates of transition zone (TZ) topography and volumetric seismic velocities are independent of tomographic models usually required for correcting for upper mantle structure. We considered two end‐member compositional models: the equilibrated equilibrium assemblage (EA) and the disequilibrated mechanical mixture (MM) models. Thermal variations were found to influence arrival times of computed RF waveforms, whereas compositional variations affected amplitudes of waves converted at the TZ discontinuities. The robustness of the inversion strategy was tested by performing a set of synthetic inversions in which crustal structure was assumed both fixed and variable. These tests indicate that unaccounted‐for crustal structure strongly affects the retrieval of mantle properties, calling for a two‐step strategy presented herein to simultaneously recover both crustal and mantle parameters. As a proof of concept, the methodology is applied to data from two stations located in the Siberian and East European continental platforms.This work was supported by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF project 200021_159907). B. T. was funded by a DĂ©lĂ©gation CNRS and CongĂ© pour Recherches et Conversion ThĂ©matique from the UniversitĂ© de Lyon to visit the Research School of Earth Sciences (RSES), The Australian National University (ANU). B. T. has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement 79382

    New Approaches to Multifrequency Sp

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    A Generalized H‐Îș

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