21 research outputs found

    Sting of passion

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    A new exhibition of contemporary jewellery by 12 up-and-coming international jewellery artists opens at Manchester Art Gallery this July. Curated by Manchester-based jewellery artist Jo Bloxham, the exhibition features new conceptual works of jewellery by artists from as far afield as the USA and Mexico. All the works on display have been inspired by Pre-Raphaelite paintings from Manchester Art Gallery’s prestigious collections. The paintings have all been selected by the exhibition curator, Jo Bloxham and include Pre-Raphaelite favourites such as Arthur Hughes’ Ophelia and Rossetti’s The Bower Meadow and Astarte Syriaca. The works portray women as a femme fatale, a seductress, and in some cases, purely as an object of beauty. Bloxham comments that each of the jewellers has responded individually, the works have provoked some strong reactions, and astonishing results: “The jewellers have created an exciting body of work using a diverse selection of materials, from gold and garnets to concrete and broken glass. The Sting of Passion is an opportunity to explore an area of jewellery design rarely seen in the UK.” Polish jeweller, Arek Wolski has added modern irony to his work for Eve Tempted by John Stanhope. Playing on words, Wolski has created a t-shirt brooch, changing the phrase ‘Last Forever’ to a more cynical ‘Lust Forever’. French jeweller, Benjamin Lignel found The Bower Meadow by Dante Gabriel Rossetti deeply unsettling. Lignel says “Here are the real desperate housewives: typecast for maximum excitement. Rossetti’s dancing beauties live the test-tube lives of neutered she-monsters in a tree-lined water-tank.” Nanna Melland from Germany has created a fine, gold chain, to sit around the waist of Rossetti’s Astarte Syriaca in the form of a new girdle

    Water-in-oil emulsions generated by a microfluidic process : contribution to the study of the freezing of dispersed water

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    Ces travaux entrent dans la cadre du projet européen Fundamental and Applied Studies on Emulsion Stability (FASES). L'objectif de ce projet est de comprendre les phénomènes responsables de la déstabilisation des émulsions dans le temps, en relation avec les propriétés interfaciales de ces systèmes. Les travaux de thèse décrits dans ce mémoire se divisent en deux parties : ils portent tout d'abord sur la fabrication de gouttes d'émulsions eau-dans-huile par un procédé microfluidique, puis sur l'étude de la taille et de l'état de dispersion des gouttes sur la cristallisation de l'eau dispersée. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les conditions opératoires permettant de fabriquer des gouttes de taille contrôlée par microfluidique avec le système de fluides mis en œuvre dans le projet FASES. Suivant le mode d'introduction des phases liquides, soit les débits, soit les pressions appliquées, ont été modifiés pour délimiter les zones de fabrication des gouttes. Afin de mieux comprendre les différences observées entre les deux modes d'introduction des fluides, un modèle reposant sur l'analogie entre circuits électriques et circuits microfluidiques a été proposé. Dans un second temps, les émulsions obtenues avec le dispositif microfluidique ont été analysées par calorimétrie et par thermo-microscopie. Les expériences ont permis de mettre en évidence, suivant les conditions étudiées (viscosité, taille des gouttes), différents processus de cristallisation des gouttes. Ces résultats mettent en avant directement le rôle du phénomène de sédimentation, les signaux de congélation observés dépendant fortement de l'état de dispersion des gouttes d'émulsion.This thesis takes place in the framework of the European project FASES (Fundamentaland Applied Studies on Emulsion Stability). The aim of this project is to understand the phenomena responsible for emulsions destabilization, in relation with the interfacial properties of these systems. The research work described in this thesis is divided into twoparts : the first part deals with the creation of water-in-oil emulsion droplets in a microfluidic device, and in the second part, the influence of the size and the state of dispersion of the droplets on the crystallization of dispersed water is analyzed.To begin with, the operating conditions required to create emulsion droplets by microfluidic were studied. Two modes of introduction of the liquid phases, based on flow and pressure-driven techniques, were used to create the droplets. Maps of the droplet formation regions were drawn as a function of the applied flow rates and pressures. In order to compare the two processes, a model based on the analogy between electrical and microfluidic circuits was proposed.Then, emulsions obtained with the microfluidic device were analyzed by calorimetry and thermo-microscopy. The experimental results evidenced different droplet crystallization processes, depending on the system parameters (oil phase viscosity, droplet size …). The water freezing signals strongly depend on the state of dispersion of the droplets, showing themajor role of droplet sedimentation in the emulsion destabilization process

    Under that cloud

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    News that Europe was at a standstill due to the eruption of the Icelandic volcano in April 2010 barely caused a ripple in Mexico City, a land accustomed to living under the threat of its own local Popocatépetl. Momentarily, all that is a given was put on hold under a cloud of surreal paralysis. The enforced, extended stay of some delegates caused by Eyjafjallajökull allowed time to reflect and so to crystallise impressions and perceptions such as the one written by Sam Grainger who reported for the Gray Area symposium. The full text picks out some salient rich threads from the Mexican culture that create a vivid image of the scale and impossible colour of this extraordinary country, the chaos of traffic, the mystery of ancient heritage, the hot-sour flavours of food on the street, the undertones of disquiet from those with less, reminders of a Spain long gone

    Language development for the new generation of children with hearing impairment

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    A new generation of children with hearing impairment (HI) has emerged due to the introduction of universal neonatal hearing screening, medical–surgical/technical and educational advances. Aim: Investigation of long-term development of vocabulary and social well-being of children with HI, including children with HI and additional disability. Method and Material: The project design was prospective, longitudinal, and comparative. Level of receptive vocabulary was compared to children with normal hearing, type of hearing technology, gender, additional disability, diagnosis of HI, level of social well-being, and start age for use of hearing technology. A total of 231 children participated. Intervention included early start of hearing technology and three years of auditory–verbal therapy (AVT) at the preschool level, followed by 3 years of AV guidance at the school level. Results: Children with HI scored within the norm for receptive vocabulary but were outperformed by the control group. Children with HI and a diagnosed additional disability scored lower than children without additional disability, in terms of parental assessments of social well-being. Children with additional disabilities showed positive progression in terms of receptive vocabulary development. Conclusions: New generations with HI possess the potential to succeed academically in accordance with individual abilities and become active participants in the working market

    Une nouvelle voie d'abord pour la neurolyse endoscopique du nerf suprascapulaire à l'incisure spinoglénoïdale : étude cadavérique préliminaire

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    International audienceThe suprascapular nerve (SSN) can become compressed at its 2 scapular attachments: the suprascapular and the spinoglenoid notch. The objective of this study was to describe a new arthroscopic approach for SSN neurolysis at the spinoglenoid notch. Ten cadaver shoulders were used. Two were dissected to simulate the “classical” arthroscopic approach and to help in the creation of a new “direct medial retrospinal” approach. Eight other shoulders were used to validate this new approach, with control of the whole juxta-glenoid course of the SSN as criterion of success. The retrospinal posterior approach allowed the entire juxta-glenoid segment of the SSN to be explored in 6 cases out of 8. One exploration was incomplete, another not feasible. SSN neurolysis at the spinoglenoid notch was feasible in cadavers on a retrospinal approach. © 2017 Elsevier Masson SASIntroduction Le nerf suprascapulaire (NSS) peut être comprimé à ses 2 points de fixation scapulaire : incisure suprascapulaire et incisure spinoglénoïdale (ISG). L’objectif de ce travail est de décrire un nouvel abord endoscopique pour la neurolyse du NSS à l’ISG.Méthode Dix épaules ont été utilisées. Deux épaules ont été disséquées pour simuler le trajet des voies d’abord endoscopiques « classiques » et aider à la création d’une nouvelle voie dite « médiale rétrospinale directe ». Huit autres épaules ont permis de valider cette nouvelle voie avec comme critère de réussite le contrôle de la totalité du trajet juxtaglénoïdien du NSS.Résultats La voie postérieure rétrospinale a permis d’explorer tout le segment juxtaglénoïdien du NSS dans 6 cas sur 8. Une exploration a été incomplète, une autre non réalisable.Conclusion La neurolyse du NSS à l’ISG est possible sur cadavre par l’utilisation d’une voie rétrospinale