5,292 research outputs found

    Anti-chiral edge states in an exciton polariton strip

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    We present a scheme to obtain anti-chiral edge states in an exciton-polariton honeycomb lattice with strip geometry, where the modes corresponding to both edges propagate in the same direction. Under resonant pumping the effect of a polariton condensate with nonzero velocity in one linear polarization is predicted to tilt the dispersion of polaritons in the other, which results in an energy shift between two Dirac cones and the otherwise flat edge states become tilted. Our simulations show that due to the spatial separation from the bulk modes the edge modes are robust against disorder.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Performance evaluation of optical attocells configuration in an indoor visible light communication

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    Visible light communication VLC is deemed as futuristic technology applied for both illumination and data communication due to the low-cost energy consumption, long life expectancy, huge bandwidth, and high security compared to radio frequency RF. Uncovered area, minimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and received power results from the non-uniform distribution of small base stations (i.e. Optical attocells) in the room. In this paper, the researchers propose a new LEDs distribution of five optical attocells configuration model in order to optimize the received power distribution and SNR at the center of the room for indoor VLC system. The optical attocells configuration in terms of received power to fill the uncovered area at the center of the room has been investigated. The simulation results showed that the proposed attocells configuration saved 24.9% of the transmitted power. Besides that, the whole room was covered uniformly. As a result, the received power and SNR are improved

    Magnetic Field Control of the Optical Spin Hall Effect

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    We investigate theoretically the effect of an external magnetic field on polarization patterns appearing in quantum microcavities due to the optical spin Hall effect (OSHE). We show that increase of the magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the cavity resulting in the increase of the Zeeman splitting leads to the transition from azimuthal separation of polarizations to their radial separation. This effect can be straightforwardly detected experimentally.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Patient experiences of an ankle fracture and the most important factors in their recovery : a qualitative interview study

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    Objective The objective of this qualitative research study is to explore patient experiences of ankle fracture and the factors most important to them in recovery. Design Semistructured interviews exploring patient experiences of ankle fracture recovery at 16–23 weeks following injury. Interviews followed a topic guide and were recorded with an encrypted audio recorder and then transcribed verbatim. Thematic content analysis was used to identify themes in the data. Setting Individuals were recruited from a sample of participants of a UK-based clinical trial of immobilisation methods for ankle fracture (ISRCTN15537280 at the pre-results stage at time of writing). Interviews were conducted at the participants’ own homes or on a university campus setting. Participants A purposive sample was used to account for key variables of age, gender and fracture management. Participants recruited from the clinical trial sample were adults aged 18 years or over with a closed ankle fracture. Results Ten participants were interviewed, five of whom were female and six of whom needed an operation to fix their ankle fracture. The age range of participants was 21–75 years with a mean of 51.6 years. Eight themes emerged from the data during analysis; mobility, loss of independence, healthcare, psychological effects, social and family life, ankle symptoms, sleep disturbance and fatigue, and activities of daily living. Factors of importance to participants included regaining their independence, sleep quality and quantity, ability to drive, ability to walk without walking aids or weight-bearing restrictions, and radiological union. Conclusions The results of this research demonstrates the extensive impact of ankle fracture on individuals’ lives, including social and family life, sleep, their sense of independence and psychological well-being. The results of this study will enable an increased understanding of the factors of relevance to individuals with ankle fracture, allowing collection of appropriate outcomes in clinical studies for this condition. Ultimately these results will help formulate appropriate patient-centred rehabilitation plans for these patients

    Device independent state estimation based on Bell's inequalities

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    The only information available about an alleged source of entangled quantum states is the amount SS by which the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality is violated: nothing is known about the nature of the system or the measurements that are performed. We discuss how the quality of the source can be assessed in this black-box scenario, as compared to an ideal source that would produce maximally entangled states (more precisely, any state for which S=22S=2\sqrt{2}). To this end, we introduce several inequivalent notions of fidelity, each one related to the use one can make of the source after having assessed it; and we derive quantitative bounds for each of them in terms of the violation SS. We also derive a lower bound on the entanglement of the source as a function of SS only.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Added appendices containing proof

    The Design for a Nanoscale Single-Photon Spin Splitter

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    We propose using the effective spin-orbit interaction of light in Bragg-modulated cylindrical waveguides for the effcient separation of spin-up and spin-down photons emitted by a single photon emitter. Due to the spin and directional dependence of photonic stopbands in the waveguides, spin-up (down) photon propagation in the negative (positive) direction along the waveguide axis is blocked while the same photon freely propagates in the opposite direction.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure