43 research outputs found

    Music and Political Space in Ancient Egypt

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    Im alten Ägypten nahm Musik durch die Strukturierung von militĂ€rischen Paraden, könig-lichen Festen und religiösen Prozessionen eine wichtige Rolle im öffentlichen Raum ein. Alle diese Situationen können gleichzeitig auch als politische RĂ€ume verstanden werden, da sie immer auch zur politischen Kommunikation dienten. Der vorliegende Artikel un-tersucht, wie Musik und Musikinstrumente zu diesem Zweck verwendet wurden und wie politische Wirklichkeit sowie ihre VerĂ€nderungen sich in deren Auswahl widerspiegel

    Das Orakelwesen im Alten Ägypten

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    Aus dem Alten Ägypten sind zahlreiche unterschiedliche divinatorische Techniken bezeugt, mit deren Hilfe der Wille der Götter, die juristische Wahrheit oder die Zukunft bestimmt werden konnten. Am weitaus besten dokumentiert sind dabei verschiedene Orakelarten, die die Götter unmittelbar in Form ihrer Kultstatuen oder ihrer heiligen Tiere involvierten. Solche Orakel konnten sowohl öffentlichen wie privaten Charakter haben. Der Beitrag diskutiert die verschiedenen Spielarten und ihre jeweilige Anwendung.From Ancient Egypt, many different divinatory techniques are attested. They were used to determine the will of the gods, the juridical truth or the future. Best documented are different types of oracles which involved the gods directly, either in form of their statues or in form of sacred animals. Such oracles could both have an official or a more private character. The article discusses the different types and their respective uses

    TagewĂ€hlerei im Alten Ägypten

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    Im Alten Ägypten existierte eine Tradition von Kalendern mit Tagesbewertungen, die es dem Nutzer erlaubte, fĂŒr jeden Tag und sogar teilweise fĂŒr unterschiedliche Tageszeiten differenziert zu erfahren, ob es glĂŒckverheißend oder eher kontraproduktiv wĂ€re, eine Unternehmung zu beginnen. Ähnliche Listen gab es auch fĂŒr Monate. Die Bewertungen beruhten unter anderem auf mythischen Ereignissen, die an den jeweiligen Daten stattgefunden haben sollen, weshalb diese Kalender auch wertvolle Quellen zur Mythologie darstellen. In spĂ€terer Zeit gehen sie dann auch eine Verbindung mit astrologischen Theorien ein. Das Konzept dieser dies aegyptiaci lebte bis in die SpĂ€tantike fort.In Ancient Egypt, there existed a tradition of calendars containing information on the days’ qualities. They allowed a user to find out whether a day or even a particular time of a given day was propitious for certain activities or not. Similar lists existed also for whole months. The ratings often depended from mythological events purportedly having occurred on that date. Thus, such calendars also offer precious information on mythological concepts. Later on, these calendars also make use of astrological theories. In the term dies aegyptiaci, the concept lived on until Late Antiquity

    Meson-baryon coupling constants in two-flavor lattice QCD

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    We evaluate the pseudoscalar-meson coupling constants and the strangeness-conservingand the strangeness-changing axial charges of octet baryons in lattice QCD with two flavors ofdynamical quarks.We find that the coupling constants and the axial charges have rather weak quarkmassdependence and the breaking in SU(3)-flavor symmetry is small at each quark-mass point weconsider.Yukawa International Program for Quark-Hadron Sciences ; KAKENHIpost-prin

    Inhalte im Fokus – Mathematische Strategien entwickeln : Tagungsband des AK Grundschule in der GDM 2018

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    Dieser Tagungsband dokumentiert die Ergebnisse der Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Grundschule in der Gesellschaft fĂŒr Didaktik der Mathematik (GDM), die in diesem Jahr wieder in Bad Salzdetfurth stattfand. Vom 09. bis 11. November 2018 widmete sich der Arbeitskreis dem Thema „Inhalte im Fokus – Mathematische Strategien entwickeln“. Mathematische Bildung in der Grundschule ist eine herausfordernde und langfristige Aufgabe fĂŒr die Unterrichtspraxis sowie die mathematikdidaktische Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit. Mit Fokus auf die mathematischen Inhaltsbereiche wurde der Themenkomplex ‚Strategien‘ im Rahmen von vier HauptvortrĂ€gen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchtet und im Plenum diskutiert. ZusĂ€tzlich setzten sich acht Arbeitsgruppen mit den Themenfeldern ‚Arithmetik‘, ‚Geometrie‘, ‚Sachrechnen‘, ‚Daten, HĂ€ufigkeit und Wahrscheinlichkeit‘, ‚Lehrerfortbildung‘, ‚Kommunikation und Kooperation‘, ‚Lernen, Lehren und Forschen mit digitalen Medien‘ sowie ‚vorschulische Bildung‘ intensiv mit aktuellen Forschungs-und Praxisfragen auseinander. Zentrale Ergebnisse dieser Arbeitsgruppen sind in diesem Band ebenfalls dokumentiert.The Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the Research Group on Primary Mathematics Education (Arbeitskreis Grundschule in der GDM) focus on mathematical content and the development of mathematical strategies in mathematics education in primary school. Four invited talks addressed the main theme in plenum. Additionally, workings groups on the research areas arithmetic, geometry, modelling, data & probability, as well as groups on teacher education, ICT, and last not least early mathematics education offered discussions on current research issues

    ÉCLAIRE - Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosytems - second periodic report 01/04/2013 to 30/09/2014

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    ECLAIRE: Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosystems. Project final report

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    The central goal of ECLAIRE is to assess how climate change will alter the extent to which air pollutants threaten terrestrial ecosystems. Particular attention has been given to nitrogen compounds, especially nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3), as well as Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) in relation to tropospheric ozone (O3) formation, including their interactions with aerosol components. ECLAIRE has combined a broad program of field and laboratory experimentation and modelling of pollution fluxes and ecosystem impacts, advancing both mechanistic understanding and providing support to European policy makers. The central finding of ECLAIRE is that future climate change is expected to worsen the threat of air pollutants on Europe’s ecosystems. Firstly, climate warming is expected to increase the emissions of many trace gases, such as agricultural NH3, the soil component of NOx emissions and key BVOCs. Experimental data and numerical models show how these effects will tend to increase atmospheric N deposition in future. By contrast, the net effect on tropospheric O3 is less clear. This is because parallel increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations will offset the temperature-driven increase for some BVOCs, such as isoprene. By contrast, there is currently insufficient evidence to be confident that CO2 will offset anticipated climate increases in monoterpene emissions. Secondly, climate warming is found to be likely to increase the vulnerability of ecosystems towards air pollutant exposure or atmospheric deposition. Such effects may occur as a consequence of combined perturbation, as well as through specific interactions, such as between drought, O3, N and aerosol exposure. These combined effects of climate change are expected to offset part of the benefit of current emissions control policies. Unless decisive mitigation actions are taken, it is anticipated that ongoing climate warming will increase agricultural and other biogenic emissions, posing a challenge for national emissions ceilings and air quality objectives related to nitrogen and ozone pollution. The O3 effects will be further worsened if progress is not made to curb increases in methane (CH4) emissions in the northern hemisphere. Other key findings of ECLAIRE are that: 1) N deposition and O3 have adverse synergistic effects. Exposure to ambient O3 concentrations was shown to reduce the Nitrogen Use Efficiency of plants, both decreasing agricultural production and posing an increased risk of other forms of nitrogen pollution, such as nitrate leaching (NO3-) and the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O); 2) within-canopy dynamics for volatile aerosol can increase dry deposition and shorten atmospheric lifetimes; 3) ambient aerosol levels reduce the ability of plants to conserve water under drought conditions; 4) low-resolution mapping studies tend to underestimate the extent of local critical loads exceedance; 5) new dose-response functions can be used to improve the assessment of costs, including estimation of the value of damage due to air pollution effects on ecosystems, 6) scenarios can be constructed that combine technical mitigation measures with dietary change options (reducing livestock products in food down to recommended levels for health criteria), with the balance between the two strategies being a matter for future societal discussion. ECLAIRE has supported the revision process for the National Emissions Ceilings Directive and will continue to deliver scientific underpinning into the future for the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

    ECLAIRE third periodic report

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    The ÉCLAIRE project (Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosystems) is a four year (2011-2015) project funded by the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7)