11 research outputs found


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    Perineal tears are tears that occur in the perineum during labor and occur in almost all first deliveries and also not infrequently in subsequent deliveries. Binahong plants are believed to accelerate recovery, including perineal lacerations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of binahong leaf boiled water with healing of perineal wounds in puerperal mothers at Sri Diana Lubis Clinic in 2019.The study design uses a quasi-experimental approach with a static group comparison approach that is the research that the treatment has done, then observations or posttests. The population in this study were all postpartum 2 day postpartum mothers who experienced second degree tears of 10 people and all of them were sampled (total population). Data analysis using univariate and bivariate data using the Sign-Wilcoxon test.The results showed that the effectiveness of the growth of Perineum Wounds in Postpartum mothers who consumed boiled water binahong leaves with rapid wound growth <6 days by 5 people (50%), while those who did not consume with normal wound healing 6-7 days were 3 people (30%) and slow wound healing by 2 people (20%).Conclusion there is an effect of the effectiveness of binahong leaf boiled water with healing of perineal wounds in puerperal women at the Sri Diana Lubis Clinic in 2019.Keywords: Binahong Leaves, Perineum Woun

    Health Counseling on Nutrition-Conscious Families (Kadarzi) in Sidodadi Ramunia Village

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    Family Aware Nutrition (KADARZI) has become a crucial initiative in efforts to improve public health at the family level. This program focuses on increasing understanding and awareness of nutrition within the family by providing knowledge, prevention, and solutions to nutritional problems. Through families who have an understanding and are aware of the nutritional status of the family, it is hoped that morbidity and mortality rates will be reduced, because one of the efforts to improve health status by improving nutritional status. Sidodadi Village is the location for the implementation of KADARZI counseling activities. The media used for this counseling include laptops, infocus, and microphones to achieve optimal results. 20 community members of Sidodadi Village participated in this activity involving education on the concept of Nutrition Conscious Family, supported by discussion sessions and practical demonstrations. The results of the evaluation of activities showed a significant increase in public understanding related to KADARZI, with an initial knowledge level of 15% which jumped to 90%. This achievement reflects the positive impact provided by extension activities on public knowledge about KADARZI. Increasing nutrition awareness is expected to have a positive impact on the overall nutritional status in the Sidodadi Village community. The success of this program illustrates the urgency of education in shaping healthy behaviors, becoming the basis for positive change in family daily life. Therefore, KADARZI is not only a preventive measure, but also a long-term investment in the health of local communities, bringing sustainable benefits to future generations


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    Pregnancy is the most beautiful gift that many women dream of, a desired or uncertain pregnancy will be dispensed with, including the nausea and vomiting that pregnant women often feel. Nausea and vomiting in pregnant women is a physiological condition experienced by every first trimester pregnant woman when excessive nausea and vomiting (hypermesis) affects the mother and her fetus. World Health Organization (WHO) In 2016 almost 830 women die every day related to pregnancy and childbirth, 99% of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of giving ginger boiled water in reducing emesis gravidarum in pregnant women in the 1st and 2nd trimesters at the Setia Budi Bidan Lisda Wati Clinic in 2022. The design of this study was a Quasy Experiment with a One Group Pre Test – Post test Design. The population in this study were 10 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique is a sample selection based on certain criteria as many as 10 people, the statistical test used is the t test. The data obtained were the pre-test before being given a value of 10 SD 1.581 while the post-test after being given N10 SD 1.955. from the results of the statistical test, namely the t test with a confidence level of 95%, it is known that the P-value = 0.000 <0.05. The conclusion in this study is the effectiveness of giving ginger boiled water in reducing emesis gravidarum in pregnant women in the 1st and 2nd trimester at the Setia Budi Bidan Lisda Wati Medan clinic in 2022. It is suggested that the results of this study can be applied to reduce emesis in pregnant women in a natural way, namely drinking ginger decoction.

    Utilization Of Katuk Leaf Extract In The Production Of Breast Milk For Successful Breastfeeding

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    Latar Belakang : Produksi ASI yang tidak mencukupi merupakan keluhan yang sering diutarakan oleh ibu terutama minggu pertama nifas dan mengenai sekitar 50-80% wanita hamil. Banyak sekali obat-obatan yang ditawarkan kepada mereka untuk mengurangi keluhan tersebut, Salah satu cara yang dapat meningkatkan kuantitas ASI adalah dengan mengkonsumsi makanan laktogenik yang mempunyai efek laktagogum, yang salah satunya adalah daun Katuk, yang diduga dapat menambah produksiASI. Namun masalah yang masih di temukan di masyarakat, terutama pada ibu menyusui adalah adanya keluhan ibu menyusui bahwa volume ASI yang keluar saat menyusui tidak banyak. Oleh karenn itu peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti daun Katuk sebagai solusi untuk memperbanyak volume ASI.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa pengaruh manfaat pemberian ekstrak daun Katuk terhadap produksi ASI dalam keberhasilan menyusui pada ibu postpartum di Klinik Rosni tahun 2019. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasy experimental design, dengan menggunakan jenis Posttest-Only Control Design yaitu terdapat dua kelompok yang masing-masing dipilih secara random (R). Kelompok pertama diberi perlakuan (X) dan kelompok yang lain tidak. Kelompok yang diberi perlakuan disebut kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok yang tidak diberi perlakuan disebut kelompok kontrol. Dalam penelitian ini, pengaruh perlakuan dianalisis dengan uji beda, memakai statistik t-test.Hasil sebagian besar atau 57,14 % pada kelompok kontrol pengeluaran ASI 3 hari setelah persalinan, dan sebagian besar atau 71,4 % pada kelompok perlakuan pengeluaran ASI pada hari ke 2. Dari uji statistik t- test diperoleh hasil tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dalam pemberian ekstrak daun Katuk terhadap kelancaran ASI pada ibu nifas dengan nilai p = 0,93 (p>0,05).Kesimpulan tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dalam pemberian ekstrak daun Katuk terhadap kelancaran ASI pada ibu nifasSaran pada ibu nifas agar sering mengkonsumsi makanan yang bergizi dan mengandung laktogenum serta tablet ferum untuk membantu memperlancar pengeluaran ASI pada ibu nifas. Kata Kunci Ekstrak Daun Katuk, Keberhasilan Menyusui, Produksi ASI ABSTRACT Background: Insufficient breast milk production is a complaint that is often expressed by mothers, especially during the first week of postpartum and it affects about 50-80% of pregnant women. Many medicines are offered to them to reduce these complaints. One way to increase the quantity of breast milk is by consuming lactogenic foods that have a laktagogum effect, one of which is Katuk leaf, which is thought to increase milk production. However, the problem that is still found in the community, especially for breastfeeding mothers, is that there are complaints from breastfeeding mothers that the volume of milk that comes out when breastfeeding is not significant. Therefore, researchers are interested in examining Katuk leaf as a solution to increase the volume of breast milk.The study aimed to analyze the effect of giving Katuk leaf extract on breast milk production to succeed the breastfeeding in post-partum mothers at the Rosni Clinic in 2019. The method used in this study was a quasi-experimental design method, using the Posttest-Only Control Design namely, two groups were selected randomly (R). The first group was given treatment (X), and the other group was not. The group that was given the treatment was called the experimental group, and the group that was not treated was called the control group. In this study, the effect of treatment was analyzed by differential tests, using a statistical t-test. This study showed that most of the respondents (57.14%) in the control group had breast milk production 3 days after delivery, and most of the respondents (71.4%) in the treatment group had breast milk production on day 2. From the statistical test, t-test, there  was no significant effect in giving Katuk leaf extract to smooth  breast milk production in postpartum mothers with p value = 0.93 (p>0.05).The conclusion of this study is that there is no significant effect of giving Katuk leaf extract on the smoothness of breast milk in postpartum mothers.The suggestion is that postpartum mothers often consume nutritious foods containing lactogenum and ferum tablets to help facilitate breast milk production in postpartum mothers. Keywords: Breast Milk Production, Breastfeeding, Katuk Leaf Extract

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Remaja tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi dengan Perilaku Seksual Beresiko di SMA Esa Prakarsa Selesai Kabupaten Langkat

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    Adolescence is the most prone period in physical life, growth, and development since sexual hormone has actively functioned. Naturally, teenagers experience rapid sexual drive which can cause the existence of risky sexual behavior. The objective of the research was to find out the correlation between teenagers’ knowledge of reproduction health and their sexual behavior at SMA Esa Prakarsa, Selesai, Langkat District, in 2014. The research was an analytic survey with cross sectional design. The population was 156 Grade XI students at SMA Esa Prakarsa, Selesai, Langkat District, and 114 of them were used as the samples. The data were analyzed by using univatriate analysis and bivatriate analysis with chi square test. The result of the research showed that 45 respondents (34,5%) lack of knowledge of high risky sexual behavior, and 11 respondents (9,6%) had low risky sexual behavior with p-value = 0.000 which indicated that p-value = 0,000 < 0,05.  The conclusion of the research was that, statistically, there was significant correlation between teenagers’ knowledge of reproduction health and risky sexual behavior at SMA Esa Prakarsa, Selesai, Langkat District, in 2014


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perawatan tali pusat menggunakan metode topikal ASI dan kasa kering terhadap waktu pelepasan tali pusat bayi baru lahir persalinan post SC di RSU Delima Medan tahun 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pra eksperimen dengan desain static group comparison group. Penelitian dilaksanakan di RSU Delima Medan, pada bulan Juli s.d September 2018. Populasi penelitian adalah bayi yang dilahirkan secara SC dengan umur 0-8 hari periode bulan September 2018 yaitu 84 bayi di RSU Delima Medan. Teknik penentuan sampel penelitian yaitu accidental sampling, maka sampel penelitian adalah bayi baru lahir secara SC umur 0-8 hari pada periode September 2018 di RSU Delima Medan yang berjumlah 30 bayi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan: 1) data primer, berupa checklist yang berisi daftar atau lembaran tentang cara merawat tali pusat (pengamatan dilakukan sejak bayi lahir s.d lepas tali pusat) menggunakan metode topikal ASI dan kasa kering di RSU Delima Medan; 2) data sekunder, diperoleh dari buku register bayi baru lahir di RSU Delima Medan; dan 3) data tersier, diperoleh dari naskah yang sudah dipublikasikan, WHO, Profil Kesehatan Indonesia 2016 dan data Provinsi Sumatera Utara 2016. Sedangkan, analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat dengan uji statistik untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian yaitu Independent Sample T-test. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh perawatan tali pusat menggunakan metode topikal ASI dan kasa kering terhadap waktu pelepasan tali pusat bayi baru lahir persalinan post sc di RSU Delima Medan tahun 2018.Kata kunci:  perawatan tali pusat, metode topical ASI dan kasa kering, waktu pelepasan tali pusat bay

    Pengaruh Perawatan Tali Pusat Metode Topikal ASI dan Kasa Kering Terhadap Waktu Pelepasan Tali Pusat Bayi Baru Lahir Persalinan Post SC

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    Umbilical cord care aims to prevent infection and accelerate the release of the umbilical cord from the baby's stomach. Aim; Knowing the effect of umbilical cord care on the time of release of the umbilical cord with the topical breastfeeding method and cord care with the dry gauze method at Delima General Hospital. Method; The type of research used was "Pre-Experiment" and research design/"static group comparison group". The sampling technique in this study is Accidental Sampling. The number of samples in this study were 30 respondents..Results; Bivariate analysis found that there was an effect of umbilical cord care using topical breast milk and dry gauze on the time of cord extraction, with a value of p = 0.000 <0.05, then Ho was rejected, and when viewed from the t value it was 4.430 while the t table was -2.000 so it was 4.430 > 2,000 (t count > t table) thus Ho is rejected, meaning that there is a significant effect between cord care using topical ASI and dry gauze methods with the time the umbilical cord was removed. Conclusion; There was an effect of umbilical cord care using topical breastfeeding and dry gauze on the time of post-neonatal cord extraction at Delima General Hospital in Medan in 2018. Suggestions for future researchers to develop research with wider variables

    Hubungan Berat Badan Lahir dengan Ruptur Perineum pada Persalinan Normal di Puskesmas di Tunong

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    Rips through the birth canal is a form of obstetric trauma is one of the causes of the high maternal mortality rate in Indonesia. Perineal laceration occurs in almost all deliveries are the first and often also on the next delivery. Data in Puskesmas Idi Tunong in 2014 there were 249 maternal and a total of 112 (44.9%) were ruptured perineum, in 2015 there were 256 maternal and a total of 143 (55.8%) were ruptured perineum. This study aims to determine the relationship of birth weight with perineal rupture in normal deliveries at health centers Idi Tunong. This study used analytic survey with cross sectional study design. The samples were all mothers giving birth at health centers Idi Tunong the period January-April 2016 was 49 maternal. Data were analyzed by Chi-Square test. The results were obtained birth weight infants majority had normal birth weight as many as 42 infants (85.7%) infants. Normal child birth majority of ruptured perineum as much as 29 (59.2%). Statistical test results obtained by value p (sig) = 0.040 <0.05; then the hypothesis is accepted, which means that there is a relationship between birth weight with rupture of the perineum in Puskesmas Idi Tunong 2016. Suggested for health workers, especially midwives in order to increase knowledge and competence mainly in regards to the rupture of the perineum at birth mothers to reduce further complications to mothers who have ruptured perineum

    Pengaruh Minum Air Kelapa Muda Hijau Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Haid (Dismenorhea) Pada Siswi Sma Pab 5 Klumpang Kec. Hamparan Perak Kabupaten Deli Serdang Tahun 2018

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    Background: Menstrual pain (dysmenorhea) is pain that is felt during menstruation. Pain during menstruation can be treated using herbal remedies, one of which is coconut water. In Indonesia, the incidence of dysmenorrhea is 64.25%, consisting of 54.89% primary dysmenorrhea and 9.36% secondary dysmenorrhea. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea in Indonesia states that dimenorhea is around 55% among productive age groups. This study aims to determine the effect of drinking green young coconut water on reducing menstrual pain (dysmenorhea). This research is a quantitative study using a pre-experimental design with a one group pre-post test approach. The sample for this study was SMA PAB 5 Klumpang students using the qouta sampling technique, namely 17 people. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that there were differences in mean scores The average decrease in menstrual pain before and after being given green young coconut water is from 3.29 to 4.65. Wilcoxon test results obtained A-Symp Sig (2-tailed) value is p = 0.000 (<0.05). Conclusion: there is an effect of drinking green young coconut water on reducing pain. It is recommended that respondents increase their knowledge in dealing with menstrual pain using non-pharmacological drugs, for institutional recipients of information on the benefits of coconut water in reducing menstrual pain, and for future researchers to develop it further

    Pengaruh Jus Bayam terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin Ibu Hamil Trimester I dan II

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    One of the threats that can harm pregnant women and fetuses is anemia. In Indonesia, in light of the consequences of Riskesdas in 2013, the pervasiveness of weakness in pregnant ladies was 37.1%. The motivation behind this examination was to decide the impact of spinach juice on expanding hemoglobin levels in pregnant ladies in the first and second trimesters at the Niar Pratama center in 2020. The exploration plan in understanding with this investigation was a semi test utilizing the One Group Pretest Posttest approach. The study was conducted in September 2020. The sample in this study was 10 people. Analysis of this statistical test using the t test (Test Paired Sample T Test). The results of this study using statistical tests obtained a p-value of 0.000 <0.05, so that there is an effect between giving spinach juice to increasing hemoglobin levels in pregnant women in the second and second trimesters. In light of the aftereffects of examination on the effect of spinach juice on expanding hemoglobin levels in pregnant ladies in the first and second trimesters at the Niar Pratama Clinic in 2020, explicitly there is an impact between giving spinach juice to increment hemoglobin levels in pregnant ladies.   Keywords: Spinach Juice, Hb, Pregnant Women ABSTRAK   Salah satu ancaman yang dapat membahayakan ibu hamil dan janin adalah anemia. Di Indonesia, berdasarkan hasil Riskesdas tahun 2013, prevalensi anemia pada ibu hamil sebesar 37,1%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jus bayam terhadap peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil trimester I dan II di Klinik Pratama Niar tahun 2020. Desain penelitian yang sesuai dengan penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimen dengan menggunakan pendekatan One Group Pretest Posttest. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September tahun 2020. Sampel  pada penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 10 orang. Analisa uji statistik ini menggunakan uji t (Uji Paired Sampel T Test).  Hasil dari penelitian ini menggunakan uji statistik didapatkan nilai p-value sebesar 0,000 < 0,05, sehingga ada pengaruh antara pemberian jus bayam terhadap peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil trimester I dan II. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengenai dampak jus bayam terhadap peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil trimester I dan II di Klinik Pratama Niar tahun 2020, secara spesifik terdapat pengaruh antara pemberian jus bayam untuk meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil.   Kata Kunci: Jus Bayam, Hb, Ibu Hami