11 research outputs found

    Contextualizing gender issues and inclusive education: an analysis of the perceptions of primary education teachers

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    This study explores the experiences and perceptions of primary education teachers regarding the struggle for gender equality in schools located in an area in northern Spain. In addition, it analyses the measures carried out in classrooms and schools to achieve this objective that are influenced by social and cultural factors, and does so within a scenario consisting of an inclusive school that advocates equality as one of its fundamental ethical principles. The study is included in the paradigm of qualitative research, and eight teachers from three public schools were interviewed. The teachers expressed their broad dissatisfaction with the generally limited involvement of the schools and the educational community in promoting gender equality, which is influenced by different social and cultural dynamics. Lines of action are proposed that motivate teachers to take responsibility for their teaching practice in order to guarantee gender equality in a context of cultural diversity

    Links between ease of use, perceived usefulness and attitudes towards technology in older people in university: A structural equation modelling approach

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    Technological resources have the potential to improve the quality of life in a context in which social pressure for the use of these tools is increasing. In this sense, the adoption of technological resources by the elderly is a highly complex issue because numerous and varied factors are involved. Precisely for this reason, this study aims to analyze the effects that exist between a series of dimensions related to the perception of older people regarding the ease of use, the perceived usefulness of technological tools, attitudes towards technology and their intention to use them in everyday life. To do this, 415 adults (M = 66.27 years) enrolled in a program at the University of Experience in the Spanish context completed an online questionnaire. The application of a Structural Equations Model for data analysis highlights that the perceived ease of use of the technology has a positive effect on the perceived usefulness of these resources. Similarly, an indirect effect of the perceived usefulness of technology on the intention to use these resources is observed through the manifestation of positive attitudes towards the use of digital tools

    Sistemas de ayuda entre iguales con poblaciones de niños del espectro autista en escuelas inclusivas. Una revisión sistemática

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    As a result of inclusion-oriented policies, in recent years a growing interest in all children learn together in schools is detected. Concretizing for the population of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, this approach has led a rejection of more individualized to let emerge an educational inclusive perspective, emphasizing the importance of peer influence with typical development (TD) in their social and communicative skills. The pedagogic use of peer support systems involves teaching a series of strategies and guidelines to children without difficulties in order to facilitate the social interaction of children wits ASD. In this way, in this systematic review it appears the systematic analysis of 11 empirical studies using support and peer assistance with children with ASD in inclusive school settings. After data extraction, certain differences are found in the type of training given to children with TD and in activities implemented with peers with ASD, depending on educational stage where they are and the place where the intervention is implemented. For both educational stages (elementary and primary), role-playing and modeling are the two most commonly adopted procedures to training peers who are going to implement later the peer support system with children with TEA. At the time of implementing these interventions, the type of activity par excellence used in the kindergarten stage, is the game, while more complex activities such as reinforcing communicative attempts and attracting attention, are introduced in primary

    Invisibilidad de la escuela rural en la formación de maestros

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    Initial teacher training is essential for future job performance in any teaching position. However, rural schools remain frequently overlooked. To address this issue, this research explores content specifically relating to rural schools in initial teacher training. An exhaustive review was carried out of the curricula, verification reports, and teaching guides of teaching degrees in public and private universities in Spain. The results show that rural schools are lacking in the educational skills teachers must acquire in their university education, with few courses specifically dealing with this type of school. In particular, we conclude that rural school training is essential due to the specific nature of these schools and there is a need to include this in teacher training, as some universities are already doing. La formación inicial de los maestros es clave para su posterior desempeño laboral en cualquiera de sus destinos; sin embargo, la escuela rural sigue siendo la gran olvidada. Para atender esa realidad, en esta investigación se analizan los contenidos específicos sobre la escuela rural en la formación inicial. Se realizó una revisión exhaustiva de los planes de estudio, memorias de verificación y guías docentes de los grados de magisterio de universidades españolas, tanto públicas como privadas. Los resultados muestran que la escuela rural está ausente en las competencias educativas que debe adquirir un maestro en su formación universitaria, siendo escasas las asignaturas específicas sobre la temática. En las conclusiones destaca la formación en escuela rural como un elemento esencial por su especificidad y la necesidad de que se incorpore a la formación de maestros –como algunas universidades ya lo hacen

    Recreos Cooperativos e Inclusivos a través de la metodología de Aprendizaje-Servicio

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    Este artículo presenta una experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio llevada a cabo por la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de Huesca. Dicha experiencia se ha materializado en un proyecto denominado Recreos cooperativos e inclusivos, cuya repercusión es trascendente puesto que se está implementando en siete centros públicos de la etapa de Educación Infantil y Primaria de la ciudad de Huesca. A partir de la misma hemos podido constatar como los estudiantes de Magisterio desarrollan competencias transversales del Grado, al mismo tiempo que brindan un servicio en el entorno próximo, mejorando las interacciones que se establecen en los recreos entre los niños de primaria y disminuyendo la exclusión social así como las dinámicas segregacionistas y marginadoras que se ponían de manifiesto en los recreos. This paper presents a service-learning experience conducted at the Faculty of Humanities and Education at the University of Zaragoza. This experience has resulted in a project called cooperative and inclusive breaks, whose impact is important because it is being carried out in almost all public schools in the Pre-School and Primary Education of the City of Huesca. In this project we have seen how students of the Teacher Degree have developed cross skills of the Degree, while they have provided a service in the immediate environment by 1) improving the interactions established during breaks between elementary school children and 2) reducing social exclusion and marginalizing dynamics that occur during break

    Identificación de las fortalezas y debilidades de la competencia digital en el uso de aplicaciones de internet del alumno de primer curso del Grado de Magisterio

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    El objetivo de este estudio se centra en identificar la competencia digital en el uso de aplicaciones de internet en los estudiantes del primer curso del Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Universidad de Zaragoza del curso académico 2014-2015, un total de 960 alumnos, de los cuales 240 estaban matriculados en la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de Huesca, 240 en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de Teruel y 480 en la Facultad de Educación de Zaragoza. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario de elaboración propia, realizado por profesores del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, del Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad de Zaragoza y por profesores del área de Tecnología y del área de Matemáticas de dos Institutos de Educación Secundaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón. Los resultados obtenidos indican que los estudiantes que llegan a la Universidad, a pesar de ser de la generación de la era digital, tienen debilidades importantes en el uso de las herramientas de internet que analizamos en este estudio. El análisis cualitativo de los resultados muestra que la mayoría de los estudiantes conocen y usan frecuentemente tan solo cuatro de las veinte herramientas sobre las que se les pregunta en esta investigación. The aim of this research is to identify the digital competence in the use of internet tools in firstyear students of Preschool and Primary Education Teacher Training Degree at the University of Zaragoza in the academic year 2014-2015. The sample included a total of 960 students, from which 240 were enrolled in the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of Huesca, 240 in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Teruel and 480 in the Faculty of Education of Zaragoza). They were given a questionnaire, specifically designed by teachers of the Departments of Educational Sciences, Computer Science and Systems Engineering of the University of Zaragoza and by teachers of Technology and of Mathematics of two Secondary Education Schools of the Autonomous Community of Aragon. The results indicate that students arriving at University for the first time, despite belonging to the digital era, have serious weakness in digital skills, in the use of the internet tools analyzed in this study. The qualitative analysis of the results shows that the majority of students knows and uses frequently only four of twenty tools considered in this research

    Digital competence of university teachers of social and legal sciences from a gender perspective

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    Higher Education institutions must respond to the major challenges posed by the technological transformations of recent years. For this, one of the key aspects is that the teachers working in them are trained to incorporate these technologies in teaching–learning processes, which requires them to be digitally competent. To analyse how gender relates to the level of competence of teachers, the types of ICT tools that they use, and their attitudes towards their implementation in teaching– learning processes, this quantitative research was carried out with the participation of 121 university teachers from the Autonomous Community of Aragon, all of them from the area of Social and Legal Sciences. The results show a differentiated profile between men and women in terms of their attitudes, beliefs, and self-perception regarding their management skills and effectiveness. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    La potencialidad de la tecnología en la medición del desarrollo de habilidades sociales en niños con TEA: un análisis desde parámetros fisiológicos

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    El uso pedagógico de la tecnología es una realidad y está impulsando un cambio importante en la atención educativa a los niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Sin embargo, pocos son los estudios centrados en cómo verificar el impacto de estas herramientas en las diversas intervenciones que se realizan. En este sentido y con el objeto de evaluar mediante wearables los cambios reales que se producen cuando se interviene en el ámbito de las habilidades sociales en niños con TEA y verificar la potencialidad didáctica de los dispositivos tecnológicos, se plantea una investigación de diseño mixto basada en el método estudio de casos. La muestra ha estado constituida por cuatro alumnos con TEA. La recolección de datos se ha llevado a cabo, por un lado, mediante la observación sistemática de las conductas durante las sesiones de intervención, y por otro, mediante la medición de parámetros fisiológicos (ritmo cardíaco y actividad electrodérmica) a través de un wearable -Empatica E4-, asociándose a estados emocionales de los niños. Los resultados reflejan un aumento del ritmo cardíaco y variaciones en la actividad electrodérmica en situaciones de incomprensión y espera de turnos y un estado más calmado (disminución del ritmo cardíaco) en momentos de fijación de la atención en el dispositivo tecnológico. Asimismo, se observa un descenso en comportamientos no sociales como estereotipias o la mirada perdida y un aumento en conductas sociales. En concreto, aparecen incrementos significativos en la atención conjunta y en el contacto ocular

    El nuevo prácticum del grado de magisterio. Aportaciones de alumnos y profesores

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