122 research outputs found

    Ziektelast van infectieziekten in Europa: een pilot studie

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    Consequences of different infectious diseases cannot be adequately compared with each other on the basis of the number of patients or mortality data only. It is better to combine all health effects and express the total impact as disease burden, which also takes duration and severity of diseases into account. Information on disease burden also helps to set priorities in European policy for infectious disease control. In a pilot study, the disease burden of seven infectious diseases in Europe has been estimated. In spite of various limitations with regard to availability and quality of data, it was found that HIV infection, tuberculosis and influenza cause, among the selected infectious diseases, the highest disease burden in Europe. Foodborne diseases caused by the bacteria Campylobacter spp., enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. and, in particular, measles, are associated with a lower burden. The current disease burden of infectious diseases reflects the balance between the disease threats and the effectiveness of preventive strategies. A low burden stresses the need for the continued support of these strategies, while a high burden indicates the need for additional interventions. Based on this pilot, the RIVM recommends that a full burden of disease study - combining several methods of investigation - be conducted in cooperation with different European institutes.De gevolgen van verschillende infectieziekten zijn onderling niet goed te vergelijken op basis van het aantal patienten of sterftecijfers alleen. Het is beter om alle gezondheidseffecten te combineren en de totale impact uit de drukken in ziektelast, dat ook rekening houdt met duur en ernst van ziekten. Informatie over ziektelast helpt prioriteiten te stellen in het Europese beleid op het gebied van infectieziektenbestrijding. In een pilotstudie is de ziektelast geschat van zeven infectieziekten in Europa. Ondanks verschillende beperkingen in beschikbaarheid en kwaliteit van gegevens wordt geschat dat HIV-infectie, tuberculose en influenza van de geselecteerde infectieziekten de grootste ziektelast in Europa veroorzaken. Voedseloverdraagbare ziekten die worden veroorzaakt door de bacterien Campylobacter spp., enterohemorragische Escherichia coli en Salmonella spp., en mazelen in het bijzonder, zijn geassocieerd met een lagere ziektelast. De huidige ziektelast van de infectieziekten weerspiegelt de balans tussen bedreigingen van de ziekten en effectiviteit van preventiemaatregelen. Een lage ziektelast benadrukt de noodzaak van voortdurende ondersteuning van deze maatregelen, een hoge ziektelast duidt erop dat aanvullende acties nodig zijn. Op basis van deze pilotstudie adviseert het RIVM om samen met verschillende Europese instituten een uitgebreidere studie uit te voeren, die verschillende onderzoeksmethoden combineert

    Staat van infectieziekten in Nederland, 2013

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    In dit rapport wordt gelinked naar een bijlage: appendix150205001.De uitbraak van mazelen in 2013 was de meest in het oog springende infectieziekte van dat jaar. Dit blijkt uit de Staat van Infectieziekten in Nederland 2013, die inzicht geeft in ontwikkelingen van infectieziekten bij de Nederlandse bevolking. Daarnaast worden de ontwikkelingen in het buitenland beschreven die voor Nederland relevant zijn. Met deze jaarlijkse uitgave informeert het RIVM beleidsmakers van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS). Elk jaar komt in de Staat van Infectieziekten een thema aan bod; dit jaar is dat de hoeveelheid jaren in goede gezondheid die verloren gaan (ziektelast) door infectieziekten. Sommige infectieziekten, zoals maag-darminfecties, komen erg vaak voor maar veroorzaken over het algemeen geen ernstige klachten. Andere daarentegen, bijvoorbeeld tetanus, komen slechts zelden voor maar veroorzaken relatief veel sterfgevallen. Een gezondheidsmaat die deze aspecten van ziekten combineert is de Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY). Voor 32 infectieziekten is de ziektelast in Nederland tussen 2007 en 2011 geschat. De gemiddelde jaarlijkse ziektelast voor de totale Nederlandse bevolking was het hoogst voor ernstige pneumokokkenziekte (9444 DALY's per jaar) en griep (8670 DALY's per jaar), die respectievelijk 16 en 15 procent van de totale ziektelast van alle 32 infectieziekten vertegenwoordigen. Na polio en difterie (0 gevallen in de onderzochte periode), werd de laagste ziektelast geschat voor rodehond op 0,14 DALY's per jaar. De ziektelast voor deze ziekten is zo laag dankzij het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma. De ziektelast per individu varieerde van 0,2 DALY's per honderd infecties voor giardiasis (diarree die wordt veroorzaakt door een parasiet), tot 5081 en 3581 DALY's per honderd infecties voor respectievelijk hondsdolheid en een variant van de ziekte van Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Voor alle ziektelaststudies geldt dat de resultaten afhankelijk zijn van de modelparameters en aannames, en van de beschikbaarheid van accurate gegevens over de mate waarin de ziekten voorkomen. Toch kunnen deze schattingen informatief zijn voor beleidsmakers binnen de gezondheidszorg om prioriteiten te kunnen aanbrengen in preventieve en andere maatregelen.The measles outbreak in 2013 was the most striking infectious disease of that year. This is demonstrated in the State of Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands 2013, which provides insight into infectious disease trends in the Dutch population. Developments in other countries that are relevant for the Netherlands are also described. This annual RIVM publication informs policy-makers from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). Every year the State of Infectious Diseases in the Netherlands publishes reports on a particular theme. This year's topic concerns the estimation of disease burden: how many years of health life are lost due to infectious diseases? Some infectious diseases, such as gastrointestinal infections, occur frequently in the population, but do not generally give rise to serious complaints. In contrast, other diseases, for example tetanus, occur rarely but may lead to a high risk of death. A summary measure of population health that combines the morbidity and premature mortality attributable to a disease in a single quantity is the Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY). For 32 infectious diseases, we estimated the disease burden in the Netherlands between 2007 and2011. The highest average annual burden for the total Netherlands population was estimated for invasive pneumococcal disease (9444 DALYs per year) and influenza (8670 DALYs per year), which represent 16 and 15 percent, respectively, of the total burden of all 32 diseases considered. After poliomyelitis and diphtheria (no cases in the period investigated), the lowest burden was estimated for rubella, at 0.14 DALYs per year. The extremely low burden for these diseases is due to the National Immunization Programme. The disease burden per individual varied from 0.2 DALYs per 100 infections for giardiasis (diarrhea that is caused by a parasite), to 5081 and 3581 DALYs per 100 infections for rabies and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, respectively. As with all burden of disease studies, results depend on disease model parameters and assumptions and on the availability of accurate data on the incidence of infection. Nevertheless, estimates of disease burden can be informative for public health policy-makers regarding the prioritization of preventive and other measures.Ministerie van VW

    Immunisation coverage and annual report National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands 2016

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    Het RIVM beschrijft jaarlijks de ontwikkelingen binnen het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma (RVP), zowel inhoudelijk als organisatorisch. Vanaf dit jaar zijn de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen en de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de vaccinatiegraad gebundeld. Belangrijke gebeurtenissen In 2016 waren er geen opvallende uitbraken van RVP-ziekten. Wel stijgt sinds oktober 2015 het aantal patiënten met meningokokkenziekte W, terwijl in het RVP tegen meningokokkenziekte C wordt ingeënt. Opvallend was het stevige debat dat in november 2016 in diverse media is gevoerd tussen voor- en tegenstanders van vaccinatie. Verder heeft het RIVM factsheets gemaakt voor zowel professionals als het publiek met informatie over vaccinaties tegen ziekten die wel beschikbaar zijn maar niet in het RVP zijn opgenomen. Voorbeelden zijn waterpokken, gordelroos en het rotavirus (www.rivm.nl/vaccinaties). Vaccinatiegraad De vaccinatiegraad, oftewel het aandeel zuigelingen, kleuters en schoolkinderen dat de vaccinaties uit het RVP krijgt, is nog steeds hoog. De vaccinatiegraad voor bof, mazelen en rodehond (BMR) daalt al een paar jaar licht. De norm van 95 procent van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO), die nodig is om mazelen uit te bannen, wordt in Nederland bij de eerste BMR-vaccinatie niet meer gehaald. Voor de tweede BMR-vaccinatie was dit al langer zo. Ook bij andere vaccinaties in het RVP is een lichte daling te zien. De deelname aan de HPV-vaccinatie tegen baarmoederhalskanker is voor het eerst afgenomen, van 61 naar 53 procent. Een hoge vaccinatiegraad zorgt ervoor dat kwetsbare en (nog) niet gevaccineerde kinderen tegen ziekten worden beschermd (groepsbescherming). Een dalende vaccinatiegraad vergroot de kans dat in de toekomst ziekten zoals mazelen uitbreken.The RIVM annually describes the developments within the Dutch National Immunisation Programme (NIP), both substantively and organisationally. From this year, the most important events and developments in the field of immunisation coverage have been bundled. Important events In 2016, there were no significant outbreaks of NIP diseases. However, since October 2015, the number of meningococcal disease patients by a different serogroup (W) than the serogroup C which is vaccinated against within the NIP, has risen. Striking was the vigorous debate that was conducted in various media in November 2016 between advocates and opponents of immunisation. Furthermore, the RIVM has made factsheets for professionals as well as the public with information on vaccines against diseases that are available but not included in the NIP. Examples include varicella, herpes zoster and rotavirus (www.rivm.nl/vaccinations). Immunisation coverage The immunisation coverage, i.e. the proportion of newborns, toddlers and schoolchildren who receive vaccinations within the NIP is still high. The immunisation coverage for mumps, measles and rubella (MMR) has declined slightly for a few years. The 95 per cent threshold of the World Health Organization (WHO) needed to eliminate measles is no longer achieved in the Netherlands for the first MMR vaccination. For the second MMR vaccination this has been for longer. Also for other NIP vaccinations there is a slight decrease in participation. The participation in HPV vaccination against cervical cancer has decreased for the first time, from 61 to 53 per cent. A high immunisation coverage ensures that vulnerable and not (yet) vaccinated children are protected against diseases (herd protection). A decreasing immunisation coverage increases the likelihood that diseases such as measles cause outbreaks in the future.Ministerie van VW

    Alzheimer's biomarkers in daily practice (ABIDE) project: Rationale and design.

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    INTRODUCTION: The Alzheimer's biomarkers in daily practice (ABIDE) project is designed to translate knowledge on diagnostic tests (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], cerebrospinal fluid [CSF], and amyloid positron emission tomography [PET]) to daily clinical practice with a focus on mild cognitive impairment (MCI). METHODS: ABIDE is a 3-year project with a multifaceted design and is structured into interconnected substudies using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. RESULTS: Based on retrospective data, we develop personalized risk estimates for MCI patients. Prospectively, we collect MRI and CSF data from 200 patients from local memory clinics and amyloid PET from 500 patients in a tertiary setting, to optimize application of these tests in daily practice. Furthermore, ABIDE will develop strategies for optimal patient-clinician conversations. DISCUSSION: Ultimately, this will result in a set of practical tools for clinicians to support the choice of diagnostic tests and facilitate the interpretation and communication of their results

    Meningokokkenziekte in Nederland : Achtergrondinformatie voor de Gezondheidsraad

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    Meningococcal disease is a very serious infectious disease caused by a bacterium, the meningococcus. There are different types of meningococcus; people become ill mainly from the B, C, W and Y serogroups. Since 2002, vaccination against serogroup C meningococcal disease has been included in the National Immunisation Programme for children of 14 months. As a result, serogroup C meningococcal disease has virtually disappeared. Vaccines against serogroup B have recently become available. In addition, since 2015, there has been a rapid increase in serogroup W meningococcal disease. Multi-component vaccines are available against A, C, W and Y serogroups. Based on these developments, among others, the Health Council will advise the Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport on whether and how the current immunisation programme against meningococcal disease should be adapted. To this end, RIVM has collected background information and recent data on meningococcal disease in the Netherlands. It includes the number of people in the Netherlands who become ill each year, the efficacy and safety of the vaccines, and what the public thinks about vaccination against invasive meningococcal disease. The infection causes a severe medical condition such as meningitis or blood poisoning, which can rapidly develop into shock, frequently causing death. The disease often begins with flu-like symptoms and fever which subsequently worsen very rapidly. The infection is relatively rare in the Netherlands; there are currently 100 to 150 patients a year. Five to ten percent of these patients die despite antibiotics and intensive care. Thirty percent of the patients are left with lifelong impairments such as hearing loss, limb amputation or epilepsy. Meningococcal disease is most common in children under the age of 5, adolescents and the elderly.Meningokokkenziekte is een zeer ernstige infectieziekte die veroorzaakt wordt door een bacterie, de meningokok. Er zijn verschillende typen meningokokken; mensen worden vooral ziek van de serogroepen B, C, W en Y. Vaccinatie tegen meningokokkenziekte serogroep C is in Nederland sinds 2002 opgenomen in het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma voor kinderen van 14 maanden. Hierdoor komt meningokokkenziekte door serogroep C nauwelijks meer voor. Sinds kort zijn vaccins beschikbaar tegen serogroep B. Daarnaast is er sinds 2015 een snelle toename in meningokokkenziekte door serogroep W. Er zijn combinatievaccins beschikbaar tegen serogroep A, C, W en Y. Vanwege ondermeer deze ontwikkelingen gaat de Gezondheidsraad de minister van VWS adviseren of, en op welke manier, het huidige vaccinatieprogramma tegen meningokokkenziekte aangepast moet worden. Daartoe heeft het RIVM achtergrondinformatie en recente data over meningokokkenziekte in Nederland verzameld. Het gaat onder meer om het aantal mensen in Nederland dat jaarlijks ziek wordt, de effectiviteit en veiligheid van de vaccins, en hoe het publiek denkt over vaccinatie tegen invasieve meningokokkenziekte. De infectie geeft een ernstig ziektebeeld zoals hersenvliesontsteking of een bloedvergiftiging, die zich snel kan ontwikkelen tot een shock waar veel mensen aan overlijden. De ziekte begint vaak met griepachtige verschijnselen en koorts die vervolgens zeer snel verergeren. De infectie is in Nederland relatief zeldzaam; op dit moment zijn er 100 tot 150 patiënten per jaar. Van deze patiënten overlijdt 5-10 procent ondanks antibiotica en intensieve zorg. 30 procent van de patiënten houdt er levenslang beperkingen aan over zoals gehoorverlies, amputatie van een ledemaat of epilepsie. Meningokokkenziekte komt het meest voor bij kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar, adolescenten en ouderenMinisterie van VW

    Topological mechanochemistry of graphene

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    In view of a formal topology, two common terms, namely, connectivity and adjacency, determine the quality of C-C bonds of sp2 nanocarbons. The feature is the most sensitive point of the inherent topology of the species so that such external action as mechanical deformation should obviously change it and result in particular topological effects. The current paper describes the effects caused by uniaxial tension of a graphene molecule in due course of a mechanochemical reaction. Basing on the molecular theory of graphene, the effects are attributed to both mechanical loading and chemical modification of edge atoms of the molecule. The mechanical behavior is shown to be not only highly anisotropic with respect to the direction of the load application, but greatly dependent on the chemical modification of the molecule edge atoms thus revealing topological character of the graphene deformation.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 1 table. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1301.094

    Participation in and attitude towards the national immunization program in the Netherlands: data from population-based questionnaires

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    Contains fulltext : 108971.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Knowledge about the determinants of participation and attitude towards the National Immunisation Program (NIP) may be helpful in tailoring information campaigns for this program. Our aim was to determine which factors were associated with nonparticipation in the NIP and which ones were associated with parents' intention to accept remaining vaccinations. Further, we analyzed possible changes in opinion on vaccination over a 10 year period. METHODS: We used questionnaire data from two independent, population-based, cross-sectional surveys performed in 1995-96 and 2006-07. For the 2006-07 survey, logistic regression modelling was used to evaluate what factors were associated with nonparticipation and with parents' intention to accept remaining vaccinations. We used multivariate multinomial logistic regression modelling to compare the results between the two surveys. RESULTS: Ninety-five percent of parents reported that they or their child (had) participated in the NIP. Similarly, 95% reported they intended to accept remaining vaccinations. Ethnicity, religion, income, educational level and anthroposophic beliefs were important determinants of nonparticipation in the NIP. Parental concerns that played a role in whether or not they would accept remaining vaccinations included safety of vaccinations, maximum number of injections, whether vaccinations protect the health of one's child and whether vaccinating healthy children is necessary. Although about 90% reported their opinion towards vaccination had not changed, a larger proportion of participants reported to be less inclined to accept vaccination in 2006-07 than in 1995-96. CONCLUSION: Most participants had a positive attitude towards vaccination, although some had doubts. Groups with a lower income or educational level or of non-Western descent participated less in the NIP than those with a high income or educational level or indigenous Dutch and have been less well identified previously. Particular attention ought to be given to these groups as they contribute in large measure to the rate of nonparticipation in the NIP, i.e., to a greater extent than well-known vaccine refusers such as specific religious groups and anthroposophics. Our finding that the proportion of the population inclined to accept vaccinations is smaller than it was 10 years ago highlights the need to increase knowledge about attitudes and beliefs regarding the NIP

    The role of schools in the spread of mumps among unvaccinated children: a retrospective cohort study

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    Contains fulltext : 98461.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: In the Netherlands, epidemics of vaccine preventable diseases are largely confined to an orthodox protestant minority with religious objections to vaccination. The clustering of unvaccinated children in orthodox protestant schools can foster the spread of epidemics. School closure has nevertheless not been practiced up until now. A mumps epidemic in 2007-2008 gave us an opportunity to study the role of schools in the spread of a vaccine preventable disease in a village with low vaccination coverage. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted among the students in four elementary schools and their siblings. The following information was collected for each child: having had the mumps or not and when, school, age, MMR vaccination status, household size, presence of high school students in the household, religious denomination, and home village. The spread of mumps among unvaccinated children was compared for the four schools in a Kaplan-Meier analysis using a log-rank test. Cox proportional hazard analyses were performed to test for the influence of other factors. To correct for confounding, a univariate Cox regression model with only school included as a determinant was compared to a multivariate regression model containing all possible confounders. RESULTS: Out of 650 households with children at the schools, 54% completed a questionnaire, which provided information on 1191 children. For the unvaccinated children (N = 769), the Kaplan-Meier curves showed significant differences among the schools in their cumulative attack rates. After correction for confounding, the Cox regression analysis showed the hazard of mumps to be higher in one orthodox protestant school compared to the other (hazard ratio 1.43, p < 0.001). Household size independently influenced the hazard of mumps (hazard ratio 1.44, p < 0.005) with children in larger households running a greater risk. CONCLUSION: If and when unvaccinated children got mumps was determined by the particular school the children and their siblings attended, and by the household size. This finding suggests that school closure can influence the spread of an epidemic among orthodox protestant populations, provided that social distancing is adhered to as well. Further research on the effects of school closure on the final attack rate is nevertheless recommended
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