263 research outputs found


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    Characterizing the health care system from the sustainable point of view, it is important to evaluate the operational principles of the healthy society. It is necessary to evaluate the existing problems in the health care sector and to identify further development possibilities in order to be able to perform the high healthy society standard. The Latvian financial accessibility of the health care during the last years has been explored. The article provides the analysis of main development tendencies of the medical accessibility for inhabitants, where suggestions of potentialities for their further development are given


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    Wage is one of the most important socio–economic factors that determine the rate of employment, quality of labour force, standard of living, as well as purchasing power in the country as a whole. The article provides 1) summary on the wage influencing factors regarding views of various economic schools, as well as 2) analysis of statistical indices that reveal dynamics of wages in the pre– and post–crisis periods in Latvia


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    Displaying and evaluation methods of the accounting information in the financial reports influence greatly the authenticity, indicator evaluation and making decisions of the economic nature. In the article the evaluation methods of separate balance items, their influence on the indicators of the companies’ liquidity are interpreted, the problems of the balance item classification in the financial reports are updated. The authors believe that when investigating a specific financial indicator (for example, liquidity) it is important to analyse and evaluate both the methodology of data acquisition in accounting and to evaluate the methods of recognition of these elements in financial reports


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    Communication is a continuous process. Communication connects people. It is verbal communication, non-verbal or gesture-mimic communication and writing, when we express our opinion in writing. Communication has a management function that is closely linked to the management processes at the pre-school institution. Communication improves the flow of information between pre-school teachers and parents. Accuracy of information is an important aspect of communication, because the information transferred to parents is researched, analysed, interpreted and preserved. Therefore, pre-school teachers need to spend time working on information that is then accurately formulated for parents. An important aspect is the way information is communicated. It is important that communication between pre-school teachers and parents is constructive, open and honest. The article aim is to analyse and evaluate the scientific literature and other sources of communication and cooperation, complete a survey to find pre-school parents' preferred forms of cooperation with pre-school teachers.


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    Over the past 20 years, nitric oxide has become the turning point in athlete physiology and medical research. It has been observed in scientific studies that there are very different protocols for the use of nitrates (red beetroot juice) and different research methodology and results. The most effective solutions for improving the performance of athletes are still being sought. The purpose of this research is to investigate the performance and overall health of a high-performance athlete after consuming fractionated red beetroot juice. The investigation is a one-case study. The respondent is a high-class athlete - track and field (middle and long distance), 20 years old. Three tests were performed in laboratory conditions with an interval of one week. The first test was without the use of fractionated red beetroot juice, the second test after a single dose, and the third after 7 days of use. The research used an interview of the respondent, cardio pulmonary exercise testing measuring device "Vyntus CPX" with gas analysis on a bike ergometer and determination of blood lactate concentration. In the experiment, the athlete's VO2max improved during each test, after one dose by 9%, and after 7 days of use by 13% from the first test. The physical overall health at the end of the test worsened each time, but in the previous tests, where fractionated red beetroot juice was used, a faster recovery of the athlete's working capacity after exercise was observed

    Assessment of technical harmonisation and conformity in the global market

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    The effects of globalization are increasingly felt all over the world. The world is becoming more homogeneous, since different kinds of products can be offered to a wider range of customers. One of the essential preconditions for free movement of goods between states and unions of states is harmonisation of their technical requirements. The EU has determined requirements for goods in order to avoid any damage they could create for human health, life and environment. Thus, the importance of conformity assessment grows along with increase of trade volumes between states. The conformity assessment sphere is characterised by guaranteed product safety: product compliance with certain requirements is certified. The article aims to evaluate technical harmonization of product requirements, conformity assessment system, to analyse its development and changes before and after Latvia’s accession to the EU single market. The research reflects the relationship between the conformity assessment system, its elements and economic development. Main research methods are analysis and comparison. Research restriction—product conformity assessment. In the results of the research, the authors conclude that the conformity assessment system, which consists of several elements: accreditation, standardization, metrology, is a precondition for successful integration in the global market.Globalizacijos poveikis visame pasaulyje juntamas vis labiau. Pasaulis tampa vienodesnis, kadangi įvairūs produktai gali būti siūlomi plačiam klientų ratui. Prekybinis bendradarbiavimas skatina ekonominę plėtrą. Todėl siekiama šalims ir visų šalių sudarytoms sąjungoms užtikrinti vienodas prekybos sąlygas. Viena esminių sąlygų laisvam prekių judėjimui tarp šalių ir jų sąjungų yra techninių reikalavimų prekėms suderinimas. ES nustatė reikalavimus prekėms, siekiant užkirsti kelią pavojams, kuriuos jos gali sukelti žmonių sveikatai, gyvybei ar aplinkai. Taigi, atitikties įvertinimo svarba didėja kartu su didėjančiomis prekybos apimtimis tarp šalių. Europos Sąjungoje techninio derinimo procesai ir produkto atitikties įvertinimas yra glaudžiai susiję. Atitikties įvertinimo veiklos grindžiamos trimis elementais: akreditacija, standartizacija ir metrologija. Ši sritis charakterizuojama užtikrinta produkto sauga: produkto atitiktis tam tikriems reikalavimams yra patvirtinama sertifikatu. Didėjant prekybos apimtims tarp šalių, taip pat auga atitikties įvertinimo svarba. Atitikties įvertinimas yra prekių importo į tam tikrą šalį sąlyga; jis užtikrina, kad produktai atitinka tame regione nustatytus reikalavimus. Tuo pat metu ji yra „nematoma“, kadangi plačioji visuomenė ir dauguma įmonių – nepaisant to, kad jos tiesiogiai įtraukiamos į atitikties įvertinimą – neturi išsamaus vaizdo apie šios srities principus, sąlygas ir sudėtinius elementus

    AI in search of unfairness in consumer contracts : the terms of service landscape

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    Published online: 18 July 2022This article explores the potential of artificial intelligence for identifying cases where digital vendors fail to comply with legal obligations, an endeavour that can generate insights about business practices. While heated regulatory debates about online platforms and AI are currently ongoing, we can look to existing horizontal norms, especially concerning the fairness of standard terms, which can serve as a benchmark against which to assess business-to-consumer practices in light of European Union law. We argue that such an assessment can to a certain extent be automated; we thus present an AI system for the automatic detection of unfair terms in business-to-consumer contracts, a system developed as part of the CLAUDETTE project. On the basis of the dataset prepared in this project, we lay out the landscape of contract terms used in different digital consumer markets and theorize their categories, with a focus on five categories of clauses concerning (i) the limitation of liability, (ii) unilateral changes to the contract and/or service, (iii) unilateral termination of the contract, (iv) content removal, and (v) arbitration. In so doing, the paper provides empirical support for the broader claim that AI systems for the automated analysis of textual documents can offer valuable insights into the practices of online vendors and can also provide valuable help in their legal qualification. We argue that the role of technology in protecting consumers in the digital economy is critical and not sufficiently reflected in EU legislative debates.Francesca Lagioia has been supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Project “CompuLaw” (Grant Agreement No 833647) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and by the SCUDO project, within the POR-FESR 2014-2020 programme of Regione Toscana. Agnieszka Jabłonowska has been supported by the National Science Center in Poland (Grant Agreement UMO-2019/35/B/HS5/04444). This work has been supported by the Claudette (CLAUseDETecTEr) project, funded by the Research Council of the European University Institute and from the Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (BEUC)

    Arguing about causes in law: a semi-formal framework for causal arguments

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    In legal argumentation and liability attribution, disputes over causes play a central role. Legal discussions about causation often have difficulty with cause-in-fact in complex situations, e.g. overdetermination, preemption, omission. We first assess three theories of causation. Then we introduce a semi-formal framework to model causal arguments using both strict and defeasible rules. We apply the framework to the Althen vaccine injury case. Wrapping up the paper, we motivate a causal argumentation framework and propose to integrate current theories of causation

    Study "Working Conditions and Risks in Latvia 2019–2021" Final Report

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    The study was carried out within the framework of the project “Improvement of the Practical Application and Monitoring of Work Safety Laws and Regulations” (No Contracting Authority: State Labour InspectorateThe aim of the study “Working Conditions and Risks in Latvia 2019–2021” was to find out the current situation in the field of labour relations and occupational health and safety, to dynamically analyse the data obtained and to develop proposals to improve the legal framework or the practical implementation thereofThis study was carried out within the framework of the project “Improvement of the Practical Application and Monitoring of Work Safety Laws and Regulations” (No under the specific aid objective 7.3.1 “To improve work safety, especially in enterprises of hazardous sectors” of the operational programme “Growth and Employment

    Pētījuma "Darba apstākļi un riski Latvijā 2019–2021" gala ziņojums

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    Pētījums veikts Eiropas Sociālā fonda projekta "Darba drošības normatīvo aktu praktiskās ieviešanas un uzraudzības pilnveidošana" Nr. ietvaros. Pasūtītājs: Valsts darba inspekcija.Pētījuma “Darba apstākļi un riski Latvijā 2019-2021” mērķis bija noskaidrot aktuālo situāciju darba attiecību un darba aizsardzības jomā, analizēt iegūtos datus dinamikā un izstrādāt priekšlikumus tiesiskā regulējuma vai tā praktiskās ieviešanas uzlabošanai. Identificējot būtiskākos problēmu cēloņus un iespējamos risinājumus, pētījums sniedz informāciju, kas palīdz īstenot kvalitatīvu un uz mērķi orientētu politiku darba attiecību un darba aizsardzības jomā. Pētījums tika veikts darbības programmas „Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 7.3.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa „Uzlabot darba drošību, it īpaši bīstamo nozaru uzņēmumos” projekta „Darba drošības normatīvo aktu praktiskās ieviešanas un uzraudzības pilnveidošana” (Nr. ietvaros.Pētījums tika veikts darbības programmas „Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 7.3.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa „Uzlabot darba drošību, it īpaši bīstamo nozaru uzņēmumos” projekta „Darba drošības normatīvo aktu praktiskās ieviešanas un uzraudzības pilnveidošana” (Nr. ietvaros