279 research outputs found

    Musculoskeletal balance of the human wrist elucidated using intraoperative laser diffraction

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    Abstract This review describes a series of experiments in which sarcomere length was measured in human wrist muscles to understand their design. Sarcomere length measurements were combined with studies on cadaveric extremities to generate biomechanical models of human wrist function and to provide insights into the mechanism by which wrist strength balance is achieved. Intraoperative measurements of the human extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) muscle during wrist joint rotation reveal that this muscle appears to be designed to operate on the descending limb of its length-tension curve and generates maximum tension with the wrist fully extended. Interestingly, the synergistic extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) also operates on its descending limb but over a much narrower sarcomere length range. This is due to the longer fibers and smaller wrist extension moment arm of the ECRL compared to the ECRB. Sarcomere lengths measured from wrist flexors are shorter compared to the extensors. Using a combination of intraoperative measurements on the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) and mechanical measurements of wrist muscles, joints and tendons, the general design of the prime wrist movers emerges: both muscle groups generate maximum force with the wrist fully extended. As the wrist flexes, force decreases due to extensor lengthening along the descending limb of their length-tension curve and flexor shortening along the ascending limb of their length-tension curve. The net result is a nearly constant ratio of flexor to extensor torque over the wrist range of motion and a wrist that is most stable in full extension. These experiments demonstrate the elegant match between muscle, tendon and joints acting at the wrist. Overall, the wrist torque motors appear to be designed for balance and control rather than maximum torque generating capacity

    Mechanical considerations in the design of surgical reconstructive procedures

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    Abstract Tendon transfers are used to restore arm and hand function after injury to the peripheral nerves or after spinal cord injury. Traditional guidelines to choose the length at which the transferred muscle should be attached have a poor scientific foundation. We postulate that passive tension only becomes significant at relatively long lengths and that passive tension as the major factor in intraoperative decision making may result in overstretch of the muscle-tendon unit (MTU) and accompanying low-active force generation. It appears unwise to rely on unknown factors, such as slippage or stress relaxation, to correct an overstretched transfer. Instead, we suggest the use of intra-operative sarcomere length measurements to predict and set the optimal MTU length during reconstructive upper limb surgery.

    Relationship between the extent of non-viable myocardium and regional left ventricular function in chronic ischemic heart disease

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    Purpose. To define the relationship between left ventricular (LV) regional contractile function and the extent of myocardial scar in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and multi-vessel coronary artery disease. Methods. Twenty-three patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and 5 healthy volunteers underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In patients, the relative area ( Percent Scar) and transmural extent (Transmurality) of myocardial infarction were computed from short-axis delayed enhancement images. In each image, myocardial segments were categorized based on the extent of infarction they contained, with 6 categories each for Percent Scar and Transmurality: normal, from healthy volunteers; and 0%; 1–25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, and \u3e 76% from patients. In patients and volunteers, regional LV function was quantified by absolute systolic wall thickening from cine images and midwall circumferential strain using tagged images. Results. Compared to normal segments, regional LV function in patients was significantly diminished in all scar extent intervals, with wall thickening=-8% for all categories. Systolic wall thickening was reduced significantly in all categories above 50% Percent Scar and above 25% Transmurality in patients, relative to corresponding 0% categories. Circumferential strain was significantly reduced above 25% Percent Scar and above 25% Transmurality. Conclusions. In patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and multivessel coronary artery disease, wall thickening was more sensitive to changes in scar Transmurality than to changes in Percent Scar. However, circumferential strain was equally sensitive to both indices. In general, circumferential strain was more sensitive than wall thickening to increases in scar extent

    Relationship between the extent of non-viable myocardium and regional left ventricular function in chronic ischemic heart disease

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    Purpose. To define the relationship between left ventricular (LV) regional contractile function and the extent of myocardial scar in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and multi-vessel coronary artery disease. Methods. Twenty-three patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and 5 healthy volunteers underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In patients, the relative area ( Percent Scar) and transmural extent (Transmurality) of myocardial infarction were computed from short-axis delayed enhancement images. In each image, myocardial segments were categorized based on the extent of infarction they contained, with 6 categories each for Percent Scar and Transmurality: normal, from healthy volunteers; and 0%; 1–25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, and \u3e 76% from patients. In patients and volunteers, regional LV function was quantified by absolute systolic wall thickening from cine images and midwall circumferential strain using tagged images. Results. Compared to normal segments, regional LV function in patients was significantly diminished in all scar extent intervals, with wall thickening=-8% for all categories. Systolic wall thickening was reduced significantly in all categories above 50% Percent Scar and above 25% Transmurality in patients, relative to corresponding 0% categories. Circumferential strain was significantly reduced above 25% Percent Scar and above 25% Transmurality. Conclusions. In patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and multivessel coronary artery disease, wall thickening was more sensitive to changes in scar Transmurality than to changes in Percent Scar. However, circumferential strain was equally sensitive to both indices. In general, circumferential strain was more sensitive than wall thickening to increases in scar extent

    Broadband dual-comb hyperspectral imaging and adaptable spectroscopy with programmable frequency combs

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    We explore the advantages of a free-form dual-comb spectroscopy (DCS) platform based on time-programmable frequency combs for real-time, penalty-free apodized scanning. In traditional DCS, the fundamental spectral resolution, which equals the comb repetition rate, can be excessively fine for many applications. While the fine resolution is not itself problematic, it comes with the penalty of excess acquisition time. Post-processing apodization (windowing) can be applied to tailor the resolution to the sample, but only with a deadtime penalty proportional to the degree of apodization. The excess acquisition time remains. With free-form DCS, this deadtime is avoided by programming a real-time apodization pattern that dynamically reverses the pulse periods between the dual frequency combs. In this way, one can tailor the spectrometer's resolution and update rate to different applications without penalty. We show operation of a free-form DCS system where the spectral resolution is varied from the intrinsic fine resolution of 160 MHz up to 822 GHz by applying tailored real-time apodization. Because there is no deadtime penalty, the spectral signal-to-noise ratio increases linearly with resolution by 5000x over this range, as opposed to the square root increase observed for postprocessing apodization in traditional DCS. We explore the flexibility to change resolution and update rate to perform hyperspectral imaging at slow camera frame rates, where the penalty-free apodization allows for optimal use of each frame. We obtain dual-comb hyperspectral movies at a 20 Hz spectrum update rate with broad optical spectral coverage of over 10 THz

    Reduced Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cell Number Alters Muscle Morphology After Chronic Stretch But Allows Limited Serial Sarcomere Addition

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    Introduction: Muscles add sarcomeres in response to stretch, presumably to maintain optimal sarcomere length. Clinical evidence from patients with cerebral palsy, who have both decreased serial sarcomere number and reduced satellite cells (SCs), suggests a hypothesis that SCs may be involved in sarcomere addition. Methods: A transgenic Pax7‐DTA mouse model underwent conditional SC depletion, and their soleii were then stretch‐immobilized to assess the capacity for sarcomere addition. Muscle architecture, morphology, and extracellular matrix (ECM) changes were also evaluated. Results: Mice in the SC‐reduced group achieved normal serial sarcomere addition in response to stretch. However, muscle fiber cross‐sectional area was significantly smaller and was associated with hypertrophic ECM changes, consistent with fibrosis. Conclusions: While a reduced SC population does not hinder serial sarcomere addition, SCs play a role in muscle adaptation to chronic stretch that involves maintenance of both fiber cross‐sectional area and ECM structure