11 research outputs found


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    Zidani lučni mostovi zbog svojega karakterističnog izgleda i kompleksnosti materijala od kojih su građeni i danas su predmet eksperimentalnih i numeričkih analiza. Jedan od istaknutih primjera ovog tipa konstrukcija jeste i Stari most u Mostaru, koji je, zajedno s lokalitetom mosta, pod zaštitom UNESCO od 2005. godine. Upravo je ovaj simbol grada na Neretvi odabran kao osnova za analizu ponašanja zidanih lučnih mostova i njihovih elemenata. Kroz rad će biti prikazani rezultati kvazistatičkih ispitivanja elemenata veze provedenih na modelima segmenata svoda Starog mosta u razmjeri 1:3 kao i rezultati ispitivanja ponašanja fizičkog modela Starog mosta skaliranog u razmjeri 1:9 ispitivanog na seizmičkoj platformi za različite nivoe seizmičke pobude. Modeli su izgrađeni s realnom aplikacijom veza između kamenih elemenata - klamfe, trnovi i tekuće olovo. Utvrđivanje kapaciteta nosivosti i načina popuštanja elemenata veza ispitivanih segmenata te određivanje mehanizma loma modela mosta osnovne su zadaće provedenih eksperimentalnih istraživanja.Due to their characteristic appearance and complexity of materials used for their construction, masonry arch bridges are still the subject of experimental and numerical analyses. One of the characteristic examples of this type of structures is the Old Bridge in Mostar that, along with the bridge location, has been under UNESCO protection since 2005. It is exactly this symbol of the town residing on the Neretva River that has been selected as the basis for analysis of behavior of masonry arch bridges and their structural elements. This paper will present the results of the quasi-static tests on connection elements carried out on models of arch segments of the Old Bridge at the scale of 1: 3 as well as the results of the shaking table tests of the behavior of the physical model of the Old Bridge scaled to 1:9 under different levels of seismic excitation. The models were built by application of real connection elements between stone elements – cramps, dowels and liquid lead. Definition of bearing capacity and mode of deterioration of the connection elements of the tested segments as well as definition of the failure mechanisms of the bridge model are the main tasks of the performed experimental investigations

    Influence of railway induced vibrations on structures and humans in urban areas

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    Željeznički promet značajan je izvor vibracija koje mogu utjecati na kvalitetu života ljudi koji žive u blizini prometnih željezničkih pruga. U ovom je istraživanju predložena integrirana metodologija za analizu utjecaja vibracija uzrokovanih željezničkim prometom na ljude i okolne zgrade te mjere za smanjenje njihovih učinaka. Istraživanje uključuje mjerenja in situ i numeričko modeliranje vibracija izazvanih željezničkim prometom. Predloženi integrirani metodološki pristup provodi se na dijelu aktivne željezničke pruge Kumanovo–Deljadrovci u Sjevernoj Makedoniji. Saznanja stečena ovim istraživanjem trebala bi pružiti dobru osnovu za definiranje nacionalnih normi za ovo sve relevantnije pitanje.Railway traffic is a significant source of vibration that can affect the quality of life of people living near busy railways. This study proposes an integrated methodology for analysing the impact of vibrations from railway traffic on people and nearby buildings and measures for reducing their effects. The research includes both in-situ measurements and numerical modelling of railway traffic-induced vibrations. The proposed integrated methodological approach is implemented on a section of the active Kumanovo–Deljadrovci railway line in North Macedonia. The knowledge gained through this research is intended to provide a good basis for defining national standards for this increasingly relevant issue


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    Zidani lučni mostovi zbog svojega karakterističnog izgleda i kompleksnosti materijala od kojih su građeni i danas su predmet eksperimentalnih i numeričkih analiza. Jedan od istaknutih primjera ovog tipa konstrukcija jeste i Stari most u Mostaru, koji je, zajedno s lokalitetom mosta, pod zaštitom UNESCO od 2005. godine. Upravo je ovaj simbol grada na Neretvi odabran kao osnova za analizu ponašanja zidanih lučnih mostova i njihovih elemenata. Kroz rad će biti prikazani rezultati kvazistatičkih ispitivanja elemenata veze provedenih na modelima segmenata svoda Starog mosta u razmjeri 1:3 kao i rezultati ispitivanja ponašanja fizičkog modela Starog mosta skaliranog u razmjeri 1:9 ispitivanog na seizmičkoj platformi za različite nivoe seizmičke pobude. Modeli su izgrađeni s realnom aplikacijom veza između kamenih elemenata - klamfe, trnovi i tekuće olovo. Utvrđivanje kapaciteta nosivosti i načina popuštanja elemenata veza ispitivanih segmenata te određivanje mehanizma loma modela mosta osnovne su zadaće provedenih eksperimentalnih istraživanja.Due to their characteristic appearance and complexity of materials used for their construction, masonry arch bridges are still the subject of experimental and numerical analyses. One of the characteristic examples of this type of structures is the Old Bridge in Mostar that, along with the bridge location, has been under UNESCO protection since 2005. It is exactly this symbol of the town residing on the Neretva River that has been selected as the basis for analysis of behavior of masonry arch bridges and their structural elements. This paper will present the results of the quasi-static tests on connection elements carried out on models of arch segments of the Old Bridge at the scale of 1: 3 as well as the results of the shaking table tests of the behavior of the physical model of the Old Bridge scaled to 1:9 under different levels of seismic excitation. The models were built by application of real connection elements between stone elements – cramps, dowels and liquid lead. Definition of bearing capacity and mode of deterioration of the connection elements of the tested segments as well as definition of the failure mechanisms of the bridge model are the main tasks of the performed experimental investigations

    Experimental ambient vibration tests and numerical investigation on the Sidoni Palace in Castelnuovo of San Pio (L'Aquila, Italy)

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    In the present paper the experimental and numerical activities related to in-situ Ambient Vibration Tests performed on a monumental masonry building placed in Castelnuovo of San Pio (Italy) are presented. The obtained experimental results, able to identify the dynamic characteristics of the investigated palace, have been successively reproduced by means of a building FEM model through the ABAQUS calculation code. Numerical frequency analysis has been also performed on the original building aiming at evaluating its reduction in stiffness due to earthquake. Finally, appropriate retrofitting interventions have been proposed, their effectiveness being proved by numerical analyses on the improved palace FEM model

    Use of chronic lymphocytic leukemia-international prognostic index in patient risk stratification-single center experience

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    Background: Several prognostic factors have been identified to predict the outcome of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). To predict the time to first treatment (TFT) we integrated the data of clinical and biological markers in CLL-International prognostic index (CLL-IPI). Aim of the study was the determination of the impact of CLL-IPI in prediction of TFS in CLL patents.Methods: The study was set up retrospectively and included 90 patients with CLL diagnosed and treated at the university clinic of hematology for a period of time from January 2012 to January 2020. We incorporated the data of Binet staging system, most adverse cytogenetic marker and mutational status of immunoglobulin heavy chain in CLL-IPI.Results: The statistical data of the 90 patients showed that the median TFS for low CLL-IPI (N=24), intermediate CLL-IPI (N=40), high risk CLL-IPI (N=17) and very high risk group (N=9) according to the CLL-IPI scoring system was 20.1, 17.6, 7.1 and 5.8 months, respectively. Multivariate analysis indicated that del 17p (p<0.008) was independent prognostic factors of TFS.Conclusions: CLL-IPI is a powerful risk stratification tool for CLL patients and this system has also provided treatment recommendations for different patient risk subgroups.

    Experimental evaluation of dynamic behavior of pipeline systems of thermal power plants exposed to seismic loads

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    This paper deals with the experimental results obtained by in situ and model testing of a segment of the pipeline system of a thermal power plant. The field testing has been performed by application of the forced and ambient vibration method. The model testing has been performed by means of a shaking table. The model was designed and constructed to the scale of 1/3 and tested on the seismic shaking table in the IZIIS’ laboratory. The adopted modeling concept was: an adequate model with artificial mass simulation, using the same material as that of the prototype. The spring hangings, as well as the special rolling support have also been simulated. The model was subjected to random, harmonic and earthquake motion in horizontal, vertical and biaxial direction. The results show that the support springs can accept displacements in both horizontal and vertical direction in the elastic range of deformation, while the stop point base support is sensitive to intensity of earthquake motion and it is required to be limited in horizontal and vertical direction

    Adverse Effects of Thalidomide Administration, in Patients with Myeloma Multiplex?

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    Myeloma multiplex is defined by the presence of monoclonal plasma cell population in the bone marrow>10%,M protein in the serum and/or urine ,and clinical evidence of end organ damage like hypercalcemia ,renal failure, anemia, or bone lesions. In the most hematologic malignancies the role of induction treatment is to achieve complete remission (CR). Thalidomide became a new therapeutic approach but use of Thalidomide as a single agent or combination with steroids or chemotherapy is associated with several side effects like deep vein thrombosis (DVT), peripheral neuropathy (PN), constipation, somnolence, pyrexia, pain, fatigue osteonecrosis of jaw, and teratogenicity that is the most worrying adverse event. Risk of appearance of DVT increased if we use combination of Thalidomide plus Dexamethasone plus cytotoxic chemotherapy such Cyclophosphamide. >30% DVT usually occurs during the first months of treatment and is more frequent in newly diagnosed patients with a high tumor burden. The second side effect is peripheral neuropathy (PN) which occurs in 50% of patients with MM treated with Thalidomide plus Dexamethasone and chemotherapy. Eighty patients of both sexes (43 males and 37 females) at the age of 31-81 (median range 58 years) with MM, were treated–one group with combinations of Thalidomide plus Dexamethasone plus Cyclophosphamide (CyThalDex) 4 cycle( >4months), and the other group with Thalidomide plus Dexamethasone plus Melphalan (MPT), ( >4month) and third group with high dose of chemotherapy and continue with ThalDex (TD), the fourth group with CyThalDex, > than 5 cycles, and the fifth group with ThalDex (TD) only. It is obvious while myelo-suppression is very rare, the incidence of nonhematologic side effects is high and dose dependent. Eight ( or 10% ) patients that developed DVT and CVI were initially treated with antiaggregation therapy of Aspirin 100mg per day, but those that already developed were treated with low dose of Heparin 40000 iE per day in ten days and continued with oral anticoagulans therapy. However, besides the given therapy in four (or 5 %) patients there was exitus letalis. PN was developed in twentyone patients (or 26.25%) from the total number of patients treated with Thalidomide, in ten patients the dosage of Thalidomide was decreased to 50mg per day, in one patient with Epi attacks it was interrupted and the other was with paresis n.occulomotorius and n.abducens. Patients treated with thalidomide have an increased risk of arterial thromboembolism, including myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular events, in addition to the established risk of venous thromboembolism, but most patients who presenting DVT or some of thromboembolic events have had identifiable risk factors. The prolonged exposure to Thalidomide seems to induce resistance of MM reducing overall survival (OS). We must evaluate consolidation and maintenance therapies with Thalidomide, determinate which regimens provide a highness benefit with favorable side effect profiles in specific subgroups of patients

    Osteonecrosis of the Jaw After Bisphosphonates Treatment in Patients with Multiple Myeloma

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    Bone lytic lesion in Multiple myeloma are the most commonly presented symptoms which require treatment with bisphosphonates (BPs). BPs are providing supportive care, reducing the rate of skeletal morbidity but evidently not abolishing it, the criteria for stopping their administration have to be different from those used for classic antineoplastic drugs, and they should not be stopped when metastatic bone disease is progressing. Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) has been associated recently with the use of BPs. The aim of these study is to evaluate the incidence of ONJ in patients with MM treated with mixed biphosphonates. We analyzed total 296 myeloma patients (150 male and 146 female). Mostly effected age group with 58,1% is age more than 60 years up to 88 years, diagnosed in our institution in the period 2005-2015. We used intravenous or oral forms of biphosphonates such as pamidronate, ibandronate, clodronate and zolendronic acid. The patients were evaluated for ONJ. The incidence of ONJ in our group of patients treated with Bps was 4,6% from our group of 260 patients 87,8% received BPs therapy and patients which haven’t received BPs 12,2%. From this group, 95,4% (248) didn’t show ONJ, and 4,6% (12) showed ONJ. The period of this treatment with BPs is an important risk factor for development of ONJ, average duration of BPs therapy in patients which show adverse effects is 26.8±13.7 months, from the total number of 12 patients that developed ONJ adverse effects, we have 8 patients which received treatment with Zolendronic acid and the remaining 4 patients which were treated with other BPs combinations without Zolendronic acid. All patients treated for MM must continue with the therapy with Zolendronic acid and Pamidronate, each patient must be individually treated according to his response of the treatment (dose, frequency and duration of therapy)