6 research outputs found
Caloric value and nutritional composition assessment of menus in Lepoglava penitentiary
Osnovu za pravilan rast i razvoj organizma te oÄuvanje dobrog zdravlja Äini pravilna prehrana, kojoj sve veÄu pozornost pridaju i institucionalne kuhinje, pa tako i one zatvorskog sustava. Napravljena je analiza mjeseÄnog jelovnika Kaznionice u Lepoglavi s ciljem utvrÄivanja njegove energetske vrijednosti i nutritivnog sastava, te temeljem rezultata dane smjernice za unaprjeÄenje. Analizirani su jelovnici sa i bez dodatnog obroka (gableca), na kojeg zatvorenici radom ostvaruju pravo. Prehrana zatvorenika planira se prema važeÄem zakonodavnom okviru, te su dobivene vrijednosti usporeÄene s preporukama danim Pravilnikom o standardima smjeÅ”taja i prehrane zatvorenika, te onim za odrasle osobe. Analiza je pokazala da dnevni energetski unos oba jelovnika nadilazi preporuke, a sukladno tome poviÅ”en je i unos makronutrijenata i njihovih sastavnica. Dnevni unosi vitamina B skupine zadovoljavaju preporuÄene unose, unos vitamina C, E, A i D ne zadovoljava preporuke, dok je unos vitamina K viÅ”i od preporuÄenog. Od minerala zadovoljeni su unosi Ca, K i Cu, unosi P, Na, Fe, Sn, i Mn viÅ”i su od preporuka, a unos Mg i Zn ne zadovoljava preporuke. Na kraju su dane smjernice koje pokazuju kako se promjenom rasporeda veÄ postojeÄih obroka mogu uravnotežiti energetske vrijednosti te doprinos makronutrijenata u ukupnom energetskom unosu.Balanced diet makes the basis for proper growth and development as well as for preservation of good health.Therefore, all institutional kitchens, including those of the prison system, pay greater attention to nutrition. Ananalysis of monthly menu in Lepoglava Penitentiary has been made to determine its caloric value andnutritional composition, and based on the results, guidelines for improvement are given. Menus with andwithout additional meals, to which prisoners on work assignments are entitled, were analyzed. Prisoner diet isplanned according to the current legislation, so the obtained values are compared with the recommendations given by Regulations on standards of accommodation and meals for inmates, as well as those for adults. The analysis showed increased daily caloric intake of both menus, and accordingly increased macronutrients and their constituents intake. Daily intake of B vitamins meet recommended intake, intakes of vitamins C, E, A and D do not meet the recommendations, while vitamin K intake is higher than recommended. Recommendations on Ca, K and Cu intake are met, P, Na, Fe, Sn and Mn intakes are higher than recommended, and intakes of Mg and Zn do not meet the recommendations. Finally, guidelines that are given show how changing the timing of the existing meals can balance the energy value and macronutrient contribution to total energy intake
Magnezij iz perspektive javnog zdravstva
Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzymes, it plays a vital role in energy metabolism, homeostasis of electrolites, and bone metabolism, and regulates a number of fundamental functions such as muscle contraction, neuromuscular conduction, glycemic control, and blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency has been associated with a wide range of diseases, from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, to anxiety and other mental disorders, migraine and osteoporosis, and especially worrying is subclinical form which is estimated to affect up to 30% of the population. Recommended dietary intake of magnesium is 300 mg and 350 mg per day for adult males and females, respectively. While highly abundant in a variety of foods, especially green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, water is the main contributor to magnesium daily intake. Water has been the focus of a number of public health interventions aiming to improve magnesium status of populations, especially in Israel and Australia. Supplements are becoming a more important contributor to the total magnesium intake, especially among physically active individuals. Public awareness of the health benefits gained from physical activity is improving, and more individuals decide to engage in (recreational) physical activity. Even though physical activity increases the risk of magnesium deficiency, misuse of supplements due to lack of knowledge and misinformation shared on social networks can have a detrimental effect on individualās health and physical performance.Magnezij je kofaktor za viÅ”e od 300 enzima koji ima kljuÄnu ulogu u energetskom metabolizmu, homeostazi elektrolita, metabolizmu kostiju te regulira brojne fizioloÅ”ke procese kao Å”to su kontrakcija miÅ”iÄa, neuromuskulatorne funkcije, kontrola glikemije i krvnog tlaka. Deficit magnezija predstavlja Äimbenik rizika za cijeli niz zdravstvenih problema, od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, hipertenzije, dijabetesa, do anksioznosti i drugih mentalnih poremeÄaja, migrena i osteoporoze. Posebice zabrinjava subkliniÄki oblik deficita magnezija za koji se procjenjuje kako pogaÄa do 30% populacije. PreporuÄeni unos magnezija za odrasle osobe je 300 mg za žene i 350 mg za muÅ”karce. Iako je Å”iroko rasprostranjen u hrani, posebice tamno zelenom lisnatom povrÄu, oraÅ”astim plodovima i sjemenkama, najveÄi doprinos dnevnom unosu magnezija dolazi iz vode. Upravo je voda u fokusu javnozdravstvenih intervencija koje imaju za cilj poboljÅ”ati status magnezija u populaciji, posebice u Izraelu i Australiji. Dodaci prehrani postaju sve važniji izvor magnezija, posebice meÄu tjelesno aktivim osobama. S porastom svijest javnosti o zdravstvenim dobrobitima fiziÄke aktivnosti raste i broj (rekreativno) tjelesno aktivnih osoba. Iako rizik od deficita magnezija raste s fiziÄkom aktivnoÅ”Äu, pogreÅ”no uzimanje dodataka prehrani uslijed nedostatnog znanja i dezinformacija koje se dijele na druÅ”tvenim mrežama, poveÄava se moguÄnost za negativne posljedice na zdravlje i tjelesnu sposobnost
Upitnici za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti u razliÄitoj životnoj dobi: pregled
With a wide range of health benefits across the lifespan, throughout the decades physical activity has remained an interesting topic of many research. To gain quality and valid results on populationās physical activity levels, a high-quality measurement tool is needed. Physical activity assessment questionnaires are one of the most frequently used self-reported activity assessment tools. Choosing the
right tool can be a challenging task, so we aim to provide a general overview of frequently used questionnaires throughout the lifespan with special emphasis on those available in Croatia. We conducted a literature review on physical activity assessment questionnaires, from toddlers and pre-school to older adults. Our specific focus was on physical activity assessment questionnaires translated, validated, and available in Croatia. Regardless of limitations, questionnaires are still a widely used cost-effective tool that provides good physical activity assessment and can be used in large population studies, but there is still a great need for a consistent and reliable questionnaire. Five physical activity assessment questionnaires for different age groups available in Croatia were identified.
Questionnaires estimate general levels of physical activity in all stages of life. With vast number of existing questionnaires and continuous development of new ones, the emphasis should be on bettering existing questionnaires because the need for a reliable and validated tool for all age groups is immense.Tjelesna aktivnost ima mnoge pozitivne, zdravstvene uÄinke na pojedinca tijekom cijelog života. VeÄ desetljeÄima procjena tjelesne aktivnosti Äesta je tema znanstvenih istraživanja. Prilikom procjene tjelesne aktivnosti, za dobivanje kvalitetnih i valjanih rezultata o razinama tjelesne aktivnosti stanovniÅ”tva, potreban je provjeren i validiran alat. Upitnici za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti jedan
su od najÄeÅ”Äe koriÅ”tenih alata. Odabir odgovarajuÄeg upitnika nije uvijek jednostavan zadatak, stoga je cilj ovog rada pružiti pregled dostupne literature i Äesto koriÅ”tenih upitnika u razliÄitim dobnim skupinama s posebnim naglaskom na upitnike koji su dostupni u Hrvatskoj. Provedena je pretraga dostupne literature o upitnicima za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti, od djece predÅ”kolske dobi do osoba starije životne dobi, s fokusom na upitnicima koji su prevedeni, validirani i dostupni u Hrvatskoj. Identificirano je pet upitnika za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti za razliÄite dobne skupine. Upitnici procjenjuju opÄu razinu tjelesne aktivnosti u svim fazama života. Bez obzira na ograniÄenja, upitnici se zbog jednostavnosti primjene te dobre procjene tjelesne aktivnosti Äesto koriste u istraživanjima s veÄim brojem
ispitanika. Uz veliki broj postojeÄih upitnika i kontinuirani razvoj novih, naglasak treba staviti na unaprjeÄenje postojeÄih jer je potreba za pouzdanim i validiranim upitnikom, za sve dobne skupine, velika
Rad ne sadrži sažetak
Upitnici za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti u razliÄitoj životnoj dobi: pregled
With a wide range of health benefits across the lifespan, throughout the decades physical activity has remained an interesting topic of many research. To gain quality and valid results on populationās physical activity levels, a high-quality measurement tool is needed. Physical activity assessment questionnaires are one of the most frequently used self-reported activity assessment tools. Choosing the
right tool can be a challenging task, so we aim to provide a general overview of frequently used questionnaires throughout the lifespan with special emphasis on those available in Croatia. We conducted a literature review on physical activity assessment questionnaires, from toddlers and pre-school to older adults. Our specific focus was on physical activity assessment questionnaires translated, validated, and available in Croatia. Regardless of limitations, questionnaires are still a widely used cost-effective tool that provides good physical activity assessment and can be used in large population studies, but there is still a great need for a consistent and reliable questionnaire. Five physical activity assessment questionnaires for different age groups available in Croatia were identified.
Questionnaires estimate general levels of physical activity in all stages of life. With vast number of existing questionnaires and continuous development of new ones, the emphasis should be on bettering existing questionnaires because the need for a reliable and validated tool for all age groups is immense.Tjelesna aktivnost ima mnoge pozitivne, zdravstvene uÄinke na pojedinca tijekom cijelog života. VeÄ desetljeÄima procjena tjelesne aktivnosti Äesta je tema znanstvenih istraživanja. Prilikom procjene tjelesne aktivnosti, za dobivanje kvalitetnih i valjanih rezultata o razinama tjelesne aktivnosti stanovniÅ”tva, potreban je provjeren i validiran alat. Upitnici za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti jedan
su od najÄeÅ”Äe koriÅ”tenih alata. Odabir odgovarajuÄeg upitnika nije uvijek jednostavan zadatak, stoga je cilj ovog rada pružiti pregled dostupne literature i Äesto koriÅ”tenih upitnika u razliÄitim dobnim skupinama s posebnim naglaskom na upitnike koji su dostupni u Hrvatskoj. Provedena je pretraga dostupne literature o upitnicima za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti, od djece predÅ”kolske dobi do osoba starije životne dobi, s fokusom na upitnicima koji su prevedeni, validirani i dostupni u Hrvatskoj. Identificirano je pet upitnika za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti za razliÄite dobne skupine. Upitnici procjenjuju opÄu razinu tjelesne aktivnosti u svim fazama života. Bez obzira na ograniÄenja, upitnici se zbog jednostavnosti primjene te dobre procjene tjelesne aktivnosti Äesto koriste u istraživanjima s veÄim brojem
ispitanika. Uz veliki broj postojeÄih upitnika i kontinuirani razvoj novih, naglasak treba staviti na unaprjeÄenje postojeÄih jer je potreba za pouzdanim i validiranim upitnikom, za sve dobne skupine, velika
Simulated Gastric and Intestinal Fluid Electrolyte Solutions as an Environment for the Adsorption of Apple Polyphenols onto β-Glucan
Interactions with dietary fibers in the gastrointestinal tract might affect the potential bioactivities of phenolic compounds. In this study, the interactions between apple phenolic compounds and β-glucan (a dietary fiber) were studied by studying the adsorption process in simulated gastric and intestinal fluid electrolyte solutions. Phenolic compounds were extracted from apples, adsorbed onto β-glucan (2 h, 37 °C, in gastric or intestinal fluid electrolyte solutions), and determined using high performance liquid chromatography. Phenolic compounds (flavan-3-ols, flavonols, phenolic acids, and dihydrochalcone) were stable in the gastric fluid (pH 3). In the intestinal fluid (pH 7), flavan-3-ols were not found and chlorogenic acid isomerized. Polyphenols from the apple peel (up to 182 and 897 mg g−1) and flesh (up to 28 and 7 mg g−1) were adsorbed onto β-glucan in the gastric and intestinal fluids, respectively. The adsorption was affected by the initial concentration of the polyphenols and β-glucan and by the environment (either gastric or intestinal fluid electrolyte solution). By increasing the initial polyphenol amount, the quantity of adsorbed polyphenols increased. Increasing the amount of β-glucan decreased the amount adsorbed. The results can be helpful in explaining the fate of phenolic compounds in the gastrointestinal tract