22 research outputs found

    Educação ambiental e cartografias das práticas cotidianas de pesca na Ilha das Caieiras, Vitória, ES.

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    Esta pesquisa problematiza a Educação Ambiental e os saberes socioambientais nas redes cotidianas da comunidade do bairro Ilha das Caieiras, localizada na região da Baía Noroeste de Vitória (ES). A pesquisa tem como objetivo geral problematizar a Educação Ambiental das práticas pesqueiras cotidianas da comunidade da Ilha das Caieiras por meio das experiências e dos cotidianos vividos por um grupo de estudantes da região. Os movimentos metodológicos foram traçados com os encontros com os estudantes, suscitando em algumas intervenções para a produção dos dados: mapa mental, conversas (narrativas) e produção de texto escrito. Os materiais produzidos pelo grupo de estudantes indicam dinâmicas espaciais e temporais que circunscrevem as práticas pesqueiras e os saberes socioambientais locais, ajudando-nos a problematizar as relações criadas entre a comunidade e o manguezal, assim como as mudanças em curso na atividade pesqueira. Fizemos também observações e registros de diários de campo com destaque para as dinâmicas cotidianas relacionadas com o nomadismo da paisagem e com as atividades pesqueiras do bairro Ilha das Caieiras. As conversas, os textos e os mapas produzidos pelos estudantes apontam relações insustentáveis entre a comunidade e o manguezal, na atualidade. Indicam também táticas, estratégias de (re)existência e diferentes usos dos sujeitos praticantes nas margens em relação às áreas de preservação ambiental dos manguezais configurando evidências de uma Educação Ambiental produzida, negociada e vivida com as redes cotidianas.This research questions the Environmental Education (EE) and environmental knowledge in everyday community networks Caieiras Island, located in the Northwest region of the Vitória’s Bay (ES). The research aims to discuss the overall EE of daily fishing practices on the Ilha das Caieiras through the experiences lived by a group of students from the region. The methodological movements were traced in meetings with students, and these experiences have raised the following interventions for the production of data: mind map, narratives and production of written text. The materials produced by students indicate spatial and temporal dynamics that circumscribe practices and local knowledge, helping us to interpret the relationship created between the community and mangroves, as well as ongoing changes in fishing activity. We also made observations and records of field diaries highlighting the daily dynamics related to nomadism landscape and fishing activities in the neighborhood. The materials produced by students indicate unsustainable relations between the community and mangrove. They also indicate tactics, strategies (re) existence and uses of different subjects in face of environmental preservation areas, configuring evidence of an EE produced, traded and lived with daily networks

    Genetic variability of inflammatory genes in the brazilian population

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    Inflammatory gene variants have been associated with several diseases, including cancer, diabetes, vascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, arthritis, and others. Therefore, determining the population genetic composition of inflammation-related genes can be useful for the determination of general risk, prognostic and therapeutic strategies to prevent or cure specific diseases. We have aimed to identify polymorphism genotype frequencies in genes related to the inflammatory response in the Brazilian population, namely, IjBL - 62AT, IjBL - 262CT, tumor necrosis factors alpha (TNFa) - 238GA, TNFa - 308GA, lymphotoxin-alpha (LTa) + 80AC, LTa + 252AG, FAS - 670AG, and FASL - 844TC, considering the white, black, and Pardo ethnicities of the Sa˜o Paulo State. Our results suggest that the Brazilian population is under a miscegenation process at the current time, since some genotypes are not in the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. In addition, we conclude that the Pardo ethnicity is derived from a complex mixture of ethnicities, including the native Indian population

    HIF-1alpha expression profile in intratumoral and peritumoral inflammatory cells as a prognostic marker for squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity.

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    The HIF-1 transcriptional complex is responsible for controlling transcription of over 100 genes involved in cell hypoxia response. HIF-1alpha subunit is stabilized in hypoxia conditions, creating the HIF-1 nuclear transcription factor. In inflammatory cells, high HIF-1alpha expression induces lymphocytic immunosuppression, decreasing tumoral antigen recognition, which promotes tumor growth. The present work investigated the relationship between HIF-1alpha expression in lymphocytes populating the intratumoral and peritumoral region of 56 patients with oral cancer. Our data indicates a prognostic value for this expression. High HIF-1alpha expression in peritumoral inflammatory cells is significantly related to worse patient outcome, whereas high expression in the intratumoral lymphoid cells correlates with a better prognosis. A risk profile indicating the chance of disease relapse and death was designed based on HIF-1alpha expression in tumoral inflammatory cells, defining low, intermediate and high risks. This risk profile was able to determine that high HIF-1alpha expression in peritumoral cells correlates with worse prognosis, independently of intratumoral expression. Low HIF-1alpha in tumor margins and high expression in the tumor was considered a low risk profile, showing no cases of disease relapse and disease related death. Intermediate risk was associated with low expression in tumor and tumor margins. Our results suggest that HIF-1alpha expression in tumor and peritumoral inflammatory cells may play an important role as prognostic tumor marker

    Glyphosate-based herbicides at low doses affect canonical pathways in estrogen positive and negative breast cancer cell lines.

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    Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide that is used worldwide. It represents a potential harm to surface water, and when commercially mixed with surfactants, its uptake is greatly magnified. The most well-known glyphosate-based product is Roundup. This herbicide is potentially an endocrine disruptor and many studies have shown the cytotoxicity potential of glyphosate-based herbicides. In breast cancer (BC) cell lines it has been demonstrated that glyphosate can induce cellular proliferation via estrogen receptors. Therefore, we aimed to identify gene expression changes in ER+ and ER- BC cell lines treated with Roundup and AMPA, to address changes in canonical pathways that would be related or not with the ER pathway, which we believe could interfere with cell proliferation. Using the Human Transcriptome Arrays 2.0, we identified gene expression changes in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468 exposed to low concentrations and short exposure time to Roundup Original and AMPA. The results showed that at low concentration (0.05% Roundup) and short exposure (48h), both cell lines suffered deregulation of 11 canonical pathways, the most important being cell cycle and DNA damage repair pathways. Enrichment analysis showed similar results, except that MDA-MB-468 altered mainly metabolic processes. In contrast, 48h 10mM AMPA showed fewer differentially expressed genes, but also mainly related with metabolic processes. Our findings suggest that Roundup affects survival due to cell cycle deregulation and metabolism changes that may alter mitochondrial oxygen consumption, increase ROS levels, induce hypoxia, damage DNA repair, cause mutation accumulation and ultimately cell death. To our knowledge, this is the first study to analyze the effects of Roundup and AMPA on gene expression in triple negative BC cells. Therefore, we conclude that both compounds can cause cellular damage at low doses in a relatively short period of time in these two models, mainly affecting cell cycle and DNA repair


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    <p><b>a and b.</b> Weak and strong HIF-1alpha expression in peritumoral inflammatory infiltrates; <b>c. and d.</b> Weak and strong HIF-1alpha expression in intratumoral inflammatory infiltrates. Magnification was 400×.</p