3,264 research outputs found

    Can Inflation be Falsified?

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    Despite its central role in modern cosmology, doubts are often expressed as to whether cosmological inflation is really a falsifiable theory. We distinguish two facets of inflation, one as a theory of initial conditions for the hot big bang and the other as a model for the origin of structure in the Universe. We argue that the latter can readily be excluded by observations, and that there are also a number of ways in which the former can find itself in conflict with observational data. Both aspects of the theory are indeed falsifiable.Comment: 7 pages LaTeX file with two figures incorporated by epsf. Fifth Prize in Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competition. To appear, General Relativity and Gravitatio

    The lepton asymmetry: the last chance for a critical-density cosmology?

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    We use a wide range of observations to constrain cosmological models possessing a significant asymmetry in the lepton sector, which offer perhaps the best chance of reconciling a critical-density Universe with current observations. The simplest case, with massless neutrinos, fails to fit many experimental data and does not lead to an acceptable model. If the neutrinos have mass of order one electron-volt (which is favoured by some neutrino observations), then models can be implemented which prove a good fit to microwave anisotropies and large-scale structure data. However, taking into account the latest microwave anisotropy results, especially those from Boomerang, we show that the model can no longer accommodate the observed baryon fraction in clusters. Together with the observed acceleration of the present Universe, this puts considerable pressure on such critical-density models

    Generalized Slow Roll Conditions and the Possibility of Intermediate Scale Inflation in Scalar-Tensor Theory

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    Generalized slow roll conditions and parameters are obtained for a general form of scalar-tensor theory (with no external sources), having arbitrary functions describing a nonminimal gravitational coupling F(\phi), a Kahler-like kinetic function k(\phi), and a scalar potential V(\phi). These results are then used to analyze a simple toy model example of chaotic inflation with a single scalar field \phi and a standard Higgs potential and a simple gravitational coupling function. In this type of model inflation can occur with inflaton field values at an intermediate scale of roughly 10^{11} GeV when the particle physics symmetry breaking scale is approximately 1 TeV, provided that the theory is realized within the Jordan frame. If the theory is realized in the Einstein frame, however, the intermediate scale inflation does not occur.Comment: 14 pages, no figs. Accepted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Thawing quintessence with a nearly flat potential

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    The thawing quintessence model with a nearly flat potential provides a natural mechanism to produce an equation of state parameter, w, close to -1 today. We examine the behavior of such models for the case in which the potential satisfies the slow roll conditions: [(1/V)(dV/dphi)]^2 << 1 and (1/V)(d^2 V/dphi^2) << 1, and we derive the analog of the slow-roll approximation for the case in which both matter and a scalar field contribute to the density. We show that in this limit, all such models converge to a unique relation between 1+w, Omega_phi, and the initial value of (1/V)(dV/dphi). We derive this relation, and use it to determine the corresponding expression for w(a), which depends only on the present-day values for w and Omega_phi. For a variety of potentials, our limiting expression for w(a) is typically accurate to within delta w < 0.005 for w<-0.9. For redshift z < 1, w(a) is well-fit by the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parametrization, in which w(a) is a linear function of a.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, discussion added, references updated, typos corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Slow-roll inflation with a Gauss-Bonnet correction

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    We consider slow-roll inflation for a single scalar field with an arbitrary potential and an arbitrary nonminimal coupling to the Gauss-Bonnet term. By introducing a combined hierarchy of Hubble and Gauss-Bonnet flow functions, we analytically derive the power spectra of scalar and tensor perturbations. The standard consistency relation between the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the spectral index of tensor perturbations is broken. We apply this formalism to a specific model with a monomial potential and an inverse monomial Gauss-Bonnet coupling and constrain it by the 7-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe data. The Gauss-Bonnet term with a positive (or negative) coupling may lead to a reduction (or enhancement) of the tensor-to-scalar ratio and hence may revive the quartic potential ruled out by recent cosmological data.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX, references added, published versio

    False Vacuum Inflation with a Quartic Potential

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    We consider a variant of Hybrid Inflation, where inflation is driven by two interacting scalar fields, one of which has a `Mexican hat' potential and the other a quartic potential. Given the appropriate initial conditions one of the fields can be trapped in a false vacuum state, supported by couplings to the other field. The energy of this vacuum can be used to drive inflation, which ends when the vacuum decays to one of its true minima. Depending on parameters, it is possible for inflation to proceed via two separate epochs, with the potential temporarily steepening sufficiently to suspend inflation. We use numerical simulations to analyse the possibilities, and emphasise the shortcomings of the slow-roll approximation for analysing this scenario. We also calculate the density perturbations produced, which can have a spectral index greater than one.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX 3.0, no figure

    Particle Production of Vector Fields: Scale Invariance is Attractive

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    In a model of an Abelian vector boson with a Maxwell kinetic term and non-negative mass-squared it is demonstrated that, under fairly general conditions during inflation, a scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations for the components of a vector field, massive or not, whose kinetic function (and mass) is modulated by the inflaton field is an attractor solution. If the field is massless, or if it remains light until the end of inflation, this attractor solution also generates anisotropic stress, which can render inflation weakly anisotropic. The above two characteristics of the attractor solution can source (independently or combined together) significant statistical anisotropy in the curvature perturbation, which may well be observable in the near future

    Leptogenesis from Spin-Gravity Coupling Following Inflation

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    The energy levels of the left and the right handed neutrinos is split in the background of gravitational waves generated during inflation which in presence of lepton number violating interactions gives rise to a net lepton asymmetry at equilibrium. Lepton number violation is achieved by the same dimension five operator which gives rise to neutrino masses after electro-weak symmetry breaking. A net baryon asymmetry of the same magnitude can be generated from this lepton asymmetry by electroweak sphaleron processes.Comment: Journal version (accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.

    On the reliability of inflaton potential reconstruction

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    If primordial scalar and tensor perturbation spectra can be inferred from observations of the cosmic background radiation and large-scale structure, then one might hope to reconstruct a unique single-field inflaton potential capable of generating the observed spectra. In this paper we examine conditions under which such a potential can be reliably reconstructed. For it to be possible at all, the spectra must be well fit by a Taylor series expansion. A complete reconstruction requires a statistically-significant tensor mode to be measured in the microwave background. We find that the observational uncertainties dominate the theoretical error from use of the slow-roll approximation, and conclude that the reconstruction procedure will never insidiously lead to an irrelevant potential.Comment: 16 page LaTeX file with eight postscript figures embedded with epsf; no special macros neede

    Layzer-Irvine equation: new perspectives and the role of interacting dark energy

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    We derive the Layzer-Irvine equation in the presence of a homogeneous (or quasi-homogeneous) dark energy component with an arbitrary equation of state. We extend the Layzer-Irvine equation to homogeneous and isotropic universes with an arbitrary number of dimensions and obtain the corresponding virial relation for sufficiently relaxed objects. We find analogous equations describing the dynamics of cosmic string loops and other p-branes of arbitrary dimensionality, discussing the corresponding relativistic and non-relativistic limits. Finally, we generalize the Layzer-Irvine equation to account for a non-minimal interaction between dark matter and dark energy, discussing its practical use as a signature of such an interaction.Comment: 4 page
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