70 research outputs found

    Les répulsifs anti-moustiques à l’officine (Thèse d'exercice de Pharmacie)

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    For pharmacists, protection against mosquito bites is subject to frequent requests for advices. Patients want to protect themselves against both mosquitoes that cause nuisance, and mosquitoes vectors of infectious diseases. In metropolitan France, since the establishment of Aedes albopictus, which is a vector for the transmission of dengue and chikungunya, the preventive function of the pharmacist has become more and more important. Indeed, a good knowledge of mosquitoes, vector-borne diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, and control methods to prevent mosquito bites, is essential. Repellents, which are vector control tools sold in pharmacies, are included in many different formulations despite few active substances available. The current lack of toxicity data requires the pharmacist to be careful. Updated data on legislation, formulation, mode of action and toxicity of repellents are listed here, in order to ensure an optimal dispensation by the pharmacist, and a good use by the population

    Precipitation Type Specific Radar Reflectivity-Rain Rate Relationships for Warsaw, Poland

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan literasi sains siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan multimedia. Metode dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment dengan pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek penelitiannya adalah kelas XI di kabupaten Subang, Jawa-Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual berbantuan multimedia secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan literasi sains siswa. Peningkatan penguasaan konsep siswa dengan nilai N-Gain 0.50 (kategori sedang) untuk kelas eksperimen dan 0,30 (kategori sedang) untuk kelas kontrol. Peningkatan kemampuan literasi sains siswa dengan nilai N-Gain 0.45 (kategori sedang) untuk kelas eksperimen dan 0,30 (kategori sedang) untuk kelas kontrol. This study aims to determine the concepts mastery and skills increase scientific literacy of students by using multimedia-assisted contextual learning model. The method used quasi experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. Subjects of study are class XI in Subang districts, West-Java. The result of study showed that contextual model’s aided by multimedia significantly enhance student’s concepts mastery and skills scientific literacy. The enhancement of student’s concepts mastery with N-Gain value is 0.50 (medium category) for experiment class and 0,30 (medium category) for control class. The enhancement of student's skills scientific literacy with N-Gain value is 0.45 (medium category) for experiment class and 0,30 (medium category) for control class

    Disruption of Candida albicans IFF4 gene involves modifications of the cell electrical surface properties.

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    During the past two decades, the prevalence of candidiasis has increased markedly and Candida albicans has now become one of the most important causes of nosocomial infections, especially after colonization of inert surfaces such as catheters or prostheses. In a previous report, we demonstrated the overexpression of 35 unidentified genes in response to adherence of C. albicans germ tubes to plastic. Therefore, a bioinformatic analysis was performed searching for genes encoding surface proteins potentially involved in adherence. Nineteen genes were thus selected, and one of them, CaIFF4, was further investigated. The deduced protein of this CaIFF4 gene revealed a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored site as well as the presence of a N-terminal signal peptide. Disruption of both alleles of CaIFF4 gene from C. albicans parent strain BWP17 was performed by PCR method. Then investigations of properties of null mutant for CaIFF4 gene showed a decrease of adherence of germ tubes to plastic in comparison to the parent strain BWP17. Besides, electrophoretic mobilities of germ tubes of CaIFF4 null mutant and of parental strain BWP17 were measured. Data were then analysed with soft particles analysis theory. Results point out a less important electrophoretic mobility of germ tubes of CaIFF4 null mutant in comparison to germ tubes of BWP17 parental strain

    Intérêt des huiles essentielles dans les angines à Streptococcus pyogenes

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    Pharmacists are increasingly being asked for advice in the area of aromatherapy. Their role consists in judging the relevance of this alternative therapy according to the pathological context and the patient. They must also assess which essential oils offer the best risk-benefit ratio. However, there are still insufficient scientific data relating to their properties

    DNA array analysis of Candida albicans gene expression in response to adherence to polystyrene.

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    Candidiasis is often initiated by the colonization of inert surfaces. In order to elucidate the mechanisms involved in this adherence process, DNA macroarrays were used to analyze the transcriptome of Candida albicans, the main causative agent of this mycoses, in a simple adherence model using germ tubes produced in polystyrene Petri dishes. Non-adherent germ tubes produced on glass surface were used as a control. Analysis of gene expression displayed 77 genes identified as statistically overexpressed in adherent germ tubes. Among these genes, some encoded enzymes participating in metabolism of lipids (such as LIP6), of proteins (such as SAP1) or of carbohydrates (like PGI1, PMI40 and PSA1. Some of these genes have already been reported as playing a role in pathogenesis of C. albicans. However, functions were unknown for a large part (45.5%) of the overexpressed genes which will be analyzed further in order to define their relationship with adherence
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