43 research outputs found

    Ezrin is a specific and direct target of protein tyrosine phosphatase PRL-3

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    AbstractPhosphatase of Regenerating Liver-3 (PRL-3) is a small protein tyrosine phosphatase considered an appealing therapeutic cancer target due to its involvement in metastatic progression. However, despite its importance, the direct molecular targets of PRL-3 action are not yet known. Here we report the identification of Ezrin as a specific and direct cellular substrate of PRL-3. In HCT116 colon cancer cell line, Ezrin was identified among the cellular proteins whose phosphorylation level decreased upon ectopic over-expression of wtPRL-3 but not of catalytically inactive PRL-3 mutants. Although PRL-3 over-expression in HCT116 cells appeared to affect Ezrin phosphorylation status at both tyrosine residues and Thr567, suppression of the endogenous protein by RNA interference pointed to Ezrin-Thr567 as the residue primarily affected by PRL-3 action. In vitro dephosphorylation assays suggested Ezrin-Thr567 as a direct substrate of PRL-3 also proving this enzyme as belonging to the dual specificity phosphatase family. Furthermore, the same effect on levels of pThr567, but not on pTyr residues, was observed in endothelial cells pointing to Ezrin-pThr567 dephosphorylation as a mean through which PRL-3 exerts its function in promoting tumor progression as well as in the establishment of the new vasculature needed for tumor survival and expansion

    Longitudinal Study of Recurrent Metastatic Melanoma Cell Lines Underscores the Individuality of Cancer Biology.

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    Recurrent metastatic melanoma provides a unique opportunity to analyze disease evolution in metastatic cancer. Here, we followed up eight patients with an unusually prolonged history of metastatic melanoma, who developed a total of 26 recurrences over several years. Cell lines derived from each metastasis were analyzed by comparative genomic hybridization and global transcript analysis. We observed that conserved, patient-specific characteristics remain stable in recurrent metastatic melanoma even after years and several recurrences. Differences among individual patients exceeded within-patient lesion variability, both at the DNA copy number (P<0.001) and RNA gene expression level (P<0.001). Conserved patient-specific traits included expression of several cancer/testis antigens and the c-kit proto-oncogene throughout multiple recurrences. Interestingly, subsequent recurrences of different patients did not display consistent or convergent changes toward a more aggressive disease phenotype. Finally, sequential recurrences of the same patient did not descend progressively from each other, as irreversible mutations such as homozygous deletions were frequently not inherited from previous metastases. This study suggests that the late evolution of metastatic melanoma, which markedly turns an indolent disease into a lethal phase, is prone to preserve case-specific traits over multiple recurrences and occurs through a series of random events that do not follow a consistent stepwise process.Journal of Investigative Dermatology advance online publication, 2 January 2014; doi:10.1038/jid.2013.495

    Structural Analysis of the Hepatitis C Virus RNA Polymerase in Complex with Ribonucleotides

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    We report here the results of a systematic high-resolution X-ray crystallographic analysis of complexes of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA polymerase with ribonucleoside triphosphates (rNTPs) and divalent metal ions. An unexpected observation revealed by this study is the existence of a specific rGTP binding site in a shallow pocket at the molecular surface of the enzyme, 30 Å away from the catalytic site. This previously unidentified rGTP pocket, which lies at the interface between fingers and thumb, may be an allosteric regulatory site and could play a role in allowing alternative interactions between the two domains during a possible conformational change of the enzyme required for efficient initiation. The electron density map at 1.7-Å resolution clearly shows the mode of binding of the guanosine moiety to the enzyme. In the catalytic site, density corresponding to the triphosphates of nucleotides bound to the catalytic metals was apparent in each complex with nucleotides. Moreover, a network of triphosphate densities was detected; these densities superpose to the corresponding moieties of the nucleotides observed in the initiation complex reported for the polymerase of bacteriophage φ6, strengthening the proposal that the two enzymes initiate replication de novo by similar mechanisms. No equivalent of the protein stacking platform observed for the priming nucleotide in the φ6 enzyme is present in HCV polymerase, however, again suggesting that a change in conformation of the thumb domain takes place upon template binding to allow for efficient de novo initiation of RNA synthesis

    Selection of RNA Aptamers That Are Specific and High-Affinity Ligands of the Hepatitis C Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase

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    In order to find small RNA molecules that are specific and high-affinity ligands of nonstructural 5B (NS5B) polymerase, we screened by SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential amplification) a structurally constrained RNA library with an NS5BΔC55 enzyme carrying a C-terminal biotinylation sequence. Among the selected clones, two aptamers appeared to be high-affinity ligands of NS5B, with apparent dissociation constants in the low nanomolar range. They share a sequence that can assume a stem-loop structure. By mutation analysis, this structure has been shown to correspond to the RNA motif responsible for the tight interaction with NS5B. The aptamers appeared to be highly specific for the hepatitis C virus (HCV) polymerase since interaction with the GB virus B (GBV-B) NS5B protein cannot be observed. This is consistent with the observation that the activity of the HCV NS5B polymerase is efficiently inhibited by the selected aptamers, while neither GBV-B nor poliovirus 3D polymerases are affected. The mechanism of inhibition of the NS5B activity turned out to be noncompetitive with respect to template RNA, suggesting that aptamers and template RNA do not bind to the same site. As a matter of fact, mutations introduced in a basic exposed surface of the thumb domain severely impaired both the binding of and activity inhibition by the RNA aptamers

    A zinc binding site in viral serine proteinases

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    The NS3 protein of hepatitis C virus contains a chymotrypsin-like serine proteinase domain. We built a homology model of this domain which predicts the presence of a tetradentate metal binding site formed by three cysteines and one histidine. These residues are strictly conserved in all known hepatitis C viral genotypes as well as in other recently discovered related hepatitis viruses. We show that the hepatitis C virus enzyme does indeed contain a Zn2+ ion with S3N ligation and that the metal is required for structural integrity and activity of the enzyme. Strikingly, the residues forming the metal binding site are also conserved in the chymotrypsin-like 2A cysteine proteinases of picornaviruses. Remarkably, in these highly variable viral genomes the metal binding site is more conserved than the catalytic residues and thus allows us to define a novel class of zinc binding chymotrypsin-like proteinases and to identify a new attractive target for antiviral therapy