4 research outputs found

    La historia de la ciencia como herramienta para la enseñanza de física en secundaria : un ejemplo en calor y temperatura

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    In this work we suggest and analyze some stages of a course on heat and temperature which knowledge of the past of the ideas and the solution provided can enable a better understanding of the content. The hypothesis that guided the planning of activities was that the scientific content studied throughout its history comes closer to the cognitive universe, not only of the student, but of man himself

    MOESM1 of A scalable method to quantify the relationship between urban form and socio-economic indexes

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    Additional file 1. Here we provide choropleth maps of the metrics of urban form and IMD, for the six cities under study. (pdf

    MOESM4 of A scalable method to quantify the relationship between urban form and socio-economic indexes

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    Additional file 4. This compressed folder contains the tables with metrics of urban form and IMD, for the six cities under study. (zip

    MOESM2 of A scalable method to quantify the relationship between urban form and socio-economic indexes

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    Additional file 2. This represents the frequency distribution plots of the residuals of the SAR models, for the six cities considered. (pdf