120 research outputs found

    Called to Serve: A Choice to Teach in a High-Need School

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    This project examined the current intent of undergraduate students here at St. Norbert College, specifically looking at where they intend to teach. It also examined how they would respond to financial incentives to join an urban education program and go and teach in a high-need school for three years.https://digitalcommons.snc.edu/collaborative_presentations/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Non-GPS Navigation Using Vision-Aiding and Active Radio Range Measurements

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    The military depends on the Global Positioning System (GPS) for a wide array of advanced weaponry guidance and precision navigation systems. Lack of GPS access makes precision navigation very difficult. Inclusion of inertial sensors in existing navigation systems provides short-term precision navigation, but drifts significantly over long-term navigation. This thesis is motivated by the need for inertial sensor drift-constraint in degraded and denied GPS environments. The navigation system developed consists of inertial sensors, a simulated barometer, three Raytheon DH500 radios, and a stereo-camera image-aiding system. The Raytheon DH500 is a combat communication radio which also provides range measurements between radios. The measurements from each sensor are fused together with an extended Kalman filter to estimate the navigation trajectory. Residual monitoring and the Sage-Husa adaptive algorithm are individually tested in the Kalman filter range update algorithm to help improve the radio range positioning performance. The navigation system is shown to provide long-term inertial sensor drift-constraint with position errors as low as 3 meters

    The Classification of Phishing Websites using Supervised Data Mining Techniques

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    Phishing attacks are on the rise, and the consequences for businesses are severer. The impact of a phishing attack not only causes financial loss but also triggers data breaches. The data breaches caused by phishing attacks often lead to reputational damage and business disruption. Therefore, detecting potential phishing attempts has received tremendous attention. The purpose of this study is to identify the feature predicting the presence of a phishing site by using the public phishing URL dataset. The dataset used in this study includes 87 predictor variables across three distinct feature groups, including 1) 56 URL-based features obtained by analyzing the text of URLs, 2) 24 Content-based features extracted by loading the web pages of URLs and analyzing their HTML contents, 3) and seven external features obtained by querying reference third party services and search engines. The top-7 most meaningful inputs from each feature group are selected and analyzed in three different supervised data mining techniques to determine which feature group produces the most robust model for classifying and detecting phishing websites. The result of this study shows that the inputs from the external features group consistently had the highest Accuracy, Specificity, Sensitivity, and Precision across all supervised data mining techniques. This study also finds that the model can be improved by using a combination of inputs from all three feature groups, including 3 URL-based features, 2 Content-based features, and 2 External features. The result of this study will help shape and strengthen security awareness training for organizations and be used as the foundation for building preventative tools for both individuals and companies against phishing attacks

    « C’est un peu comme être en train de se noyer » : Attentes et expériences de la maternité durant la pandémie de COVID-19

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    What is the impact of bringing unrealistic and overwhelming conditions of motherhood into the context of a global pandemic?  This article aims to explore the impacts of maternal expectations and experiences in the time of COVID-19. Through first person accounts of eighty self-identified mothers parenting through COVID, we aim to explore good mother myths, feelings of failure, and the paradoxical freedoms that occur under pandemic time.  Quel est l’impact de l’introduction de conditions de maternitĂ© irrĂ©alistes et accablantes dans le contexte d’une pandĂ©mie mondiale? Cet article vise Ă  explorer l’impact des attentes et des expĂ©riences maternelles Ă  l’époque de la COVID-19. Ă€ travers les rĂ©cits Ă  la première personne de quatre-vingts mères s’identifiant comme telles et qui ont assumĂ© leur rĂ´le parental tout au long de la pandĂ©mie de COVID, nous souhaitons explorer le mythe de la bonne mère, les sentiments d’échec et les libertĂ©s paradoxales qui surgissent en temps de pandĂ©mie

    Agrarstruktur in Ghandruk und Umgebung : Schwerpunkt Ackerbau und Hausgärten

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    Immunity to human influenza A virus (IAV) infection is only partially understood. Broadly non-neutralizing antibodies may assist in reducing disease but have not been well characterized.We measured internalization of opsonized, influenza protein-coated fluorescent beads and live IAV into a monocytic cell line to study antibody-dependent phagocytosis (ADP) against multiple influenza hemagglutinin (HA) subtypes. We analyzed influenza HA-specific ADP in healthy human donors, in preparations of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), and following IAV infection of humans and macaques.We found that both sera from healthy adults and IVIG preparations had broad ADP to multiple seasonal HA proteins and weak cross-reactive ADP to non-circulating HA proteins. The ADP in experimentally influenza-infected macaque plasma and naturally influenza-infected human sera mediated phagocytosis of both homologous and heterologous IAVs. Further, the IAV phagocytosed in an antibody-mediated manner had reduced infectivity in vitro.We conclude that IAV infections in humans and macaques leads to the development of influenza-specific ADP that can clear IAV infection in vitro. Repeated exposure of humans to multiple IAV infections likely leads to the development of ADP that is cross-reactive to strains not previously encountered. Further analyses of the protective capacity of broadly reactive influenza-specific ADP is warranted

    Die neuen Meinungsmacher : der Einfluss von Bloggern auf Kopf und Markt

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    Blogger zählen zu den wohl einflussreichsten Meinungsführern der heutigen Zeit. In der vorliegenden Masterarbeit sollen zunächst die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse der Meinungsführerforschung dargelegt sowie die Anwendung des Markenbegriffs auf den Menschen untersucht werden. Darauf aufbauend wird in einem dritten Schritt schließlich das Geschäftsmodell „Influencer Marketing“ erklärt, dessen Erfolgsfaktoren unter anderem mittels einer empirischen, qualitativen Befragung der Zielgruppe zu einem ausgewählten Videobeitrag erforscht werden sollen. Konkret soll hier vor allem Aufschluss über die Wirkungsweise von Bloggern gewonnen werden.Andrea LichtfussUniversität Innsbruck, Masterarbeit, 2018(VLID)289449
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