129 research outputs found

    MECP2 duplication syndrome: The electroclinical features of a case with long-term evolution

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    MECP2 duplication syndrome (MDS) is a rare and severe neurodevelopmental disorder frequently associated with epilepsy. Different seizure types and electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns were described in patients with MDS, although it lacks a specific phenotype. We report on an adult patient with long-term epilepsy showing an evolution of the EEG pattern that progressively changed into burst suppression (BS) during sleep. As BS has not been previously reported in MDS, this report expands the neurophysiological phenotype of MDS and further suggest the possible occurrence of a longitudinal spectrum of seizure types and EEG patterns in MDS

    If seizures left speechless: CA-P-S C-A-R-E, a proposal of a new ictal language evaluation protocol

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    Introduction: We aimed to create standardized protocol for language examination in patients who underwent video-EEG recording and assessed its efficacy in the characterization of ictal language impairment, its ability to differentiate this from impaired awareness, and interobserver reliability in clinical practice. Methods: From our database of video-EEG recordings, we selected a representative sample of 63 focal seizures with presumed language impairment. A multidisciplinary team of epileptologists, EEG technicians, and speech therapists analyzed the selected videos to highlight the critical issues of ordinary ictal language evaluation. We subsequently followed a multi-step process to develop the protocol and assess its interobserver reliability. Results: A protocol based on seven tests in hierarchical succession was created, summed up in the acronym CA-P-S C-A-R-E (Closed Answers, Pro-speak question, Simple orders, Common object denomination, Audio repetition, Reading, Evoke). Following its preliminary administration for 5 months, we assessed the inter-observer reliability of 16 healthcare professionals in distinguishing between language impairment and impaired awareness among a sample of 10 seizures, finding a substantial agreement (kappa 0.61). Conclusion: The proposed protocol, made of simple and easy to memorize tests, is an effective tool that evaluates multiple domains beyond language. Its use could help to recognize ictal aphasia effectively and differentiate it from impaired awareness, minimizing inter-examiner variability

    Epilepsy With Auditory Features: From Etiology to Treatment

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    Epilepsy with auditory features (EAF) is a focal epilepsy belonging to the focal epileptic syndromes with onset at variable age according to the new ILAE Classification. It is characterized by seizures with auditory aura or receptive aphasia suggesting a lateral temporal lobe involvement of the epileptic discharge. Etiological factors underlying EAF are largely unknown. In the familial cases with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance several genes have been involved, among which the first discovered, LGI1, was thought to be predominant. However, increasing evidence now points to a multifactorial etiology, as familial and sporadic EAF share a virtually identical electro-clinical characterization and only a few have a documented genetic etiology. Patients with EAF usually have an unremarkable neurological examination and a good response to antiseizure medications. However, it must be underscored that total remission might be lower than expected and that treatment withdrawal might lead to relapses. Thus, a proper understanding of this condition is in order for better patient treatment and counseling. Further studies are still required to further characterize the many facets of EAF

    Clinical features and pathophysiology of disorders of arousal in adults: A window into the sleeping brain

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    Introduction: Disorders of Arousal (DoA) are NREM parasomnias that have been typically regarded as self-limited childhood manifestations. It is now clear that DoA can persist in adults, often presenting with distinctive characteristics. So far, few studies have described the clinical course and characteristics of DoA in adulthood, therefore a large part of their semiology is ignored. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical manifestations of DoA in an adult population and to provide a pathophysiological interpretation of their features. Methods: We screened our database for all 1,600 adult ( 6515 years) patients with sleep-related motor behaviors between 1995 and 2016. We identified 45 patients with typical DoA episodes, of whom a complete history, neurological examination and diagnostic video-polysomnography (VPSG) were available. All patients provided a detailed description of their episodes (with particular regards to semiology, frequency, and association with stressful life events) in different life periods. VPSG recordings were reviewed and DoA episodes were identified and assigned to three different categories according to their complexity. Results: Our population was composed of 45 adult patients ranging between 15 and 76 years. Sleepwalking was reported by 86% of patients, possibly associated with complex interactions with the environment and violent behaviors in 53% of cases; distressing mental contents were reported by 64%. Recall of the episodes was reported in 77% of patients. Non-restorative sleep was reported in 46% of patients. Stress was a potential episode trigger in 80% of patients. VPSG recordings documented 334 DoA episodes. According to our classification of motor patterns, 282 episodes (84%) were Simple Arousal Movements (SAMs), 34 (10%) Rapid Arousal Movements (RAMs) and 18 (5%) Complex Arousal Movements (CAMs). Discussion: Our study confirms that DoA in adulthood present with distinctive characteristics, such as non-restorative sleep, violence and complex, or bizarre behaviors. Alternative classifications of DoA based on motor patterns could be useful to characterize DoA episodes in adults, as different motor patterns often coexist in the same individual and minor episodes are more common but generally underreported by patients. Prospective studies are needed for a definitive characterization of DoA in adulthood throughout the life course

    Risk of hospitalization and death for COVID-19 in persons with epilepsy over a 20-month period: The EpiLink Bologna cohort, Italy

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    Objective: Data on COVID-19 outcomes in persons with epilepsy (PWE) are scarce and inconclusive. We aimed to study the risk of hospitalization and death for COVID-19 in a large cohort of PWE from March 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021. Methods: The historical cohort design (EpiLink Bologna) compared adult PWE grouped into people with focal epilepsy (PFE), idiopathic generalized epilepsy (PIGE), and developmental and/or epileptic encephalopathy (PDEE), and a population cohort matched (ratio 1:10) for age, sex, residence, and comorbidity (assessed with the multisource comorbidity score), living in the local health trust of Bologna (approximately 800 000 residents). Clinical data were linked to health administrative data. Results: In both cohorts (EpiLink: n = 1575 subjects, 1128 PFE, 267 PIGE, 148 PDEE, 32 other; controls: n = 15 326 subjects), 52% were females, and the mean age was 50 years (SD = 18). Hospital admissions for COVID-19 in the whole period were 49 (3.1%) in PWE and 225 (1.5%) in controls. The adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) in PWE was 1.9 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4–2.7). The subgroups at higher risk were PFE (aHR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.3–2.8) and PDEE (aHR = 3.9, 95% CI = 1.7–8.7), whereas PIGE had a risk comparable to the controls (aHR = 1.1, 95% CI =.3–3.5). Stratified analyses of the two main epidemic waves (March–May 2020, October 2020–May 2021) disclosed a higher risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization during the first epidemic wave (March–May 2020; aHR = 3.8, 95% CI = 2.2–6.7). Polytherapy with antiseizure medications contributed to a higher risk of hospital admission. Thirty-day risk of death after hospitalization was 14% in both PWE and controls. Significance: During the first 20 months since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Bologna, PWE had a doubled risk of COVID-19 hospital admission compared to a matched control population. Conversely, epilepsy did not represent a risk factor for COVID-19-related death

    Epilepsy and inborn errors of metabolism in adults: The diagnostic odyssey of a young woman with medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency

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    We describe a case of epileptic encephalopathy in a young woman with undiagnosed medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD), who presented with an early-onset focal motor status epilepticus (SE) then followed by permanent left hemiplegia and drug-resistant epilepsy with neurodevelopmental delay. Throughout her clinical history, recurrent episodes of lethargy, feeding difficulties, and clustering seizures occurred, progressing into a super refractory SE and death at the age of 25 years. Although epilepsy is not a distinctive feature of MCADD, we advise considering this metabolic disease as a possible etiology of epileptic encephalopathy and hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome of unknown origin, on the chance to provide a timely and targeted treatment preventing development delay and evolution to SE. Adult patients with epilepsy of unknown etiology not screened at birth for inborn errors of metabolism, such as MCADD, should be promptly investigated for these treatable conditions

    Current management of primary mitochondrial disorders in EU countries: the European Reference Networks survey

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    Background and purpose: Primary mitochondrial diseases (PMDs) are rare diseases for which diagnosis is challenging, and management and training programs are not well defined in Europe. To capture and assess care needs, five different European Reference Networks have conducted an exploratory survey. Methods: The survey covering multiple topics relating to PMDs was sent to all ERNs healthcare providers (HCPs) in Europe. Results: We have collected answers from 220 members based in 24/27 European member states and seven non-European member states. Even though most of the responders are aware of neurogenetic diseases, difficulties arise in the ability to deliver comprehensive genetic testing. While single gene analysis is widely available in Europe, whole exome and genome sequencing are not easily accessible, with considerable variation between countries and average waiting time for results frequently above 6 months. Only 12.7% of responders were happy with the ICD-10 codes for classifying patients with PMDs discharged from the hospital, and more than 70% of them consider that PMDs deserve specific ICD codes to improve clinical management, including tailored healthcare, and for reimbursement reasons. Finally, 90% of responders declared that there is a need for further education and training in these diseases. Conclusions: This survey provides information on the current difficulties in the care of PMDs in Europe. We believe that the results of this survey are important to help rare disease stakeholders in European countries identify key care and research priorities

    Epilepsy with auditory features: A heterogeneous clinico-molecular disease

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    Objective: To identify novel genes implicated in epilepsy with auditory features (EAF) in phenotypically heterogeneous families with unknown molecular basis. Methods: We identified 15 probands with EAF in whom an LGI1 mutation had been excluded. We performed electroclinical phenotyping on all probands and available affected relatives. We used whole-exome sequencing (WES) in 20 individuals with EAF (including all the probands and 5 relatives) to identify single nucleotide variants, small insertions/deletions, and copy number variants. Results: WES revealed likely pathogenic variants in genes that had not been previously associated with EAF: a CNTNAP2 intragenic deletion, 2 truncating mutations of DEPDC5, and a missense SCN1A change. Conclusions: EAF is a clinically and molecularly heterogeneous disease. The association of EAF with CNTNAP2, DEPDC5, and SCN1A mutations widens the phenotypic spectrum related to these genes. CNTNAP2 encodes CASPR2, a member of the voltage-gated potassium channel complex in which LGI1 plays a role. The finding of a CNTNAP2 deletion emphasizes the importance of this complex in EAF and shows biological convergence

    Definition and diagnostic criteria of sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy.

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    The syndrome known as nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy is recognized worldwide and has been studied in a wide range of clinical and scientific settings (epilepsy, sleep medicine, neurosurgery, pediatric neurology, epidemiology, genetics). Though uncommon, it is of considerable interest to practicing neurologists because of complexity in differential diagnosis from more common, benign sleep disorders such as parasomnias, or other disorders like psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Moreover, misdiagnosis can have substantial adverse consequences on patients' lives. At present, there is no consensus definition of this disorder and disagreement persists about its core electroclinical features and the spectrum of etiologies involved. To improve the definition of the disorder and establish diagnostic criteria with levels of certainty, a consensus conference using formal recommended methodology was held in Bologna in September 2014. It was recommended that the name be changed to sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy (SHE), reflecting evidence that the attacks are associated with sleep rather than time of day, the seizures may arise from extrafrontal sites, and the motor aspects of the seizures are characteristic. The etiology may be genetic or due to structural pathology, but in most cases remains unknown. Diagnostic criteria were developed with 3 levels of certainty: witnessed (possible) SHE, video-documented (clinical) SHE, and video-EEG-documented (confirmed) SHE. The main research gaps involve epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prognosis

    Definition and diagnostic criteria of sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy

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    The syndrome known as nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy is recognized worldwide and has been studied in a wide range of clinical and scientific settings (epilepsy, sleep medicine, neurosurgery, pediatric neurology, epidemiology, genetics). Though uncommon, it is of considerable interest to practicing neurologists because of complexity in differential diagnosis from more common, benign sleep disorders such as parasomnias, or other disorders like psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Moreover, misdiagnosis can have substantial adverse consequences on patients' lives. At present, there is no consensus definition of this disorder and disagreement persists about its core electroclinical features and the spectrum of etiologies involved. To improve the definition of the disorder and establish diagnostic criteria with levels of certainty, a consensus conference using formal recommended methodology was held in Bologna in September 2014. It was recommended that the name be changed to sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy (SHE), reflecting evidence that the attacks are associated with sleep rather than time of day, the seizures may arise from extrafrontal sites, and the motor aspects of the seizures are characteristic. The etiology may be genetic or due to structural pathology, but in most cases remains unknown. Diagnostic criteria were developed with 3 levels of certainty: witnessed (possible) SHE, video-documented (clinical) SHE, and video-EEG-documented (confirmed) SHE. The main research gaps involve epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prognosis