128 research outputs found

    ENAMA “Certification” of the inspection workshop activity: the necessary requirements

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    In European Directive 128/2009/EC it is stated that “each Member State shall establish certificate systems designed to allow the verification of sprayers inspections”, but no further indications are provided on how to make such certifications. In Italy the ENAMA (National Board for Agricultural Mechanization) working group – established to co-ordinate the sprayers inspection activities at national level – has prepared a specific document containing the guidelines on how to get, on a voluntary basis, an ENAMA certification which attests the conformity of test equipment and of test procedures adopted in the inspection workshops. In this document directions are reported on how to assess the conformity of the inspection workshops to a set of listed requirements, referred either to other ENAMA documents, or to the National Action Plan, or to ISO/IEC 17020.The ENAMA certification of conformity therefore represents an added value for the sprayers inspection and calibrations Workshops as it ensures, through periodical inspections, that workshops apply the correct administrative (e.g. management of data and record of test reports) and technical procedures in their inspection activity and that they use appropriate test equipment and instruments. In this paper the requirements needed to get and to maintain over time the ENAMA certification of conformity are described

    A proposal for an EU (SPISE) database of the licensed sprayers inspectors and inspection centres

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    In order to guarantee at European level the easy identification of sprayers inspected and to allow mutual recognition of inspections as recommended by the European Directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides (128/2009/EC) it would be necessary to create a SPISE database enabling to collect the list of the technicians authorized to make inspections of sprayers in use and of the licensed inspection centers. This database should be managed at SPISE level and should be linked to the national databases for getting regular updates.Actually in Italy there is a public national online database (www.centriprovairroratrici.unito.it) that was realized by the ENAMA working group. Only the sprayers inspected by the test stations listed in this database are recognized all over the country.This national database contains also the results of all the inspections made in the different Italian Regions and therefore provides a support for monitoring the inspection activity at national level. Independently of the software used at local level for managing data of sprayer inspections, some key information have to be necessarily provided in order to identify the sprayer inspected.They are the coordinates of the test station, the name of the technician who inspected the sprayer, the name of the owner of the sprayer, the data of the machine inspected, the date of the inspection and its response

    The necessity of a harmonized procedure for sprayers inspectors training: the Italian activity

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    European Directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides requires that the people making inspections of sprayers in use have an official license, recognized at national level, released by the competent Authority. In Italy, Authorities responsible of training and upgrading of sprayers inspectors are Regional and Provincial administrations. They make this job in collaboration with research institutes that provide qualified teachers.With the aim to homogenize in the whole country the activity of training and licensing of sprayers inspectors the rules for training courses and the criteria for releasing licenses have been defined by ENAMA. Training courses shall have a duration of at least 40 hours subdivided between theory (60% of total time) and practical (40% of total time).Topics treated during courses are: criteria to apply pesticides, main sprayer types used in agriculture and relative components, test methods and equipment used to carry out the inspections of sprayers in use and to adjust them. The exam to get the inspector license shall consist in: a) filling of a questionnaire with multiple answers (at least 80% of answers have to be correct); the questions are selected among a database approved by ENAMA Working Group; b) oral test; c) practical exam consisting in the complete inspection of one sprayer.In order to guarantee the same quality level of sprayers inspections in the different European countries and to guarantee the mutual recognition of inspections made it is considered necessary to reach in short terms an agreement to harmonize the activity of training, licensing and upgrading of sprayers inspectors across Europe

    Exploring host-pathogen interactions through genome wide protein microarray analysis

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    During bacterial pathogenesis extensive contacts between the human and the bacterial extracellular proteomes take place. The identification of novel host-pathogen interactions by standard methods using a case-by-case approach is laborious and time consuming. To overcome this limitation, we took advantage of large libraries of human and bacterial recombinant proteins. We applied a large-scale protein microarray-based screening on two important human pathogens using two different approaches: (I) 75 human extracellular proteins were tested on 159 spotted Staphylococcus aureus recombinant proteins and (II) Neisseria meningitidis adhesin (NadA), an important vaccine component against serogroup B meningococcus, was screened against ∼2300 spotted human recombinant proteins. The approach presented here allowed the identification of the interaction between the S. aureus immune evasion protein FLIPr (formyl-peptide receptor like-1 inhibitory protein) and the human complement component C1q, key players of the offense-defense fighting; and of the interaction between meningococcal NadA and human LOX-1 (low-density oxidized lipoprotein receptor), an endothelial receptor. The novel interactions between bacterial and human extracellular proteins here presented might provide a better understanding of the molecular events underlying S. aureus and N. meningitidis pathogenesis

    Proteome analysis of Escherichia coli W3110 expressing an heterologous sigma factor.

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    The recombinant plasmid pASK18 carries a Streptomyces DNA fragment which includes an open reading frame, designated psfS (putative sigma factor, Streptomyces), as its putative product showed a high degree of similarity with RNA polymerase sigma factors. Previous results showed that PsfS causes transcription initiation within the bgl operon promoter-silencer region in Escherichia coli K12. In this study a proteomic approach has been applied in order to perform a comparative analysis of E. coli K12 W3110 wild-type, W3110 (pASK18) and a W3110 Bgl+ spontaneous mutant. Either by qualitative or quantitative analysis, no significant difference was observed between the proteomes of W3110 and its Bgl+ derivative, while W3110 (pASK18) showed an altered profile by both analyses. Fourteen out of the 37 protein spots showing a different expression level in E. coli W3110 harboring pASK18 were identified by peptide mass fingerprinting. Among the proteins identified, thiol peroxidase (Tpx) was the only one up-regulated. The possible involvement of bgl and tpx in the survival of the pathogen E. coli during infection is discussed

    Flux creep in Josephson junction arrays

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    In order to analyze the diamagnetic properties of weakly coupled structures in high T(c) ceramic superconductors, the Josephson junction array model is used. We suppose that the coupling is strong enough to allow magnetic flux trapping inside non superconducting regions surrounded by superconducting loops closed by Josephson junctions. We remark that the presence of currents flowing through the junctions has to be taken explicity into account in the Hamiltonian. This description leads to a creep model of the Josephson junction array. Indeed we have: 1) pinning centers generated by non superconducting regions into the loops, 2) pinning potentials determined by fluxon motion barriers due to the Josephson junctions, 3) absence of degeneracy of the states corresponding to a different number of fluxons in the loops, 4) a reduction of the barrier height due to measuring currents or to diamagnetic shielding currents. The last effect is equivalent to the Lorentz force effect in type-II superconductors. In this way we believe that this picture deeply modifies the usual superconducting glass model