5 research outputs found

    Una Herramienta Contra Hegemónica para la Atención de la Salud: Hospital Comunitario Móvil

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    El Hospital Comunitario Móvil “Dr. Salvador Mazza” es una herramienta de salud para llegar a los sectores más desprotegidos, para hacer posible la accesibilidad e inclusión de los pueblos originarios. Objetivo El objetivo de este trabajo es describir las actividades que realiza HCM en las comunidades Wichí del Departamento de San Martín, provincia de Salta, y su aporte a la construcción de una alternativa al Modelo Médico Hegemónico en la atención de la Salud. La metodología que sustenta este trabajo es la investigación acción participante. Resultados. Las fronteras culturales, han sido y continúan siendo una barrera importante al trabajo en conjunto del equipo de salud integrada a la sociedad, es por eso la importancia de trabajar desde una mirada intercultural que revalorice los conocimientos ancestrales. Discusión. El modelo médico Hegemónico, de orientación curativa, a-histórica, a-cultural e individualista que instituye una relación médico-paciente asimétrica donde se excluye el conocimiento del paciente, es un sistema que lejos está de la equidad y el acceso de toda la población, ya sea por cuestiones geográficas y/o culturales afectando duramente la realidad sanitaria de los pueblos originarios. Se propone frente a esta realidad “un hospital móvil” desde una perspectiva crítica que pretende un modelo bio-psico-social comprendiendo el enfermar como un fenómeno complejo, estrechamente ligado a la persona, su subjetividad, sus circunstancias vitales, sus condiciones sociales, culturales, económico-político y medioambientales

    Relationship Between Legal Blindness and Depression

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    The higher prevalence rates of depression in visually-impaired individuals than the general population indicates that the condition per se increases the risk of depression. A person that is aware of the progressive loss of visual acuteness may have feelings of insecurity, anxiety, loss of independence and changes in social functioning, leading to depression. Several studies assessing the association between depressive symptoms and severity of vision loss have yielded inconsistent results. Some do not show any association, whereas others reported that depression severity is higher in those with substantial vision loss. The general aim of this manuscript was to determine the prevalence of depression in patients diagnosed with legal blindness in the Eye Care Service at the Hospital Córdoba between June 2016 and June 2017. The study sample consisted of 41 patients. The level of depression was assessed using the Zung scale and the degree of dependence in daily life activities was defined using the Barthel index. Data was anonymized for inclusion in a computer database and statistical confidentiality was protected. Data was analyzed using InfoStat statistical software. The results revealed a relation between legal blindness, degrees of dependency and depressive symptoms in patients of the Eye Care Service of the Hospital Córdoba. It is very important for health professionals to be trained to detect early signs and symptoms of depression and have the necessary tools for such an approach. Epub: October 1, 2019

    Relationship Between Legal Blindness and Depression

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    The higher prevalence rates of depression in visually-impaired individuals than the general population indicates that the condition per se increases the risk of depression. A person that is aware of the progressive loss of visual acuteness may have feelings of insecurity, anxiety, loss of independence and changes in social functioning, leading to depression. Several studies assessing the association between depressive symptoms and severity of vision loss have yielded inconsistent results. Some do not show any association, whereas others reported that depression severity is higher in those with substantial vision loss. The general aim of this manuscript was to determine the prevalence of depression in patients diagnosed with legal blindness in the Eye Care Service at the Hospital Córdoba between June 2016 and June 2017. The study sample consisted of 41 patients. The level of depression was assessed using the Zung scale and the degree of dependence in daily life activities was defined using the Barthel index. Data was anonymized for inclusion in a computer database and statistical confidentiality was protected. Data was analyzed using InfoStat statistical software. The results revealed a relation between legal blindness, degrees of dependency and depressive symptoms in patients of the Eye Care Service of the Hospital Córdoba. It is very important for health professionals to be trained to detect early signs and symptoms of depression and have the necessary tools for such an approach. Epub: October 1, 2019