532 research outputs found

    Retail Therapy: How a Trip to the Store Can Make You Feel Better in the Evolving Health Care Landscape Created by the Affordable Care Act

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    As the ACA expands Medicaid eligibility by creating a national Medicaid minimum eligibility level of 133% of the federal poverty level and requires U.S. citizens to purchase health insurance as a result of the individual mandate, the shortage of primary care physicians will become painfully apparent for those seeking treatment. As a result, many health policy analysts and lawmakers are examining the potential ability of retail health clinics (RHCs) to address the consequences of primary care physician shortages in the United States, among other deficiencies in the provision of health care

    Oviposition and Larval Development of the Indian Meal Moth, Plodia interpunctella, on Different Breakfast Cereals

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    Plodiainterpunctella, the Indian meal moth (IMM), is a common pest of grain products. Adult IMMs lay eggs on a food source and once hatched, the larvae consume the product while leaving behind large amounts of frass and silk [1, 2]. The purpose of this experiment was to identify which kind of grain products are at the highest risk of P. interpunctellainfestation by using the lab-rearing diet as a comparison to two different breakfast cereals of the same brand: a frosted cereal and a regular non-frosted cereal. Two-choice tests determined if moths prefer to lay eggs on and which of the choices would b for the larva to develop. At the end of the experiment, it was observed that adult P. interpunctella preferred to lay their eggs on the frosted cereal diet. The frosted cereal diet also proved to be the better of the two for larval survival and growth. This research suggests that frosted cereals may be preferred by this pest, and that such products need special protection during storage

    Into The Trashcan

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    A crumpled Kleenex Snot-filled with despair, Fifty percent stronger Than the other leading brand/\u27 Now tattered, cast aside Soon to be replaced By the next successor In the decorator box. My love It seems, has found Its fate..

    The effect of trace metal ions on the growth of retinoblastoma tumor cells in culture in the presence and absence of apotransferrin

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    Barriers to running revealed

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    Accuracy of waste stockpile volume calculations based on UAV Photogrammetry

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    Received: February 1st, 2023 ; Accepted: June 3rd, 2023 ; Published: July 6th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] environmental supervision, it is necessary to measure waste piles volume to determine whether the activities of the waste manager comply with the established requirements. The aim of this research is to determine whether the model, formed from images collected with low-priced unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) - not with Real Time Kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System (RTK GNSS) capability - is sufficiently accurate to carry out waste-related surveying. Data collection took place in spring 2021 at the Aardlapalu transhipment station in Tartu County. The objects of the research were an unscreened composting pile and a covered composting pile. In the fieldwork, terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetric flight were carried out. The reference value was the volume of the model formed from the data of laser scan. The volumes of all models formed by the photogrammetric method were within the permissible difference of 10% provided by law. The most accurate results were obtained from the covered composting pile with an overlap of 70% × 70% and 21 ground control points (GCPs). Using these parameters, the absolute error of the model was 1.48 m³ and the relative error was 0.65%. The most inaccurate results were obtained from the unscreened composting pile with an overlap of 80% × 80% and 21 GCP-s. The research confirmed the hypothesis that sufficient accuracy to calculate waste piles volumes can also be achieved by using a cheaper UAV and camera and with software not specially designed for photogrammetry, design, and drawing


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perilaku self injury pada remaja. Berawal dari hasil observasi di salah satu SMA di Jawa Barat meunjukkan 3 dari 36 siswa terindikasi melakukan self injury. Self injury berhubungan dengan regulasi emosi yang dimiliki remaja, dikarenakan respon emosional seseorang dapat membawa dirinya ke arah yang salah dan emosi yang dirasakan tidak sesuai dengan situasi. Oleh karena itu, peneliti memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui proses regulasi emosi pada remaja pelaku self injury. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif metode studi kasus. Subjek dipillih secara purposif yang berjumlah 2 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dan observasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi data, yaitu triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi metode. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses regulasi emosi dari subjek IM dan II. Fase awal, pemillihan situasi kedua subjek memilih menyendiri dan menghayati rasa sakit hatinya sendiri. Fase kedua, perubahan situasi tidak dilakukan oleh kedua subjek. Fase ketiga, pengalihan perhatian yang dilakukan kedua subjek dengan merusak atau membanting untuk meluapkan emosinya. Fase keempat, perubahan kognitif kedua subjek berfikir bahwa rasa sakit harus dialihkan dalam bentuk luka fisik. Fase terakhir, perubahan respon kedua subjek melakukan self injury dengan menyayat penggelangan tangannya dan merasa puas. Kata kunci : self injury, regulasi emosi, remaj

    UAV photogrammetry for volume calculations

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    This research assesses the suitability of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) photogrammetry for calculating stockpile volumes and analyses the compliance of the accuracy of results to current laws. In addition two different UAV’s and two different objects are compared and the necessity of using GCP’s (Ground Control Points) is investigated. The time spent on each work stage is also evaluated. Data used in this study was collected in two sites, where the objects differed in shape, colour and texture. The investigated objects were a regularly shaped peat stockpile and an irregularly shaped gravel stockpile. Data was collected with a terrestrial laser scanner, a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) device and two different UAVs. Volume of the models calculated from different data was compared to the volume of the models based on laser scanning data for accuracy assessment. Relative errors of all of the photogrammetric models compared to the laser scanning based model were under 4%. It was concluded that the advantages of UAV based photogrammetry become apparent as the complexity and size of the measured objects grow. Results of the study show that using UAV photogrammetry to determine stockpile volumes is sufficiently accurate with both of the tested UAVs. The results show that without using GCPs (Ground Control Points), sufficient accuracy was still achieved. Nevertheless accuracy was increased by using GCP’s. It was concluded that using UAV’s can significantly reduce the time spent on collecting data for volume calculations, especially when GCP’s are not necessary
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