512 research outputs found

    Measuring firms’ default probabilities with imperfect information

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    This dissertation aims to estimate default probabilities in an imperfect information setting. This is achieved through the implementation of a model that considers creditors cannot observe the firm asset values directly. Instead, they receive periodic information coming from accounting reports that can be imperfect. The dataset considered covers 18 non-financial companies that belong to the Euro STOXX 50, between 2010 and 2020. Evidence was found that probabilities of default overall behave monotonically when it comes to the degree of data inaccuracy. In periods marked by extreme events, such as the European sovereign debt crisis and the covid 19 pandemic, it is possible to observe a wider impact in the probabilities of default, as the assumption of the degree of accounting noise increases. Lastly, comparing the results to the default probabilities implied by Standard & Poor’s credit ratings, it is possible to conclude that the model’ results are underestimating the probabilities of default. On absolute terms, the difference between the model default probabilities and the ones implied by credit ratings, ranges between 0.46% and 0.75%.Esta tese tem como objetivo estimar as probabilidades de falĂȘncia num cenĂĄrio de informação imperfeita. Isto Ă© conseguido atravĂ©s da implementação de um modelo que considera que os credores nĂŁo conseguem observar diretamente os valores dos ativos da empresa. Em vez disso, os investidores recebem informaçÔes periĂłdicas provenientes de relatĂłrios contabilĂ­sticos que podem ser imperfeitos. O conjunto de dados considerado abrange 18 empresas nĂŁo financeiras que pertencem ao Euro STOXX 50, entre 2010 e 2020. Os resultados obtidos por este estudo sugerem que as probabilidades de falĂȘncia em geral comportam-se de forma monĂłtona relativamente ao grau de imprecisĂŁo dos dados. Em perĂ­odos marcados por eventos extremos, tal como a crise europeia da dĂ­vida soberana e a pandemia causada pelo covid-19, Ă© possĂ­vel observar um impacto mais significativo nas probabilidades de falĂȘncia Ă  medida que se aumenta a hipĂłtese relativa ao grau de ruĂ­do contabilĂ­stico. Finalmente, comparando os resultados com as probabilidades de falĂȘncia implicadas pelas classificaçÔes de crĂ©dito elaboradas pela agĂȘncia Standard & Poor’s, Ă© possĂ­vel concluir que os resultados do modelo estĂŁo a subestimar as probabilidades de incumprimento, variando em termos absolutos, entre 0,46% a 0,75% das implicadas pelas classificaçÔes de crĂ©dito

    Magnetic field into multifunctional materials: magnetorheological, magnetostrictive and magnetocaloric

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    Society is facing serious challenges towards achieving highly efficient utilization of materials and devices. Magnetoactive lightweight materials, such as magnetorheological, magnetostrictive and magnetocaloric materials are attracting increasing interest once they allow a high number of applications such as energy generation, conversion, storage, sensing and actuation, as well as in the biomedical field. In this chapter, the latest research and development in multifunctional lightweight magnetorheological, magnetostrictive and magnetocaloric materials is summarized and discussed in the scope of different application areas. Furthermore, it will be also illustrated the unique functions of inorganic nanomaterials to improve performance of organic materials, as well as combination of the functions of nanomaterials into a device. Final remarks and future perspectives allow to look into a “magnetoactive crystal ball” aiming to foresee what will/should happen in this fascinating research field.The authors thank the FCT- Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia- for financial support in the framework of the Strategic Funding UID/FIS/04650/2019 and under project PTDC/BTM-MAT/28237/2017 and PTDC/EMD-EMD/28159/2017. P. Martins thanks FCT for the contract under the Stimulus of Scientific Employment, Individual Support – 2017 Call (CEECIND/03975/2017). The authors acknowledge funding by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the project MAT2016-76039-C4-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and from the Basque Government Industry and Education Department under the ELKARTEK, HAZITEK and PIBA (PIBA-2018- 06) programs, respectively. Funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research, ICT-02-2018 - Grant agreement no. 824339 – WEARPLEX is also acknowledged
