28,939 research outputs found

    Some Issues in a Gauge Model of Unparticles

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    We address in a recent gauge model of unparticles the issues that are important for consistency of a gauge theory, i.e., unitarity and Ward identity of physical amplitudes. We find that non-integrable singularities arise in physical quantities like cross section and decay rate from gauge interactions of unparticles. We also show that Ward identity is violated due to the lack of a dispersion relation for charged unparticles although the Ward-Takahashi identity for general Green functions is incorporated in the model. A previous observation that the unparticle's (with scaling dimension d) contribution to the gauge boson self-energy is a factor (2-d) of the particle's has been extended to the Green function of triple gauge bosons. This (2-d) rule may be generally true for any point Green functions of gauge bosons. This implies that the model would be trivial even as one that mimics certain dynamical effects on gauge bosons in which unparticles serve as an interpolating field.Comment: v1:16 pages, 3 figures. v2: some clarifications made and presentation improved, calculation and conclusion not modified; refs added and updated. Version to appear in EPJ

    Higgs radiation off quarks in supersymmetric theories at e^+e^- colliders

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    Yukawa couplings between Higgs bosons and quarks in supersymmetric theories can be measured in the processes e^+e^- -> Q Qbar + Higgs. We have determined the cross sections of these processes in the minimal supersymmetric model including the complete set of next-to-leading order QCD corrections for all channels.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Measuring and analysing vibration motors in insoles via accelerometers

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    Purpose: Falling is a major public health concern among elderly people, and they often cause serious injuries1,2. They most frequently occur during walking and are associated with the chronic deterioration in the neuromuscular and sensory systems, as well as with ankle muscle weakness and lower endurance of these muscles to fatigue1,3. Vibrating insoles, providing a subsensory mechanical noise signal to the plantar side of the feet, may improve balance in healthy young and older people and in patients with stroke or diabetic neuropathy4. The object of this study is to find the most suitable vibrator to put into the insole which can effectively improve the balance control of the elderlies. Method: We choose three different vibration actuators (micro vibration motor, brushless motor and eccentric motor) with two different weights on the insole. First, we put three same motors and two accelerometers on the insole, as shown in Figure1, then attach another layer on both side of the insole. Second, connect the motors to the power supply and the accelerometer to NI PXI-1033 spectrum analyzer which is used to collect the accelerometers' data. At last, using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to analyze and compare the results to see which motor is the most stable and suitable to put into the insole. Results & Discussion: The results showed that the most stable one is the brushless motor. The reason why the frequency is stable is that the relationship between voltage and frequency is linear, and the error is small through continuous measurements. On the other hand, when a person weight 55 kg stands on the insole, the frequency isn't affected by the weight. These two results appear very similar to each other, as shown in Figure 2. According to the result, we use the brushless motor to be our vibrator in the insole, and hope this will help the elderlies improve their balance control ability more efficiency

    A Comparative Study of the Vibro-Impact Capsule Systems with One-Sided and Two-Sided Constraints

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this record.This paper studies the dynamics of the vibro-impact capsule systems with one-sided and two-sided soft constraints under variations of various system and control parameters, including mass ratio, stiffness ratio, gap of contact, and amplitude and frequency of external excitation. The aim of this study is to optimise the progression speed and energy consumption of the capsule, and minimize the required cabin length for prototype design used for engineering pipeline inspection. Our studies focus on three systems: the capsule with a right constraint, the capsule with a right and a weak left constraints, and the capsule with a right and a strong left constraints. Bifurcation analyses show that the behaviour of the capsule with one-sided constraint is mainly periodic, and the dynamic responses of the other two capsules with two-sided constraints become complex when the stiffness of the left constraint increases. Based on our extensive comparisons, the following optimisation strategies are recommended. When the capsule speed is paramount, one can employ the two-sided capsule with a weak left constraint under large amplitude of excitation. When energy consumption is taken into account, the one-sided capsule is preferable. When a miniaturized prototype is needed, the two-sided capsule with a strong left constraint is the best choice.Dr. Yang Liu would like to acknowledge the financial support from EPSRC for his First Grant (Grant No. EP/P023983/1). Dr. Yao Yan was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11572224 and 11502048) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. ZYGX2015KYQD033)

    Spin relaxation in a GaAs quantum dot embedded inside a suspended phonon cavity

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    The phonon-induced spin relaxation in a two-dimensional quantum dot embedded inside a semiconductor slab is investigated theoretically. An enhanced relaxation rate is found due to the phonon van Hove singularities. Oppositely, a vanishing deformation potential may also result in a suppression of the spin relaxation rate. For larger quantum dots, the interplay between the spin orbit interaction and Zeeman levels causes the suppression of the relaxation at several points. Furthermore, a crossover from confined to bulk-like systems is obtained by varying the width of the slab.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to apper in Phys. Rev. B (2006

    Patrones de distribución de individuos longevos de plantas relictas en los alrededores de la montana Fanjingshan en China: implicaciones para su conservación in situ

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    The mountain areas in south-central China are widely recognized as refugia of relict plants during the late Neogene and Quaternary periods. In this paper, we try to explore the distribution patterns of natural habitats and to exactly locate the refugia of relict species around Fanjingshan Mountain using dendrological data of long-lived individuals (≥ 100 years old). Six typical relict plants were found around the mountain, i.e. Cyclocarya paliurus, Ginkgo biloba, Liriodendron chinense, Pinus massoniana, Podocarpus macrophyllus, and Taxus chinensis. The long-lived individuals were divided into three classes according to their ages: Class-I (≥ 500 years), Class-II (300–499 years), and Class-III (100–299 years). Our results showed that the south-west region to the mountain was the main distribution area of Class-I trees of G. biloba and T. chinensis, most of which occurring in the same small village (Yangliu Village of Yinjiang County). The north-east region harboured all the six relict species. Floristic analyses also indicated these two regions were very similar in tree growth as measured by DBH (diameter at breast height of 1.3 m). Thus, these two areas would have provided long-term suitable habitats for relict species. The south-west region, especially the small village Yangliu, should be given highest priority for in situ conservation of relict species and other rare and endangered plants. Attention should also be paid to the north-east region for its very high species diversity of relict species.Las áreas montañosas de la región centro-sur de China están ampliamente reconocidas por su papel como refugio de plantas relictas durante la última etapa del Neógeno y el Cuaternario. En el presente trabajo se intentan explorar los patrones de distribución de los hábitats naturales y la localización exacta de los refugios para especies vegetales relictas en los alrededores de la montaña Fanjinshan, mediante el empleo de datos dendrológicos de individuos longevos (≥ 100 años). En el área de estudio se encontraron seis especies vegetales típicamente relictas: Cyclocarya paliurus, Ginkgo biloba, Liriodendron chinense, Pinus massoniana, Podocarpus macrophyllus y Taxus chinensis. Los individuos longevos se dividieron en tres categorías de acuerdo con su edad estimada: individuos de Clase I (≥ 500 años), de Clase II (300–499 años) y de Clase III (100–299 años). Nuestros resultados muestran que la región situada al suroeste de la montaña se corresponde con la principal área de distribución de los árboles de Clase I de G. biloba y T. chinensis, localizándose la mayor parte de éstos en los alrededores de una pequeña aldea (Yangliu, en el condado de Yinjiang). La región situada al noreste de Fanjinshan alberga, por su parte, las seis especies relictas, y los análisis florísticos muestran una elevada similaridad entre ambas regiones por lo que respecta al crecimiento arbóreo medido como DBH [diámetro a la altura del pecho (1,3 m)]. Por consiguiente, estas dos regiones habrían proporcionado hábitats adecuados para la supervivencia de especies relictas. La región suroeste, y en especial la aldea de Yangliu, deben recibir la máxima prioridad para la conservación in situ de especies relictas (y otras especies raras y amenazadas). La región noreste también debe priorizarse dada su elevada diversidad de especies relictas

    The influence of structural defects on intra-granular critical currents of bulk MgB2

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    Bulk MgB2 samples were prepared under different synthesis conditions and analyzed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The critical current densities were determined from the magnetization versus magnetic field curves of bulk and powder-dispersed-in-epoxy samples. Results show that through a slow cooling process, the oxygen dissolved in bulk MgB2 at high synthesis temperatures can segregate and form nanometer-sized coherent precipitates of Mg(B,O)2 in the MgB2 matrix. Magnetization measurements indicate that these precipitates act as effective flux pinning centers and therefore significantly improve the intra-grain critical current density and its field dependence.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in IEE Transactions in Applied Superconductivit

    Microwave performance of high-density bulk MgB2

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    We have performed microwave measurements on superconducting hot-isostatically- pressed (HIPed) bulk MgB2 using a parallel-plate resonator technique. The high density and strength of the HIPed material allowed preparation of samples with mirror-like surfaces for microwave measurements. The microwave surface resistance decreased by about 40% at 20 K when the root-mean-square surface roughness was reduced from 220 nm to 110 nm through surface-polishing and ion-milling. The surface resistance was independent of surface microwave magnetic field at least up to 4 Oe and below 30 K. We attribute this behavior, and the overall low surface resistance (~0.8 mOhms at 10 GHz and 20 K), to the high density of our samples and the absence of weak links between grains
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