111 research outputs found

    PELAYANAN PUBLIK DI KANTOR SAMSAT (Studi Tentang Persepsi Wajib Pajak Terhadap Pelayanan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Dan Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor Bulan April 2013 Di Kantor Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap (SAMSAT/UP3AD) Kabupaten Grobogan)

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    This research will discuss about the existing public service in government agencies, particularly the SAMSAT Office of Grobogan. In this context see if the service provided by SAMSAT Office of Grobogan Regency has been of good quality or not. Quality public services that will be studied based on the principle of public service by Peraturan Menpan No. 36 Tahun 2012 and refers to the components the standards of public service in accordance with UU No. 25 Tahun 2009 tentang Pelayanan Publik. The end result of this research is the perception of the community as a respondent to the study of public service quality in SAMSAT Office of Grobogan Regency, which then can provide feedback suggestions to the promotion of quality public services in SAMSAT Office of Grobogan Regency particularly in the service of payment the PKB and BBNKB. Based on research results this, public service which exist in the SAMSAT Office of Grobogan Regency already good, indicated by the high level of public satisfaction with services and payment agreements PKB and BBNKB by existing services officer. The services provided are in accordance with the standards established service operations and service complaints are rarely found by the taxpayer, if there is a direct complaint could be resolved in accordance with the duties and functions of each official

    The Nature of Management Tourism Area to Embody Welfare Society (Tourism Law Perspective)

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    This research aimed is (1) to know and understand the nature of the management of tourism areas for the sake of welfare of indigenous peoples: (2) to find out the regulation concept ideally of the management of tourism areas for the indigeneous people’s welfare. The research’s result showed that the essence of the management of tourism areas is the preservation of natural resources in order to improve the welfare of indigenous peoples. In terms of the regulation concept of the management of tourism areas, it can be classified into three stages: the first stage (1961-1969), the second phase (1969-1998), and the third phase (1999 to now). The management of tourism itself was conducted not only by one party, but also cooperated by amongst tourism company, community, and government. Based on the research, the management of tourism in District Jayapura is managed only by the indigenous people. The implementation of the tourism’s management was based on Community Based Tourism (CBT), which was the development of a tourist destination concept through the empowerment of local communities. Keywords: Tourism Management, Welfare Society

    What unleashes innovations in the Legumes and Cereals farming Systems in the drylands: A gendered perspective

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    Agricultural and natural resource management innovations have often been introduced, promoted and adopted among local communities / farmers. However, how the innovation process is perceived by men and women, the relationships involved, the distribution of benefits and the differing capacities of women and men to take advantage of the new opportunities in agriculture are not always carefully thought-out. This study examined both community and individual men and women's experiences with agricultural innovations and practices and how these interactions support or hinder the achievement of agricultural innovations across various contexts. By providing robust empirical evidence on the relationship between gender norms, agency and agricultural innovation, the study revealed that sociocultural structures and household dynamics chiefly shapes how individuals negotiate for space, freedom, resources and the capacities needed to innovate


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    Pelabuhan Ulu Siau merupakan salah satu bentuk jasa transportasi laut yang sangat berarti bagi perkembangan dang taraf hidup penduduk di daerah Siau. Kebutuhan perpindahan orang dan barang semakan meningkat seirirng dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. Pelabuhan Ulu Siau memiliki 2 tambatan sedangkan untuk kondisi sekarang jumlah yang bertambat di pelabuhan Ulu Siau adalah 4 dengan kondisi ini maka dermaga di Pelabuhan Ulu Siau tidak mampu lagi untuk menerima kapal. Pelabuhan adalah tempat yang terdiri dari daratan dan perairan di sekitarnya dengan batas-batas tertentu sebagai tempat kegiatan pemerintah dan kegiatan ekonomi yang dipergunakan sebagai tempat kapal bersandar, berlabuh, naik turun penumpang dan bongkar muat barang yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas keselamatan pelayaran dan kegiatan penunjang pelabuhan serta sebagai tempat ataupun swasta yang di gunakan untuk mengirim hasil produksi perusahaan tersebut.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan dan mengevaluasi data penumpang dan barang yang berkunjung ke Ulu Siau, data kunjungan kapal, data penumpang, dan data bongkar muat barang, data-data tersebut diambil selama 6 tahun terakhir (2012-2017). Perencanaan pengembangan pelabuhan Ulu Siau dilakukan berdasarkan ramalan arus kunjungan kapal, penumpang dan barang dengan menggunakan metode regresi linier dan non linier.Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan perhitungan yang telah dilakukan, maka pengembangan fasilitas pada tahun 2025 dan 2030 adalah sebagai berikut: Dermaga tahun 2018 mempunyai dermaga dengan panjang 70 m sedangkan untuk tahun 2025 panjang dermaga ditambah menjadi 204 m dan pada tahun 2030 panjang dermaga ditambah menjadi 272 m. Untuk terminal penumpang pada tahun 2018 mempunyai luas 150 m2 sedangkan untuk tahun 2025 perlu penambahan 55 m2 sehingga total menjadi 205 m2 dan tahun 2030 perlu penambahan 449 m2 sehingga total menjadi 559 m2. Untuk lapangan penumpukan harus direalisasikan karena kebutuhan bongkar dan muat barang tiap tahun semakin meningkat, untuk lapangan penumpukan pada tahun 2025 perlu 130 m2 sedangkan pada tahun 2030 perlu penambahan 52 m2 sehingga total 182 m2. Gudang harus direalisasikan karena kebutuhan bongkar muat barang semakin meningkat, untuk gudang pada tahun 2025 perlu 966 m2dan untuk tahun 2030 perlu penambahan 383 m2 sehingga total 1349 m2. Kata kunci: Pengembangan, Dermaga, Terminal penumpang, Fasilitas Bongkar Muat, Pelabuhan Ulu Sia

    Electronic Structures of Quantum Dots and the Ultimate Resolution of Integers

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    The orbital angular momentum L as an integer can be ultimately factorized as a product of prime numbers. We show here a close relation between the resolution of L and the classification of quantum states of an N-electron 2-dimensional system. In this scheme, the states are in essence classified into different types according to the m(k)-accessibility, namely the ability to get access to symmetric geometric configurations. The m(k)-accessibility is an universal concept underlying all kinds of 2-dimensional systems with a center. Numerical calculations have been performed to reveal the electronic structures of the states of the dots with 9 and 19 electrons,respectively. This paper supports the Laughlin wave finction and the composite fermion model from the aspect of symmetry.Comment: Two figure

    Teknis Penerapan Sekolah Aman Bencana (SAB) Model Pembelajaran Integrasi Kebencanaan Melalui Metode Bermain Peran Berbantuan Media Disabo Untuk Guru Sd N Pasir Panjang 01 Salem

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    Artikel ini akan membahas secara rinci pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Tahun 2023. Program ini dirancang untuk memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang bagaimana rencana dan implementasi program tersebut dilakukan, serta dampaknya terhadap masyarakat dan pihak-pihak yang terlibat. Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangani belum teknis penerapan sekolah aman bencana (SAB) model pembelajaran integrasi kebencanaan melalui metode bermain peran. Permasalahan pritoritas mitra yaitu guru belum mengetahui konseptual pendidikan kebencanaan di sekolah. Selain itu, guru belum mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan penyusunan sumber serta instrumen evaluasi. Solusi yang ditawarkan yaitu memberikan pelatihan menggunakan model pembelajaran integrasi kebencanaan melalui metode bermain peran. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini adalah ceramah, diskusi, workshop, peerteaching, dan penugasan. Luaran kegiatan ini yaitu peningkatan pengetahuan guru dalam menyusun rencana dan melaksanakan pembelajaran integrasi kebencanaan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini telah mencapai tujuannya. Pelatihan ini telah memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar dan tepat bagi guru-guru yang menjadi khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan ini.Peserta sangat senang, puas dan aktif dalam mengikuti kegiatan ini. Bentuk pelatihan ini merupakan bentuk yang sangat efektif untuk memberikan wawasan baru bagi peserta.Artikel ini membahas deskripsi pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Tahun 203. Kegiatan ini dilatarbelakangani belum teknis penerapan sekolah aman bencana (SAB) model pembelajaran integrasi kebencanaan melalui metode bermain peran. Permasalahan pritoritas mitra yaitu guru belum mengetahui    konseptual pendidikan kebencanaan di sekolah. Selain itu, guru belum mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan  penyusunan sumber serta instrumen evaluasi. Solusi yang ditawarkan yaitu memberikan pelatihan menggunakan model pembelajaran integrasi kebencanaan melalui metode bermain peran. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini adalah ceramah, diskusi, workshop, peerteaching, dan penugasan. Luaran kegiatan ini yaitu peningkatan pengetahuan guru dalam menyusun rencana dan melaksanakan pembelajaran integrasi kebencanaan. Kegiatan pelatihan ini telah mencapai tujuannya.Pelatihan ini telah memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar dan tepat bagi guru-guru yang menjadi khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan ini.Peserta sangat senang, puas dan aktif dalam mengikuti kegiatan ini. Bentuk pelatihan ini merupakan bentuk yang sangat efektif untuk memberikan wawasan baru bagi peserta

    Uneven ground? Intersectional gender inequalities in the commercialized cassava seed system in Tanzania

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    Open Access JournalCassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important crop in Africa, especially to women who rely on it as a household staple food and source of income. In Tanzania, a recent move toward commercializing the cassava seed system resulted in significantly fewer women than men farmers, known as Cassava Seed Entrepreneurs (CSEs), producing improved seed for sale to fellow farmers. To document the barriers and constraints that create gender inequalities in the seed system to better understand women’s low representation and experiences in commercialized cassava seed production, we carried out a mixed-methods study in the Southern, Eastern, and Lake Zones of Tanzania in 2021. The quantitative analysis found differences in key individual and household characteristics between CSEs and farmers who aspired to be but did not participate as CSEs (or A-CSEs) as well as between women CSEs and women A-CSEs. After running a logistic regression, results indicated that sex of the farmer (being male) was a statistically significant predictor of participating as a CSE (p < 0.05), along with having a secondary education (p < 0.05) and owning a bank account (p < 0.01). The qualitative analysis highlighted challenges women CSEs face. They spoke about having lower access to and control over prerequisite resources, which are shaped by other intersecting social identities such as marital status and age. Gender stereotypes about their capacities to manage their seed businesses can demotivate them from carrying out their work as well as experiences dealing with discriminatory gender norms that limit their travel to attend trainings outside their communities. Despite these barriers, some women CSEs expressed positive outcomes that have accrued from their participation in commercialized seed production, including enhanced social status and improved living standards. For the commercialized cassava seed system to be more socially inclusive and sustainable, we argue that there is need to adopt gender-aware approaches to address the underlying barriers and biases that exclude women and other social groups. Development efforts should consider combining social change innovations with seed system interventions to address the inequitable norms and power relations that create unique constraints for women to operate effectively as seed entrepreneurs

    Retrospective study of Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) patients at University Malaya Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the year 2005

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    The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the number of dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases admitted to University Malaya Medical Center (UMMC) in the year 2005 together with their clinical presentations and epidemiology. The data for 2005 was collected from the medical records department of UMMC. A total of 1,279 cases were admitted in 2005 with DF (81, n=1,040) and DHF (19, n=239). January had the greatest number of cases of DF and DHF (22, n=281) and April had the least (4, n=49). The greatest number of DF cases (38, n=392) were seen in the 20-29 year age group, while the greatest number of DHF cases (32, n=76) were in the 10-19 year age group. In regard to race, the greatest number of cases were seen in Malays (48, DF; 49, DHF). Males were more commonly infected than females. The majority of patients infected were students (30, n=385). All patients with DF and DHF presented with fever. The symptoms reported included nausea and vomiting, joint pain, gum bleeding and dehydration. The mean value hemoglobin, white blood cell count and platelet count were 14.4 g/dl, 4 x103/dl, 75 x106/dl for DF and 15.1 g/dl, 4 x103dl,52x106/dl for DHF. The majority of patients were treated with hydration therapy. There were three deaths reported, caused by dengue shock syndrome (DSS)