538 research outputs found

    New Supernova Candidates from SDSS-DR7 of Spectral Survey

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    The letter presents 25 discovered supernova candidates from SDSS-DR7 with our dedicated method, called Sample Decrease, and 10 of them were confirmed by other research groups, and listed in this letter. Another 15 are first discovered including 14 type Ia and one type II based on Supernova Identification (SNID) analysis. The results proved that our method is reliable, and the description of the method and some detailed spectra analysis procedures were also presented in this letter.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Future change in extreme precipitation in East Asian spring and Mei-yu seasons in two high-resolution AGCMs

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    Precipitation in the spring and Mei-yu seasons, the main planting and growing period in East Asia, is crucial to water resource management. Changes in spring and Mei-yu extreme precipitation under global warming are evaluated based on two sets of high-resolution simulations with various warming pattern of sea surface temperature (SST'spa). In the spring season, extreme precipitation exhibits larger enhancements over the northern flank of the present-day prevailing rainy region and a tendency of increased occurrence and enhanced intensity in the probability distribution. These changes imply a northward extension of future spring rainband. Although the mean precipitation shows minor change, enhanced precipitation intensity, less total rainfall occurrence, and prolonged consecutive dry days suggest a more challenging water resource management in the warmer climate. The projected enhancement in precipitation intensity is robust compared with the internal variability related to initial conditions (σˆint) and the uncertainty caused by SST'spa (σˆΔSST). In the Mei-yu season, extreme precipitation strengthens and becomes more frequent over the present-day prevailing rainband region. The thermodynamic component of moisture flux predominantly contributes to the changes in the spring season. In the Mei-yu season, both the thermodynamic and dynamic components of moisture flux enhance the moisture transport and intensify the extreme precipitation from southern China to northeast Asia. Compared with spring season, projecting future Mei-yu precipitation is more challenging because of its higher uncertainty associated with 1) the σˆint and σˆΔSST embedded in the projections and 2) the model characteristics of present-day climatology that determines the spatial distribution of precipitation enhancement.publishedVersio

    Cytomegalovirus enteritis in immunocompetent patients: Report of two cases diagnosed using single-balloon enteroscopy

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    SummaryCytomegalovirus (CMV) infection of the gastrointestinal tract involves mostly the colon and rectum and mainly develops in immunocompromised patients. CMV infection in the small intestines has rarely been reported in immunocompetent patients. We report two cases of CMV enteritis that developed in immunocompetent patients and involved the ileum and jejunum, respectively. Both of them were diagnosed with single-balloon enteroscopy (SBE) and further confirmed with histopathology. The first case is a 71-year-old woman with a presentation of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding and severe anemia. Neither esophagogastroduodenoscopy nor colonoscopy identified any active bleeding. SBE and biopsy disclosed multiple scattered ulcers in the distal ileum and histopathology confirmed CMV ileitis. The hemorrhage subsided after conservative medical treatment. The second case is a 59-year-old woman with a presentation of progressive abdominal pain. SBE showed diffuse irregularly-shaped ulcers located from the upper to middle jejunum, and CMV jejunitis was confirmed with endoscopic biopsy and histopathological examination. Antiviral therapy was prescribed and her abdominal pain improved gradually. We discuss the clinical manifestations and management strategies of CMV infection that develops in the small intestines of immunocompetent patients. In addition, we highlight the endoscopic characteristics of CMV enteritis and the clinical utilities of SBE in the evaluation of patients with suspected CMV infection of the small intestines

    Optimization of venous return tubing diameter for cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Objective: To determine the optimal venous tubing diameter for adult cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) to improve gravity drainage and to reduce priming volume. Methods: (A) Maximum bovine blood flow rates by gravity drainage were assessed in vitro for four different tubing diameters (1/2, 3/8, 5/16,1/4 inch) with three different lengths and various pre- and afterloads. Based on the results of (A) and multiple regression analyses, we developed equations to predict tubing sizes as a function of target flows. (C) The equations obtained in (B) were validated by ex vivo bovine experiments. (D) The clinically required maximal flows were determined retrospectively by reviewing 119 perfusion records at Zurich University. (E) Based on our model (B), the clinical patient and hardware requirements, the optimal venous tubing diameter was calculated. (F) The optimized venous tubing was evaluated in a prospective clinical trial involving 312 patients in Hangzhou. Results: For a mean body surface area of 1.83±0.2 m2, the maximal perfusion flow rate (D) achieved with 1/2-inch (=1.27 cm2) venous tubing was 4.62±0.57 l/min (range: 2.50-6.24 l/min). Our validated model (B,C) predicted 1.0 cm2 as optimal cross-sectional area for the venous line. New tubing packs developed accordingly were used routinely thereafter. The maximal flow rate was 4.93±0.58 l/min (range: 3.9-7.0) in patients with a mean body surface area of 1.62±0.21 m2. Conclusion: The new venous tubing with 1.0-cm2 cross-sectional area improves the drainage in the vast majority of adult patients undergoing CPB and reduces the priming volume (−27 ml/m). Reduced hemodilution can prevent homologous transfusions if a predefined transfusion trigger level is not reache

    Uroplakin IIIb, a urothelial differentiation marker, dimerizes with uroplakin Ib as an early step of urothelial plaque assembly

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    Urothelial plaques consist of four major uroplakins (Ia, Ib, II, and III) that form two-dimensional crystals covering the apical surface of urothelium, and provide unique opportunities for studying membrane protein assembly. Here, we describe a novel 35-kD urothelial plaque-associated glycoprotein that is closely related to uroplakin III: they have a similar overall type 1 transmembrane topology; their amino acid sequences are 34% identical; they share an extracellular juxtamembrane stretch of 19 amino acids; their exit from the ER requires their forming a heterodimer with uroplakin Ib, but not with any other uroplakins; and UPIII-knockout leads to p35 up-regulation, possibly as a compensatory mechanism. Interestingly, p35 contains a stretch of 80 amino acid residues homologous to a hypothetical human DNA mismatch repair enzyme-related protein. Human p35 gene is mapped to chromosome 7q11.23 near the telomeric duplicated region of Williams-Beuren syndrome, a developmental disorder affecting multiple organs including the urinary tract. These results indicate that p35 (uroplakin IIIb) is a urothelial differentiation product structurally and functionally related to uroplakin III, and that p35–UPIb interaction in the ER is an important early step in urothelial plaque assembly

    Secreted glucose regulated protein78 ameliorates DSS-induced mouse colitis

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    The secreted form of 78-kDa glucose-regulated protein (sGRP78) has been widely reported for its property in aiding resolution of inflammatory. However, little is known on its potential in the treatment of colitis. To investigate the expression pattern and functional outcome of GRP78 in ulcerative colitis, its expression was measured in human and murine colitis samples. It was found that GRP78 was spontaneously secreted to a high level in gut, which is a physiological site of immune tolerance. During the active phase of DSS-induced colitis, the sGRP78 level was significantly reduced but rebounded quickly during resolving phase, making it a potential candidate for the treatment of colitis. In the following experiments, the administration of sGRP78 was proved to decrease susceptibility to experimental colitis, as indicated by an overall improvement of intestinal symptoms, restoration of TJ integrity, decreased infiltration of immune cells and impaired production of inflammatory cytokines. And specific cleavage of endogenous sGRP78 could aggravate DSS colitis. Adoptive transfer of sGRP78-conditioned BMDMs reduced inflammation in the gut. We linked sGRP78 treatment with altered macrophage biology and skewed macrophage polarization by inhibiting the TLR4-dependent MAP-kinases and NF-κB pathways. Based on these studies, as a naturally occurring immunomodulatory molecule, sGRP78 might be an attractive novel therapeutic agent for acute intestinal inflammation

    Effect of Clozapine on Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis With Psychiatric Symptoms: A Series of Three Cases

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    The main clinical manifestations of anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (anti-NMDAR) encephalitis are acute or subacute seizures, cognition impairment, and psychiatric symptoms. Nowadays, the scheme of antipsychotic therapy for this disease has not been established. This study reports three cases of anti-NMDAR encephalitis with psychiatric symptoms. The anti-NMDAR antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum were positive. The psychiatric symptoms still existed after intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment; thus, clozapine was used for antipsychotic therapy. Case 1 was a 37-year-old man who suffered from bad mood and suicide behaviors for 1 month. Hallucination and delusion still existed after IVIG treatment and hormone therapy, and the symptoms were relieved when given clozapine for 12 months. Case 2 was a 28-year-old man who was admitted to our hospital due to injuring other people and destructive behaviors for 2 days. He showed irritability, bad temper, declined cognition, and severe delusion of persecution after IVIG treatment and hormone therapy, but the psychiatric symptoms disappeared when given clozapine for 3 months. Case 3 was a 23-year-old man who suffered from headache and babbing for 7 days. Symptoms such as irritability, bad temper, babbing, and injuring other people still existed after IVIG treatment and hormone therapy, but they disappeared when given clozapine for 2 months. Therefore, we suggest that during the treatment of anti-NMDAR encephalitis with psychiatric symptoms, if the anti-NMDAR antibodies in CSF and serum were positive, and psychiatric symptoms could not be controlled after IVIG and hormone therapy, clozapine may work

    The LAMOST Survey of Background Quasars in the Vicinity of the Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies -- II. Results from the Commissioning Observations and the Pilot Surveys

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    We present new quasars discovered in the vicinity of the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies with the LAMOST during the 2010 and 2011 observational seasons. Quasar candidates are selected based on the available SDSS, KPNO 4 m telescope, XSTPS optical, and WISE near infrared photometric data. We present 509 new quasars discovered in a stripe of ~135 sq. deg from M31 to M33 along the Giant Stellar Stream in the 2011 pilot survey datasets, and also 17 new quasars discovered in an area of ~100 sq. deg that covers the central region and the southeastern halo of M31 in the 2010 commissioning datasets. These 526 new quasars have i magnitudes ranging from 15.5 to 20.0, redshifts from 0.1 to 3.2. They represent a significant increase of the number of identified quasars in the vicinity of M31 and M33. There are now 26, 62 and 139 known quasars in this region of the sky with i magnitudes brighter than 17.0, 17.5 and 18.0 respectively, of which 5, 20 and 75 are newly-discovered. These bright quasars provide an invaluable collection with which to probe the kinematics and chemistry of the ISM/IGM in the Local Group of galaxies. A total of 93 quasars are now known with locations within 2.5 deg of M31, of which 73 are newly discovered. Tens of quasars are now known to be located behind the Giant Stellar Stream, and hundreds behind the extended halo and its associated substructures of M31. The much enlarged sample of known quasars in the vicinity of M31 and M33 can potentially be utilized to construct a perfect astrometric reference frame to measure the minute PMs of M31 and M33, along with the PMs of substructures associated with the Local Group of galaxies. Those PMs are some of the most fundamental properties of the Local Group.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, AJ accepte