567 research outputs found

    Quantum correlation in three-qubit Heisenberg model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

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    We investigate the pairwise thermal quantum discord in a three-qubit XXZ model with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. We find that the DM interaction can increase quantum discord to a fixed value in the anti- ferromagnetic system, but decreases quantum discord to a minimum first, then increases it to a fixed value in the ferromagnetic system. Abrupt change of quantum discord is observed, which indicates the abrupt change of groundstate. Dynamics of pairwise thermal quantum discord is also considered. We show that thermal discord vanishes in asymptotic limit regardless of its initial values, while thermal entanglement suddenly disappears at finite time.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Wild silkworm cocoon as a natural tough biological composite structure

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    Silk cocoons are biological composites with intriguing characteristics that have evolved through a long natural selection process. Knowledge of structure-property-function relationship of multilayered composite silk cocoon shells gives insight into the design of next-generation protection materials. The current investigation studied the composite structure and mechanical performance of a wild silkworm cocoon (Chinese tussah silkworm cocoon, Antheraea pernyi) in comparison with the domestic counterpart (Mulberry silkworm cocoon, Bombyx mori). 180º peel and tensile tests were performed on the cocoon walls to understand both their interlaminar and in-plane mechanical properties. The fracture surfaces were investigated under SEM. The wild cocoon showed substantially higher toughness over the domestic cocoon, which explains their unique capability to tackle severe environmental adversaries

    Dimensional Crossover of Vortex Dynamics Induced by Gd Substitution on Bi2212 Single Crystals

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    The vortex dynamics of Bi2_2Sr2_2Ca1−x_{1-x}Gdx_xCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} single crystals is investigated by magnetic relaxation and hysteresis measurements. By substituting CaCa with GdGd, it is found that the interlayer Josephson coupling is weakened and the anisotropy is increased, which leads to the change of vortex dynamics from 3D elastic to 2D plastic vortex creep. Moreover, the second magnetization peak, which can be observed in samples near the optimal doping, is absent in the strongly underdoped (with 2D vortex) region.Comment: 16 Pages, 6 Figures, To appear in Physica

    Existence and uniqueness of solutions for systems of fractional differential equations with Riemann–Stieltjes integral boundary condition

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    In this article, we first establish an existence and uniqueness result for a class of systems of nonlinear operator equations under more general conditions by means of the cone theory and monotone iterative technique. Furthermore, the iterative sequence of the solution and the error estimation of the system are given. Then we use this new result to study the existence and uniqueness of the solution for boundary value problems of systems of fractional differential equations with a Riemann–Stieltjes integral boundary condition in real Banach spaces. The results obtained in this paper are more general than many previous results and complement them

    Superparamagnetic behavior in Fe ultrathin films on GaN(0001)

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    In this paper, growth, structural and magnetic properties of ultrathin Fe grown on GaN(OOOl) by molecular beam epitaxy. The films and their surfaces were monitored by in-situ reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and a crystal thickness monitor. The magnetic properties of the samples were determined by a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. Superparamagnetism (SPM) of the ultrathin Fe can be activated at the ambient temperature.the hysteresis loop of an as-deposited 5 ML Fe(llO) film on GaN(0001) taken at RT and reveals that the loop on one hand has an unsaturated magnetization and on the other hand possesses tiny but noticeable Mr and Hc. These two characteristics as a whole imply a coexistence of SPM and weak FM in the ultrathin film. In order to gain further insight into this mixed magnetic state, temperature dependence of the magnetization M(T) in the form of field cooling (FC) and zero field cooling (ZFC) curves of the 5 ML sample was measured by SQUID in a T range between 5 and 300 K

    Neutrino Clustering in the Galaxy with a Global Monopole

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    In spherically symmetric, static spacetime, we show that only j=1/2 fermions can satisfy both Einstein's field equation and Dirac's equation. It is also shown that neutrinos are able to have effective masses and cluster in the galactic halo when they are coupled to a global monopole situated at the galactic core. Astronomical implications of the results are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex

    Spectral function of the electron in a superconducting RVB state

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    We present a model calculation of the spectral function of an electron in a superconducting resonating valence bond (RVB) state. The RVB state, described by the phase-string mean field theory is characterized by three important features: (i) spin-charge separation, (ii) short range antiferromagnetic correlations, and (iii) holon condensation. The results of our calculation are in good agreement with data obtained from Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) in superconducting Bi 2212 at optimal doping concentration.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Unraveling the Rich Fragmentation Dynamics Associated with S-H Bond Fission Following Photoexcitation of H <sub>2</sub>S at Wavelengths ∼129.1 nm

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    H2S is being detected in the atmospheres of ever more interstellar bodies, and photolysis is an important mechanism by which it is processed. Here, we report H Rydberg atom time-of-flight measurements following the excitation of H2S molecules to selected rotational (JKaKc′) levels of the 1B1 Rydberg state associated with the strong absorption feature at wavelengths of λ ∼ 129.1 nm. Analysis of the total kinetic energy release spectra derived from these data reveals that all levels predissociate to yield H atoms in conjunction with both SH(A) and SH(X) partners and that the primary SH(A)/SH(X) product branching ratio increases steeply with ⟨Jb2⟩, the square of the rotational angular momentum about the b-inertial axis in the excited state. These products arise via competing homogeneous (vibronic) and heterogeneous (Coriolis-induced) predissociation pathways that involve coupling to dissociative potential energy surfaces (PES(s)) of, respectively, 1A″ and 1A′ symmetries. The present data also show H + SH(A) product formation when exciting the JKaKc′ = 000 and 111 levels, for which ⟨Jb2⟩ = 0 and Coriolis coupling to the 1A′ PES(s) is symmetry forbidden, implying the operation of another, hitherto unrecognized, route to forming H + SH(A) products following excitation of H2S at energies above ∼9 eV. These data can be expected to stimulate future ab initio molecular dynamic studies that test, refine, and define the currently inferred predissociation pathways available to photoexcited H2S molecules

    Final state interaction and B→KKB\to KK decays in perturbative QCD

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    We predict branching ratios and CP asymmetries of the B→KKB\to KK decays using perturbative QCD factorization theorem, in which tree, penguin, and annihilation contributions, including both factorizable and nonfactorizable ones, are expressed as convolutions of hard six-quark amplitudes with universal meson wave functions. The unitarity angle ϕ3=90o\phi_3= 90^o and the BB and KK meson wave functions extracted from experimental data of the B→KπB\to K\pi and ππ\pi\pi decays are employed. Since the B→KKB\to KK decays are sensitive to final-state-interaction effects, the comparision of our predictions with future data can test the neglect of these effects in the above formalism. The CP asymmetry in the B±→K±K0B^\pm\to K^\pm K^0 modes and the Bd0→K±K∓B_d^0\to K^\pm K^\mp branching ratios depend on annihilation and nonfactorizable amplitudes. The B→KKB\to KK data can also verify the evaluation of these contributions.Comment: 13 pages in latex file, 7 figures in ps file
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