16,508 research outputs found

    International Migration in the Age of Globalization: Implications and Challenges

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    Distillation of mixed-state continuous-variable entanglement by photon subtraction

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    We present a detailed theoretical analysis for the distillation of one copy of a mixed two-mode continuous-variable entangled state using beamsplitters and coherent photon-detection techniques, including conventional on-off detectors and photon number resolving detectors. The initial Gaussian mixed-entangled states are generated by transmitting a two-mode squeezed state through a lossy bosonic channel, corresponding to the primary source of errors in current approaches to optical quantum communication. We provide explicit formulas to calculate the entanglement in terms of logarithmic negativity before and after distillation, including losses in the channel and the photon detection, and show that one-copy distillation is still possible even for losses near the typical fiber channel attenuation length. A lower bound for the transmission coefficient of the photon-subtraction beamsplitter is derived, representing the minimal value that still allows to enhance the entanglement.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Hybrid quantum device based on NV centers in diamond nanomechanical resonators plus superconducting waveguide cavities

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    We propose and analyze a hybrid device by integrating a microscale diamond beam with a single built-in nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center spin to a superconducting coplanar waveguide (CPW) cavity. We find that under an ac electric field the quantized motion of the diamond beam can strongly couple to the single cavity photons via dielectric interaction. Together with the strong spin-motion interaction via a large magnetic field gradient, it provides a hybrid quantum device where the dia- mond resonator can strongly couple both to the single microwave cavity photons and to the single NV center spin. This enables coherent information transfer and effective coupling between the NV spin and the CPW cavity via mechanically dark polaritons. This hybrid spin-electromechanical de- vice, with tunable couplings by external fields, offers a realistic platform for implementing quantum information with single NV spins, diamond mechanical resonators, and single microwave photons.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Applie

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures - 12, supplement 11

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    The rapid 2-D slewing and vibrational control of the unsymmetrical flexible SCOLE (Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment) with multi-bounded controls is considered. Pontryagin's Maximum Principle is applied to the nonlinear equations of the system to derive the necessary conditions for the optimal control. The resulting two point boundary value problem is then solved by using the quasilinearization technique, and the near minimum time is obtained by sequentially shortening the slewing time until the controls are near the bang-bang type. The tradeoff between the minimum time and the minimum flexible amplitude requirements is discussed. The numerical results show that the responses of the nonlinear system are significantly different from those of the linearized system for rapid slewing. The SCOLE station-keeping closed loop dynamics are re-examined by employing a slightly different method for developing the equations of motion in which higher order terms in the expressions for the mast modal shape functions are now included. A preliminary study on the effect of actuator mass on the closed loop dynamics of large space systems is conducted. A numerical example based on a coupled two-mass two-spring system illustrates the effect of changes caused in the mass and stiffness matrices on the closed loop system eigenvalues. In certain cases the need for redesigning control laws previously synthesized, but not accounting for actuator masses, is indicated

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures, part 11

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    A mathematical model is developed to predict the dynamics of the proposed Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment during the stationkeeping phase. The Shuttle and reflector are assumed to be rigid, while the mass connecting the Shuttle to the reflector is assumed to be flexible with elastic deformations small as compared with its length. It is seen that in the presence of gravity-gradient torques, the system assumes a new equilibrium position primarily due to the offset in the mass attachment point to the reflector from the reflector's mass center. Control is assumed to be provided through the Shuttle's three torquers and throught six actuators located by painrs at two points on the mass and at the reflector mass center. Numerical results confirm the robustness of an LQR derived control strategy during stationkeeping with maximum control efforts significantly below saturation levels. The linear regulator theory is also used to derive control laws for the linearized model of the rigidized SCOLE configuration where the mast flexibility is not included. It is seen that this same type of control strategy can be applied for the rapid single axis slewing of the SCOLE through amplitudes as large as 20 degrees. These results provide a definite trade-off between the slightly larger slewing times with the considerable reduction in over-all control effort as compared with the results of the two point boundary value problem application of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures X, part 1

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    The effect of delay in the control system input on the stability of a continuously acting controller which is designed without considering the delay is studied. The stability analysis of a second order plant is studied analytically and verified numerically. For this example it is found that the system becomes unstable for a delay which is equivalent to only 16 percent of its natural period of motion. It is also observed that even a small amount of natural damping in the system can increase the amount of delay that can be tolerated before the onset of instability. The delay problem is formulated in the discrete time domain and an analysis procedure suggested. The maximum principle from optimal control theory is applied to minimize the time required for the slewing of a general rigid spacecraft. The slewing motion need not be restricted to a single axis maneuver. The minimum slewing time is calculated based on a quasi-linearization algorithm for the resulting two point boundary value problem. Numerical examples based on the rigidized in-orbit model of the SCOLE also include the more general reflector line-of-sight slewing maneuvers

    A Solvable Sequence Evolution Model and Genomic Correlations

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    We study a minimal model for genome evolution whose elementary processes are single site mutation, duplication and deletion of sequence regions and insertion of random segments. These processes are found to generate long-range correlations in the composition of letters as long as the sequence length is growing, i.e., the combined rates of duplications and insertions are higher than the deletion rate. For constant sequence length, on the other hand, all initial correlations decay exponentially. These results are obtained analytically and by simulations. They are compared with the long-range correlations observed in genomic DNA, and the implications for genome evolution are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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