57 research outputs found

    Error Correction for Cooperative Data Exchange

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    This paper considers the problem of error correction for a cooperative data exchange (CDE) system, where some clients are compromised or failed and send false messages. Assuming each client possesses a subset of the total messages, we analyze the error correction capability when every client is allowed to broadcast only one linearly-coded message. Our error correction capability bound determines the maximum number of clients that can be compromised or failed without jeopardizing the final decoding solution at each client. We show that deterministic, feasible linear codes exist that can achieve the derived bound. We also evaluate random linear codes, where the coding coefficients are drawn randomly, and then develop the probability for a client to withstand a certain number of compromised or failed peers and successfully deduce the complete message for any network size and any initial message distributions

    CpG oligonucleotides suppress HepG2 cells-induced Jurkat cell apoptosis via the Fas-FasL-mediated pathway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To explore the potential role of CpG motif-containing oligonucleotides (CpG-ODN) in modulating the expression of FasL in HepG2 and Fas in Jurkat cells <it>in vitro</it>, and to examine the effect of CpG-ODN treatment on the HepG2 cells-mediated Jurkat cell apoptosis <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The expressions of FasL in HepG2 and Fas in Jurkat cells were examined by real time PCR and flow cytometry (FCM). HepG2 and Jurkat cells were co-cultured, and the frequency of apoptotic Jurkat cells and levels of activated caspase-3 were determined by FCM.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatment with CpG-ODN down-regulated the expression of FasL in HepG2 cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. In addition, treatment with CpG-ODN down-regulated the Fas mRNA transcription and protein expression in Jurkat cells. Treatment of HepG2 cells or Jurkat cells with FasL-neutralizing antibody NOK-2 remarkably inhibited the HepG2-medaited Jurkat cell apoptosis. Pre-treatment of HepG2 or Jurkat cells with CpG-ODN significantly reduced the frequency of HepG2-mediated apoptotic Jurkat cells and inhibited the activation of caspase-3 in Jurkat cells <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data indicated that treatment with CpG-ODN inhibited the HepG2 cells-mediated Jurkat cell apoptosis by modulating the Fas/FasL pathway. Apparently, CpG-ODN treatment may be a potential therapeutic reagent for HCC.</p

    Optimization of photovoltaic panel deployment in centralized photovoltaic power plant under multiple factors

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    Solar energy is one of the main renewable energy sources and has rapidly developed in many countries. However, the photovoltaic (PV) output power will be different under various meteorological and geographical conditions. Therefore, this paper presents an optimization method for the deployment of PV panels in a centralized PV power plant considering multiple factors. Firstly, the whole planning area is divided into a certain amount of sub-areas according to a given area, and fuzzy C-means algorithm is used for terrain clustering according to the geographical characteristics of the sub-areas. Secondly, the correlation analysis between each meteorological factor and PV output power is carried out separately to select the main factors affecting PV output power, and then the expected annual PV output power under the joint action of several main meteorological factors in each terrain is calculated by dual-stage attention mechanism based long short-term memory algorithm. Finally, according to the expected annual PV output of each terrain, considering the constraints including cost, area and so on, the deployment optimization of PV panels is obtained to maximize the annual PV output of the whole PV power plant and minimize the construction cost. The results of case studies show that the proposed methods effectively improve the expected PV output power of the PV power plant and reduce the construction cost

    Bearing characteristics of variable diameter micropile based on the improvement of group pile foundation

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    To improve the load-bearing of transmission tower micropile foundation and reduce the material cost, a modified variable diameter micropile foundation type based on group micropile is proposed in this study. The bearing characteristics and deformation mechanism of variable diameter miniature pile were revealed by simulation with three kinds of variable diameter miniature micropiles and comparison with the bearing effect of micropile group pile, using the prototype test and numerical inversion model of micropile group pile with equal section in the highland mountainous area. The results show that the compressive and pullout bearing capacities of micropile group foundation (2×2 single pile) are greater and less than the total of corresponding single pile bearing capacity, respectively, due to the effect of bearing platform and group pile effect. The ultimate pullout and compressive bearing capacities of double diameter-extended micropile (the diameter of the dilated part = 2 × the diameter of the equal) is approximately 3.8 times and 2.7 times of the equal section micropile. The soil deformation is concentrated in the dilated part with large deformation value, which presents the characteristics of multi-fulcrum friction-end bearing pile. The addition of cap can improve the downward pressure and horizontal bearing capacity of double-expanded micropile effectively, which increase 2.1 times and 2.2 times compared to that in the situation of no cap, respectively. This study indicates that improving the performance of single micropile to the level of equal section group micropiles by extending part of the pile diameter is feasible and has engineering significance for the transmission and substation construction

    Extreme wave run-up and pressure on a vertical seawall

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    The performance of coastal vertical seawalls in extreme weather events is studied numerically, aiming to provide guidance in designing and reassessing coastal structures with vertical wall. The extreme wave run-up and the pressure on the vertical seawall are investigated extensively. A time-domain higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM) is coupled with a mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian technique as a time marching technique. Focused wave groups are generated by a piston wave-maker in the numerical wave tank using a wave focusing technique for accurately reproducing extreme sea states. An acceleration-potential scheme is used to calculate the transient wave loads. Comparisons with experimental data show that the extended numerical model is able to accurately predict extreme wave run-ups and pressures on a vertical seawall. The effects of the wave spectrum bandwidth, the wall position and the wave nonlinearity on the wave run-up and the maximum wave load on the vertical seawall are investigated by doing parametric studies.</p

    The Rat IgGFcγBP and Muc2 C-Terminal Domains and TFF3 in Two Intestinal Mucus Layers Bind Together by Covalent Interaction

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    The secreted proteins from goblet cells compose the intestinal mucus. The aims of this study were to determine how they exist in two intestinal mucus layers.The intestinal mucosa was fixed with Carnoy solution and immunostained. Mucus from the loose layer, the firm layer was gently suctioned or scraped, respectively, lysed in SDS sample buffer with or without DTT, then subjected to the western blotting of rTFF3, rIgGFcγBP or rMuc2. The non-reduced or reduced soluble mucus samples in RIPA buffer were co-immunoprecipitated to investigate their possible interactions. Polyclonal antibodies for rTFF3, the rIgGFcγBP C-terminal domain and the rMuc2 C-terminal domain confirmed their localization in the mucus layer and in the mucus collected from the rat intestinal loose layer or firm layer in both western blot and immunoprecipitation experiments. A complex of rTFF3, which was approximately 250 kDa, and a monomer of 6 kDa were present in both layers of the intestinal mucus; rIgGFcγBP was present in the complex (250-280 kDa) under non-reducing conditions, but shifted to 164 kDa under reducing conditions in both of the layers. rMuc2 was found mainly in a complex of 214-270 kDa under non-reducing conditions, but it shifted to 140 kDa under reducing conditions. The co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that binding occurs among rTFF3, rIgGFcγBP and rMuc2 in the RIPA buffer soluble intestinal mucus. Blocking the covalent interaction by 100 mM DTT in the RIPA buffer soluble intestinal mucus disassociated their binding.Rat goblet cell-secreted TFF3, IgGFcγBP and Muc2, existing in the two intestinal mucus layers, are bound together by covalent interactions in the soluble fraction of intestinal mucus and form heteropolymers to be one of the biochemical mechanisms of composing the net-like structure of mucus

    Ascl2 Knockdown Results in Tumor Growth Arrest by miRNA-302b-Related Inhibition of Colon Cancer Progenitor Cells

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    Background: Achaete scute-like 2 (Ascl2), a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor, controls the fate of intestinal stem cells. However, the role of Ascl2 in colon cancer progenitor cells remains unknown. The cell line HT-29 (47.5–95 % of CD133 + population) and LS174T (0.45 % of CD133 + population) were chosen for functional evaluation of Ascl2 in colon cancer progenitor cells after gene knockdown by RNA interference. Methodology/Principal Findings: Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that Ascl2 was significantly increased in colorectal adenocarcinomas. Downregulation of Ascl2 using RNA interference in cultured colonic adenocarcinoma HT-29 and LS174T cells reduced cellular proliferation, colony-forming ability, invasion and migration in vitro, and resulted in the growth arrest of tumor xenografts in vivo. The Ascl2 protein level in CD133 + HT-29 cells was significantly higher than in CD133 2 HT-29 cells. Ascl2 blockade via shRNA interference in HT-29 cells (shRNA-Ascl2/HT-29 cells) resulted in 26.2 % of cells staining CD133 + compared with 54.7 % in control shRNA-Ctr/HT-29 cells. The levels of ‘stemness ’ associated genes, such as CD133, Sox2, Oct4, Lgr5, Bmi1, and C-myc, were significantly decreased in shRNA-Ascl2/HT-29 and shRNA-Ascl2/LS174T cells in vitro as well as in the corresponding tumor xenograft (CD133 was not performed in shRNA-Ascl2/LS174T cells). The shRNA-Ascl2/ HT-29 cells had inhibited abilities to form tumorspheres compared with control. The microRNA (miRNAs) microarrays, identified 26 up-regulated miRNAs and 58 down-regulated miRNAs in shRNA-Ascl2/HT-29 cells. Expression levels of let-7b

    Estimating Time-Varying Beta of Price Limits and Its Applications in China Stock Market

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    This paper proposes an estimation method of time-varying beta of price limits. It uses China stock market trading data to estimate time-varying beta and researches on systemic risk in China stock market. By comparing prediction errors of market model, SS market model, and Censored-SS market model, it verifies the effectiveness of Censored-SS market model. Furthermore it has some meaningful conclusions in China stock market