140 research outputs found

    Roles of mir155hg and TNF-α in evaluation of prognosis of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterized by multi-organ multi-system inflammation, causing severe damage to various organs or systems. Recent studies have shown that miR-155 can affect the progression of Lupus Nephritis via regulating TNF-a. The present study aims to explore the roles of MIR155HG and TNF-a in the evaluation of prognosis of patients with SLE, so as to provide a basis for clinical work. Methods: A total of 130 patients with SLE admitted to our hospital were selected, were selected from June 2015 to December 2017., and the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) score was given. The expressions of MIR155HG and TNF-a were detected via quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), the incidence of complications during treatment was observed, and the associations of MIR155HG and TNF-a with SLEDAI before treatment and complications were analyzed. All patients were followed up after discharge, and the related factors to the prognosis of patients were analyzed via Cox regression analysis. Results: The levels of MIR155HG and TNF-a were higher in patients with an SLEDAI score of 10-14 points than those in patients with an SLEDAI score of 5-9 points and 0-4 points. MIR155HG and TNF-a were positively correlated with the incidence of infection, renal damage and cardiac damage (r=0.623, 0.533 and 0.621; r=0.431, 0.498 and 0.552) (P<0.05). Moreover, there was also a positive correlation (r=0.3398, P<0.001) between the expressions of serum MIR155HG and TNF-a in SLE patients. SLEDAI score ≥10 points, complications during hospitalization, and highly-expressed MIR155HG and TNFa were risk factors related to the prognosis of patients. Conclusions: MIR155HG and TNF-a affect the activity of SLE, and the high expressions of them promote the occurrence of such complications as infection, renal damage and cardiac damage, harming the prognosis

    Perencanaan Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu di Kawasan Pasar Flamboyan Kota Pontianak

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    Sampah merupakan konsekuensi kehidupan yang sering menimbulkan masalah, dan jumlahnya akan semakin meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan beragam aktivitasnya.Pasar Flamboyan adalah pasar terbesar di Kalimantan Barat.Pasar ini memiliki ± 1700 pedagang dan dibuka setiap hari.Disana terdapat ruko dengan jumlah 53 unit, kios sebanyak 203 unit dan los sebanyak 1498 unit.Saat ini Pasar Flamboyan belum mempunyai sistem pengelolaan sampah terpadu. Hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan banyaknya jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan dari setiap kegiatan. Sampah yang dihasilkan dari berbagai macam penjualan akan menghasilkan sampah yang beragam pula. Penanganan sampah setiap harinya di Pasar Flamboyan untuk saat ini masih menggunakan cara lama yaitu sampah dikumpulkan ke suatu tempat pembuangan sampah sementara lalu pada sore harinya sampah diangkut oleh pihak dari dinas kebersihan untuk dibawa ke TPA. Tujuan dari perencanaan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui total timbulan sampah dan komposisi sampah yang dihasilkan di kawasan Pasar Flamboyan serta untuk merencanakan sistem pengelolaan sampah terpadu di Kawasan Pasar Flamboyan. Perencanaan pengelolaan sampah di Kawasan meliputi perencanaan dari seluruh aspek operasional pengelolaan sampah yaitu perencanaan pewadahan sampah, pengumpulan dan pengangkutan sampah serta pengolahan sampah di Kawasan Pasar Flamboyan. Pengambilan data primer dilakukan dengan cara sampling timbulan dan komposisi sampah. Sampling dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode SNI 19-3694-1994 yaitu pengukuran sampah dengan menggunakan sampling box selama delapan hari berturut-turut yang kemudian akan menghasilkan data volume, berat jenis dan komposisi sampah. Digunakan juga kuisioner untuk mengumpulkan data dari pedagang yang berupa daftar pertanyaan yang disampaikan kepada responden untuk dijawab secara tertulis.Sampel sampah yang diambil masing-masing 3 sampel untuk setiap jenis los, kios dan ruko.Pengambilan sampel dilakukan setiap hari pada pukul 10.00 WIB selama delapan hari berturut-turut ke setiap sumber sampah yang telah ditentukan. Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa total timbulan sampah di Kawasan Pasar Flamboyan adalah sebanyak 9,0370 m3/hari sampah organik dan sebanyak 1,0503 m3/hari sampah anorganik. Jumlah pewadahan di tiap sumber sampah ditentukan dari perhitungan rata-rata volume sampah perhari dibagi dengan ukuran tong sampah yang akan digunakan pada sumber tersebut. Jumlah pewadahan yang dibutuhkan untuk tiap sumber sampah Pasar Flamboyan untuk kios dan ruko yaitu sebanyak 79 buah tong sampah ukuran 10 liter dan 95 buah tong sampah ukuran 20 liter. Jumlah alat angkut sampah yang dibutuhkan untuk Pasar Flamboyan yaitu sebanyak 3 buah gerobak.TPST di Kawasan Pasar Flamboyan direncanakan akan berlokasi di bagian belakang Pasar Flamboyan. Jumlah lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan TPST Pasar Flamboyan adalah seluas 207,27 m2. Rencana anggaran biaya untuk biaya investasi yaitu sebesar Rp 960.642.206,00. Laba yang diperoleh dari hasil pengolahan sampah yaitu Rp 39.600.000,00/tahun. Biaya hasil retribusi kebersihan dari pedagang yaitu Rp 505.152.000,00/tahun. Dana yang akan dikeluarkan Pasar Flamboyan untuk operasional dan pemeliharaan yaitu Rp 254.760.000,00/tahun

    Modeling, analysis, and validation of an active T-shaped noise barrier

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    2013-2014 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Delta-radiomics models based on multi-phase contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging can preoperatively predict glypican-3-positive hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the value of multi-phase contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (CE-MRI) based on the delta radiomics model for identifying glypican-3 (GPC3)-positive hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).Methods: One hundred and twenty-six patients with pathologically confirmed HCC (training cohort: n = 88 and validation cohort: n = 38) were retrospectively recruited. Basic information was obtained from medical records. Preoperative multi-phase CE-MRI images were reviewed, and the 3D volumes of interest (VOIs) of the whole tumor were delineated on non-contrast T1-weighted imaging (T1), arterial phase (AP), portal venous phase (PVP), delayed phase (DP), and hepatobiliary phase (HBP). One hundred and seven original radiomics features were extracted from each phase, and delta-radiomics features were calculated. After a two-step feature selection strategy, radiomics models were built using two classification algorithms. A nomogram was constructed by combining the best radiomics model and clinical risk factors.Results: Serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (p = 0.013) was significantly related to GPC3-positive HCC. The optimal radiomics model is composed of eight delta-radiomics features with the AUC of 0.805 and 0.857 in the training and validation cohorts, respectively. The nomogram integrated the radiomics score, and AFP performed excellently (training cohort: AUC = 0.844 and validation cohort: AUC = 0.862). The calibration curve showed good agreement between the nomogram-predicted probabilities and GPC3 actual expression in both training and validation cohorts. Decision curve analysis further demonstrates the clinical practicality of the nomogram.Conclusion: Multi-phase CE-MRI based on the delta-radiomics model can non-invasively predict GPC3-positive HCC and can be a useful method for individualized diagnosis and treatment

    A retrospective and agenda for future research on Chinese outward foreign direct investment

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    Our original paper “The determinants of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment” was the first theoretically based empirical analysis of the phenomenon. It utilised internalisation theory to show that Chinese state-owned firms reacted to home country market imperfections to surmount barriers to foreign entry arising from naivety and the lack of obvious ownership advantages, leveraging institutional factors including favourable policy stimuli. This special theory explained outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) but provided surprises. These included the apparent appetite for risk evinced by these early investors, causing us to conjecture that domestic market imperfections, particularly in the domestic capital market, might be responsible. The article stimulated a massive subsequent, largely successful, research effort on emerging country multinationals. In this Retrospective article we review some of the main strands of research that ensued, for the insight they offer for the theme of our commentary. Our theme is that theoretical development can only come through embracing yet more challenging, different, and new contexts, and we make suggestions for future research directions