22,215 research outputs found

    Proper Scaling of the Anomalous Hall Effect

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    Working with epitaxial films of Fe, we succeeded in independent control of different scattering processes in the anomalous Hall effect. The result appropriately accounted for the role of phonons, thereby clearly exposing the fundamental flaws of the standard plot of the anomalous Hall resistivity versus longitudinal resistivity. A new scaling has been thus established that allows an unambiguous identification of the intrinsic Berry curvature mechanism as well as the extrinsic skew scattering and side-jump mechanisms of the anomalous Hall effect.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Nonleptonic two-body charmless B decays involving a tensor meson in the Perturbative QCD Approach

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    Two-body charmless hadronic B decays involving a light tensor meson in the final states are studied in the perturbative QCD approach based on kTk_T factorization. From our calculations, we find that the decay branching ratios for color allowed tree-dominated decays B→a20π+B\to a_{2}^{0}\pi^{+} and B→a2−π+B\to a_{2}^{-}\pi^{+} modes are of order 10−610^{-6} and 10−510^{-5}, respectively. While other color suppressed tree-dominated decays have very small branching ratios. In general, the branching ratios of most decays are in the range of 10−510^{-5} to 10−810^{-8}, which are bigger by one or two orders of magnitude than those predictions obtained in Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise II model and in the covariant light-front approach, but consistent with the recent experimental measurements and the QCD factorization calculations. Since the decays with a tensor meson emitted from vacuum are prohibited in naive factorization, the contributions of nonfactorizable and annihilation diagrams are very important to these decays, which are calculable in our perturbative QCD approach. We also give predictions to the direct CP asymmetries, some of which are large enough for the future experiments to measure. Because we considered the mixing between f2f_{2} and f2′f_{2}', the decay rates are enhanced significantly for some decays involving f2′f_{2}^{\prime} meson, even with a small mixing angle.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Electronic heat current rectification in hybrid superconducting devices

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    In this work, we review and expand recent theoretical proposals for the realization of electronic thermal diodes based on tunnel-junctions of normal metal and superconducting thin films. Starting from the basic rectifying properties of a single hybrid tunnel junction, we will show how the rectification efficiency can be largely increased by combining multiple junctions in an asymmetric chain of tunnel-coupled islands. We propose three different designs, analyzing their performance and their potential advantages. Besides being relevant from a fundamental physics point of view, this kind of devices might find important technological application as fundamental building blocks in solid-state thermal nanocircuits and in general-purpose cryogenic electronic applications requiring energy management.Comment: 9 pages, 5 color figure

    Further Development of the Improved QMD Model and its Applications to Fusion Reaction near Barrier

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    The Improved Quantum Molecular Dynamics model is further developed by introducing new parameters in interaction potential energy functional based on Skyrme interaction of SkM∗^{*} and SLy series. The properties of ground states of selected nuclei can be reproduced very well. The Coulomb barriers for a series of reaction systems are studied and compared with the results of the proximity potential. The fusion excitation functions for a series of fusion reactions are calculated and the results are in good agreement with experimental data.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, PRC accepte

    Observation of indirect ionization of W7+ in an electron-beam ion-trap plasma

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    In this work, visible and extreme ultraviolet spectra of W7+ are measured using the high-temperature superconducting electron-beam ion trap (EBIT) at the Shanghai EBIT Laboratory under extremely low-energy conditions (lower than the nominal electron-beam energy of 130 eV). The relevant atomic structure is calculated using the flexible atomic code package based on the relativistic configuration interaction method. The GRASP2K code, in the framework of the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method, is employed as well for calculating the wavelength of the M1 transition in the ground configuration of W7+. A line from the W7+ ions is observed at a little higher electron-beam energy than the ionization potential for W4+, making this line appear to be from W5+. A hypothesis for the charge-state evolution of W7+ is proposed based on our experimental and theoretical results; that is, the occurrence of W7+ ions results from indirect ionization caused by stepwise excitation between some metastable states of lower-charge-state W ions, at the nominal electron-beam energy of 59 eV

    Phonon quarticity induced by changes in phonon-tracked hybridization during lattice expansion and its stabilization of rutile TiO2_2

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    Although the rutile structure of TiO2_2 is stable at high temperatures, the conventional quasiharmonic approximation predicts that several acoustic phonons decrease anomalously to zero frequency with thermal expansion, incorrectly predicting a structural collapse at temperatures well below 1000\,K. Inelastic neutron scattering was used to measure the temperature dependence of the phonon density of states (DOS) of rutile TiO2_2 from 300 to 1373\,K. Surprisingly, these anomalous acoustic phonons were found to increase in frequency with temperature. First-principles calculations showed that with lattice expansion, the potentials for the anomalous acoustic phonons transform from quadratic to quartic, stabilizing the rutile phase at high temperatures. In these modes, the vibrational displacements of adjacent Ti and O atoms cause variations in hybridization of 3d3d electrons of Ti and 2p2p electrons of O atoms. With thermal expansion, the energy variation in this "phonon-tracked hybridization" flattens the bottom of the interatomic potential well between Ti and O atoms, and induces a quarticity in the phonon potential.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, supplemental material (3 figures

    Expression, purification and kinase activity analysis of maize ZmSPK1, a member of plant SnRK2 subfamily

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    Kinase activity is essential for a protein kinase to perform its biological function. In previous study we have cloned a novel plant SnRK2 subfamily gene from maize and named it as ZmSPK1. In this study thecDNA of ZmSPK1 with dHA-His6 tag was amplified by PCR and was subcloned into the yeast expression vector p426GAL1. The constructed plasmid named as p426GAL1-SPK1-dHA-His6 was transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Under the induction of galactose the recombinant protein was expressed. The purified recombinant protein showed a single specific band by the analysis of the western-blot. In an in vitro kinase assay, the purified recombinant protein showed phosphorylation and autophosphorylation activity. This showed that ZmSPK1 encodes a functional protein kinase

    First-principles calculations of phase transition, low elastic modulus, and superconductivity for zirconium

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    The elasticity, dynamic properties, and superconductivity of α\alpha, ω\omega, and β\beta Zr are investigated by using first-principles methods. Our calculated elastic constants, elastic moduli, and Debye temperatures of α\alpha and ω\omega phases are in excellent agreement with experiments. Electron-phonon coupling constant λ\lambda and electronic density of states at the Fermi level NN(\emph{E}F_{\rm{F}}) are found to increase with pressure for these two hexagonal structures. For cubic β\beta phase, the critical pressure for mechanical stability is predicted to be 3.13 GPa and at \emph{P}=4 GPa the low elastic modulus (EE=31.97 GPa) can be obtained. Besides, the critical pressure for dynamic stability of β\beta phase is achieved by phonon dispersion calculations to be ∼\mathtt{\sim}26 GPa. Over this pressure, λ\lambda and NN(\emph{E}F_{\rm{F}}) of β\beta phase decrease upon further compression. Our calculations show that the large value of superconducting transition temperature \emph{T}_{\rm{c}} at 30 GPa for β\beta Zr is mainly due to the TA1 soft mode. Under further compression, the soft vibrational mode will gradually fade away.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure
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