77 research outputs found

    Study of the thermal environment construction technology of the traditional residential of the Bai nationality

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    The Bai nationality is concentrated in Dali Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. Its special geographical location and terrain--low-latitude plateau, formed the unique architectural form of the Bai nationality. Through the test and evaluation of indoor thermal environment in traditional Bai buildings, the paper analyses the correlation between indoor thermal environment and spatial form of the traditional Bai nationality’s residence, and analyses the formation mechanism of indoor thermal environment by numerical simulation method. The study found that the traditional Bai residence has a good thermal comfort, and it responds to the local climate characteristics through the enclosed courtyard and the courtyard technology formed in the building, so as to realize the climate adaptability of the building.publishedVersio

    Forecasting Oil Price Trends with Sentiment of Online News Articles

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    AbstractWith the rapid development of the Internet and big data technologies, a rich of online data (including news releases) can helpfully facilitate forecasting oil price trends. Accordingly, this study introduces sentiment analysis, a useful big data analysis tool, to understand the relevant information of online news articles and formulate an oil price trend prediction method with sentiment. Three main steps are included in the proposed method, i.e., sentiment analysis, relationship investigation and trend prediction. In sentiment analysis, the sentiment (or tone) is extracted based on a dictionary-based approach to capture the relevant online information concerning oil markets and the driving factors. In relationship investigation, the Granger causality analysis is conducted to explore whether and how the sentiment impacts oil price. In trend prediction, the sentiment is used as an important independent variable, and some popular forecasting models, e.g., logit regression, support vector machine, decision tree and back propagation neural network, are performed. With crude oil futures prices of the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and news articles of the Thomson Reuters as studying samples, the empirical results statistically support the powerful predictive power of sentiment for oil price trends and hence the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Utjecaj temperature uzgoja na ekspresiju gena za biosintezu pigmenta monakolina K u plijesni Monascus sp.

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    In this study, the effects of temperature-shift (from 30 to 25 °C) and temperature-constant (at 30 °C) cultivation on the mass of Monascus fuliginosus CG-6 mycelia and concentration of the produced monacolin K (MK) were monitored. The expression levels of the MK biosynthetic genes of M. fuliginosus CG-6 at constant and variable culture temperatures were analysed by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). The total protein was collected and determined by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Results showed that the maximum mycelial mass in temperature-shift cultivation was only 0.477 g of dry cell mass per dish, which was lower than that in temperature-constant cultivation (0.581 g of dry cell mass per dish); however, the maximum concentration of MK in temperature-shift cultivation (34.5 μg/mL) was 16 times higher than that in temperature-constant cultivation at 30 °C (2.11 μg/mL). Gene expression analysis showed that the expression of the MK biosynthetic gene cluster at culture temperature of 25 °C was higher than that at 30 °C, which was similar to the trend of the MK concentration, except for individual MK B and MK C genes. Analysis of differential protein expression revealed that 2016 proteins were detected by LC-ESI-MS/MS. The expression level of efflux pump protein coded by the MK I gene exhibited the same upregulated trend as the expression of MK I in temperature-shift cultivation. Temperature-shift cultivation enhanced the expression of proteins in the secondary metabolite production pathway, but suppressed the expression of proteins involved in the mycelial growth.U radu je istražen utjecaj promjene temperature (s 30 na 25 °C) i konstantne temperature uzgoja (30 °C) na masu micelija plijesni Monascus fuliginosus CG-6 i koncentraciju proizvedenog monakolina K, pri čemu je razina ekspresije gena za biosintezu monakolina praćena metodom RT-qPCR. Ukupni su proteini određeni metodom LC -ESI-MS/MS. Rezultati pokazuju da je maksimalna masa micelija dobivenog pri promjeni temperature uzgoja bila samo 0,477 g suhe tvari po Petrijevoj zdjelici, što je znatno manje od one dobivene uzgojem pri konstantnoj temperaturi (0,581 g suhe tvari po Petrijevoj zdjelici). Međutim, maksimalna koncentracija monakolina K pri promjeni temperature uzgoja bila je 34,5 μg/mL, tj. 16 puta veća od one dobivene uzgojem pri konstantnoj temperaturi (2,11 μg/mL). U skladu s tim, utvrđeno je da je razina ekspresije klastera gena za biosintezu monakolina K veća pri 25 nego pri 30 °C, osim za gene MK B i MK C. Analizom diferencijalne ekspresije proteina otkriveno je 2016 različitih proteina, identificiranih metodom LC-ESI-MS/MS. Ekspresija proteinske pumpe koju kodira MK I gen pokazala je isti trend kao i ekspresija samog gena pri promjeni temperature uzgoja s 30 na 25 °C. Promjena temperature uzgoja povećala je ekspresiju proteina uključenih u sintezu sekundarnih metabolita, no smanjila ekspresiju proteina odgovornih za rast micelija

    A preliminary evaluation of targeted nanopore sequencing technology for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid specimens

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the efficacy of targeted nanopore sequencing technology for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis(M.tb.) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF) specimens.MethodsA prospective study was used to select 58 patients with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis(PTB) at Henan Chest Hospital from January to October 2022 for bronchoscopy, and BALF specimens were subjected to acid-fast bacilli(AFB) smear, Mycobacterium tuberculosis MGIT960 liquid culture, Gene Xpert MTB/RIF (Xpert MTB/RIF) and targeted nanopore sequencing (TNS) for the detection of M.tb., comparing the differences in the positive rates of the four methods for the detection of patients with different classifications.ResultsAmong 58 patients with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis, there were 48 patients with a final diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Using the clinical composite diagnosis as the reference gold standard, the sensitivity of AFB smear were 27.1% (95% CI: 15.3-41.8); for M.tb culture were 39.6% (95% CI: 25.8-54.7); for Xpert MTB/RIF were 56.2% (95% CI: 41.2-70.5); for TNS were 89.6% (95% CI: 77.3-96.5). Using BALF specimens Xpert MTB/RIF and/or M.tb. culture as the reference standard, TNS showed 100% (30/30) sensitivity. The sensitivity of NGS for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis was significantly higher than Xpert MTB/RIF, M.tb. culture, and AFB smear. Besides, P values of <0.05 were considered statistically significant.ConclusionUsing a clinical composite reference standard as a reference gold standard, TNS has the highest sensitivity and consistency with clinical diagnosis, and can rapidly and efficiently detect PTB in BALF specimens, which can aid to improve the early diagnosis of suspected tuberculosis patients

    Comparative Genomic Analysis of Latilactobacillus curvatus and L. sakei

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    In this study, the genomes of 19 Latilactobacillus curvatus and 40 L. sakei strains were comparatively analyzed. Average nucleic acid identity (ANI) and genome-wide colinearity indicated that the genomes of L. curvatus and L. sakei had weak nucleotide sequence homology, allowing them to be used as indicators to distinguish the two species. Pangenomes for these species were constructed, whose core gene functions were annotated. The results showed that the core genomes of L. curvatus and L. sakei were mainly involved in their basic metabolism. Analysis of individual genomes of the strains revealed that 1) both L. curvatus and L. sakei contained a wide range of genes encoding glycoside hydrolases, which are abundant genetic resources for catabolizing and metabolizing dietary fiber such as polysaccharides, lactose utilization, and lignocellulose; 2) antibiotic resistance genes were annotated in the genomes of three strains, which originate from horizontal gene transfer; 3) the unique arginine deiminase pathway of L. sakei, the serine dehydratase and guanine deaminase pathways of L. curvatus, and the glutamate decarboxylase pathway of several strains were identified, revealing that the acid tolerance mechanisms of these two species are different; and 4) genes encoding cold stress proteins were discovered, which endow the two species with good cold processing properties. Moreover, the genomes of some L. sakei strains contained gene clusters related to the biosynthesis of lactocin S and condensin. In conclusion, this study established taxonomic criteria for the two species and information on individual differences between their strains, which will provide a basis for the study of the physiological, biochemical, molecular genetic mechanisms of L. curvatus and L. sakei and their industrial applications

    Study of the thermal environment construction technology of the traditional residential of the Bai nationality

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    The Bai nationality is concentrated in Dali Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. Its special geographical location and terrain--low-latitude plateau, formed the unique architectural form of the Bai nationality. Through the test and evaluation of indoor thermal environment in traditional Bai buildings, the paper analyses the correlation between indoor thermal environment and spatial form of the traditional Bai nationality’s residence, and analyses the formation mechanism of indoor thermal environment by numerical simulation method. The study found that the traditional Bai residence has a good thermal comfort, and it responds to the local climate characteristics through the enclosed courtyard and the courtyard technology formed in the building, so as to realize the climate adaptability of the building

    EventDB: an event-based indexer and caching system for BESIII experiment

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    Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) experiment has produced hundreds of billions of events. The traditional event-wise accessing of BESIII Offline Software System is not effective for the selective accessing with low rate during a physics analysis. In this paper, an event-based data management system (EventDB) is introduced, which can effectively alleviate the problems of low efficiency of data processing and low utilization of resources. Firstly, an indexing system based on NoSQL database is designed. By extracting specified attributes of events, the events interested to the physicists are selected and stored into the database, whilst the real data of event is still stored in ROOT files. For those hot events, the real event data can also be cached into EventDB to improve the access performance. The data analysis workflow of HEP experiments is needed to change if the EventDB system is applied. The analysis program queries the corresponding event index from database, then get event data from database if the event is cached, or get data from ROOT files if it is not cached. Finally, the test on more than one hundred billion physics events shows the query speed was greatly improved over traditional file-based data management systems

    .Design of acquisition system of multi-channel microseismic signal

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    In view of problems of high cost and low universality existed in current acquisition systems of mine microseismic signal, an acquisition system of multi-channel microseismic signal was designed. The system adopts seismometer to collect microseismic signals, uses acquisition circuit to implement amplification for microseismic signals, analog-to-digital conversion and digital filter, and uses STM32 to real-timely send filtered signals to PC for analysis by USART. The test results show that the system can accurately collect and record 3-channel microseismic signals collected by seismometer with good stability, high reliability and low cost