530 research outputs found

    High Critical Current Density MgB2

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    Superconducting Properties of Carbonaceous Chemical Doped MgB2

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    The discovery of superconductivity in magnesium diboride (MgB2: 39 K, in January 2001) (Nagamatsu et al., 2001) has generated enormous interest and excitement in the superconductivity community and the world in general, but especially among researchers into superconductivity in non-oxide and boron related compounds

    Coronal lines and the importance of deep core-valence correlation in Ag-like ions

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    We report on large-scale and critically evaluated {\em ab initio} MCDHF calculations of the wavelength of the "coronal", M1 transition $4f\ ^2\mathrm{F}_{5/2}^o-^2\mathrm{F}_{7/2}^oinAg−likeions.Thetransitionbetweenthesetwofinestructurelevels,whichmakesupthegroundtermfor in Ag-like ions. The transition between these two fine structure levels, which makes up the ground term for Z \ge 62intheisoelectronicsequence,hasrecentlybeenobservedinYb in the isoelectronic sequence, has recently been observed in Yb^{23+}andW and W^{27+},wherethelattercouldbeofgreatimportanceforfusionplasmadiagnostics.Wepresentrecommendedvaluesforallmembersofthesequencebetween, where the latter could be of great importance for fusion plasma diagnostics. We present recommended values for all members of the sequence between Z = 50and and 94,whicharesupportedbyexcellentagreementwithvaluesfromrecentexperiments.Theimportanceofincludingcore−valencecorrelationwiththe, which are supported by excellent agreement with values from recent experiments. The importance of including core-valence correlation with the n=3$ shell in the theoretical model is emphasized. The results show close to spectroscopic accuracy for these forbidden lines.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    The effect of an external magnetic field on the determination of E1M1 two-photon decay rates in Be-like ions

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    In this work we report on ab initio theoretical results for the magnetic field induced 2s2p ^3P_0 - 2s^2 ^1S_0 E1 transition for ions in the beryllium isoelectronic sequence between Z=5 and 92. It has been proposed that the rate of the E1M1 two-photon transition 2s2p ^3P_0 - 2s^2 ^1S_0 can be extracted from the lifetime of the ^3P_0 state in Be-like ions with zero nuclear spin by employing resonant recombination in a storage-ring. This experimental approach involves a perturbing external magnetic field. The effect of this field needs to be evaluated in order to properly extract the two-photon rate from the measured decay curves. The magnetic field induced transition rates are carefully evaluated and it is shown that, with a typical storage-ring field strength, it is dominant or of the same order as the E1M1 rate for low- and mid-Z ions. Results for several field strengths and ions are presented and we also give a simple Z-dependent formula for the rate. We estimate the uncertainties of our model to be within 5% for low- and mid-Z ions, and slightly larger for more highly charged ions. Furthermore we evaluate the importance of including both perturber states, ^3P_1 and ^1P_1, and it is shown that excluding the influence of the ^1P_1 perturber overestimates the rate by up to 26% for the mid-Z ions.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure
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